2011 LEAP

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AND THE BEAT GOES ON Mark Moak, RMC Professor of Art

THE STRENGTH OF THE PACK ISTHE WOLF Jerry Wolf, RMC Men’s and Women’s Head Ski Coach



Shelby Jo Long ...........................................3 HORSING AROUND AT RMC

Dr. Ray Randall .........................................5 LIFE ON THE WILD SIDE

Dave Shumway.......................................... 8 THE SOUND OF MUSIC


Tony Hammond......................................... 9

AT HOME IN THE SKY Kenny Ketchum, RMC senior in Aeronautical Science

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for all the latest RMC news


Caitrin Smith........................................... 10 A PRESCRIPTION FOR SUCCESS

Tom Purcell ..............................................11

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Every rock star has a secluded summer home – a fortress of solitude where they escape to recharge.

“Teaching is the most important thing I do at RMC,” he says. “Yes, you need to be on committees and do the business of the College, but the one sacred thing I do here is teach.”

Mark Moak

And the Beat Goes On....................................................................................... 1

Mark Moak, RMC professor of art, may as well be Ringo Starr.

Because rock-star or not, Mark Moak’s true passion is teaching.

Kenny Ketchum

At Home in the Sky............................................................................................2

Shelby Jo Long

Live Locally, Think Globally................................................................................3

Oliver Gore

Battlin’ Bear Oliver Gore: Advantage RMC........................................................4

He’s got the rock star thing down, playing drums in both Sober Dave, a faculty-band, and a popular Billings band, The Midlife Chryslers.

Dr. Ray Randall

Horsing Around at RMC....................................................................................5

As a student, Mark attended Valdosta State College and transferred to the University of Georgia his junior year. Connecting with a professor who was “a curmudgeon of a guy,” Mark scored a graduate teaching assistant and discovered his love for teaching.

Coach Wolf and Ski Racers

The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack...................................................................6

Dave Shumway

Life On the Wild Side.........................................................................................8

Tony Hammond

The Sound of Music...........................................................................................9

Caitrin Smith

The Maine Attraction....................................................................................... 10

Tom Purcell

A Prescription for Success.................................................................................11

Sonja and Keturah

A Family Affair................................................................................................. 12 All About RMC................................................................................................ 13

Rocky Mountain College - LEAP - Fall 2011

“We have a lot of fun, and it’s great to still be playing at this age,” he says. “Truthfully, I don’t feel that different than when I was 18, and it’s my hope we never take ourselves too seriously.” Lighthearted about his ‘rock-star status’, Mark may not think he’s on par with Ringo Starr, but he still enjoys the secluded summers away. Volunteering for 17 years in Arizona’s Bear Mountains and the past 14 years in Montana’s Bitterroots, Mark and his family take in the calm solitude of observing nature from a watchtower. And while some summers offer less calm than others, Mark finds even the most challenging fire activity an inspiration to his art.

“Sometimes you need people that will tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear,” he says. “He led me places I might not have gone otherwise.” After graduation, Mark taught for six years at Mohave Community College in Kingsman, Arizona and for three years at Brewton-Park College outside of Vidalia, Georgia before finding his place at RMC, where he has been leading students for 24 years. “At RMC, I have the freedom to pursue so many different things,” Mark says. “This, to me, is where true teaching happens; where

you have a variety of individuals who come with a variety of gifts, or lack of them at times, and you get to work with these folks and see them transformed in front of you. That is the part of the paycheck you don’t see.” Moak is transforming his students – through trips to the vibrant cultures of Greece, Egypt and Italy, and journeys to Yellowstone – immersing them in the seclusion of his natural fortress. Whether at home or abroad, Mark wants his students to be aware of the relevance of art and art history in their lives. “I want students to be aesthetically aware,” he says. “Not everyone in my classes will pursue art as a profession, but we can help to create education consumers and viewers; those that come for other majors can pursue art and other courses and won’t leave here one-dimensional people.” And RMC’s art students are definitely leaving with a multi-dimensional education – the result of learning from Mark Moak: art professor by day, rock star by night.

