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By: The CSU O -Campus Life Sta While there are many codes and ordinances within the city, there are a few that get discussed a little more frequently among students. Here is your chance to get a glimpse of how some of these ordinances may have an impact on you.


A violation of this ordinance can come with a $1,000+ price tag (per resident!) and a criminal misdemeanor. In the City of Fort Collins unreasonable noise is determined, typically, when noise is heard beyond property lines. When a noise complaint is called into Fort Collins Police Services, an o cer is sent to determine if the level of noise is unreasonable by considering the time of day, type of noise, and other factors. While you may think you are doing a good job at keeping the noise down, it is always wise to go outside and walk around your property line to determine if noise can be heard from your residence.


This ordinance holds party hosts accountable for any damage to neighboring properties as a result of their gathering. A conviction carries a $1,000+ fi ne, in ADDITION to the cost of any repairs needed, with the possibility of jail time or community service hours. Examples of these damages include trash and litter, public urination, and vandalism. Remember, as a party host you are responsible for what happens at, and as a result of, your party, including the actions of others.

For information on how to avoid receiving these citations, check out the Party Smart article. Those are some heavy hitters, but how about other codes and ordinances that could have a smaller impact on you? Whether you rent or own, there are several important nuisance ordinances to be aware of. If violations are not corrected in the allotted time, the City will bill the property owner for the expense, which may be passed down to tenants. The City may also issue citations for chronic problem properties or for violations that can’t be corrected by a contractor.


Residents are not allowed to accumulate trash and discarded items. Trash containers must be stored out of view from the street.


You are responsible for clearing snow and ice o the public sidewalks adjacent to your property within 24 hours of accumulation. Remember it’s easier to shovel fresh snow!

Sofas: Furniture manufactured for indoor use is prohibited in outdoor areas. This includes unenclosed porches.


Weeds and grass on your property can only be up to 6 inches tall.

As a renter, it is important to know that a violation of any of the above mentioned may cost you additional fees assessed by your property manager. So, what happens if you have received any citations related to the issues above?


The PNO is a tool for managing chronic problem properties. Properties are considered problematic when citations occur on a regular basis. Property owners are accountable for the use of their properties and the behaviors of tenants. If a property receives two citations (of the same kind) within six months, three citations (of any kind) in a year, or fi ve citations (of any kind) in two years, the tenants and property owner can be held responsible under the PNO which may require eviction. It is important to note that citations follow the property, so be aware of your property’s prior citations to avoid costly fi nes or possible eviction. You can check on property violation history by calling Neighborhood Services at the City of Fort Collins at (970) 224-6046.


By: The CSU O -Campus Life Sta It’s that time of year when rental scams start happening to landlords, property managers and unsuspecting tenants. This is especially prominent on independent sites such as Craigslist. The communication usually begins via email from someone out of the country (UK, Australia, Kenya, etc.) who wants a room or place to rent. The potential renter usually has some kind of money transaction problem and has a “friend” or intermediary in the states that can send a money order. Typically, the amount being sent is over the required deposit amount. Before the landlord, property manager, or renter fi nds out that the money order or traveler’s check is fraudulent, the potential renter has backed out of renting the unit for some reason and has asked for the deposit or overage back.

Although we want to stress that there are genuine requests for rental housing coming from abroad, we o er the following suggestions to determine the legitimacy of the requests.

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Things to watch for:

• The emails usually have notable grammatical errors. • The interested renter wants to use an intermediary or friend to make payment.

Suggestions on how to avoid a rental scam: • Never accept more payment that the amount you request. • Always ask for references. • Google the potential renter’s name to see if anything comes up that is of concern. • Inspect the money order by holding a note up to the light and looking for a watermark picture of Ben Franklin on the left side. There should also be a dark security thread running to the right of the watermark, with the tiny letters “USPS” facing backward and forward. You can also take the money order to the nearest post o ce for examination. • Take the money order or check to your bank and don’t give any money away until the check is fully processed and approved.

Counterfeiting is a felony, punishable with a fi ne of up to $250,000 and up to twenty years in prison.

To report a postal money order scam: call the local post o ce or Postal Inspectors at (303) 313-5320. To report a fraud complaint, call the Fraud Complaint Hotline at 1-800-372-8347 or visit the U.S. Postal Inspection Service web site at https://postalinspectors.uspis.gov/.


By: The CSU O -Campus Life Sta Did you know that in the City of Fort Collins no more than three unrelated individuals may live together? Prior to signing a lease, it is important to know the facts behind the occupancy ordinance and how it may have an impact on you.

Some facts…

Occupancy in a residential dwelling unit (single-family, duplex, and apartments) is restricted to:

• One family and not more than one additional unrelated person, or • Two adults (and their dependents) and not more than one additional person.

“Family” means any number of persons who are related by blood, marriage, adoption, guardianship or other duly authorized custodial relationship, who live together as a single housekeeping unit and share common living, sleeping, cooking and eating facilities.

Helpful Examples:

Allowed: three unrelated friends

Allowed: two siblings and one friend

Allowed: three unrelated friends and guests who stay 30 nights or less in a 12-month period

Not allowed: four unrelated friends

Not allowed: two siblings and their 2 friends

Not allowed: three unrelated friends and guests who stay more than 30 nights in a 12-month period (anyone who spends more than 30 nights in a dwelling unit in a 12-month period is an occupant)

There are exceptions…

A frequently asked question that students have is whether there are any places that allow for more than three unrelated people to live. The answer is yes! There are options in the City that allow for extra occupancy. Visit o campuslife.colostate.edu and look for the “Extra Occupancy” list on the homepage. Some apartment complexes are also exempt from this rule, and you can fi nd those on O -Campus Life’s apartment complex list.

A little history…

Since the 1960’s, Fort Collins has enforced occupancy restrictions. The City addresses occupancy to help ensure health and safety of residents, and to help protect the quality and character of neighborhoods.

Need more information…

If you are looking for a little more detail to this law, please visit fcgov.com (just type “occupancy” into the search tab) or contact Neighborhood Services at (970) 224-6046.





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