M.Arch Fall 2011 Candidate Portfolio

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Emerging from the flattening of the landscapes he viewed from his Santa Monica studio, Richard Diebenkorn's Ocean Park series has a certain proportioning system inherent to them. While arising mainly from the lyrical abstraction of the landscape, the geometric fields create a semi-systematic pseudo-order that is willfully evaluated and determined by the artist. On the other hand Le Corbusier's Modulor system - a more rigid anthropometric system- dictates over willfulness through regulating lines based on the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci numbers. Developed to bridge the Imperial and Metric system, Corbusier used this system along with his five points to create architectural masterpieces. Deduced primarily from understanding works of these men, a theory was developed to compare/contrast the general philosophy and key ideas. With Diebenkorn's paintings being more extroverted, as he was confined in his studio space constantly looking out and painting the open landscape outside. While Corbusier's method is more introverted, taming the free/open plan within a confound space. Furthering into the project, Diebenkorn's #83 was selected for analysis. Through a series of hand drawings original colors were studied, but the fields were re-proportioned to that of the Modular. Then a basswood model was executed, with the depth of the panels and other elements were directly related to the color theory embodied in the original painting. Through these studies, emerged a deeper appreciation of architectural methodologies, and an understanding of how one might bridge the the abstract and concrete, to be willful with constraints, and to ethereally relate interdisciplinary works.

The project was to investigate structure, analysis of architectural building elements, construction methodologies through designing a studio/kid’s playhouse addition to an existing property. It was an opportunity to further understanding essential architectural ideas, and examination of fundamental architectural principles & language. Lastly, Lastl to express these ideas through a series drawings, models, and digital representations.

ARCH 2552// Design Communications II_ Fall 2006



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roof terrace



first level

Located on a hilltop, the project was designed to embrace the surrounding scenic views of northern fields covered with Lupines during the spring. The form emerged from various investigations of the Modulor proportioning system and its viability in creation of economical volumes that are ergonomically comfortable, without sacrificing aesthetic form. The project is careful in approaching its natural surroundings, lifted above ground to have the smallest impact on the natural permeability of the land. It's partially supported by a thick volume that shields the interior spaces from the hot summer sun and houses various mechanical & supporting functions- including an automated cistern/rain-caching system that feeds the planters. Thick zone is also utilized in housing a series of planters on the top face to be enjoyed on the terrace. Which is one the greatest things about this studio, its private roof terrace. Not only a great vantage point to view the surrounding landscapes, but also a shaded outdoor living room when the weather permits.


plans+ section

section a-a’

The competition asks this material to form spaces to serve as an an urban node for transportation and social interaction. The nature of vinyl and its flexibility allows an extremely wide range of possible forms. The bike center responds to these requirements with the preservation of our planet in mind not only by introducing the bike as a viable means of transportation but also utilizes recycled materials and technologies to create a center that embodies the criterion for a building that is nearly energy neutral.

a healing & revitalization complex Savannah, Georgia A program for a police substation was given on a long & narrow site terminating River Street, one of the oldest streets in Savannah & home to many pubs and bars. The decision to include a rehabilitation center was made based on studies that show detainment & fees alone isn’t beneficial to criminal addicts in the long run.

Etymologically the component “lode” means to lead– and this is how the Healing Complex works to help its admitted inhabitants. Figuratively, a "lodestar" is referred to anything that acts as a guide, inspiration by example, or to follow a relatively bright star that is used to navigate, as lodestars (particularly Polaris) served as a guide to navigators.

parti sketches

After visiting in Savannah, one gets the feel for the real beauty that this city hold within its historical squares and lovely streets. Creating a landmark building that terminated River Street and engaged the the public zones was essential. The concepts of form, use and social values that is embodied in the program was the challenge & the Lodestar attempts to connect the relationship between these elements. The building is used as a tool, a gateway for ascension into personal enlightenment as an individual/patient experiences the spaces (physically & mentally). Passively catalyzing the healing process by transcending the methods of conventional detention structures, the individual goes through processes of realization, purification, and renewal to become a being that is free from material addiction by instilling and empowering them based primarily on holistic and natural methods.

class/meeting space

living space transitional processing

The Lodestar guides its inhabitants through a series of emergent spaces that work symbiotically to better the individuals whom pass through. Instead of the common processing found in typical correctional facilities, the the complex places the emphasis on its inhabitants. The individuals are temporarily admitted into the police substation in the west that is buffered by a lush green zone from the main rehabilitation spaces. Detained for the mandatory period on the upper floor of this building, the individuals can begin the reflection process in a peaceful environment. After which they are led through the garden, exposed to natural air, sounds and light to the intermediary processing space where they meet with a counselor to evaluate their situation. If furthering the individual into the complex is beneficial or desirable they do so- if not, they are free to leave after receiving their court summons. If the case is so, the individuals cross the water to begin the purification process in the main building.

police substation

Here they are debriefed on the journey they are about to embark on, a journey where every individual works to acquire experience through series of classes and research that allows for expansion of knowledge pertaining to spiritual, scientific and personal aspects of health and happiness. The main complex is composed of meeting rooms, housing blocks, doctors offices, washrooms/ changing areas, full kitchen and dinning area (indoor and outdoor), along with a library. Higher meditation/Yoga spaces and classes are located in the tower that overlook River Street- where the river and green landscapes across are visible. Transcending higher and higher through the airy and open spaces of the tower, individuals will have a sense of lightness and closeness to the higher cosmic energy. Individuals are released at the point where they feel revitalized and ready to return to everyday life with the newly acquired information to lead a happy, healthy life.

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