Mark Moak, RMC Professor of Art


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athomein thesky

Kenny Ketchum’s 11th birthday present determined his future. There were no video games to unwrap – instead he took off into the wild blue on his first airplane flight. Kenny clearly remembers that day. “There can’t be anything better than this,” he decided. That thought stuck with him, through monthly flight lessons that took place over the next four years, leading to his first solo flight on his 16th birthday. When it came time to consider college, he didn’t consider any schools that didn’t offer aviation. There were larger schools, but graduating with a high school class of 35 from La Conner, Washington, a college offering one-on-one instruction and a comfortable atmosphere was familiar. “When I came to visit RMC, the aviation department was in the process of moving

operations from Laurel to the Billings airport,” Kenny says. “Dan Hargrove, Director of Aviation, was in clothes with paint on them from painting the new location. He was so relaxed and easy to be around; I knew this was an atmosphere I could excel in.” Kenny’s interaction with Hargrove helped secure the decision. “I think the world of Dan,” Kenny says. “He has written me many letters of recommendation for scholarships, and having his recommendation is incredible because of his outstanding career as an Air Force II pilot. He has a great thing going on here; RMC has a top-notch aviation program.” Although Kenny arrived at RMC with previous flight experience, he’s working through additional training in aviation weather, aviation law, flight management systems, CRJ jet simulations and GPS classes.

“We are one of a few programs currently pursuing the world style of debate,” Dan Johnson, who attended the Slovenia trip with Shelby, says.

“It offers a program a little more unique in terms of the region.”

“The amount of knowledge you need to fly safely is extreme,” he says. “You may think the flying portion is what you are really here for, but there is other training you receive that puts you so far ahead of other potential job candidates. It’s amazing.”

Kenny, who earned his certified flight instructor rating this past summer, was hired as a flight instructor for the RMC aviation program. Although he’s now passing on some lessons, Kenny still learns every time he flies. The greatest lesson he can pass on to any future aviation majors is “if you don’t have the passion to get through it, don’t do it.” And one more tip: there really isn’t anything better than this.

Live Locally, ThinkGlobally People may tell you not to fight with your professors in college (and they’re right), but what about a friendly debate? RMC’s Shelby Jo Long-Hammond isn’t looking for a fight, but she’s happy to engage in a pleasant – or maybe even a heated – debate with her students.

And Shelby’s focus on world-style debate has changed the team’s status against competitors, too. “We are one of a few programs currently pursuing the world style of debate,” Dan Johnson, who attended the Slovenia trip with Shelby, says. “It offers a program a little more unique in terms of the region.”

Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and Director of Forensics, Shelby has been changing the nature of RMC debate during her tenure – pushing her students toward British Parliamentary Debate and consequently, a more global way of thinking.

Dan, a literary studies and English education major, is taking the unique approached learned in RMC debate and passing it on as a debate coach at his former high school, Billings West. After volunteering with the program for two years, Dan was offered a paid position, and has been coaching on payroll for the past three seasons.

Shelby believes that using ‘world style’ debate will help broaden a student’s perspective, and “the exposure RMC’s forensics program provides, whether traveling internationally or attending international events domestically, is invaluable to these students as they move on in their lives.”

“Meeting people from other countries and discussing issues outside of the U.S. aids in the development of students critical thinking and public speaking skills,” she says.

Kenny Ketchum, RMC senior in Aeronautical Science

“My team members became a second family to me, which adds to the personal touch of RMC,” he says. “I was painfully shy and one thing that helped me was RMC is much more personal in nature. As a team, we know each other exceptionally well.” The connections Dan has created through debate reach well beyond the team and into the classroom. “I don’t believe I would have done as well academically or socially had I been one of 300 students in a class with a professor that most likely wouldn’t know my name,” Dan says. “All my professors have known me by name.” Dan’s appreciation for the RMC community, where he feels so at home, is now woven into his teaching philosophy. In Dan’s final year at RMC, he’s got plenty of opportunities to debate and deliberate with the team – competing at the Air Force Academy and in Wyoming and Oregon – but fighting with coach Shelby? Not on the agenda.

