Vol 127, no. 108 March 8, 2018

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Vol. 127, No. 108 Thursday, March 8, 2018


Posters affiliated with white supremacist group, Identity Evropa, stating “Our generation, Our future, Our last chance,” were found in the Clark building last week. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY JACK STARKEBAUM COLLEGIAN

CSU denounces Identity Evropa, organization says posters ‘not extremist’ By Rachel Telljohn @racheltelljohn

After posters affiliated with Identity Evropa appeared on the Colorado State University campus, many on campus quickly denounced it as white supremacist propaganda that targeted specific populations. The affiliated group claims they are not extremist. Assistant Professor Josh Sbicca, in the department of sociology, found the posters on the morning of Feb. 26, near the Journalism and Communication department in the Clark C Building. Sbicca notified the dean as well as the Collegian. Sbicca said he had not seen any presence of Identity Evropa prior to the posters going up. “For me, it raises the question

of whether or not this is here in Fort Collins, or here on CSU’s campus, or folks from outside the community that are putting up those posters,” Sbicca said. “One of the things that’s been interesting for me is looking at the use of this as a tactic.” Identity Evropa is identified as a hate group, specifically within the region of Boulder, Colorado by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Alex Scott, a spokesperson for the CSU chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America, said their group was among the first to find the posters on campus. Scott said the group proceeded to tear the posters down and notify administration. Scott said YDSA views the posters as propaganda. “It’s supposed to be very

subtle,” Scott said. “They’re very much an extremist, racist hate group.” However, Patrick Casey, the executive director of Identity Evropa, said the SPLC has an incentive to label hate groups. “The left - the SPLC - is pushing so hard,” Casey said. “It’s starting to wear off.” Casey described the formation of the group as a non-violent approach to a “culture war,” and that while most people cannot openly identify with the group, recruitment is still a primary goal. Casey wrote in a followup email to The Collegian that regional coordinators are responsible for ensuring local universities are flyered. “Flyering is a really good way (to recruit members),” Casey said.

“Our views are becoming more and more socially accepted.” Casey said part of the goal of Identity Evropa is to say no to immigration and to say no to vilification. “We don’t think America needs to be 100 percent white,” Casey said. “There are non-white people who write in to support us.” Casey said Identity Evropa does not see the posters as extremist. Identity Evropa takes pictures of their posters and posts them to Twitter, prior to the opportunity for them to be taken down. Casey said a large portion of their recruitment is through social media, specifically Twitter. Sbicca said his concern is for the larger message the posters send to the campus community. “Seeing posters like the

Identity Evropa posters and the language used on those posters is clearly supremacist language and/or language that wants to marginalize other groups,” Sbicca said. “There’s this sort of nativist xenophobia that is key to a lot of the rhetoric.” Sbicca said there are lots of students on campus, like DACA students, who are immigrant students and the language on the posters. “Posting that kind of propaganda implicitly is a threat to those students,” Sbicca said. “That’s a problem, from my perspective, as someone who wants to create a safe space for every kind of student.” Sbicca said the reaction from see IDENTITY on page 6 >>


COLLEGIAN.COM Thursday, March 8, 2018

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overheard on the plaza “I respect you, but this is bullsh*t “I applied to Buzzfeed” “Did they give you the top 10 reasons why they rejected you?” “Who hurt you, a conservative?” “Oh, cool, you taught your dog consent. Most frat guys have trouble with that.” Rick Ervin prepares sushi at JAWS Sushi located in the Campus West Shopping Center. Ervin explained how a lot of the training to learn how to make sushi is done on the job, and it is a fun trade to acquire. “I like being surrounded with people who also like doing what they do,” Ervin said. “Everyone is a chef here because it is what they love to do. They love to make sushi.” PHOTO BY ERICA GIESENHAGEN COLLEGIAN Lory Student Center Box 13 Fort Collins, CO 80523 This publication is not an official publication of Colorado State University, but is published by an independent corporation using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a 6,500-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public forum. It publishes four days a week during the regular fall and spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Collegian distribution drops to 3,500 and is published weekly. During the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and will be printed as necessary on page two. The Collegian is a complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to the editor should be sent to letters@collegian.com.

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NEWS Thursday, March 8, 2018



As more students seek help with mental health, University provides variety of resources By Samantha Ye @samxye4

More students are getting help for mental health on campus, but experts say that’s a good thing. From July 1-Dec. 31, 2017, 141 students who were identified to be in crisis received consultation and coordinated crisis responses, and 8,967 students and staff were supported through Student Case Management, Health Network counseling and spiritual care services, according to data on the state of mental health on campus released by the University last week. The number of students getting counseling follows a national trend of increasing awareness about mental health, said Janelle Patrias, manager of mental health initiatives. “To me, that’s such a great sign that students are really embracing the idea that you need help, you get help, and we’re really encouraged by these numbers,” Patrias said. Student Case Management specializes in helping students in crisis situations connect with campus and community resources and communicate

with their professors. Counseling services includes individual and couples counseling, group workshops and a 24/7 crisis intervention for those seeking immediate help. They saw 15,865 student appointments the last six months of 2017, according to CSU’s data. By paying student fees, all students get five free sessions of individual or couples counseling per semester. Patrias said further sessions cost about $10. According to the Health Network website, additional charges also apply if a person needs psychological testing, specialty counseling services, mandated substance abuse counseling or missing or canceling an appoint on the day of. The services are confidential. Other CSUHN groups and workshops are free for students. Patrias said University research shows finances are the second top stressor for students right after academics. CSU has a commitment to reduce as many financial barriers to mental health resources as possible, according to Patrias. For staff and faculty, the

Office of Ombuds, which specializes in workplace disputes, and the Employee Assistance Program, which is for counseling, legal advice, financial planning and work-life balance support, are available. 485 faculty used those resources. Since counseling may not be for everyone, the University ensures there are a variety of resources available for all groups, according to Lanai Greenhalgh, director of the Office of Ombuds and EAP. “We wouldn’t want anyone to ever feel like they needed support or needed services and didn’t know where to go or didn’t believe there was something that might help them,” Greenhalgh said. The University hopes to communicate that encouragement to seek help by sending out the mental health data, Patrias said. “This past academic year has been difficult for our campus,” Patrias said. “And, we really wanted to send a communication out to really encourage anyone on our campus community to see HEALTH on page 8 >>










