Thursday, June 11, 2020 Vol. 130, No. 1

Page 8

14| Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday, June 11, 2020


‘Small hinges swing big doors:’ Supporting Black-owned businesses By Paige Moorhead @MoorheadPaige

Intersectional activism: Remembering the roots of Pride By Lauryn Bolz @laurynbolz

Since May 25, people of all colors have banded together around the Black community. The protests against police brutality and systemic injustice have grown to encompass all 50 states and several other countries across the globe. June is also LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Though many events around the country are canceled or are finding alternative, virtual ways to celebrate, George Floyd’s killing and the subsequent protests have caused many to take a step back and consider how selective activism can contribute to conventions that uphold systemic oppression. The conclusion that many are coming to is that equality for one group is not true equality; movements coming from a more privileged point in society must reflect on their history and work for the rights of all people. The Roots of LGBTQ+ Rights “A lot of movements toward racial justice, LGBTQ+ justice, homelessness, against police brutality are all inherently linked,” said Maggie Hendrickson, the assistant director at Colorado State University’s Pride Resource Center. The current Black Lives Matter and Pride movements that we see today are intrinsically tied together throughout history, though they used to look different. According to Hendrickson, Pride as we know it began with the Stonewall rebellion in 1969. Throughout American history, laws against cross-dressing and sodomy were used to rationalize violence and brutality against LGBTQ+ people. This caused communities to gather in underground spaces and clubs. Stonewall was one of these places. “Trans folx couldn’t be their authentic selves,” Hendrickson said. “But in clubs they were able to do that because there’s a little bit more anonymity.” The police were known to routinely raid gay bars and clubs, but one night at Stonewall, the regu-

lost in AIDS and HIV epidemic as staff.” lars had enough. In addition to supporting “The police raided the bar well,” they said. “That happened and a bunch of drag queens, trans in the late ‘80s and ‘90s, so a lot of marginalized people, the statement also stressed its commitwomen, people who were fre- that history is lost.” The early messages of Pride ment to dismantling systems of quenting there were getting arrested, and a Black lesbian named are sometimes lost on the people oppression within the WGAC’s own organization. Stormé (DeLarverie) yelled at celebrating it today. “White practitioners have “I think Pride Month now is the rest of the group, ‘Are y’all not gonna do anything?’” Hendrick- usually like you go out to clubs, co-opted and colonized these people get drunk, they have movements, often leveraging reson said. Thus ensued a series of riots glitter on their face, and then it’s lationships with police systems and police brutality that lasted 6 always sponsored by these really over the needs and safety of surbig corporate organizations,” vivors,” the statement said. “The days. “Basically, (Stonewall) was Hendrickson said. “What it impact of white supremacy on some folks who were tired of be- really is ... (is) a celebration. It’s Black survivors is immeasurable, ing hassled by the cops,” said Mike an annual celebration of fighting as policies and resources have Mansfield, a history instructor back against things like police been created to disproportionateat CSU who taught a class on the brutality, anti-Black racism and ly benefit white, straight, cisgender women.” history of protest movements homelessness.” Additionally, the around the United Pride Resource Center States in 2019. “They had is working to increase simply had enough and “No pride for some of us without their intersectionality in fought back.” order to proportionately DeLarverie, as well liberation for all of us.” support their students of as trans people of color MICAH BAZANT color. Marsha P. Johnson and GRAPHIC DESIGNER AND ACTIVIST “The Pride Center Sylvia Rivera are accredhas been focusing on a ited with providing the quote this year that says, first sparks of the Pride ‘No pride for some of us without Intersectional Activism Today Movement. While both the Black Lives liberation for all of us,’” Hendrick“Their work goes beyond just throwing punches at Stonewall,” Matter and Pride movements son said. “We try to keep talking Hendrickson said. “They did a lot have had major accomplishments about those and creating space for of community-based work, too. in the past decade, it is important that. … In the spring we did some That night is pointed at as the to recognize systemic privileg- cultural competency training for kick-starter of the modern day es that continue to marginalize our staff and redid our communipeople of color. In order to raise ty guidelines for the center just to LGBTQ+ activists movement.” Though the Stonewall rebel- up these voices, many resource kind of make sure we’re proactivelion began an international move- centers across campus have made ly making a space where everyone ment based around gay pride, commitments to engage in Kim- feels comfortable, regardless of self-love and LGBTQ rights, the berlé Williams Crenshaw’s inter- their other identities.” How to celebrate Pride this year names of DeLarverie, Johnson sectional activism. Pride, for a number of reasons, “The focus of intersectional and Rivera are not commonly activism is to keep folx with mul- will look different this year. But taught in history class. According to Mansfield, a lot tiple marginalized experiences at there are many ways to interact of queer people of color are left the center because it’ll have a rip- with the community, connect out of history “simply because ple effect to making things better with resources and work toward intersectional change in our socifor everybody,” Hendrickson said. they don’t fit the narrative.” In a statement after Floyd’s ety. With the help of Hendrickson, “It wasn’t too long ago that (being gay) was literally a crime killing, CSU’s Women and Gen- we’ve put together this list of ways in many places,” Mansfield said. der Advocacy Center reaffirmed you can stay involved this June: Even under (Bill) Clinton’s poli- their mission statement, which Remembering your roots A good way to connect with cy of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ people includes “supporting systemic were still being forced out of the change to end all forms of oppres- Pride without attending an event is to do some research on how military and government service sion.” “The work of all anti-violence the movement came about and because of their sexuality.” According to Hendrickson, organizations is inextricably the early activists that opened the these stories are often forgotten linked to decades of Black leader- doors for acceptance and legality because of their connections to ship,” the statement said. “WGAC of gay rights now. “We’re posting an activist of other systemic problems in the simply would not exist without the labor and activism of Black the day on Instagram, so folx can United States. “A lot of folx who were in- folx, including the current labor learn about their “Trans-cestors,” volved (in Stonewall) were also and activism of Black WGAC Hendrickson said.