“My experiences with debate have made me a better writer and developed my critical thinking ability,” he says. “The public speaking and communication skills I have developed are invaluable to me.”

She put that belief into action when attending a debate camp in Slovenia with four debate students last November.


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Those are skills that Dan, a fifth year senior, will take with him as he begins his student teaching placement this spring. Beyond gaining significant professional skills, however, Dan has found community within the debate program.

Shelby Jo Long-Hammond, RMC Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and Director of Forensics


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Oliver Gore tears up the fields at Rocky Moutain College.

“They don’t just know how to ride,” he says. “They receive personal attention here that allows them to become knowledgeable, ethical members of the equine business community.”

The soccer fields, that is. This Stafford, England native had an impressive freshman year. He averaged 1.07 goals per game and received the NSCAA National Soccer Award – All-Region and All-Conference – during his first season with the RMC Battlin’ Bears.

horsing aroundat rmc

For as long as he can remember, Oliver’s played soccer. “I love everything about it: the socializing, meeting new people and the competitiveness,” he says. “I am a very competitive person.” When seeking a college, Oliver knew soccer would be a top priority. He engaged an international recruiting service to help him find an institution that fit his academic needs and his soccer wishes.

Dr. Ray Randall looks like a man who means business. Cowboy hat tipped up and gloves snapped on, the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine doesn’t play around when it comes to animals.

Unless you find him playing with his dog, Ruby – then you’ll see his serious side relax and his face give way to a big grin and the warm eyes of a man who just loves animals.

“I got a nice offer from RMC, and my parents encouraged me to come and see the world as well as starting someplace new.” Coming to a new country and a new school sight unseen was risky, and life in Montana was much different than Oliver expected.

Originally from Miles City, Montana, Dr. Ray grew up observing his uncles in their veterinary practices. After graduating from Colorado State University, he secured an internship at the University of Minnesota large animal surgery, and later bought his own practice in Bridger, Montana.

“Back home we play soccer from August to May,” he says. “The season here runs from August until the end of November, so that was an adjustment.” Having several other international students on the team, however, has helped Oliver’s transition. Of 19 players, 10 are from other countries: five from England, one from Scotland, three from Sweden and one from Ireland. Not to mention, RMC soccer coach Richard Duffy, who is from Glasgow, Scotland.

Advantage RMC Oliver’s first year wasn’t all studying and playing soccer though. He explored the Crazy Mountains, camped, rock-climbed and sledded in Yellowstone National Park.

“They are a really nice family,” Oliver says. “I’m looking forward to being back in a family environment. I’m very grateful for the opportunity.”

He also volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club with the Futebol de Salao program started by RMC Professor Paul Roper, which encourages physical and emotional development for local kids.

Coming to RMC was a leap of faith for Oliver, but with two years left, the positive experiences will continue.

Oliver also volunteers his time coaching with the Billings’ Magic City Soccer Club. During his time coaching with Magic City last year, he met Dr. Steven Klepps, who offered to host Oliver this year.

Oliver Gore, RMC soccer player

Guatemala, Portugal, Japan, Germany, Central America and the Middle East, Dr. Ray’s travels extensively while caring for the welfare of horses. Dr. Ray always brings the knowledge gained from FEI events back to campus, where he also cares for RMC equestrian

students’ horses, which are either owned or leased by the college or brought by the students. Dr. Ray has cared for many horses and watched many RMC students develop into successful graduates.

Joining RMC’s equestrian staff in 1990, Dr. Ray teaches Equine Preventive Medicine, helping students learn common equine health practices and how to establish horse health programs.

Battlin’ Bear Oliver Gore:


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“Everyone knows each other and everyone is so friendly. The professors are very helpful. You get to know them well, which is a really good thing. It means you have a better chance of doing well at this school. There are so many opportunities and things you can do.”