NEWS Thursday, March 8, 2018


ASCSU discusses empowerment of underrepresented communities By Natalia Sperry @Natalia_Sperry

In the wake of discussions of internal bias, empowerment and representation dominated the discussions of the Associated Students of Colorado State University Senate session on March 7. ASCSU discussed two bills aimed at encouraging visibility for underrepresented communities: the first would establish the Women’s Caucus as an inter-branch standing committee, and the second resolution encourages communication with regard to absences for religious holidays that are not formally excused by the University. Both bills were written and presented by Sen. Merall Sherif, who explained in an interview with the Collegian her personal intersectional experiences as a Muslim woman greatly influenced her motivation to bring forth the legislation. “I’m Muslim, so I wear a hijab, I wear a headcovering. I used to wear a scarf typically, but now I wear beanies … and I’ve noticed that this year, since I am less visibly Muslim, I have added eight lines to my resume,” Sherif said. “The opportunities have come, and that’s an unfortunate reality, but I want to empower other people to feel that they don’t need to have other people speak for them, that they can be their most authentic self.” The Women’s Caucus proposed as a

formal standing committee A bill proposing the formal establishment of the ASCSU Women’s Caucus as a standing committee, which would aim to empower women in the organization by gaining a wider female voice in ASCSU, came before the Senate Wednesday night. As a formal committee, the Women’s Caucus would be comprised of all female students in ASCSU from the legislative, executive and judicial branches, as well as the Ram Leadership Team, Board for Student Organization Funding and the Student Fee Review Board on the basis of voluntary membership. Sherif explained the Women’s Caucus itself arose out of her concern that other woman-identifying senators felt their voices held less weight in the body. The Q&A session invoked questions expressing concern that the Caucus is discriminatory or limiting in its focus on women from concerned senators and members of the gallery, such as Ethan Burshek, junior sociology major and member of the Young Americans for Liberty. “It seems to me that there may be a multitude of other identities that might also face those problems,” Burshek said. “Why not call it something else like the leadership caucus or the speaker’s caucus, just to further specify and be more specific and intentional with what the

purpose is and not be confused with labels?” Isabel Brown, speaker of the senate, said there is precedence for past committees representing particular identities, and encouraged anyone to form such organizations. Sherif explained the caucus aims to work within a proactive framework of empowerment rather than division. “It’s not meant to be divisive, it’s not an ‘us vs. them,’” Sherif said. “We have a lot of respect for all of our male colleagues, but the goal for this is to empower the women in the body to be able to voice concerns and passions … and to catalyze collaboration.” Resolution seeks improved communication in religious exemption Sen. Sherif also introduced a resolution that urges the University to recommend the inclusion of the standing University policy for religious exemptions be included in all syllabi. “Religious exemption policy is something I’m working on through the President’s Committee for Diversity and Inclusion,” Sherif said in an interview with the Collegian. “It’s really about creating faithbased communication between professors and students and leveling the playing field for everyone to make them feel like that isn’t that difficult of a conversation to have. We laid the groundwork, and we hope that

ASCSU Senator Merall Sherif presents her bill to establish a religious exemption policy on syllabi to the Senate body on March 7, 2018. PHOTO BY COLIN SHEPHERD COLLEGIAN

it facilitates some more positive interactions.” Sherif said although a pre-existing framework for seeking religious exemption exists, the current process can be impersonal and ineffective for students who celebrate minority holidays. In drafting the resolution, she drew on her personal experiences and those of her constituents. “People who observe nonmajority holidays should be allowed the opportunity to observe their holidays just as much as anyone else,” Sherif

said. In a follow-up interview with the Collegian, Sherif explained the importance of students to be empowered to feel comfortable and represented as their most authentic selves, both in the classroom and in the broader community. “We will value their identity and their representation and their input exactly how they are, so they don’t have to do it like I did,” Sherif said. Natalia Sperry can be reached at news@collegian.com.


New payment plan allows students to pay in monthly installments By Yixuan Xie @ YixuanXie1

As the registration for fall semester approaches, new classes and new rooms, as well as new bills, inevitably come to mind. The Office of Financial Aid at Colorado State University announced CSU payment plan, letting students pay their bill for the 2018-2019 academic year in monthly installments rather than in one lump sum. The lected amount will be automatically deducted each month from the designated domestic checking or savings account, according to the Office of Financial Aid. Students and authorized FAMweb users may begin paying their bill for the fall 2018 term as early as this March. “We believe it can serve as a viable option for students and families to more easily

cover the gap between what financial aid, work and other resources does not cover on their bill,” Tom Biedscheid, the director of Office of Financial Aid, wrote in an email to the Collegian. “Any opportunity to more easily cover the cost of students’ education is a benefit.” For each fall or spring term, a maximum of six payments is allowed. The summer 2018 term is not included in the plan. For the fall 2018 term, the first payment has already been withdrawn on March 5. The following five payments are scheduled to be withdrawn approximately on April 4, May 3, June 5, July 5 and Aug. 3. Plan enrollment is required and the corresponding enrollment deadline will be 11:59 p.m. on March. 31, April 30, May 31, June 30 and July 31. The first payment for

the spring 2019 term will be withdrawn on Sept. 5. To enroll in the CSU payment plan, students and authorized FAMweb users must login to their RAMweb or FAMweb account. A one-time and nonrefundable fee of $25 will be deducted for each term to enroll. Biedscheid wrote the Office of Financial Aid is intentional in building as much flexibility as possible. Students can have as many people paying on their plan as possible. They just have to give each person access via FAMweb. “The idea here is that if the student has parents, grandparents, other relatives, etc. that might want to help out, they can easily set up their own plan,” Biedscheid wrote. Flexibility was also the focus for the number of payments and amount of each payment, Biedscheid

wrote. Payment plan users can determine how many payments to make over the course of the semester and elect to pay any amount each month. If the month has not passed, they can go back and change amounts at any time. The payment plan can be used to pay tuition, university fees and residence hall room and board charges billed to CSU student accounts. However, rent for university apartments is not included since they are billed monthly. Biedscheid wrote since the payment plan launched without much publicity, they have not seen a lot of activity yet. “We also just started awarding financial aid for next year and we are marketing the payment plan through that process,” Biedscheid wrote. Melanie Reeves, a sophomore psychology major,

said she would definitely use the new payment plan. “I think this is really cool,” Reeves said. “It won’t be like a giant (chunk) out of there and people would be able to pay it easier.” Ciara O’Donovan, an undeclared freshman, said launching the payment plan is a really good idea. “I heard that a lot of people, for the fall semester, have to wait until December to get enough money from working to pay the entire bill,” O’Donovan said. “I think it is really good to be able to choose the amount you pay each month and go with your own paces without having to worry about this big bill due at a certain time.” Yixuan Xie can be reached at news@collegian.com.

