Marrickville Town Centre

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Precinct Urban Design Study Planning for the future of the Inner West


In April 2020 the Inner West Council began a series of locality based urban design studies to better understand what changes needed to be made to the existing planning controls to accommodate the anticipated anning for the future Planning of and the for Inner the West of the Inner Planning for the future of future theenvisaged Inner West growth in jobs people in theWest adopted Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), the Local April 2020 the Inner In April West 2020 Council the began Inner West a series Council of began In April 2020 the Inner West Council began a series ofa series of Housing Strategy (LHS) and Employment Retailunderstand Lands cality based urban locality design based studies urban to better design understand to better locality based urban design studies tostudies better and understand Strategy. It to is needed Council’s intention the future changes to hat changes needed what changes be madetoneeded to existing to that be made planning to theplanning existing planning what changes bethe made to the existing the Local Environment Plan (LEP) will be gazetted late 2023 ntrols tocontrols accommodate controls the toanticipated accommodate growth the in anticipated jobs to accommodate the anticipated growth ingrowth jobs in jobs and that the new comprehensive Development Control d peopleand envisaged and inpeople the Local envisaged in Planning the Local Strategic people envisaged in Strategic the Local Strategic Planning Planning Plan (DCP), which will contain the site specific controls will atement,Statement, the DraftStatement, Housing the Draftand Housing Employment Strategy and Employment thesimultaneously. DraftStrategy Housing Strategy and Employment be released










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Tillman Park


in the Inner West and is soon to benefit from improved access to public transport with a new Metro Station that arrickville is growing Marrickville is growing Marrickville is growing will connect it to the rest of Sydney with a high volume, Town Centre Study area arrickvilleMarrickville is onefrequency ofMarrickville the most is one of local the most centres in the local inCarthe Marrickville is one ofimportant the most important local centres incentres the Ca Ca high service. The centre isimportant dynamic and has ry ry yS St St t ner WestInner and is soon Inner toits West benefit and from soon improved to benefit access from toimproved West and is soon tois benefit from improved access toaccess to grown from historic retail high streets along Marrickville blic transport public a newRoad transport Metro Station with athat new will Metro connect Station it connect that will itconnect it public transport with awith new Metro Station that will and with Illawarra new developments along the rest to of Sydney. The the rest centre ofThe Sydney. is dynamic The centre has is grown dynamic and has grown Illawarra signaling change. The LHS anticipates the resttoRoad of Sydney. centre isand dynamic and has grown Marrickville Study Area Marrickville Key moves Marrickville Study Area Study Area Marrickville will grow to accommodate approximately anand m its historic retail from high itsstreets historic along retail Marrickville high streets and along Marrickville from its historic retail high streets along Marrickville and additional 1,700 -2,090 dwellings, with Road between 586 warah Road with Illawarah new developments Road with along new developments Illawarah along Illawarah Road Illawarah Road with new new developments along Illawarah Road and 977 dwellings controls. gnaling change. It signaling isnew anticipated to within grow It is anticipated tonew accommodate grow to accommodate signaling change. Itchange. is anticipated to grow totoaccommodate Iva



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d Retail and Lands Strategy. and Retail ItStrategy. isLands Council’s Strategy. It is Council’s that the intentions Retail Lands It isintentions Council’s intentions that the that the ure changes the future Local changes Environment to the Plans Local (LEP) Environment will (LEP) Plans futuretochanges to the Local Environment Plans will (LEP) will Marrickville is the growing gazetted late 2023 be and gazetted late new 2023 andnew thatcomprehensive the new comprehensive be gazetted late that 2023 and thatcomprehensive the evelopment Conctol Development Plan (DCP),Plan Conctol which will Plan contain (DCP), the which site-willthe contain Development Conctol (DCP), which will contain site- the siteMarrickville one of the most important local centres ecific controls will specific be isreleased controls will be simultaneously. released simultaneously. specific controls will besimultaneously. released

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own Town Centre Town Urban Centre Design Urban Study Design Centre Urban Design StudyStudy


additional an -1,700 additional new-1,700 homes 1,500 and -1,700 around new 38,000 homes and38,000 around 38,000 an 1,500 additional 1,500 new homes and around ² of employment floorspace m² of employment (retail and floorspace commercial (retail uses). and commercial m² of employment floorspace (retail and commercial uses). Protecting character and identity of our uses).