“Basically, we teach them how to stay out of trouble when it comes to their horse’s health,” he says, “and how to respond if they do get into trouble.” When wobbly-legged newborn foals signal spring at the barn, Dr. Ray teaches Reproduction and Growth, acquainting students with the normal activities of mares, stallions and foals. Advanced Reproduction students work with Dr. Ray at his veterinary practice, learning the processes of artificial insemination, breeding mares and hands-on care for mares and foals. Dr. Ray holds a Federation Equestrian International (FEI) card – certifying him to care for horses at Olympic and international sporting events. Serving endurance rides or reining horse events throughout Canada, the United States,

Dr. Ray Randall, Assistant Professor, Equestrian Studies


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“The Strengthof the Pack is thEWolf…

…andthe Strengthof the Wolf isthe Pack.” - Rudyard Kipling

Jerry Wolf is the RMC ski-team alpha, leading his pack with authority and knowledge. He’s also led them to nationals for the past decade. The men won the USCSA Combined National Championship in 2005, 2007 and 2011, and the women have placed second three times.

Also from Sweden, Harald found RMC in a much different way than Olle. He hired a firm to find an American college that could provide an experience learning a new language and culture.

This success doesn’t come naturally, however. Jerry and his team start training at the beginning of fall semester – long before the first snowfall – and build momentum, awaiting the opening of Red Lodge Mountain.

“It’s been really beneficial,” Harald says. “For me, it has been the experience of a lifetime. I’m incredibly happy I came to RMC.”

Once the powder has fallen, no one can rein them in. “It’s about delivering their best,” he says. “They can take it to whatever level they want. The serious part comes when they realize everyone wants the same goal.” The team strives for success, following the lead of their coach. A ski-racer himself in college, Wolf uses his own experiences to direct his coaching. “The camaraderie, being part of the team and the whole college experience was so great,” he says. “I want my athletes to have that.

as well. Jerry often invites them to his ranch for a barbecue, and some members have worked alongside him building custom homes for his construction business. “We bond as a team, work out as a group and have some fun,” Jerry says. “I have lifetime friendships with my athletes. It’s nice to watch them grow and develop, and then to follow them as they move on in life.” Because of the care he puts into his team, the RMC ski-alpha earns respect from his racers. Respect, and a cool nickname. ‘Wolfy’ inspires the team with his devotion to their success. “I have thoroughly enjoyed Coach throughout the years, and I’ve never met a person willing to do so much for his athletes,” Harald Carlsson, a senior from Karlstad, Sweden,

I recruit superior athletes, so I owe them a lot when they say yes; I owe them whatever I can give them to be better, strong, faster, to have a great experience and, bottom line, a great education.” While at RMC, the team becomes a family, focusing on the same athletic goals. But in their spare time, they join together


says. “It is really respectable, and the way he he cares about us and makes us want to give back in turn.”

Jerry Wolf, RMC Men’s and Women’s Head Ski Coach

Seniors Olle Friberg of Undersaker, Sweden and Johnathan Diem of Cascade, Idaho appreciate Jerry’s relaxed, family environment. “One thing I can say about Jerry is that he loves us like his own kids,” Johnathan says. “Every year he helps us move into our dorms, takes us out on the lake and really team builds. Whatever we need, he is there to help us.” For Olle, being welcomed into the ski-family fold was a relief. More than four thousand miles from home, he wanted support at RMC. “Wolfy became an extra dad,” Olle says. “I know I can always call him, and he will be there for me. That’s been a really good asset and good security. It’s made it easier to focus on school and skiing because anything I need, or need help with, he is there to fix.” Olle hadn’t always planned on attending college, but after visiting friends that attended RMC, he decided to apply. “It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made,” he says. “Skiing, school, making connections, knowing more people and the diversity of the people you meet is great. They have given me different views than I might have had, and it’s helped me a lot in how I’m going to interact in the community when I move beyond RMC.”