NEWS Thursday. March 8,, 2018



Una estudiante de DACA describe vivir en un estado permanente de miedo Jorge Espinoza @ jorgespinoza14

Nota del Editor: El Collegian está empezando una sección para nuestros lectores que hablan Español. Articulos en Español va a estar en linea y en la impresión. Encontrar la versión original en Ingles en linea. Traducido por Daniela Navarro. Todos los días, Ashly Berumen, estudiante de primer año de Desarrollo humano y Estudios sobre la familia, dijo vivir en estado permanente de miedo. Mientras la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos ha postergado la fecha límite del 5 de marzo para renovar su solicitud para el programa para la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés), Berumen, beneficiaria de éste, dijo que lo único que puede hacer es esperar lo mejor. “Sientes que te están haciendo menos. Sientes que no vales tanto como cualquier otra persona, (así que), en otras palabras, te sientes como un extranjero, o un forastero”, dijo Berumen. “Siempre vivo al límite porque siempre estoy preocupada por cuál será mi siguiente paso, o si lo que estoy haciendo es lo correcto. Siempre te estás preguntando si tus acciones te van a crear problemas con la ley”. DACA, promulgado durante la administración de Obama, permite a los menores traídos a los EE. UU. siendo niños, la oportunidad de tener permiso de trabajo y estudiar en dicho país. Los beneficiarios de DACA tienen la posibilidad de renovar sus estados cada dos años, aunque el programa no ofrece una ruta para la ciudadanía, según el New York Times. Para Berumen, su solicitud de DACA expira en septiembre, y si pierde la oportunidad de renovarla, los resultados pueden

ser la pérdida de su permiso de trabajo y becas. “Si no hago el proceso de renovación, significa que me quitarán mi permiso para trabajar lo que resultaría en la pérdida de mi trabajo, mis becas y el dinero de la matrícula”. Dijo que una parte de la razón por la cual ella vive en miedo constante es porque siempre existe la posibilidad de que pierda todo por lo que ha trabajado. “Eso pensamiento nunca te abandona. No tienes los mismos privilegios que todos los demás” declaró. “Siempre estoy viviendo bajo un estándar bajo el cual los chicos de mi edad no tendrían que vivir. Yo no debería estar obligada a ser la Señorita Perfecta, y no porque sea lo que mis padres quieren, sino porque es lo que yo tengo que hacer para quedarme aquí”. Además Berumen agregó que, aunque los estudiantes indocumentados siempre están viviendo con miedo, también han superado una multitud de obstáculos para llegar a donde están ahora. “Somos estudiantes fuertes emocionalmente, especialmente aquéllos que se han matado trabajando para ir a la universidad. No es fácil”, dijo. “Estos estudiantes no buscan ser compadecidos. No son huevones esperando una oportunidad. Están luchando por lo que quieren.” En general, Berumen dijo que, aunque viva en un estado permanente de miedo, está orgullosa de estar donde está hoy en día. “Me siento muy orgullosa de ser quien soy, donde estoy y lo que he atravesado”, declaró. “No cualquier estudiante puede decir que ha pasado por lo mismo que yo.” Se puede contactar Jorge Espinoza, a news@collegian.com

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Estudiante de primer año de Colorado State University Ashly Berumen posa para un retrato en su dormitorio el 6 de Marzo. Berumen está inscrito en la programa de DACA, pero su solicitud expira en Septiembre, 2018. Ella está tratando renovarla antes de esta fecha. PHOTO BY FORREST CZARNECKI COLLEGIAN


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NEWS Thursday, March 8, 2018

Identity >> from page 1 his students, largely, is surprised at the visibility of groups like Identity Evropa, as well as groups the Charlie Kirk event attracted to the CSU campus last month. Sbicca said he has had conversations with his students about free speech, hate speech and what is protected and what is not. Scott said the posters caused more frustration than anger, on behalf of YDSA. “It creates a negative environment on campus,” Scott said. “We just feel that is a shame they are getting put up on our campus, and it is something we should kind of be embarrassed by.” Casey said Identity Evropa chooses to flyer college campuses because universities are pushing an agenda the group considers “anti-white.” Casey said campuses are where the battle of ideas is being waged, and students are told white people are bad. “(Students) are not being exposed to anything else,” Casey said. One anonymous source wrote in an email to the Collegian that the group can use media to show its members and similar groups the work done steadily on college campuses around the country. “These folks are really smart,” the source wrote. “They likely believe that any attention they receive is a PR win for the organization.” The University could not be reached for official comment, but the emails sent to campus regarding the Identity Evropa posters, and the more recent Traditionalist Worker’s Party posters, describe the posters as affiliated with white supremacist groups but not affiliated with CSU’s values. Scott said YDSA agrees with the University, that they should just come out and call Identity Evropa, or other groups, for what they are. “They did call them a white supremacist group,” Scott said. “Calling it for what it is is a good step forward.” Similar Identity Evropa posters went up at other universities, including the University of Wyoming, University of Northern Colorado, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, as well as in Boulder and in Denver. “It’s not just about, ‘Oh, is this creating an intimidating atmosphere on campus?’” Sbicca said. “Their goals and what they are talking about are way bigger than that.” Rachel Telljohn can be reached at news@collegian.com.


