Porter County Nature Preserve: A Habitat Study

Page 1

porter county nature preserve Rebecca McKevitz october 2014 LA401

Table of Contents Page 1..............................................Goals and Objectives Page 2................................................Project Introduction Page 3.....................................................Poverty Analysis Page 4................................................Population Analysis Page 5.................................................Education Analysis Page 6.................................................Final Site Selection Page 7..........................................................Site Analysis Page 8.................................................Site Analysis Maps Page 9...........................................................Master Plan Page 10...........................................................Detail Plan Page 11.....................................Sections and Perspectives Page 12.........................................................Works Cited

Goals and objectives As Landscape Architects, it is our job to educate ourselves about every aspect of a project and our site location before beginning any sort of design process. Through studying and becoming familiar with ArcGIS, important analytical data is much more available and accurate. Utilizing ArcGIS is important for landscape design because it not only provides ecological and spacial data, but can also educate us on socio-economic information that can assist in making design decisions and will greatly improve the success of the final project. In Vector 1, the main objective was to utilize ArcGIS in order to choose an ideal site for a nature preserve based on the habitat of the Northern Leopard Frog. With improved knowledge of the capabilities of ArcGIS, the research was taken one step further and considered factors like poverty, population density and education levels. From here, a conceptual design for the nature preserve was formulated and developed. The following explains in detail what this process looked like and the proposed design for the nature preserve. 1. Design a functional and accessible nature preserve in Porter County, Indiana -use ArcGIS data to choose a suitable site location -design interesting and comfortable circulation that ensures access to the entire site 2. Implement educational opportunities throughout the site -utilize nature center as a museum, library and classroom venue -include educational signage, an outdoor classroom, boardwalks and a greenhouse 3. Create an interactive space that can act as an asset to the surrounding community and will provide a cultural center for individuals and families -the space should act as more than a nature center, and should attract residents to use the site in a multitude of ways -include picnic areas, a playground, open lawn for recreation, walking paths and gathering spaces 4. Plant the site with native vegetation and create a rich ecosystem that will encourage increased habitat area and biodiversity

project introduction In Vector 1, the maps below were created based on different criteria related to the needs of the Northern Leopard Frog. These maps are highlighted below and show the research process that led to the final site selection. The final site was chosen from Map 2 below because it met both the ecological and socio-economic needs of the project.


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MAP 1: -Roads -Streams -Standing Water -Grasslands -Schools

MAP 2: -Woody Wetlands -Standing Water -Grasslands

MAP 3: -Roads -Grasslands -Standing Water

Three sites from Map 2 were studied and after comparing and contrasting the socio-economic conditions of the three sites, the final site was chosen and designed.

Poverty Analysis

# # # # # # # ## ## #


# # # # #


# # #

## # "

# # # # # # ## # ### #

# #

# #



Analyzing poverty had less of an impact on my final site decision than the other two socioeconomic analysis categories but contributed to the decision, nonetheless. In the map on the left, the site is shown in an area that has a 6%-9% poverty level. This falls right in the middle of the spectrum on this map. I think this is a fitting area for a nature preserve because it won’t be located in unsafe or rundown conditions, but instead will be in an area that is safe, comfortable and accessible for the majority of the population. I also think that the nature preserve could provide jobs for neighboring areas with higher poverty rates. Overall, placing the nature preserve in an average area where poverty is concerned seems like the most fitting and universal option.

Legend poverty_revised




0%- 3%


3% - 6% # # #

# # #

6% - 9% 9% -12% Greater than 12%

0 1.5 3



Miles 12

Population Analysis

When taking population density into consideration, there was a lot to think about. The first idea was that placing a nature preserve in a dense urban area wouldn’t be feasible or productive for wildlife. With that said, being sure to choose a location that is easily accessible to the people in these dense areas was very important and the chosen site is located between three dense urban centers that would attract many visitors from all across the county. Choosing a less dense area of the county also meant that there was more open space and existing natural areas that could be utilized for the nature preserve.

# # # # # # # ## ## #




# # # # # # ## # ### #

# #

# #


Legend #



0%-0.5% 0% - 2%

## #

0.6%-1% 2% - 4% 1.1%-1.5% 4% - 6%


# #

# "


# # # # #

# # #

# # #

1.6%-2% 6% - 8% Greater Greaterthan than2% 8%

0 1.5 3



Miles 12

Education Analysis

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# # ## #


# # #

## # "

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Since education is one of the main goals of the nature preserve project, the education analysis for Porter county was seriously considered when choosing a site for the project. Locating the site in a less educated area of the county will provide an opportunity to reach people that may not otherwise get an opportunity to learn about all of the interesting ecological processes and biological aspects that the nature preserve has to offer. With the combination of the other two

# #








education 0% - 2%

# # #

# # #

2% - 4% 4% - 6% 6% - 8% 0 1.5 3



Miles 12

Greater than 8%

Final site selection

# # # # # # # ## ## #


# # ## #

The final site was taken from Map 2 in the Vector 1 study. This map included the widest variety of ecosystems like woody wetlands, grasslands and standing water. Combining these important habitats with the previously discussed socio-economic data narrowed down the options and led to this specific site. Using a combination of the ecological and sociological data ensured the most suitable location for a successful nature preserve.


