Marrickville Town Centre summary

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Summary of Marrickville Town Centre Urban Design Study and Recommendations In April 2020 the Inner West Council began a series of locality based urban design studies to better understand what changes needed to be made to the existing planning controls to accommodate the housing targets set by NSW State Government for the Inner West Council area.

Purpose The uplift area of Marrickville Town Centre was identified in the adopted Local Housing Strategy (LHS) 2020 and the Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 as an area able to accommodate additional housing growth in the short – medium term. The LHS identified Marrickville as an investigation area given its proximity Marrickville Train Station which is soon to be upgraded to a metro service, as well as good current and future active transport links.

The LHS anticipates Marrickville will grow to accommodate an additional 2,090 new dwellings over the next ten years. MARRICKVILLE MARRICKVILLE Changes to existing planning controls are needed deliver 977 of those dwellings. MARRICKVILLE own Centre Urban Design Study Town Centre Urban Design Studythe evidence-base for changes to planning controls in The Marrickville Town Centre Urban Design Study establishes

a future amendment to the Inner West Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) needed facilitate housing growth in the study area with positive urban design outcomes that reflect the placeanning fortothe future of the Inner Westofaround Planning for the future the Inner West based character of Marrickville. Hast Hast ings April 2020 the Inner West Council began a series of began a series of ings In April 2020 the Inner West Council St St Planning for the future of the Inner West ality based urban design studies to design better understand locality based urban studies to better understand April 2020 themade Inner West Council began a series of planning at changesInneeded to be to theto existing planning what changes needed be made to the existing locality basedto urban design studies toinbetter ntrols to accommodate the anticipated growth jobs understand controls accommodate the anticipated growth in jobs whatand changes to beinmade to theStrategic existing planning Figure 1: Artist’s illustration Mof the intersection of Petersham and d people envisaged in theneeded Local Strategic Planning people envisaged the Local Planning Ma a rric kvil public domain ville Illawarra Road showing howrricknew buildings and to accommodate the anticipated growth in jobs le R Rd tement, thecontrols Draft Housing Strategy and Employment Statement, the Draft Housing Strategy and Employment d upgrades could complement the existing character and identity of and Strategy. people envisaged in theintentions Local Planning d Retail Lands It Lands is Council’s that the and Retail Strategy. It isStrategic Council’s intentions that the Marrickville. Statement, the Draft Housing Strategy and Employment ure changes tofuture the Local Environment PlansEnvironment (LEP) will Plans (LEP) will changes to the Local and2023 Retail Lands Strategy. is Council’s intentions that the gazetted late and thatlate the2023 new Itcomprehensive be gazetted and that the new comprehensive McNeilly Park future changes to the Local Environment Plans (LEP) will the site- McNeilly Park velopment Conctol Plan (DCP), whichPlan will contain the siteDevelopment Conctol (DCP), which will contain be gazetted late 2023 and the new comprehensive Marrickville Marrickville ecific controls will be released simultaneously. specific controls will bethat released simultaneously. Fraser Park Football Club Development Conctol Plan (DCP), which will contain the siteFraser Park Football Club specific controls will be released simultaneously. rrickville is growing Marrickville is growing