Corbett, Parmelee Dining Halls closed until Fall 2018 for renovations By Meagan Stackpool @MeaganStackpool

The Corbett and Parmelee dining halls are now officially closed until next fall. The dining halls closed their doors March 1, but both are scheduled to reopen Aug. 15, wrote Marianne Wieghaus, the associate director of communications for Colorado State University’s Housing and Dining Services. The conjoined dining halls are undergoing renovations to further combine and modernize the space. Liz Poore, director of Residential Dining Services wrote in a statement to the Collegian that the new space will be known as the Foundry. “The Foundry is a new, exciting and different concept for campus dining that our students and guests haven’t seen before,” Poore wrote. Those who frequented the Parmelee Dining Hall for the halal and kosher options can still find those options at the Durrell Center and Durrell Express upon request. While the Corbett and Parmelee Dining Halls are under construction, students have other options for late night dining. Both Durrell Center and Allison Hall extended their dining hours to accommodate the influx of students, Wieghaus wrote. After renovations, the dining hall itself will feature eight distinct microrestaurants and will combine the space once taken up by both Parmelee and Corbett, Weighaus wrote. The Corbett Hall lounge is also being renovated, since it is the largest residence hall

Colorado State University students get dinner from the newly opened Kosher Bistro. The Kosher Bistro and the rest of the Corbett and Parmalee dining hall will be closing for renovations.


on campus, and the lobby is a key space for residents, wrote Assistant Director of Residence Life Helena Gardner. Gardner wrote that Residence Life looks forward to the revitalization of the space and welcoming students to it next fall.

On May 12, after finals and move outs, crews will begin to transform the lounge into an innovative new space for students to spend their time. They will work through the summer in efforts to have everything done before students return to campus.

Pictures of what both the new dining hall and lobby are supposed to look like are up on the Housing and Dining Services website under “The Foundry.” Meagan Stackpool can be reached at news@collegian. com.


Police arrest suspect for Eastside Park stabbing By Austin Fleskes @Austinfleskes07

Fort Collins Police Services arrested Roger Allen Brown for a stabbing that occurred in Eastside Park early Wednesday. At 12:36 p.m. March 7, FCPS received reports of an injured adult male in the park at 100 Locust St., according to a press release from the City of

Fort Collins. Officers located the victim, who was later transported by ambulance to an area hospital with life-threatening injuries, according to the release. Due to its proximity to the park, Laurel Elementary was placed on a brief lockout as a precautionary measure, which included the doors being locked and no one being let in or out of the building without

class activities being disrupted. Brown was arrested on

Anyone with information that has not already spoken has been asked to contact Detective Jaclyn Shaklee at 970-416-2771. charges of attempted seconddegree murder and first-degree assault. Brown has been booked

into the Larimer County Detention Center. According to the release, there is no on-going threat to the public related to this incident. Detectives are currently working to interview anyone who might have information related to this incident. Austin Fleskes can be reached at news@collegian.com

The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Thursday, March 8, 2018


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NEWS Thursday, March 8, 2018

Health >> from page 3 reach out if they were struggling.” Preventative Care The data also included information on a number of University preventive and educational resources for mental health. YOU@CSU, one of the more prominent resources for students, had over 6,800 visits to the portal, according to CSU data. The online portal gives students personalized content to learn how to take care of their mental and physical health, as well as connect students to campus resources. Patrias said 87 percent of users learn about a new campus resource through the portal. Students can also participate or be invited to participate in early screenings for mental health-related concerns, of which 3911 students did. Those screenings were either from the CSUHN website, YOU@CSU or sent out via email invitation using the Interactive Screening Program, Patrias said. Students can choose to take those screenings after which they receive comprehensive feedback and material to improve. “It’s good to be able to checkin with yourself and do some of that self-assessment,” Patrias said. As for support training, over the course of six months, 334 residence life and apartment life staff received more than 43 hours of group training on mental health related topics, according to the University. Greenhalgh said it was important for faculty to be educated in the wide range of services available to them and students. Two training programs, At Risk or Notice and Respond, trained 1,187 students, staff and faculty last semester. At Risk is an online program for staff and faculty to learn how to recognize students in distress in their classrooms and how to engage with those individuals.

Notice and Respond is a similar training program only issued in-person through the Health Network and is also open to students. Neither are required. Staff can take At Risk anytime or request a training. Active Minds Mental health awareness is promoted by more than the hired professionals; the CSU chapter of Active Minds is a student organization dedicated to mental health advocacy, suicide prevention and destigmatizing mental struggles for the campus community. The group also serves as a student community with shared goal and interests. They build community among their own members through social events and storytime, where members share their backgrounds with mental illness. “Mental health is something that where no matter what you look like, where you come from, what you believe, we all have mental health,” said Active Minds president Ellie Ewer. “So, my goal with Active Minds is to create that bridge and show everyone we can unite over something that we all have.” Ram Recovery Having just received a grant from Transforming Youth Recovery, Ram Recovery continues to build themselves as resource for students in recovery, be it from substance abuse disorders, eating disorders, behavioral addictions or co-occurring mental health disorders. Through weekly meetings and events like group dinners, the student-led support group promotes a substance-free lifestyle supported by a peer community, Cofounder Ashley Wheeler said. “We let students know they do have a chance after hitting their own bottom with drug or alcohol-use or the addiction they struggle with that they will have the support to be able to finish their education or pursue a graduate degree,” Wheeler said. Samantha Ye can be reached at news@collegian.com.



Radio reporter Luke Runyon discusses Colorado River drought conditions By Ty Betts @TyBetts9

A map of the Colorado River likely shows a solid blue line stretching from northern Colorado across the southwest and into the Pacific Ocean. However, as Luke Runyon noted, for the last 100 miles, there isn’t actually any water. Runyon, who covers topics related to the Colorado River basin as a reporter for northern Colorado radio station 91.5 KUNC, led a discussion Wednesday in the Lory Student Center about the state of the Colorado River and the people who depend on it. “We’re in a drought and we’ve been in a drought for 18 years,” Runyon said. “It’s not getting better, and there is more and more reason to think that this is the new normal.” 2018 in particular is shaping up to be an extremely low year for snowpack, Runyon said, which means less water will be available to the seven U.S. states and Mexico who all pull from the Colorado River. Runyon said 2002 was the driest year ever recorded for the Colorado River basin, and this year is only slightly above those levels. Research from the Natural Resource Conservation Service shows that Colorado is only at 66 percent of average

snowpack for 2018. “People say we could maybe make (snowfall) up in months like April and May but at this point, it would take some pretty crazy snowstorms to make up that deficit,” Runyon said. As water level decreases, policy will have to be reshaped to define who is entitled to what. Runyon said the rights to water for the Colorado River is comprised of more than a hundred years of agreements, legislation, compacts and treaties that collectively dictate how we use the river. Most notable is the 1922 Colorado River Compact. “This is the big crowning jewel of the law of the river,” Runyon said. “Every update we get is an update to the Colorado River Compact.” This compact guarantees both the upper and lower basin states 7.5 million acre-feet of water per year. Runyon said the biggest user of this water is currently California. States will surely have to adapt in the case that snowmelt does not provide enough water to the Colorado River. One way this could happen is by reducing water as homeowners. Runyon said this could include buyback programs where cities pay homeowners who reduce the size of their yards.