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Harald found the American college experience positive – on and off the slopes. “Coming to RMC was so good because of the closeness with the teachers, the people and the community,” he says. “If there is anything college is about, it’s about growth and developing yourself as a person, as an athlete and as an academic scholar. RMC has provided me all of that.” The desire for a challenge, academically and athletically, is something all three seniors shared. Johnathan was offered the opportunity to ski and train with RMC’s team for a few days as a high school student. Seeing the level the team trained at helped him make a decision. “I liked the team members,” he says, “and they were fast – the best team at the race. I came for a campus visit and that sealed the deal. I was looking at schools of similar size, but I wanted to be part of a ski team that was competitive. I got that at RMC.” Johnathan, Harald and Olle experienced the highlight their RMC ski racing careers

when the team won the 2011 National Championships. “Freshman year, we were all sitting at orientation – the first days when I met Johnathan, Harald and the other guys in my year – and we were all saying we wanted a national championship title,” Olle says. “Last year, being able to accomplish that goal was fantastic.” Although Harald didn’t place quite as high in the overall rankings last year, his performance at nationals pushed the team to the top. “I was happy catering to the team and making sure I was putting consistent results on the board,” he says. “I was skiing to have fun and was more relaxed – that’s really the core to our success.” Winning nationals, however, is just one of many highlights. “My freshman year at regionals, we raced under the lights during a night race, and I started 86th and ended up 7th, “ Johnathan says. “Last year [at regionals], it was the same situation – I started almost 90th and ended up 6th or 7th. Those experiences have been major highlights for me.” These racers have achieved off the slopes as well. Graduating in May, Olle, a business management major, and Harald, double

majoring in business management and managerial accounting, will both stay in America on 14-month work visas, that allow them to work anywhere in the field they have been studying. Johnathan, finishing up undergraduate work in business management and managerial accounting this year, will stay at RMC one more year to complete the Master of Accountancy program. Spending time together during training, class and free hours, Harald, Olle and Johnathan found more than they expected at RMC: educational opportunities, connections and competitors, cultural experiences. “We’ve got a tightly knit family on the ski team, and a much more tightly knit school,” Johnathan says. “We’ve all been able to do so many things, not just skiing. I’m going to leave here, and I don’t have enough room on a piece of paper to cover all the opportunities I’ve been allowed to be a part of. It’s easy to do all these things at RMC. Every day there seems to be a new opportunity.” That success all stems back to Wolfy’s pledge, and his coaching philosophy isn’t a secret. He keeps a quote on his door, reminding his team of his commitment: “If your athletes don’t know that you care about them as people, they won’t care what you know about the sport.”

Jerry Wolf, RMC Men’s and Women’s Head Ski Coach


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You are most likely well acquainted with Dave Shumway’s work. As staff photographer for Rocky Mountain College, Dave’s talents permeate the RMC community. And it doesn’t stop there.

lifeonthe wildside

Dave’s photographs dominate city buses and buildings across the country, marketing products and places such as Patagonia and national parks. Dave searched Rocky Mountain College, forgetting to type in the word Canada as his friend had advised. And through a fortunate omission, Dave found RMC – in Billings. “I saw the outdoor recreation program and instantly was sold on it,” he says. “I didn’t visit; I called and spoke to a counselor twice. They offered me a great scholarship and had the degree options I was looking for.” His images are also picked up by magazines near and far, gracing the cover of the Big Sky Journal and an inside spread of The New Yorker. Growing up in the Windy City, Dave cut his photographic-teeth learning from his grandfather. He honed his skills working for The Chicago Tribune. Starting college in the city, Dave continued to refine his artistic eye, but something about the schools he attended didn’t feel right. “I played the transfer game and hopped around for two years,” he says. Taking a friend’s suggestion for his next school,


RMC was the solution to Dave’s collegiate restlessness. A self-proclaimed “lifestyle refugee” – the proximity of RMC to a multitude of mountain ranges couldn’t be beat. “In two and a half hours, you can be in Yellowstone National Park, and that’s the Park’s year-round entrance,” he says. “That allows monthly visits to paradise…while a student, I led trips to the surrounding wilderness every other weekend for the outdoor recreation program, in addition to my own personal trips.”

Dave Shumway, RMC Staff Photographer and Web Content Manager

The majesty of the Montana landscape and a love of nature shapes his art today. “The true reason behind why I do what I do – wildlife and landscape photography – is that I am passionate about it, and I want to share with those who can’t experience what I get to experience.” Dave continues to thrive both on- and off-campus. “Location brought me here; the environment kept me here,” he says. “We are a family at RMC.”

