1 minute read

From the Principal

“Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”




From the Principal – P. 1 Information – P. 2 - 11 Student Successes – P. 11 - 12 Careers – P. 12 Notice Board – P. 13 Contacts – P. 13

Kia ora Koutou,

Yesterday we had our always enjoyable Top Town event with students competing in their houses for overall supremacy. This year we had a “dunk tank”, which some of our very brave teachers volunteered for! Needless to say, this was very popular with our students! We were fortunate with the weather with the rain holding off all day. My thanks to the Heads of House and all staff for organizing the day. Everyone involved seemed to have loads of fun and there was lots of laughter, always a good sign. (further details on pages 11 - 12).

Junior students will have received back their grades from the junior exams completed at the beginning of last week. These will be given in reports coming out shortly but please take the time to ask your child how they got on.

As we head next week into our electives, our students leave formal classroom activity behind and engage in other learning opportunities which will hopefully stay with them as both enjoyable and productive excursions and form long standing memories. With changing covid constraints we have had to amend programmes to meet requirements. Thank you to staff for working to resolve all the issues thrown at us. (further details on page 2).

NCEA exams are in full swing – it’s good to see Senior students coming in for tutorials. I wish them all the best in their assessments.

We are looking forward to our Junior Prizegiving which is on the last day of term Tuesday December 14. Due to covid restrictions we will live stream this event. Further details will be issued shortly including a link to follow on the day. Hopefully you will be able to join us virtually!

Have a great weekend.

Ngā mihi

Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki

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