Saving water could also come in the form of reshaping agricultural practices. “There are lots of programs to pay farmers to put in drip irrigation,” Runyon said. As for Colorado, Runyon said the state could be doing more in terms of conserving water. “In Colorado, there have been a lot of people who have said we’re probably not doing enough to encourage conservation within cities,” Runyon said. “If you look at other programs in more desert communities, they’ve gone above and beyond.” The effects of Colorado’s water usage and continued drought can be seen in places like Lake Mead. Lake Mead, which is fed by the Colorado River, rests behind the Hoover Dam and can be an indicator of the lower basin’s water supply. Runyon described a bathtublike ring around the lake where the water level used to be. “I remember visiting Hoover Dam when it was really full. Standing up on the dam, the water was right there - if you jumped over you’d be fine,” Runyon said. “If you jumped over now, you would not be fine.” Ty Betts can be reached at news@collegian.com.

OPINION Thursday, March 8, 2018



Practice moderation, mindfulness this spring break Jayla Hodge @Jaylahodge

Editor’s Note: All opinion section content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by the Collegian or its editorial board. It’s that time of the year. Students across the country are packing their bags and heading off to spring break destinations. After a long week of midterms, spring break is seen as a much needed retreat. Students should make the most of their spring breaks, but remain mindful of their actions while on vacation. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of spring

break, but don’t get swept into risky behavior. Spring break brings about troubling trends in crime, binge drinking, drug use, and an increase in sexual assaults. These trends are especially prevalent in big spring break destinations in Florida, Texas, and Mexico. According to a Department of Justice study, the months leading into summer tend to see an increase in aggravated assaults and sexual assaults. College students are at the highest risk of being sexually assaulted. In 2015, the sexual assault of an unconscious woman was recorded during spring break in Panama Beach, Florida and made national news. One of the most disturbing pieces of the story and video are the fact that hundreds of people stood around, some even recording the incident. Not one person

intervened. This is sickening. If you feel you can’t intervene in a situation, report it. Keep local authorities’ contact information with you.

“I use spring break as a time for rejuvenation, I think that relaxation has more positive health effects on student’s abilities and (they) perform better when they get back.” BETHANY NORWOOD SENIOR

Be wary of what you post on social media, too. According to many in-depth studies done by ProjectKnow, hundreds of thousands post on social

media during spring break that include photos of drinks and drugs. It’s okay to show everyone you are having a good time, but just remember what you post will affect you long after your vacation. Photos of you belligerent on the beach may not be something you want future employers to see. Deaths over spring break are far too common. Colorado State University dealt with the death of a student over spring break just last year. “It can be really difficult to come back from spring break and learn that the community lost a student or that someone our age died” said pre-med senior Bethany Norwood. “I use spring break as a time for rejuvenation, I think that relaxation has more positive health effects on student’s abilities and (they) perform better when they get back.”


Women: Walking alone is scary, but that’s why we have to Erin Douglas @erinmdouglas23

Editor’s Note: Letters from the editor do not represent a stance taken by all Collegian employees, and are instead a stance taken by the Editor-in-Chief. Erin Douglas is the Editor-in-Chief of The Collegian. Last week I tried to take my dog for a walk at 5 p.m. on a Monday night. It’s still winter in Colorado, so it was about to get dark, but it wasn’t yet. It’s the kind of dark in which the trees lose their color, only appearing as silhouettes — the kind of dark in which only half of the cars passing by have headlights on. I was on a trail in some open space in north Fort Collins. I considered going to the dog park, but the last time I was there, a man wouldn’t stop talking to me even when I walked away. I didn’t feel like dodging people. So, that’s how I ended up alone on a trail, between silhouettes of haunting oak trees, watching the light slowly disappear behind the foothills. And suddenly, I felt very, very scared. I walk alone a lot. When I lived on campus, I walked home alone from work. Over the summer, I walked home alone from the bars. I often

hike alone. I walk to class alone. I walk my dog alone (if you don’t count the dog) almost every day. Why did I feel scared today? There was a white unmarked van in the parking lot when I pulled up. It was a city vehicle, but as I winded along the trail, every thriller movie ever kept pushing itself to the forefront of my thoughts. An owl began to hoot. It was harmless, but the same movies made it sound like a bad omen. There were no leaves on the trees. The long grasses were whispering in a breeze. The train horn blared distantly. Just a few minutes down the trail (actually just a paved sidewalk), I felt a familiar creeping sense of paranoia I always do when I go somewhere by myself. But I couldn’t squash it. I tried: Ninety percent of college women raped know their perpetrator. You’re more likely to be assaulted by a friend than by a random man hiding in the woods. You’re with your dog and she’d bark. Your phone is charged and you have service. You’re alert and know the area. The van is from the city, the owl means nothing and the trees are just trees. The trees are just trees. I turned around and went home. Before you tell me I’m dumb, silly or stupid for hiking/ walking/being alone, consider: I have my phone. I bring a map. I tell people where I go and when

I expect to get there. I plan to be safe, likely much safer than any man would prepare to do the same activity. It’s also worth noting that I spent a lot of time in the outdoors growing up. So, I’m not scared of the dark or of the trees. I’m scared of what’s not hiding behind the trees – but what I’ve been told my entire life might be. I’m scared because bad things happen to women who walk alone, or at least so I’m told, over and over and over. Bad things do happen to women, a lot. Our fears don’t come from nowhere. In a study of 8,000 women and 8,000 men, 17 percent of women reported experiencing an attempted or completed rape at some point compared to only 3 percent of men, according to the National Insitute of Justice. More than 90 percent of “systemic, persistent or injurious” violence is perpetrated by men. My fear that a man will hurt me is perfectly rational, but my perception of who will hurt me and where is not. I go to my male-identifying friends’ houses, talk to men at bars and go on dates with men all the time. The data shows that I should be much more scared of those situations than being by myself. Bad things happen to women, but not usually when we’re walking alone. Bad things happen when we are with someone we trust.

