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September’s Networking with a Purpose to Showcase Local Nonprofits
The Chamber’s September 17 Business After Hours will feature “Networking with a Purpose,” a nonprofit showcase hosted by the Northwest Arkansas Emerging Leaders and the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce. This event isset up so you can meet and network with contactsfrom a variety of local nonprofit organizations(NPOs). You’ll find out how you can volunteer andcontribute, learn what services are provided bynonprofits, and discover what products and servicesthese organizations need.
Showcase Your Organization’s Mission | Purchase Exhibit Booth Space
Northwest Arkansas NPOs are invitedto participate in this event’s trade show bypurchasing an exhibit booth at a discountedprice this year: $50 (Members) and $100 (Non-Members). Showcase your organizationto potential volunteers, donors and boardmembers. Distribute materials about yourmission, recruit volunteers to support yourprograms, and engage the community inthe work you do that helps make NorthwestArkansas a great place to live, work and play.
Attendance is Free – Registration Required to RSVP
Like all Business After Hours networkingevents, admission is FREE to the public,however you must register to RSVP asattendance is limited to the first 40 registrantsper session. There are two sessions forattendees: 5:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. and 5:45p.m. – 6:30 p.m. No walk ups will be permitted.Food and drinks will be available.
This event is Presented by Great Southern Bank, with Gold Sponsors Cherokee Casino &Hotel and SERVPRO. The event is hosted byCox Business and will take place at The Centerfor Nonprofits @ St. Mary’s.
Registration Required and Closes At 3:00 CST On Thursday, September 17 |
This is an in-person event limited to the first 40registrations per session. Registering for this eventbeforehand is required to help us plan and practice socialdistancing guidelines. Please do not attend if you havea cough or fever. Maintain a minimum of six feet fromother people. Sneeze and/or cough into your elbow.Please do not shake hands or engage in any unnecessaryphysical contact. Wearing a mask or face covering isrequired per the Governor’s mask mandate.