Now is a good time to take a step back and reflect on the Stonewall riots, and the major impact that they have had on how we view Pride and police brutality today. “For us to detach pride or LGBTQ+ activism from things like police brutality from racism would be first like an injustice to the folx who have been doing this work for so long,” Hendrickson said. “It’s also just an incomplete picture.” Being active in protests and petitioning The killing of George Floyd was a major tipping point for people all over the country, and even the world, to protest and stand by people of color in their neighborhoods and communities. In addition to the focus on stopping police brutality, there is a major health disparity for LGBTQ+ people of color. People with these overlapping marginalized identities are likely to face higher rates of violence and are less likely to have health care. The Cut listed resources for helping people in these communities. If you are able, protesting, donating and petitioning are ways to voice criticism and have the possibility of making real change in our society. Taking care of your mental health “Some of the data that we have about our students at CSU shows that they experience higher rates of depression and anxiety than non-LGBTQ+ people,” Hendrickson said. “One in four of our LGBTQ+ students at CSU has seriously considered suicide in the last year, which is 25%. That’s a lot. That’s a really high statistic that is really scary.” In order to support students during this difficult time, the Pride Resource Center offers help to gay and transgender students. “We have a few counseling center liaisons that we can specifically refer students to if they’re LGBTQ or have other types of intersecting identities,” Hendrickson said. “We want to normalize seeking help for mental health and seeking out community and taking care of ourselves.” Lauryn Bolz can be reached at

Editor’s Note: Paige Moorhead is also the Social Media Editor for The Collegian. As we take to the streets to protest and post to social media to denounce racism and police brutality, we must also remember as consumers, where we spend our money matters. One of the ways to join the movement for equity is supporting local Black-owned businesses in our community.

“I feel like, because I can interact with so many different people on a business level, … I can send more compassionate humans out into the world.” DEZEL SHALLENBERG OWNER, BLACK LOTUS HEALING ARTS

Dezel Shallenberg is a local reiki teacher, massage therapist and also teaches self-defense classes. She is the owner of Black Lotus Healing Arts. “Loving an individual Black person, it gives you a chance to have more empathy,” Shallenberg said. “If you don’t have Black friends in your circle, doing business with Black people is another way to expand your circle and learn about us.” Shallenberg said one of the most valuable parts about supporting Black-owned businesses is simply the human side of it. “All of my work is interacting with humans,” Shallenberg said. “I feel like, because I can interact with so many different people on a business level, … I can send more compassionate humans out into the world.”