When we tell women we care about — explicitly or implicitly — that they need to be escorted everywhere they go, not only are we perpetuating a myth of who and what will harm them, we rob our sisters, daughters, coworkers and friends of their independence. We rob them of the ability to feel safe moving freely about the world unless accompanied by some sort of bodyguard. The rhetoric breeds illegitimate fear. From what I’ve seen, most women just try to make this work our entire lives. We sacrifice independence for a socially constructed and imaginary safety net. So, when we do have to walk alone, we get scared and we go home. Not because we’re weak and not because there’s a credible threat, but because after a lifetime of being told to carry pepper spray and look for blue lights, we’re paranoid. Sometimes I can’t override the fear. Sometimes I give in and call a male friend to walk me home. I think what’s important is that I keep trying to not do that. Every time women walk alone, we push our collective psychological boundary a little bit further. We feel a little less scared. We move a little bit closer to liberty. We become a little more powerful. The trees are just trees. I think I can handle those by myself. Erin Douglas can be reached at editor@collegian.com.

If you are drinking and partaking in spring break festivities, watch out for your friends and your surroundings. More importantly, speak up and watch out for other people. Whether they are Rams, part of this community, or complete strangers, if you see something wrong happening, do something. Come back to school feeling refreshed and recharged. Spring break should be a time to check yourself and your mental health and spend time doing things you enjoy. Whether you are staying in Fort Collins and relaxing or partying in a hot spot spring break destination: be mindful. Do not add to these statistics Rams. The pursuit of a good time is not worth your life. Jayla Hodge can be reached at letters@collegian.com.


Inconsistent class policies.




The Bachelor finale.

Translating our articles in Spanish.

Feeling left out culturally by coffee drinkers.

This is our last newspaper before spring break!!!! Thanks 4 reading.

People who complain about money when their parents give it to them? What?

That first sip of coffee in the morning that feels like liquid happiness because you’re addicted af.


SPORTS Thursday, March 8, 2018


Michael Gallup, CSU Rams improve NFL Draft stock at Pro Day By Colin Barnard @ ColinBarnard_

Pro Day at Colorado State drew a bevy of interest from NFL teams as 15 draft-eligible student-athletes participated in front of the watchful eyes of 40 professional scouts from 31 different teams. Among the 15 participants, wide receiver Michael Gallup, quarterback Nick Stevens, running back Dalyn Dawkins, and offensive linemen Jake Bennett and Zack Golditch are some of the most notable names looking to move up draft boards or into consideration come April. Gallup will hear his name called in this year’s draft, there’s no question about that. The verdict is still out on the others hoping to continue their professional careers, though. Less than a week after representing CSU at the NFL Combine, Gallup came into his Pro Day intent on proving his speed. After posting an official 4.51 40-yard dash during the combine, Gallup posted an even better mark of 4.45 Wednesday afternoon. “I told them I was a little bit faster on the hand time,” Gallup

said with a smile. “I knew I could run a little bit faster on the hand time, so that’s what I came out here to do.” Stevens, who worked on improving his throwing velocity and lower-body mechanics leading up to the workout, also noticed a difference in Gallup. The two participated in throwing drills during the latter portion of the day. “Watching him run his 40, he’s always been a really, really good top speed guy,” Stevens said. “He’s been working down there every day, getting better. He’s really committed to the process, and I think it showed in the numbers, both at the Combine and here today.” After leading the Mountain West in passing yards (3,799), touchdowns (29), efficiency (147.9) and completions (284) in 2017, Stevens’ NFL prospects are still uncertain. Overall, he felt confident with his performance in front of the plethora of potential NFL suitors. “Hoped for a couple more inches on the vertical, but I felt really, really good about everything else,” Stevens said. “Felt like I threw the ball well, my

other tests were good. Hoped for a few more completions, but it is what it is. I think we all looked good out there, so that’s all you can really ask for.” In one of the more impressive athletic showings of Pro Day, lineman Zack Golditch seemingly improved his stock just over a month before the draft. Limited by a finger injury he suffered in the NFLPA Collegiate Bowl on Jan. 20, Golditch impressed in the drills he participated in despite wearing a brace on his left hand. The brace, which he will sport for two more weeks, prevented him from weight-lifting drills. Still, Golditch posted admirable results in events including the vertical and broad jumps. Though the drills do not directly translate to real-game situations, especially for linemen, Golditch believes his athleticism shows potential at the next level. “I won’t be running a 40 in the game, I probably won’t be doing a vertical jump or these other things, but I definitely think it shows a lot of potential,” Golditch said. “When a guy like me goes out and jumps a 32.5 (vertical), it shows a lot of explosiveness. A 9.6 (broad jump), for a guy my size to

Senior wide receiver Michael Gallup looks at the crowded student section before the start of the game on Aug. 26. CSU beat Oregon State 58-27. PHOTO BY JAVON HARRIS COLLEGIAN

get out that far, it shows what can be done (in a real game).” Past all the testing portions that lead up to the NFL Draft, players have over a month of waiting before the event begins on April 26. Though the time gives players much-deserved rest, it also intensifies the anticipation and outside noise, something not always easy to ignore. For Gallup, the best way to avoid distractions that may come

from seeing his name on draft boards is easy. “You’ve just got to stay humble, stay grounded,” Gallup said. “You come here and have two pretty good seasons, now they’re talking about you can go in the top rounds. I just need to stay grounded and know where I came from, that’s all I’m trying to do.” Colin Barnard can be reached at sports@collegian.com.