# # #

## # "

# # # # # # ## # ### #

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Woody Wetlands


# # #

# # #

0 1.5 3



Miles 12

Grasslands/Herbaceous Water Roads Woody Wetlands Grasslands

Standing Water

Site Analysis # # # # # # # ## ## #


# # ## #


# # #

## # "

# # # # # # ## # ### #

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## #

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The above map shows a closer look at the final site chosen for the nature preserve. The site is a 92 acre area that includes existing ponds, wetlands and grasslands. One major road passes through the site which would improve accessibility to the site. With all of these factors considered and the addition of the crucial socio-economic conditions, this site met all of the requirements for the project and seems to provide the best chance for a successful nature preserve.

1.5 1.5 3 00 .75


9 4.5

Grasslands/Herbaceous Water Roads Woody Wetlands

Miles 12 6

Site Analysis Maps














Slope Flat North This map shows the fairly flat slope of the Northeast site as a whole. The most steep slopes East can be found at the edges of the ponds andSoutheast South wetlands. Southwest West Northwest North

hill_final Value

3% - 10% 10% - 25% 25% - 50%


High : 236

0% - 1% 1% - 3%



Low : 74

Aspect The aspect map shows the direction at which the slopes are facing. This factor could effect the design of circulation paths as well as having an effect on the growth of certain vegetation.

Northeast Legend East







hill_f Value

South 0% - 1% Southwest 1% - 3% West 3% - 10% Northwest 10% - 25% North 25% - 50%

Flat North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest North




Legend Legend Contours In this map, one foot contours are shown and because of the large spaces between contours it is obvious that the site is relatively flat. The edges of the ponds are the only areas with significant slopes.

LegendLegend LegendLegend Legend Legend Legend


aspect_final slope_final hill_finalValue hill_final <VALUE> <VALUE> aspect_final slope_final aspect_final slope_final Hillshade

High : 236

Value Value Low : 74 The hillshade map does a good job Northof clearly 1% - 3% <VALUE> <VALUE> <VALUE> <VALUE> High : 236 Northeast 3% - 10%: 236 showing the high and low points on the site High and East 10% - 25% Flat 1% Flat impact 0% -0% 1% could the placement of -certain design Southeast Legend 25% - 50% : 74 : 74 Legend Legend elements, especially the1% nature that Low Low South 3% NorthNorth -1% 3%- center should be placed in a flat area. Southwest hill_final Flat

Northeast slope_final aspect_final - 10% Northeast 3% -3% 10% West

0% - 1%

Master Plan




Gathering Spaces

Outdoor Classroom


Nature Center Open Lawn Entry Plaza


Wetland Boardwalk



Besides including a combination of native ecosystems that will encourage biodiversity and species growth, the nature preserve was also designed with an emphasis on education and accessibility. This can be clearly seen through the amenities provided on the site. The nature center itself includes many educational resources and the rest of the site is meant to immerse individuals into nature and encourage them to explore a multitude of habitats. The circulation was carefully planned in order to allow access to the entire site while also making it fairly simple to loop throughout certain, distinct areas. The access to the standing water and wetland areas via the boardwalk provides a unique aesthetic and educational experience for visitors.

Detailed Plan The center of the site is a lively space with a large entry plaza that acts as a public gathering space. Adjacent to that is an open lawn, perfect for recreational activities or hosting community events. The addition of a picnic area and a playground creates an ideal space for families to spend time learning, playing and socializing. This way, the nature preserve can also act as a public park for residents to utilize for many different purposes.

Prairie Gathering Space

Picnic Area

Nature Center Playground

Open Lawn

Entry Plaza

1�=80’ Nature Center Building Program: -Natural History Museum -Library -Classroom space -Attached greenhouse -Auditorium

Sections and Perspective

This section shows the relationship between three of the different habitats on the southern end of the site. Because the Northern Leopard Frog utilizes all of these ecosystems it is beneficial to have them all in close proximity in order to enhance the conditions for this species. I also think this would be an interesting area for human use. With boardwalks crossing the ponds, there is much opportunity for interaction with these areas. I also think that emerging visitors into these types of spaces will provide a educational opportunity as well as aesthetic value.

The above perspective gives an overall feeling of the extensive site as well as the combination and intersections of the multiple habitats on the site. The boardwalk is shown here and is designed to ensure that the ponds and wetlands are accessible to visitors, especially students and teachers utilizing the site for their studies. The section below shows the most dense area of the site where the nature center, entry plaza and pathways converge. This area is a very active space that would act as a gathering space for the community and local schools to host events and for individuals to enjoy the amenities provided here.

Works Cited Bhattacharya, Deepamala. “Northern Leopard Frog.” Animal Spot. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. <http://www.animalspot.net/northern-leopard-frog.html>. Dewey, Tanya. “Critter Catalog.” BioKIDS. University of Michigan, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. <http://www.biokids.umich.edu/critters/Lithobates_pipiens/>. Littlehales, Bates. “Northern Leopard Frogs.” National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. <http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/amphibians/northern-leopard-frog/>. Living with Wildlife. “Frogs.” Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2014. <http://wdfw.wa.gov/living/frogs.html>. “Northern Leopard Frog.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Jan. 2014. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_leopard_frog>.

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