Five years after graduation, Dave remains a significant part of the RMC family. After graduating summa cum laude with a double major in economics and business management, he was prepared to attend graduate school in the Midwest. But President Mike Mace stepped in with a last minute offer for Dave to make permanent the internship positions he’d created as a student. Not only did Dave stay with RMC in his capacity as staff photographer and web content manager, but he also began working with the art program to develop a stronger photography program. He now teaches two classes each semester. Dave may have found RMC through Google providence, but he’s become a much larger part of RMC.

Thesound ofmusic As each musician’s eyes follow notes across the music, their synapses fire in unison and a melodic swell erupts from the group: music is a community event. But their magical connection doesn’t emerge out of nothing – musicians work together to develop their sound and create that sense of community. For the past three years, Tony Hammond has been developing the sound and community as visiting instructor of music and director of bands at Rocky Mountain College.

“Just being there and knowing we were going to have a good product, with kids being nervous, but playing through it and playing really well, was so rewarding,” he says. “The students got to see one of the greatest jazz trumpet players in the world, Arturo Sandoval, and the clinician that worked with us was fantastic.”

in the Trunk (funkinthetrunkband.com), he’s also in the process of organizing a faculty jazz combo. “There is talent at RMC,” Tony says. “The music program is like the whole campus: it’s a community within itself.”

“For me, teaching is about the relationships you develop with the students,” he says. “At the college level, I am not afraid to challenge students as long as they know I care about them; they are going to be better and feel better about things if they work hard for their contribution, and the whole is improved.”

Hammond also works to integrate the RMC music program into the greater community, most recently attending the Buddy DeFranco jazz festival in Missoula, Montana.

Tony practices as he preaches and is an active member in the music community beyond RMC. Besides playing trombone in a local nine-piece funk jazz band, Funk

Tony Hammond, Visiting Instructor of Music and Director of Bands


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APrescription forSuccess Dr. Tom Purcell understands the human body. After getting his M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, he received his medical degree from Emory University. He went on to serve as an internal medicine resident at Parkland Hospital at the University of Texas and was awarded an oncology fellowship at Johns Hopkins, where he also served on the faculty.

themaine attraction

Building on this experience, Dr. Purcell moved to Billings to run the Billings Clinic

Cancer Center and began his association with RMC as an adjunct professor for the Physician Assistant program. In 2010, Dr. Purcell brought his experience and understanding to RMC full-time. Within the PA program, Dr. Purcell teaches the Anatomy and Physiology module, helping his students through the 14-month training before clinical rotations. Dr. Purcell’s involvement in the student’s education assists with the PA graduates success. “I believe PAs are a key part to being able to meet the demand of healthcare in this country as we go forward,” he says. “The maximum class size is 36, allowing for personal attention from professors. This program affords these exceptional students the opportunity to get out and be employed immediately in the medical field.”

Big life decisions often come down to lists: pro-con lists, must-haves, dealbreakers. Yellow legal pad sales skyrocket as high-school students weigh the options between college one and two (and three, four, five, six). Caitrin Smith, a Kennebunkport, Maine native, had a running tally of must-haves. With that list in mind, she took to the internet, searching for the perfect school. “One day at work the thought of Montana came into my head,” she says. “I Googled colleges in Montana, saw pictures of Billings with the mountains in the background, and discovered that RMC offered everything on my list.”

Captivating first impression: check. Hoping to see that list play out in real life, Caitrin visited campus with her mother. After touring the city and RMC’s treelined walkways, she was certain about her choice. Caitrin could imagine herself walking those cobbled sidewalks: RMC topped the list.


Caitrin Smith, RMC Freshman

“I was amazed,” she says. “There is just so much more space. I fell in love with the school.”

The spaces around Billings attracted Caitrin, too. In high school, she was involved in tennis, soccer, theatre and most importantly, skied every weekend possible. RMC’s location put Caitrin within hours of world-class skiing.