This year was Ryun Williams’ best masterpiece yet Luke Zahlmann @lukezahlmann

The season began with several question marks for Colorado State women’s basketball as they lost their two best players and leaders in Ellen Nystrom and Elin Gustavsson to graduation and faced a talentladen conference schedule, loaded with older squads. Ryun Williams and his band of misfits led by senior Hannah Tvrdy answered every question and more with one of Williams’ best coaching performances yet. A program seeking direction before his arrival has now found their coach for the foreseeable future, and Joe Parker would be wise to make sure he spends his coaching career in the confines of Fort Collins. Already the winningest coach in program history, Williams has yet to fail at the helm of the program and has carried the CSU women’s program to heights seldom reached in the school’s history. On top of a sterling winning

percentage, Williams finds a way into the hearts of each player he coaches. Warm sentiments have come in abundance from current and past players, as well as the fans that have developed personal relationships with him. “I want to thank (Ryun) for believing in me even though I was injured and didn’t play,” senior Stine Austgulen said. “He’s given (to) all of our players, (developed) players, always (had) a good game plan and (was) ready for us to go.” “The way he believed in me, it’s on and off the court,” Tvrdy said. “He developed us as people and coming in as a redshirt, kind of showed me my first year and then these past two years (he just) believed in me and giving me this opportunity, I just want to thank him for that.” In back-to-back seasons, the Rams have fallen short of their goal of a postseason conference title, with both loses coming at the hands of Boise State. A loss is the same in every box score, but the two losses both gave way to an admiration from players moving on, and an emotional goodbye from each graduating class, passing sentiments of gratitude to Williams.

The Rams once again came head-to-head with a program on the rise and the strength of the Broncos only further shows the masterful job that Williams achieved this season, coming within double-digits in two of the team’s three meetings, despite losing the heart of his squad sans Tvrdy. An offense that struggled from the first game, Williams was forced to constantly adjust and adapt, searching for a way to get a spark. After months of attempting, the Rams fell short in the department as their offense was unable to pick up for a defense that allowed nearly 15 percentage points higher than the team’s top-five mark in the nation. Defense being his specialty, Williams coached a smaller team than those he has usually fielded to one of the most lockdown units in the nation. The size differential each game failed to collapse the Rams as Williams’ constant in-game adjustments proved vital. With yearly turnover, Williams has failed to waiver and shown time and time again that he is in the upper echelon of leaders in the university’s athletic history.

Women’s basketball head coach Ryun Williams coaches the team during the Mountain West Tournament game against Boise State on March 7.


Though a trio of seniors in Tvrdy, Austgulen and Veronika Mirkovic will make their way into the next phase of life, Williams will continue to work his magic, creating a dominant product on the court and a lifetime bond with his players


For that, the Rams faithful and all those involved with the program should be truly thankful. Luke Zahlmann can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

HELPThe Rocky Mountain Collegian | Thursday, March 8, 2018 WILBUR PICK A FAVORITE IPA AND



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Elevation First Cast IPA

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FINAL 4 MATCH UP MARCH 30 ~ 3:00–6:30PM

Telluride Tempter IPA

Melvin IPA

Ska Modus Hoperandi IPA

Eddyline Crank Yanker IPA

Cigar City Jai Alai IPA

Stone IPA



MARCH 9 ~ 3:00–6:30PM

MARCH 23 ~ 3:00–6:30PM

Hop Valley Alphadelic IPA Four Noses Bout Damn Time IPA

Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA


Bootstrap Insane Rush IPA

Denver Beer Co. Incredible Pedal IPA

Left Hand IPA

New Belgium Voodoo Ranger IPA

Odell Brewing Co. IPA

During the month of March, Wilbur’s will conduct four (4) customer beer tastings. Jeff has picked as his top 16 currently available domestic IPAs to determine four finalists. Wilbur’s will conduct a fifth tasting to determine what our customers pick as the best IPA available at Wilbur’s. If you can look at the field and pick the winners in each round, you will be entered

in a drawing for one of two (2) OtterBox 25-quart cooler filled with IPAs. Even if you don’t pick all of them, you can still enjoy the event by tasting the field available and enter into the drawing for the second OtterBox cooler. Happy tasting and good luck. ~Jeff and the staff at Wilbur’s.

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The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Thursday, March 8, 2018

2201 South College • Open Mon-Sat 9–10 • Sun 9–7 • (970) 226-8662 • www.WilbursTotalBeverage.com



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SPORTS Thursday, March 8, 2018



CSU’s season of lows Changes imminent for CSU after concludes after one game first-round exit in MW Tournament in MW Tournament By Austin White @ ajwrules44

By Luke Zahlmann @ lukezahlmann

A controversy-laden season finalized itself for Colorado State in its opening matchup of the Mountain West Tournament as the Rams’ hard-fought battle ended in a 76-65 loss. The start of the contest for the lower-seeded Rams could not have been scripted better as they built a sizable lead with their defensive power. CSU held Utah State without a point for a 4:27 stretch following the first minute of the game and a lone field goal for a lengthier period of nearly 10 minutes. An abundance of empty possessions early for the Aggies presented an opportunity for the underdog Rams to stretch the deficit, a chance they failed to capitalize on. The summit of the Rams’ lead during the run was 15 points, a margin that failed to escape shouting distance. Struggles of their own on offense served as the catalyst for the lack of a substantial lead as the Rams failed to make a shot during a simultaneous cold streak with the Aggies. A reliance on contested jumpers sunk the hopes of pulling away early. The hot start on defense gave way to the demons of regular seasons’ past for the Rams as the crowd of the Thomas and Mack Center saw their lead suddenly evaporate, leaving the two squads to jostle for the upper-hand for the latter portion of the opening half. “They got in the paint, guards, everyone got in the paint, they made some tough shots,” sophomore center Nico Carvacho said. “We just try to pressure and sometimes they got by us.” Consisting of back-to-back blows by the two conference foes, the duel of the first half concluded as the Rams headed to the locker room with thoughts of what could have been, holding a slim 35-33 lead. A 9-1 record during the year when leading at halftime served as a positive omen for coach Jase Herl’s squad. “I thought we finished the half okay,” Herl said. “That last four minutes, wanting to go in with a lead or be right around there because in the past, that last three- or four-minute stretch of halves has kind of doomed us.” The leader in the box score

