FREE January 2013 Vol 3 Issue 1
Rocky Mountain
Colorado’s Car Lover Magazine Cu s tom Auto & Re s our c e G u i d e
2 013 C a l e n d a r I n s i d e ! ! ! Where lo c als... Show Their S T U F F!
Denver’s own- Hot Rods, Classics, Lowriders, Rat Rods, Oldies, Motorcycles, Toners & Bikes
Rocky Mountain
C R U Z R January 2013 Volume 3 ISSUE 1
Letter From the Editor
Bo Huff ~ Rockabilly Lifestyle
Highlights Havana Cruise
2012 10~33 2013 Calendar 34 35
Distribution Locations Carnage on Larimer
36~37 Resource Guide
Website: Mailing Address: Deadlines: Features: CIRULATION:
Publisher: Bernadette Alonzo VP & Cheif Editor: Adrian Martinez Jr. Executive Assistant: Antonio Sanchez
Abel Alonzo* Bo Huff* Bo Huff* Jenae Martinez 720-276-2504 * 303-995-3168 or 25th of ea month 23rd of ea month 300-500 words 5,000 per issue
Mail Subscription: Only $20.00 per year for home or business
FREE @ Distribution locations see pg 36 RMC assumes no responsiblity or liability for subject matter contained by its advertisers and other agents. All Rights Reserved, Reproduction or use without permision is prohibited
Letter from the Publisher S t a r t Yo u r En g i n e s i t i s
Well, where do I start? I want to express my sincere thank you to those you who have supported Rocky Mountain CRUZR! I must say again Thank you! The magazine has gone through revamping this past year. We have grown, and for this I am thankful. My son Adrian Martinez Jr returned home from the Marine Corps last year! He joined the team here at Rocky Mountain CRUZR, we will be partnering up so we can take the magazine to the next the level. RMC has gone full gloss! This is an exciting time here at RMC. It has been and still is our goal here at Rocky Mountain CRUZR to cover as many car shows throughout the Rocky Mountain Region as we possibly can. I have learned this is almost impossible for any one person. So we are expanding, hiring a new team, this will mean more issues and more shows covered by the team here at RMC magazine! It is our hope to continue to bring Colorado and the Rock Mountain Region what we love the most… that is our cars! All type of cars, Hot Rods, Classics, Low-riders, motorcycles, bikes, and today models all cars! We will be adding to our monthly circulation an online version of the magazine the can be view all over the world.
A l r e a d y 2 0 13
Pl e a s e g o to Fac e b o o k a n d “ l i ke” u s o n o u r p a g e: Ro c k y M o u nt a i n C RUZ R . S o we c a n c o nt i n u e to g r ow a n d s h ow t h e wo r l d t h at Colorado has passion f o r h e r c a r s! Love f o r my c o m m u n i t y, c a r s a n d my f a m i l y i s w h at m ot i vate d m e to st a r t t h i s m a g a z i n e. I wa nte d to s h ow p e o p l e the passion behind the b ui l di n g a n d c u sto m i z i n g c a r s. W hy f a m i l i e s w i l l t a ke ye a r s to b u i l d a c a r. Fat h e r, s o n, d au g hte r a n d ye s eve n t h e w i ve s w i l l p u t i n h u n d r e d s of h o u r s b u i l d i n g a n d c r e at i n g “ t h e i r b a by ” a n d t h at i s j u st w h at t h e s e c a r s b e c o m e “ t h e i r b a by ” t h e e nt i r e f a m i l i e s. I t i s a m a z i n g to s e e t h e p r i d e p e o p l e h ave i n t h e i r c a r s!
I h ave h a d a l ove f o r c a r s my w h o l e l i fe! I t i s my h o p e to s h a r e t h i s p a s s i o n w i t h yo u a n d yo u r f a m i l y ! I l o o k f o r wa r d to s e e a l l of yo u t h i s ye a r a n d n ex t ! W h e n yo u s e e m e p l e a s e c o m e a n d s ay “ H I ” I l ove m e et i n g a l l of yo u! I l o o k f o r wa r d to a n ot h e r G R E AT s e a s o n h e r e in the MIle Hi !! T h a n k yo u Yo u r Edi to r & Fr i e n d, B e r n a d et te A l o n zo “ Be the change you want to see in the world” G a n dh i
I nt roduction to t he Rocka bi l ly L i fest yle By Bo Hu ff If I had to describe the rockabilly scene, I’d say that there is an instinctive brotherhood to it... Or more of a ‘familyhood’ between both men and women. You get to be yourself, and follow your own rules. There is an individuality to it. In this whole rockabilly subculture- The photographers, the so-called “Lowbrow Art”, the styles for both men and women, the way so many are fixing up their houses into the vintage/retro ‘50s style look, the swing dancing, the car clubs, the car builders, the pinstripers, the pin-up or burlesque girls, and of course, the music... It sure is going strong. And why shouldn’t it be? Sure, it’s wild and free and exciting, but it’s not about drugs or killing; you might say it’s more drive-in and less drive-by. There’s a respective unity, a family feeling, which is evident when thousands of people can gather together as a whole, with very minimal problems. Sometime back in the 1930s to 1950s, there was a group named The Maddox Brothers and Rose, who added the slap bass technique to their sound, and some considered it the beginning of rockabilly music. To me, it sounded more like Hank Williams’ music. But I think Hank Williams’ music fits right into the rockabilly scene anyway. In 1949-52, there was a band called Bill Haley and the Saddlemen. In late 1952, because of Haley’s comet and their changing style of music, they switched their name to Bill Haley and the Comets. Along with Bill Haley and the Comets... Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly, Ricky Nelson, The Burnette Brothers, Eddie Cochran, Gene Vincent, Janis Martin, and Wanda Jackson were all playing rockabilly in the early days. Around ‘57 or ‘58, there was a B-rated rock and roll movie that said, “Rockabilly is dead, and rock and roll is taking over”. Myself, along with everyone else, kind of followed that way. But truly, early rock and roll is nothing but rockabilly with an electric bass. The early rockabilly music had a wild, free sound with the hot rods and lowered cars, the beautiful girls, the James Dean-rebels-without-a-cause; it had the whole rebellious feel of the ‘50s and ‘60s. Rockabilly never died, but it was left for a few to keep the embers burning.