Breathtaking summits and snowy slopes: check. “I’m very excited to participate in RMC’s outdoor recreation program and explore Yellowstone National Park,” she says. “I am a huge outdoor recreation person.” But the outdoors won’t just be a pastime for Caitrin at RMC. She’ll have the opportunity to explore the Park on a three-day backpacking trip to the Beartooth Plateau with an environmental studies class.

Creating classrooms outside of four-square walls: check.

The knowledge used in teaching medicine transitions into Dr. Purcell’s position as head strength and conditioning coach. Training athletes during their structured work-out times in the weight room, he develops plans, schedules and programming that helps athletes reach their peak condition.

Studying environmental science, anthropology and sociology will allow Caitrin to explore her love for nature and her place in the world. “I want to gain knowledge about how I affect my environment,” she says. “I believe change is the key to our future and how we sustain ourselves – I want to make change.”

“I love the science involved,” Dr. Purcell says. “Performance medicine is very interesting and it is special to interact with young adult athletes that want to get better – that motivation is rewarding.” The close nature of the PA program carries through into the conditioning room, and Dr. Purcell uses that to his advantage, encouraging camaraderie to maintain commitment.

Preparing Caitrin to create a better future: check.

“We are all about getting better every day,” he says. “We like to get in there and get our work done – it’s about breaking

through the perceived mental barriers.”

Working through mental blocks in the weight room or in the classroom, Dr. Purcell is happiest when helping his students. And his students are lucky, because whether Dr. Tom Purcell is assisting them with an anatomy lab or a sprint schedule, one thing is certain: he understands the human body.

Tom Purcell, Associate Professor, Physician Assistant Studies


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a familyaffair Growing up in a Hutterite colony (Flat Willow Ranch in Roundup, Montana), cousins Sonja and Keturah Stahl obtained some unusual skills. Speaking German, for instance, is not a talent the typical American possesses. But because of their somewhat untraditional upbringing, the Stahl cousins grew up in households that encouraged excellence – scholastically and socially.

RMC met their expectations and their academic achievements earned them merit scholarships making it possible to attend their “dream school.”

The girls took that to heart and achieved academically, while taking part in a number of extra-curricular activities, in the pursuit of higher education.

Sonja will be studying biology, with hopes to further her education in the RMC Physician Assistant program. Keturah plans to study political science, to achieve her dream of attending law school.

Now, both are happy to be attending Rocky Mountain College.

In choosing a college, both wanted to be close to their families, and coming from smaller high schools, it was important to select a college offering more personalized instruction.

Listening to them, it’s obvious their atypical upbringing helped them develop into young women who are anything but average. “Growing up in the colony prepared us,” Sonja says. “They are very progressive people and know how to work. They instill that work ethic in their children.”

Academic Programs bach elor of a rt Art Communication Studies Creative Writing Education English Environmental Studies History Individualized Program of Study Music Philosophy and Religious Thought Theatre bach elor of science Aviation Biology Business Management Chemistry Computer Science Environmental Policy Environmental Science Equestrian Studies Geology History and Political Science Individualized Program of Study Managerial Accounting Mathematics Physical Education and Health Psychology Sociology and Anthropology minors For an updated list of minors, please refer to the RMC academic catalog or the website: www.rocky.edu pre-professiona l progra ms

Students may prepare for the following professional programs: Athletic Training Dentistry Law Medicine Ministry Occupational Therapy Ophthalmology Pharmacy Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Veterinary ma sters progra ms Master of Accountancy with BS in Business Management (3-2) Master of Accountancy (MAcc) Master of Educational Leadership Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)

Student Profile

Average class size: 16 Student/Faculty ratio: 14:1 Among our undergraduate population, 62% come from Montana, while the remainder of our diverse student body represents 22 countries and 48 states.

Sonja and Keturah are looking forward to going to school together again and rooming together on campus.


