EXTREME ALTERNATIVE Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
EXTREME ALTERNATIVE, started its ac vity in 2017 as a micro-company, characterized since the beginning by the strict connec on with its employees and customers. Throughout this me the company has evolved and grown, with Industrial maintenance as its main ac vity. The fact that its directors and technical staff have years of experience in various works around the world, gives the company security and credibility with its customers. It is with the opportunity to par cipate in the maintenance and construc on works of the industrial belt in Sines, and public works, that EA intends to expand, its services and works. Our mission is to be a leading company in our sector and in the society we are implanted, permanently reviewing and perfec ng our work ethic and business strategies, readjus ng accordingly to the needs and expectaions of our clients, collaborators and partners.
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
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client work
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client work
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client work dura on
client Work dura on
client work dura on
client work
COPISA PROYECTOS Y MATENIMIENTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A. Mineral Enrichment Plant GUELB II ( Zouerate – Mauritania) - An corrosive treatment and pain ng - Metalwork structures prefabrica on and assembly - Mechanical Equipment assembly 100 000 hours since 2012 (in construc on)
CIMYMASA S.A. Maintenance Outage of Oils Plant – REPSOL Tarragona (Tarragona - Spain) - Pre-fabrica on of piping and support structures; - Assembly of piping and e’in; - Repair of turbine. 14 000 hours in 2013 (in construc on)
DOW PORTUGAL (DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY) Maintenace Outage 2013 of Dow Chemical Plant (EstarrejaPortugal) - An corrosive treatment and pain ng - Metalwork structures and Mechanical repara on 6 000 hours in 2013(in construc on)
UTE IMASA INGENIERIA Y PROYECTOS S.A. / NAVEC - Fabrica on of 100 000 “ of stainless piping for the REPSOL Oil Plant (Tarragona - Spain) 65 000 hours since July 2013 (in construc on))
IMB INDUSTRIEMONTAGEN BERGER GMBH Welding Works for Repara on of Steal Boilers in Industrial Plants (Austria and Germany ) 6 000 hours in 2013
CIMYMASA S.A. Adequa on collectors BOG at Plant ENAGÁS- (Cartagena – Spain) -Pre-fabrica on and assembly of pipe-line (Piping of 24”) 12 500 hours (2013)
COPISA PROYECTOS Y MATENIMIENTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A. - Implementa on and Installa on of Themal Solar Plant ( Olivenza – Spain) dura on 44 000 hours (2012) Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Construc on / Assembly - Manufacture and assembly of steel structures and pipe networks; - Assembly and startup of industrial plants; - Implementa on of factory projects, technical assistance and representa on; - Construc on and assembly of polyethylene and fiberglass tubings; - Manufacture and recovery of industrial equipments and components; - Metal framework manufacture and assembly.
Industrial Maintenance: - Complete allround industrial equipment m;aintenance - Maintenance engineering assisctoannsuclenagn. d
An corrosive Protec on - Surface Treatment and Industrial Pain ng - Abrasive jet blas ng (steel grit, copper slag cer fied sand ; - Cleaning with impact tools, hammer, needle, brushi ng and sanding discs; - Under pressure fresh water washing; - Pain ng with airless, conven onal or manual equipments;
Civil Construc on Pain ng - Prepara on / repair of degraded reinforced concr ete surfaces, with armor reinforcement; - Surface prepara on with tarnishing or high pressure washing; - Surface regulariza on with grout; - Surface waterproof sealing.
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
client work dura on
client work
COPISA PROYECTOS Y MATENIMIENTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A. - Implementa on and installa on of the piping for a air/oxygen separa on factory - Puerto de Sagunto ( Valencia-Spain) 44 000 hours (2012)
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AINEX IBERICA Servicios Industriales S.A Implementa on and Installa on of Themal Solar Plant LOGROSAN SOLABEN II (Cacéres-Spain) 20 000 hours (2012)
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ABANTIA TICSA S.A. - Grupo ABANTIA Piping installa on on BP OIL refinery ( Castellón de la Plana-Spain) 17 000 hours (2012)
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EMMSA Española de Montajes Metálicas S.A. Discharge Pipe-Line installa on - Porto de Castellón de la Plana 17 000 hours (2012)
client work
CAETANO COATINGS S.A. - Grupo PARINAMA SGPS S.A. Fiberglassing of the fuel tank of GALP Refinery (Sines)
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2 500 hours (2012)
client work
CLT Companhia de Logís ca de Terminais Portuários S.A. Blas ng and pain ng of 3 Transformers Cells – LNG Terminal (Sines - Portugal)
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2000 hours (2012)
client work
IMTECH SPAIN S.L. General Maintenance Outage 2012 – Área 3 – Petrochemical Complex REPSOL YFP (Sines - Portugal)
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9 000 hours (2012)
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
client work
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client work