Gina Michelle is a local licensed massage therapist and owner of Malama Massage & Bodywork. Michelle said it is important for community support but it must be for the right reasons, and you must discover the reasoning behind your desire to support. “Is it because what Blackowned businesses have to offer you believe is essential and valuable to your community?” Michelle said. “Is it because you’ve had a deeper awakening that people behind Blackowned businesses go through societal pressures, microaggressions and inequities yet still persist to put themselves out there as business owners? … Is it because you’ve become curious about what someone who has a different life-experience has to offer in the community? Is it because you see our humanity and have compassion for recognizing that we too have similar goals for living and working and prospering where we live?” Michelle said she believes shopping at Black-owned businesses shows allyship because when we treat all business owners with genuine support, we lift the entirety of our community out of inequity. “When we support the community, the community supports us,” Michelle said. “Every business owner wants to have a sense of pride and belonging to the towns they’ve rooted their business in. Patronage builds that with a sense of belonging and warmth and this gets passed back and forth like an energy loop that has the potential to never end. It has the potential to become stronger and bigger within its community.” Joe Buckner is the owner of Beautifully Savage, a local boxing and physical fitness center. He said the conversation of wanting to help Black businesses is occurring as more

people see violence through cameras and social media screens. Buckner said it’s necessary to promote businesses that are in alignment with who you are as an individual. “Less for me right now is ‘let me intentionally find Black businesses to support,’” Buckner said. “I’m paying attention to who’s being silent (and) who’s not taking a stand and making the conscious decision to never support them again.” Buckner said the African American population in Fort Collins is not even 1% which leaves few Black businesses to care about. Buckner said that’s not a knock against Black businesses that exist, but exposes the difficulty in Fort Collins to find a Black real estate agent, a Black mortgage broker or a Black banker. “The conversation I want to start leading is how do we get to that point — where there are more Black business owners because we are one of the races that have zero economic basis in this country,” Buckner said.

“Small hinges swing big doors. We have to make small incremental changes where we’re at. We have to move through this world with empathy.” JOE BUCKNER OWNER, BEAUTIFULLY SAVAGE

Buckner said that one thing we can all do right now is to be the best person we can be within our space without worrying too much about being like Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X. He said we have to get outside of thinking that everything we do has to be massive. “Small hinges swing big

doors,” Buckner said. “We have to make small incremental changes where we’re at. We have to move through this world with empathy.” There are actions the community can take to create a more inclusive, diverse environment. Shallenberg said she feels like people show up during times of crisis, but they don’t show up every day. “What that looks like is saying to your friends when something racial comes up, ‘That’s racist. I don’t want to hear that,’” Shallenberg said. “It goes a long way. You may reach some people who will then hold other people accountable. It will no longer be a racist echo chamber.” Michelle said another gesture our community can take is urge local police to take down the blue lives matter flag decals on vehicles. She said, though the meaning has evolved to support families and communities of officers killed in the line of duty, it is a direct countermovement to Black Lives Matter. “I’m not sure many people know that,” Michelle said. “In my opinion, it is another example of offensive appropriation. Police lives historically predominate Black lives. We all know blue lives matter. Of course, their lives matter as they risk themselves every day during duty. But I think we can communicate the support of safety for our police officers in a different way.” Michelle said when she witnesses that flag on a vehicle, it feels like a threat and makes her wonder whether her life would matter if she was in need or if she got stopped. “My son continually asks me, ‘What happens when I become a man?’” Michelle said. “How many times does a white community member contemplate the fate of their lives

in a day? My skin is not like a uniform that I can take off and walk about in the world unharassed. Now is the time to create … change.” Michelle said the deepest and most long-term action we can all take to combat racial inequality is to look within ourselves and ask what has come up for us. She said if you feel at a loss of words, keep feeling your feelings. Michelle said that no matter what stage of awakening you might be in, to keep going and heal these feelings and strive to uncover

“Experiences will repeat until we wake up, learn and change. I sincerely hope you will answer the call to dedicate yourself to a more peaceful and equitable community.” GINA MICHELLE OWNER, MALAMA MASSAGE & BODYWORK

compassion. “This is our chance for growth and maturity as a collective consciousness,” Michelle said. “If you believe in fate or a higher source consciousness, then perhaps you also believe that this experience is no accident, and we are meant to consciously evolve through these present moments and heal all the way back to familial and ancestral histories. We are meant to grow out of human disparities through our lifetimes. Experiences will repeat until we wake up, learn and change. I sincerely hope you will answer the call to dedicate yourself to a more peaceful and equitable community.” Paige Moorhead can be reached at entertainment@



Arguing with ignorant people.

Standing against injustice.

Not following words with actions.

Feeling united for a cause.

Protest sunburns.

Remembering to take care of yourself.

Knowing there’s a long way to go.

Making a difference.

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