Sonja and Keturah Stahl , Incoming freshmen and cousins

Student Activities

Concert Band Concert Choir Jazz Ensemble Top of the Rock (student newspaper) Student Government - Associated Students of Rocky Mountain College (ASRMC) Theatre Outdoor Recreation Activities Intramural Athletics Speech & Debate

NAIA Frontier Conference Sports

Men’s & Women’s Alpine Ski Racing Men’s & Women’s Basketball Men’s & Women’s Golf Men’s & Women’s Cross Country Men’s Football Men’s & Women’s Soccer Women’s Volleyball Men’s & Women’s Cheerleading

Clubs & Organizations

Alpha Chapter, Pi Kappa Delta National Honorary Forensics Fraternity Alpha Chi National Honor Society Alpha Eta Rho National Aviation Fraternity American Indian Cultural Association (AICA) American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) Aviation Ambassadors Chemistry Club Equestrian Club Gay/Straight Alliance Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Investing Club Latter-Day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) Music Club Newman Club Non-Traditional Students Club Organization of Interested Students Toward Environmentally Responsible Solutions (OISTERS) Intercollegiate Flight Team Residence Hall Association (RHA) Student Ambassadors Ski Club Sojourner Club Student Theater Association of Rocky (STARs) Student Alumni Association Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Campus Ministry Outdoor Recreation Adventures Whitewater Kayaking on the Stillwater River Waterskiing and Windsurfing at Lake Elmo Ice Climbing at Rocky Creek Falls in the Beartooth Mountains Bouldering the Shoshone Canyon near Cody, Wyoming Ski Trip to Vail, Colorado (Christmas Break) Weekend Ski Trips to Big Sky Mountain, Bridger Bowl, and Red Lodge Mountain Ski Resorts Hiking & Mountain Biking in the Beartooths Fly Fishing the Stillwater River Cross Country Skiing in Yellowstone National Park History/Culture of Hawaiian Islands (field trip to Hawaii over Spring Break)

Campus Visit Opportunities Fall - October 21, 2011 Winter - November 12, 2011 Transfer Visit Day - March 10, 2012 Spring - March 16, 2012 Junior Visit Day - March 30, 2012

R O C K Y. E D U

4. Official transcripts (high school, GED, and/or any post-secondary institutions) 5. An essay and two letters of recommendation may be required FRESHMAN a d missio n c riteria High school diploma or GED with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 and an ACT/SAT score of 21/1000 or higher. The admissions committee, composed of staff and faculty, will consider students with a cumulative GPA below 2.5 or a GED and an ACT/SAT score below 21/1000 for admissions. However, students will be required to submit an essay and two letters of recommendation prior to review by the committee.

Financial Aid

To ensure that you will receive the best financial aid package possible, it is important to apply for admission and financial aid early. We have a financial aid priority deadline of March 1. Students who meet this date will be guaranteed early financial aid awards and will receive the best assistance available to them. estimated exp en ses Tuition.............................................................. $21,684 Average Room & Board..................................$6,896 Estimated Books & Supplies........................... $1,200 Fees......................................................................$450 Total..................................................$30,230 estimated special program fees Aviation......................................... Avg $10,000/year Equestrian.........................................................$5,560 RMC is committed to providing students with an affordable private college education. The average financial aid package awarded is $19,500 per year.

Merit Scholarships

Trustee..............................................$12,000 Presidential.......................................$10,500 Dean’s.................................................$7,000 external scholarships Most scholarships that a student receives externally will be added to any RMC scholarships awarded.

Additional Resources Financial Aid www.safmt.org www.finaid.org www.fafsa.ed.gov Scholarships www.collegeboard.com www.fastweb.com

Admissions We encourage you to apply for admission. Students seeking admission must submit the following: 1. Rocky Mountain College application for admission (preferred deadline: February 15). Students may apply using the standard paper application form or the convenient online version at www.rocky.edu.

Application fee waived!

2. Non-refundable application fee (international students - $40; all others - $35) 3. ACT or SAT test results

All About RMC


Office of Admissions 1511 Poly Dr - Billings, MT 59102

R O C K Y. E D U


1511 Poly Dr - Billings, MT 59102 - 1.800.87. ROCKY - 406.657.1026

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