Mhhelle Burr Kiaora koutou katoa I am marriedto Mike and we havetwo childrenattendingWaihi EastSchool;Kaylais in year 2 and Braydonis in year 5. We moved to Waihi in 2011to achievea better work/life balanceand now own and operate a furniture moving business. After settlingin Waihi I spent 5lzfears at Waihi Playcentretakingon variousrolesat centre. The last year before Kaylaturned 5 | took on the role of centre Presidentand supportedWaihi Playcentre through a very successfulEROvisit in2OL4- During mytime at Waihi PlaycentreI also took on various suchas supportingadult education,publicrelationsand fundraising- planningthe other responsibilities centre's 50s goldenjubilee celebration and organisingthe pre-lovedtoy salethat we ran for two years were highlights. I am the Human ResourcesManagerfor the ThamesValley CoromandelPlaycentreAssociation;I have been working in the human resourcesfield for 12 years. This position involvesworking closelywith employeesand volunteersin the Associationand involvesrecruitmentand selection,facilitating performanceappraisalsand employmentmeetings,attendingGovernanceBoardand Association meetings,and working alongsidea great team that supportsour 13 centres. I also volunteer as a member of the Waihi lnline HockeyClub as a committee member and organiserfor Saturdayskate nights. When the school holds events I am alwaysmore than happy to help out in whatever way is needed through parent help for schooltrips, fundraisingevents,and baking. I have also voluntarily helped out as a parent aide in classand from the beginningof term 2 this year started in the role of teacheraide on a permanentpart time basis. I havestrongorganisationaland communicationskills,a provenrecordof working well in a team, and a passionfor Waihi EastSchool;both of our children started Waihi East Schoolas new entrantt are thriving and love school. I believethat my Human Resourcesexperience and skillsand knowledgegainedfrom volunteer involvement in other clubswould benefit the board and I would like the opportunityto give backto our wonderful kura by supportingand continuingthe great mahi of our past and current board members. Thanksfor consideringmy nomination. Ngi mihinui Michelle
Hi, my name is Tineke. I am married to Robin,and mum of 3; Campbellin year 5, Rory year 2 and soon-to-benew entrant Tamsin. I have been working as a GPin Waihi for L0 years. 2lzlears ago Robin & | started our own practice,Waihi Family Doctors. Your children will probably know me better as Dr Tineke,as do a weekly school clinic. I grew up in Waihi and attendedWaihi EastSchool,and I am grateful that my children have the opportunity of attending a schoolwith passionateteaching staff,a commitment to seeall studentsachievingand celebratingsuccessacross all Ievels,and a strong community spirit. I have had the privilege of being on the Waihi EastBOT over the last 3 years and have held the Financeposition over this time. I feel fortunate to have been a part of a proactive and constructiveteam, and, I am extremely proud of our achievementsas a board, and the successesof our school during this time, including an excellentEROreport. I feel is important that we have continuity on the BOT,and I am keen to stay involved in the governanceof our School,and work alongsideour new Principal to achievethe vision we set our school. I am a future focusedthinker, and have a good working knowledge of our Board processes,and a well-balancedapproachto decisionmaking in a team environment. My current community involvement includes Hetherington House,and in the past I have been a Waihi Eastcommunity representativeon the Waihi Community Forum. I also have held a governancerole on the Hauraki PHOBOT as a GP representativefor the past 4 years. Thank you for your support. Tineke Douglas(lversen)
Kia Ora, My name is Julie Mouat and I am interestedin re-applying for the position as a parent representativeon the Board of trustees. If you don't know me I am, and havebeen,a'Waihi'person for most of my life. I am marriedto Shanefrom Waihi Sports & Cycles, have2 children, one of which attendsWaihi East currently and will do for the next2 years.I have an educationbackground and this is one of the things that has helped me serve as a valued member of the current board. This is a position that requires someone who is committed to the well being of the school in the presentas well as in the future, someone who can be honest,trustworthy, reliable and also someonewho is open minded and approachable.I feel this has been evident in both my personal and professionallife and also proven in my position as a trustedboard mernber. It's not easy,I can assureyou, and I think that the board has worked well together (not an easyfeat with such a knowledgeable,strong minded not to mention good looking bunch) over the last 3 years which have made many important decisionsfrom the re-wiring of the school to the bike track vision to the most important, delicate and difficult task of selectingnot only new teachersbut a new principal to lead our school and for it to continue to strive for the better.All while up holding a high standardof integrity, respectand also taking into considerationpolicy and legislation aspectsof the job. Our last ERO report is a fine example of how well the school is doing and, in my opinion, consistencyis the key to make sureWaihi East School honours this and continuesto 'RiseAbove and Shine. I look forward to continuing to servethe school in this capacity and also as a parent who has the best interest of her child, other children and the school as a whole at heart. Thank you for your consideration.