Town Centre Urban Design Study

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McNeilly Park











































Vision and key aims

Fraser Park Football Club

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Tillman Park















rrickville is Marrickville oneMarrickville of the most centres in thelocal centres in the isimportant one of thelocal most important is growing er West and is Inner soon West to benefit from improved access and is soon to benefit from to improved access to Marrickville is one of the most important local centres in the blic transport with a new Metro with Station thatMetro will connect itthat public transport a new Station will connect it cosmopolitan local centre. The historic high street of The vision for Marrickville Town Centre is for a dynamic and Inner West and is soon to benefit from improved access to he rest ofMarrickville Sydney. The centre isenhanced dynamic and has grown to the rest of Sydney. The centre is dynamic and has grown Road is through sensitive infill development that retains the historic buildings that have lined public transport with a new Metro Station that will connect itMarrickville Study Area Marrickville Study Area m its historic retail high streets along Marrickville and from its historic retail high streets along Marrickville and the streets for over a hundred years. The high street is connected to the new metro station by Illawarra Road, which to the rest of Sydney. The centre is dynamic and has grown warah Road with newreinvigorated developments along Illawarah Road has been through contemporary development retains medium rise character by establishing Marrickville Study a Area Road developments along and Illawarah Road which fromIllawarah its historic retailwith highnew streets along Marrickville a three-storey street wall. naling change. It is anticipated to grow to accommodate signaling It is anticipated to growIllawarah to accommodate Illawarah Roadchange. with new developments along Road additional 1,500 new1,500 and around 38,000 an-1,700 additional -1,700 new homes and around 38,000 signaling change. Ithomes is anticipated to grow to accommodate The streets contain shops and commercial premisesuses). of employment floorspace (retail and commercial uses). m² of employment floorspace (retailand andaround commercial an additional 1,500 -1,700 new homes 38,000 for small and independent retailers and are treated m² of employment floorspace (retail and commercial uses). as a shared with priority given to pedestrians otecting character andspace identity of our centres Protecting character and identity of our centres and cyclists. Petersham Road has been transformed Protecting andwith identity our nscious that Marrickville has distinct character and centres Conscious thatastreet Marrickville hasof a distinct character and into a greencharacter high sustainable urban Petersham Road Intensification A New cultural driver Petersham Road around the Intensification around the / A New cultural driver / ntity urban designers were appointed towere build on the drainage that will connect the library andtocivic identity urban designers appointed build the Conscious that Marrickville has a distinct character andon Transformation station anchor Transformation station anchor Petersham Road Intensification around the Network A New cultural driver / to the station. rk alreadyprecinct undertaken bydesigners Council and develop a “Desired Petersham Road Intensification of cultural work already undertaken by Council develop identity urban were appointed toand build on thea “Desired Transformation station the station anchoranchors Residential accommodation above ground floor transformation around ure Character and vision the and centre thatfor the Future Character Statement” vision centre that workStatement” already undertaken byfor Council and develop a “Desired that thisdecisions quarter is active and 24/7. uld guide ensures decisions around growth and development. would guide around growth andcentre development. Future Character Statement” and vision for vibrant the that A new high density residential quarter has been s had to consider the relative rolearound and of the would guide decisions growthrole andand development. This had to consider theopportunities relative opportunities of the created southofof the station aworking new open space ntre, identify those the centre thatwith were This hadparts to consider the relative role and opportunities the centre, identify those parts of the centre that wereofworking on Riverdale Avenue. McNeilly Park has also been l and which needed improvement and identify opportunity centre, identify thoseneeded parts ofimprovement the centre that were working well and which and identify opportunity enlivened and has become the centre of a medium es that could besites redeveloped tobe accommodate future well and which needed improvement and identify opportunity that could redeveloped to accommodate density residential neighbourhood to the west of future sites that could be redeveloped to accommodate future of the wth, whilst respecting the character and identity of theand identity growth, whilst respecting the character Illawarra Road. growth, respecting the character and identity themoves ghbourhood. Aneighbourhood. setwhilst of framework plans and key moves A set of framework plans and of key neighbourhood. A set of framework plans and key moves re developed to structure and direct growth. These Moments along the high Expansion New public public spaces were developed to structure and direct growth. Moments alongoutwards the high Expansion outwards The surrounding areas retain their charm with These Activation along New space New public spaces street wereincluded, developed to structure andcelebrating direct growth. These Road Moments along the high Expansion outwards New public spaces street uded, amongst others, celebrating Petersham Road the high streets their mix of Victorian and Federation era houses amongst others, Petersham street included, amongst others, celebrating Petersham Road t connects thethat station the library and civic providing a to diversity of housing choice for growing connects the station to theprecinct, library andacivic precinct, that connects the station to the library and civic precinct, community. ussing new development close to the station and to creating focussing new development close the station and creating Figure 2: Key aims for Marrickville Town Centre focussing development close to the station and creating ecial moments along new the high streets. special moments along the high streets. special moments along the high streets. Tillman Park

Tillman Park

Key Recommendations The study includes a set of recommended planning controls to facilitate this housing growth through sensitive infill development. The recommendations include changes to the Inner West Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan. The illustrative masterplan for the study provided below details the main changes proposed including:

Land use zoning • •

Rezoning selected areas near to the train station and high streets to R4 – High Density Residential including Greenbank Street, Church Street, Leofrene Avenue, Riverdale Avenue, Harriet Street, Fletcher Street and Albion Street Rezoning Petersham Road to B2 – Local Centre to transform it into a mixed-use high street

Floor space ratio (FSR) • •

Increasing the floor space ratio of sites on Illawarra Road, Petersham Road and selected areas near the train station and high streets Requiring new mixed-use buildings to allocate at least 0.5:1 of FSR to non-residential uses to maintain and encourage street-level commercial activity

Height of building • • • • •

Increasing allowable building heights generally from 6-storeys to 8-storeys on Illawarra Road and around the train station Allowing 4 to 5-storey residential flat buildings in select areas near the train station and high streets Identifying two key sites that could facilitate 12-storey landmark buildings at Station Street and at the corner of Illawarra Road and Petersham Road Increasing allowable building heights on Marrickville Road from 20m to 23m to facilitate buildings with better amenity while maintaining the existing 6-storey height control Establishing a uniform 3-storey street wall height and requiring upper-levels to be set back 6m from the street to maintain a human scale of streets

Other recommendations • • • • • • •

Facilitating sensitive heritage redevelopment including retention of important facades on Illawarra Road and Marrickville Road Transforming Petersham Road into a shared green street that prioritises pedestrian and cyclist movements Facilitating a pedestrian lane network and public space/town square on Illawarra Road Creating new pedestrian areas and public open space on Riverdale Avenue Improving pedestrian access to existing open spaces such as McNeilly Park Improving through site links and active transport corridors such as the link between Station and Myrtle Street Establishing water sensitive streets and greater tree canopy cover such as Leofrene Avenue

Figure 3: Illustrative masterplan – showing proposed areas of change.

Water sensitive street Petersham Road transformed into a shared street

New pedestrian lane network and public space Potential supermarket location New public space

Station South - Medium density residential preccinct green character Water sensitive corridor New pedestrian zone

Heritage sensitive redevelopment New metro station Improved through site link Water sensitive corridor / green street New public pen space

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