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Believe All Women... I t happened all at once. The gym bag — I don’t know where it went, I handed it to him, it was gone, and then his hands were on me and underneath my clothes. He went down my skirt but then up inside it. And he penetrated me with his fingers. [When she pulled back] she said Biden told her, “‘C’mon man, I heard you liked me.’” For me, it was like everything shattered in that moment.” Former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade speaking on Katie Halper’s podcast describing an alleged sexual assualt by Biden in 1993. After a prolonged silence, Biden finally flatly denied the claim but refused to unseal documents at the University of Delaware that may contain evidence of the assualt or a subsequent complaint arising from the assualt. Rose McGowan Sounds Off

Let me guess? Michelle Obama] is endorsing you? Answer your taxpayers, answer Tara Reade, stop speaking through your manager. You are a creep. You know it. We know it. I know it. Tara definitely knows it. #DropOutBiden.” An April 26th tweet from far-left activist and actor Rose Mcgowan advising Biden that “You are a creep,” after allegations of sexual assualt by accuser Tara Reade.

Rutgers University Professor Goes Full Left Lunacy on Twitter F --- each and every

Trump supporter. You absolutely did this. You are to blame,” were included among her profanity-laced comments – posted on Twitter this week by Brittney Cooper, an associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University. “Not only do white conservatives not care about Black life but my most cynical negative read of the white supremacists among them is that they welcome this mass winnowing of Black folks in order to slow demographic shifts and shore up political power.” I said what I meant. And I curse cuz I’m grown,” she ranted on in a series of tweets adding, “I have tenure. Rutgers won’t be firing me for tweets.”

$34,706 is the cost of sending a student to Rutgers for one year to be taught by this ridiculous and ardently racist tenured professor Brittany Cooper. What a stain on Rutgers University it is to have this person on staff, spreading her racist poison to America’s youth.

Ok Joe, We’re Marking Your Words... M ark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held.” Presidential candidate Joe Biden during a Thursday evening virtual fundraiser claiming without fact or reason that President Trump ill attempt to delay the November election and inspiring the Wall Street Journal to remark, “it must be time for the presumptive Democratic nominee to make fact-free allegations of an authoritarian Trump plot to destroy the republic.”

Georgia Democrat Congressman Vernon Jones Exposes Own His Party A s a lifelong Democrat and black man, it pains me to admit this. But I’ve come to a realization: the Democrat Party doesn’t give a damn about us. They’ve become more concerned a out putting illegals first and Americans last.” A tweet from Georgia Representative Vernon Jones (D) who went on to say that President Donald Trump has shown “both leadership and results” for Black Americans. He has taken an extraordinary amount of heat from the Democrat Party for his stance and “putting his country in front of his party.” Jones initally resigned from the Democrat Party in reaction to criticism, but then retracted his resignation: “I will not allow the Democrats to bully me into submission.” Watch the video here.

Trump Comes Down On China

They knew they had a problem,

I think they were embarrassed by the problem. Very embarrassed. The case could be made, they said, ‘hey, look this is going to have a huge impact on China, and we might as well let the rest of the world [share it].” What they really treated the world badly on: they stopped people going into China, but they didn’t stop people going into the USA and all over the world. Personally, I think they made a horrible mistake and they didn’t want to admit it.” President Donald J. Trump speaking in a Fox News town hall at the Lincoln Memorial with harsh words on China’s culpability for the coronavirus pandemic. It has become increasingly clear that China quashed early attempts by it’s own medical professionals, some of whom where silenced, others presumed murdered, to expose and halt the spread of their homegrown covoid-19.

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