My nameisTaraParkerandmy daughterTiareis a year5 studentat WaihiEast.We havealsohad oursonRahira comethroughthe schoolandontoWaihiCollege. I havecoachednetballat the schoolfor the last3 yearsand haveenjoyedmy time with the students, whilst also learningmanythingsabout myselfthroughthe process. Havingrecentlyresignedfrom the workspace,I now havetime availableto pursuethe thingsthat are importantto me. The schoolhasplayeda largerole in our livesover the past4 yearsand I wish to see it ctntinue to thriveundernew leadership. haveincludedincreasing With over 15 years'experiencein front line sales;my responsibilities product profitability new new development.I champion marketshareand through business and capitalinitiativesin-linewith seniormanagementstrategyplans,deliverthe NZ portion of all team projects. Packaging initiativesand projectsand contributedto the wider Packaging I pride myselfon havingstrongrelationshipbuildingskills,which form longterm relationshipsand quickly. trust, havestrongtime management skillsand the abilityto makedecisions I am well organized, haveexcellentpeopleskillsand a telephonemannerthat is exemplary.I meet deadlines,havea high levelof competencyin relationto documentationpracticesand computer usageand havea strongdesireto learnand take on new challenges. I havea Diplomain Business Managementand wouldvery muchliketo furtherexercisethese qualificationsthrougha role which allowsfor growth, on-goingtrainingand the benefitsthat come with workingfor a well-foundedboard suchas Waihi EastSchool. ThankYoufor your consideration.
Bestregards, TaraParker
Kia Ora Whanau, t
My nameis PeterTai andaba currentBoardof Trustees.member I wouldlove the opportunity to representthe parentsandtamarikion the Waihi EastBoardof Trusteesfor a secondterm. I believeour kura is a focal point of our communityanda wonderfulassetto Waihi. I am marriedto Michelleandhavetwo girls at Waihi EastSchool.I think our schoolis awesome.
ThankYou PeterTai
Mynameis JasonUrlich.I am 46 yearsold. I am marriedto Sachaandwe have5 children betweenus.Twoare ex studentsat WaihiEastschoolandtwo are currentstudentsin year5 and year 1 I am a selfemployedelectrician whocontractssolelyto PeterSpiersElectrical. Previouswork experienceincludesrolesas electricalsuperintendent andsupervisoron variouslargeconstruction and miningprojects.As suchI havebeeninvolvedin aspectsof planning,budgetingand projecU personnelmanagement. I alsohaveextensiveexposureto the principalsof Healthand Safety. photography My interestsincludefootball(soccer), and motorcycling. I haveplayed,coachedand refereedfootballforover30 years. I am a teamplayerandfeelour childrenbenefitthe mostwhentheirparentsand caregivers, the schoolstaffandthe Boardof Trusteesworktogetheras a team,withopencommunication and transparency of all schoolprocesses. I believethateducationis vitalfor our children,especiallyin theirearlyprimaryschoolyearsas this setsthemup for theirongoingeducationat collegeand beyond.As childrenspendso muchof their timeat schoolit is vitalthattheyare providedwitha safe,enjoyableenvironment that providesa widerangeof experiences in a balancedand unbiasedway. lf electediwill do all I canto makethe schoola happiel healthierand evenmoreproductive environment.