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Conscious that Marrickville has a distinct character onsciousConscious that Marrickville Conscious has that a distinct Marrickville character has aand distinct character that Marrickville has a distinct character and and and Petersham Road Petersham Road Intensification around theIntensification A New cultural driverthe / A New cultural driver Petersham Road Intensification around the around A New cultural driver / identity, urban designers were appointed to build on on entity urban designers identity were urban appointed designers to build wereon appointed tothe build the identity urban designers were appointed tothe build on Petersham Road station Intensification Network of cultural Transformation Transformation station station anchor anchor Transformation anchor the work already undertaken by Council and develop a ork already undertaken workundertaken already by Council undertaken and develop byand Council a “Desired andadevelop around the station transformation anchors work already by Council develop “Desireda “Desired “Desired FutureCharacter Character Statement” for the that ture Character Statement” Future and vision Statement” for the centre and vision thatvision for the centre Future Character Statement” and vision forand the centre that centre that would guide decisions around growth and ould guide decisions would around guide growth decisions andgrowth around development. growth and development. would guide decisions around and development. development. This character statement considered the is had toThis consider This the had relative to the consider rolerelative and the opportunities relative roleofand the opportunities of the had to consider role and opportunities of the role and opportunities of the centre relative to other ntre, identify those centre, parts of identify the centre those that parts were of the working centre that were working centre, identify those parts of the centre that were working nearby centres. It went on to identify those parts of ell and which needed well improvement and which needed andworking identify improvement opportunity andopportunity identify opportunity well which needed and identify theand town centre that improvement were well, which needed es that could be redeveloped sites could to accommodate be redeveloped future to accommodate future sites that couldthat be redeveloped to accommodate futurecould improvement and identified opportunity sites that owth, whilst growth, thewhilst character respecting identity the character of the andofidentity growth, whilst respecting the and character and identity the be respecting redeveloped to accommodate future growth. A set of the ighbourhood. A set neighbourhood. of framework plans Akey set moves of and framework keywere moves plans and key moves neighbourhood. A set and of framework plans anddeveloped key moves of framework plans to structure direct growth whilst respecting the These ere developed to structure wereand developed direct to structure growth. These and directThese growth. Moments along the highalong Moments Expansion along outwards the high outwards Expansion New public outwards spaces public spaces were developed toand structure and direct growth. Moments the high Expansion New public New spaces Activation along New public space street street character andcelebrating identity the neighbourhood. These street cluded, amongst others, included, amongst Petersham others, celebrating Road Petersham Road included, amongst others,ofcelebrating Petersham Road the high streets included, amongst others, celebrating Petersham Road at connects the station that connects to the library the and civic to the precinct, civic precinct, that connects the station tostation the library andlibrary civic and precinct, thatdevelopment connects the station tostation thetolibrary and civic precinct, cussing new focussing close new to development the and close creating to the station and creating focussing new development close the station and creating focusing new development close to the station and ecial moments special the moments high the high streets. special along moments alongstreets. thealong high streets. creating special moments along the high streets.

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Artist impression of the intersection of Illawarra Road and Petersham Road

Town centre vision Marrickville Town Centre is a dynamic and cosmopolitan local centre that infuses local traditions and histories with contemporary development. The historic high street of Marrickville Road is enhanced through sensitive infill development that retains the historic buildings that have lined the streets for over a hundred years. The high street is connected to the new metro station by Illawarra Road, which has been reinvigorated through contemporary development which retains a medium rise character through a four storey street wall. Petersham Road has been transformed into a green high street with it’s own distinct character and identity and connects the library and civic precinct to the station. The streetscape is re-imagined with street trees and sustainable urban drainage and the carriageway is treated as a shared space with priority given to

pedestrians and cyclists. At ground floor the buildings contain shops and commercial premises for small and independent retailers enlivening the street. Residential accommodation above ground floor ensures that this quarter is active and vibrant 24/7. A new higher density residential quarter has been created south of the station, providing new affordable housing close to public transport. A second medium density precinct is proposed around McNeil Park taking advantage of access to green space and favorable northerly outlooks. The areas flanking to town centre retain their charm with their mix of Victorian and Federation era houses providing a diversity of housing choice for a growing community.

Overview of changes to development controls Some of the recommended changes to the LEP controls include: Land use zoning • The expansion of the B2 Local Centre zone along Petersham Road • Concentrated development around the station rather than in low density residential areas • Minimum frontages for specific types of development Floor Space Ratio (FSR) • Increasing FSRs close to the station to allow for intensification • Minimum non-residential FSR requirements within the B2 zone

Height of Building • Increasing permitted buildings heights along Illawarra Road and around the station to 8 storeys Some of the DCP controls include: • Protected heritage facades that need to be retained as part of new development • Upper level setbacks • New through-site linkages to improve permeability for pedestrians • Awnings along retail frontages

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