cont on pg 8
H a v a n a C r u i s e 2 01 2 Highlights 5th Annual Havana Cruise, hosted by the Collector Car Council of Colorado and the Havana Business District. This is an event that I looked forward to every year. Featuring events such as a Poker run with several different stops each stop hosting its own car show. Cruisers pull out their cars for all to see! Over 5,000 thousand auto enthusiasts come out for this event and each year it just keeps growing! If you didn’t make to 2012’s Havana cruise save the date for 2013 Saturday June 15th
Rockabilly Lifestyle...Cont.from pg 4 Somewhere around 1981, the embers lit up again with the new Stray Cats’ self-titled album released in the UK, followed by their US release album “Built for Speed”. Also, released in 1980 was “American Music” by The Blasters. Without anyone saying anything, in the ‘80s and early ‘90s, it lit up like it is today. Influencing in those days along with the music were the releasing of movies like 1973’s American Graffiti, 1978’s Grease, 1987’s La Bamba with Los Lobos’ music for the soundtrack, and 1990’s CryBaby featuring songs sung by James Intveld. A lot of high school kids all around the world started to dress rockabilly and dance to the music; guys started greasing their hair back, girls started putting on the pin-up look. It had seemed as though in a few years, a lot of the rockabillies had started to listen to punk, heavy metal... But with the starting of the rat rod scene, Viva Las Vegas, and the Paso Robles car show in California, it is alive and burning once again. The old traditional rockabilly music (which I love) still fits in with the new Wild Records’ Delta Bombers, Omar and the Stringpoppers, and The Rhythm Shakers, along with many other bands around the US, UK, Europe, Australia, and Japan. And also with the lasting influence of rockabilly bands from the ‘80s and ‘90s that are still playing today like Big Sandy and his Fly-Rite Boys, Deke Dickerson and the Ecco-Fonics, Rosie Flores, and Kim Lenz and her Jaguars. What I really like is that in every city that I have been to in the United States, they have new, old style barber shops popping up. You walk in through a crowd of people waiting for haircuts, they offer you a fresh beer, with great rockabilly music filling the air, and the customs, bobbers, and hot rods are parked out front. From the overall styles and rockin’ music, to the custom cars... This, my friends, is how I see the rockabilly lifestyle, and how I’m going to try to show you how I perceive this rockabilly movement. Have you ever sat on a curb, then hearing a rumble, looked up... And there is a car three inches off the ground, with six or seven guys in black leather jackets, cruising by? I don’t know about you, but anytime I see one of these cars go by, I can’t keep my eyes off of it. I keep looking for it as far down the road, until I can’t see it cruising anymore. That is what I call individuality, that is rockabilly to me. Stay tuned...
By Bo Huff. out Bo huff on facebook pictures provided by Bo Huff
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo By: Mike Rogers
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo By: Mike Rogers
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo By: Bernadette A lon zo
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo By: Ortiz
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
C R U Z R 2 0 13
r o c k y m t n c r u z r. c o m 72 0. 276 . 25 0 4 / 3 0 3 . 9 9 5 . 3167
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
C R U Z R 2 0 13
r o c k y m t n c r u z r. c o m 72 0. 276 . 25 0 4 / 3 0 3 . 9 9 5 . 3167
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo By: Hen r yOz of W hite Eagle
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
C R U Z R 2 0 13
r o c k y m t n c r u z r. c o m 72 0. 276 . 25 0 4 / 3 0 3 . 9 9 5 . 3167
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo Provided by: Win ick Fa m i ly
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
C R U Z R 2 0 13
r o c k y m t n c r u z r. c o m 72 0. 276 . 25 0 4 / 3 0 3 . 9 9 5 . 3167
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo By: Bernadette A lon zo
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
C R U Z R 2 0 13
r o c k y m t n c r u z r. c o m 72 0. 276 . 25 0 4 / 3 0 3 . 9 9 5 . 3167
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
Photo By: Bernadette A lon zo
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
C R U Z R 2 0 13
r o c k y m t n c r u z r. c o m 72 0. 276 . 25 0 4 / 3 0 3 . 9 9 5 . 3167
Photo By: Bernadette A lon zo
C RU Z R 2 0 13
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
C R U Z R 2 0 13
r o c k y m t n c r u z r. c o m 72 0. 276 . 25 0 4 / 3 0 3 . 9 9 5 . 3167
R o c k y M o u n ta i n
2 0 13 C a l e n d a r
Photo By: Bernadette A lon zo
Carnage on Larimer 2012 TheCarnage on Larimer is now on its 4th year. In 2012 the A nnual Car & motorcycle show – held September 8th 2012, cars, trucks, motorcycles and pin up girls!! The event is held in downtown Denver on old Larimer, this is a free event to attend with the whole family.
P hoto’s B y: M i ke R o ge r s
Fe bu a r y E vent Calendar
Local 2 012
R MC L ooks for ward to a great year ... Hope to see you!!