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MASA – DRAGADOS INDUSTRIAL S.A. – Group ACS - Prefabrica on and installa on of the oil pla orm “Proyecto JASMINE” DRAGADOS OFF-SHORE ( Cádiz . -Spain) - Prefabrica on and installa on of the oil pla orm “Proyecto SOUTH ANRE PHASE 3” DRAGADOS OFF-SHORE (Cádiz - Spain) 170 000 horas (2011 e 2012)
EURONAVY ENGINEERING S.A. - Blas ng and pain ng of 2 fuel tanks in the GALP refinery (Sines); -Blas ng, fibreglassing and pain ng of 1 fuel tank in the GALP refinery (Sines); - Surface fibreglassing of 1 fuel tank in the GALP refinery (Sines); 6 000 hours (2011 and 2012)
OIKOS Construções S.A. Waterproofing and pain ng of water pumping sta on – ÁGUAS DE SANTO ANDRÉ S.A.(Santo André - Portugal)
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6 000 hours (2011 and 2012)
client work
COPISA PROYECTOS Y MATENIMIENTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A. - Reconversion of the GALP refinery (Sines - Portugal) - Prefabrica on and installa on of aerial equipment - Hidrocracker lines painitng 1 250 000 hours (2009 to 2012)
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client work dura on
client work
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BABCOCK MONTAJES S.A. Grupo ISASTUR Produc on and installa on of steam lines for the ddesulfuriza on unit – GALP refinery reconversion (Sines - Portugal) 60 000 hours (2011 and 2012)
EFATM MANUTENÇÃO GLOBAL ACE - An corrosion treatment and pain ng to the Maintenance contract of between EFATM with GALP un l 2014- GALP Refinery (Sines - Portugal) 45 000 hours since 2011 to 2014 (in progress)
ENGIARTE ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUÇÕES, S.A. Prefabrica on and assembly installa on of steel framework and other millwork for technical buildings MegaPTA ARTLANT ( Sines) 10 000 hours (2008 and 2012)
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
client work dura on
client work
EDIVISA Empresa de Construções S.A. – Grupo VISABEIRA S.A. Produc on and installa on of steel framework and other millwork for SINESTECNOPLO (Sines – Portugal) 10 000 hours (2008 e 2009)
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KIMAXTRA – Produtos de Construção S.A. Industrial equipment maintenance of the clinker miling plant and silos of the Sines harbour - KIMAXTRA (Sines- Portugal) 22 000 hours (2007 to 2009)
client work hours
CONSTRUTORA ABRANTINA. – Grupo LENA CONSTRUÇÕES, S.A. Installa on of PIPE-RACK in BIODIESEL industrial plant. (Sines) 10 500 hours (2007 to 2008)
(client work
TRABAJOS ESPECIALES ZUT, S.A. Refurbishment of the chimney steel framework for the Thermoelectric EDP Plant ( Barreiro Portugal) 5 000 hours (2007)
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client Work
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SERTARRACO, S.L. TARRAGONA / DONALSON IBÉRICA Soluciones en Filtración, S.L. Clinker Miling plant Construc on KIMAXTRA (Sines - Portugal) -Installa on of steel framework and piping for the fire network; - Installa on of Discharging arms; - Installa on of industrial fans DONALSON. 13 000 hours (2007)
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
4. Por olio Construc on and Major Projects COPISA PROYECTOS Y MATENIMIENTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A. ( Zouerate – Mauritania) Mineral Enrichment Plant GUELB II - An corrosive treatment and pain ng - Metalwork structures prefabrica on and assembly - Mechanical Equipment assembly
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
CIMYMASA S.A. (Cartagena – Spain) Adequa on collectors BOG at Plant ENAGÁS-Pre-fabrica on and assembly of pipe-line (Piping of 24”)
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
MASA – DRAGADOS INDUSTRIAL S.A. – Group ACS (Cádiz – Spain) • Prefabrica on and installa on of the oil pla orm “Proyecto JASMINE” DRAGADOS OFF-SHORE • Prefabrica on and installa on of the oil pla orm “Proyecto SOUTH ANRE PHASE 3” DRAGADOS OFF-SHORE
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
COPISA PROYECTOS Y MATENIMIENTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A.(Sines – Portugal) • Reconversion of the GALP refinery (Sines): Prefabrica on and installa on of aerial equipment and Hidrocracker lines pain ng (1 250 000 hours)
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
5. Facili es and Workshops
Workshops 9 200 m2
Facili es and workshops for An corrosion 800 m2
Total Area Free 46 000 m2
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
COPISA PROYECTOS Y MATENIMIENTOS INDUSTRIALES S.A - - (Olivenza – Spain) • Implementa on and Installa on of Thermal Solar Plant
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Interior - Workshop 1 (Bridge -Moving 5 Ton)
Interior - Workshop 2 (Bridge -Moving 5 Ton) Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Interior - Workshop 3 (Bridge -Moving 5 Ton)
Exterior - Entrance Workshop 3 Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Outdoor area
Outdoor area Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Outdoor area
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
An corrosion – Warehouse
An corrosion – Blas ng workshop
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
An corrosion – Outdoor Area
An corrosion – Outdoor Area
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
An corrosion – Pain ng workshop
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
EXTREME ALTERNATIVE Rua António Aleixo Nº 14 Loja 2 7520-171 Sines • PORTUGAL Tel.: +351 269 094 866 • Telm.: +351 915 164 216
Prestação de Serviços & Consultadoria, Lda
Email: isabel.vilhena@extremealternative.pt