for the Rams halfway through the contest was usual culprit, junior guard Prentiss Nixon. The offensive stalwart accrued 11 points with five rebounds as well. The clash continued out of the break as both teams refused to give ground, trading momentum swings for most of the opening minutes of the final half. Depth deficiencies reared their head against the Aggies as nine players from USU saw the floor, compared to just five seeing meaningful time for the Rams. A palpable difference in energy was the difference, leaving the Rams gasping. “We wanted our best defensive team on the floor,” Herl said. “That’s what it came down to, we kind of got together and talked about what are the best guys we can put out there that are gonna execute our defensive gameplan.” Looking to break away from the gridlock, the Aggies held the Rams without a field goal for a span of four minutes beginning at the 8:26 mark in the half. The lack of scoring was further emphasized in the Rams’ inability to muster a fast break force, scoring only a pair of points on 15 forced turnovers. The Rams also failed to facilitate, totaling a single assist between their duo in the starting backcourt that came from Antony Bonner. Without reaching rout territory, the Aggies handled the Rams with little resistance in the closing minutes stemming from the previously mentioned dry spell. A 39 percent mark from the field served as the dagger in the Rams’ chances, with a fellow thorn in the side being a 50 percent mark from the charity stripe. “I think we competed for 40 minutes today,” Nixon said. “That was the emphasize coach Jase put in today was to compete for 40 minutes with heart and I think that’s exactly what we did.” The conclusion of the Rams’ season saw the team last a single game in the conference tournament, only a year after reaching the final game of the tournament. The coaching search for the Rams will now increase its head of steam as athletic director Joe Parker looks to reverse the current course of the program. Luke Zahlmann can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

What defines a championship team most of all is their ability to adapt to what their opponent has given them and make changes. No matter what has been given, the great teams find a favorable matchup and ride that to a victory. For Colorado State, the beginning to their first round matchup looked as if they had found that hole in their opponent, the Utah State Aggies. The Rams jetted out to a 20-5 lead behind strong defense and efficient offense. But the same mistakes that CSU has committed all year creeped back in. Open lanes on defense and lack of ball movement on offense allowed for USU to come back and control the Rams in the second half, giving them the 76-65 win and the trip to the second round of the Mountain West Tournament. “I thought they executed exactly what we wanted to do early,” interim head coach Jase Herl said. “I couldn’t be more proud of these guys. They battled adversity all year. That’s something they will be better for in life moving forward.” All year, the Rams have stated how their paint defense needed to improve as seen from them giving up many buckets to some of the worst teams in the conference down low. They started out focusing on the Aggies’ drivers and created havoc with multiple turnovers and contested shots, resulting in USU being held without a made field goal for nearly 10 minutes. Winning teams are able to make changes, though, and USU proved why they would come out victorious when they handed the ball to Julion Pearre. The guard made four of his first five 3-pointers in the first half to open up the floor and force CSU to come out to the line. That newly found space allowed for the Aggies to open new holes and ultimately finish with 28 paint points, 22 of which came in the second half. “We were playing so hard and trying to put pressure on the good guards that they had,” Nico Carvacho said. “(Utah State) made some tough shots, all of them. It is what it is, we just try to pressure. Some of the times they got by us and it happens.” If down low was the biggest struggle for the Rams on defense this year, then ball movement was the equal on the offensive end. CSU entered the tournament ranked 10th in

Teammates help up Prentiss Nixon (11) after a crash during the Mountain West Tournament on March 7. PHOTO BY TONY VILLALOBOS MAY COLLEGIAN

assists per game with 12.9 and finished Wednesday afternoon with only nine. Ever since Herl took over the team, the emphasis has been on getting back to being loose on the court and playing similarly to pick-up style of ball. For the Rams, this meant the guards taking the ball into their own hand and trying to shoot their way to victory. “I think we were just playing basketball at the end of the day,” Prentiss Nixon said on the team’s lack of assists. “Anthony (Bonner) can distribute the ball. I can distribute the ball, that’s not a question…They made shots, it wasn’t about assists or anything like that, they just made good shots down the stretch and out rebounded us.” Lost in this barrage of shots from the guards was Mountain West Honorable Mention Carvacho who attempted only six shots in the game. He finished with eight points and 10 boards and did not make too much of an impact around the bucket. “I thought he got some good looks, I think he got a little frustrated, he didn’t get a few calls and he let that get to him a little bit,” Herl said. “I wish we could have figured out a way to get Nico some more touches. Credit Utah State for that they did a good job because he’s been on such a hot streak lately that he’s like Prentiss now. He’s moving up the list of guys that when they are preparing for a team that they are going to talk about.” The next step for CSU will be to find a head coach and after the performance of CSU in the weeks under Herl, his chances will be mixed. As a motivator, Herl did well by inspiring the guys to play hard and compete, as stated by Nixon when asked

what he thought of Herl as a head coach. But a team needs to be able to make changes and the play of CSU did not suggest that they were up to finding a new style. They were blown out in their final two home games of the year by Boise State and New Mexico and had no answer when the Aggies started to make outside shots. “I think we competed for 40 minutes today and that was the emphasis coach Jase put in today,” Nixon said. “Credit Utah State, they made some good shots down the stretch. We wanted to give them long 2s and they made long 2s.” And yet again, the Rams bench dwindled down to seven players, with only six seeing significant playing time Wednesday. Robbie Berwick and J.D. Paige were not on the bench and Logan Ryan only entered the game when Deion James fouled out. Herl declined to comment on the status of Paige and Berwick in the postgame press conference. No matter what, the offseason will bring about some sweeping changes, coach and player wise. Making changes is never an easy task, just ask those championship teams making them on court. Now those transitions will have to be program-wide if the Rams want to make a difference on the court. “Just voice our opinions on what we wanted, how we see in a coach,” Carvacho said on the team’s meeting with Joe Parker regarding the next coach. “They went into the room and asked all of us three things, three qualities we want to see in a coach and we all did.” Austin White can be reached by email at sports@collegian.com.

SPORTS Thursday, March 8, 2018


Hillyer, Oleksak to tryout for U.S. Volleyball National Team By Mamadou Balde @ mamadoubalde

Katie Oleksak and Kirstie Hillyer will represent the Colorado State Rams’ volleyball team at the 2018 U.S. Women’s National Team Open Tryouts. The tryouts took place from March 2-4. Two hundred and thirty-four athletes tried out for various positions. Not only did athletes compete for a spot on the U.S. National Team, they also competed for a spot on the U.S. Collegiate National Team.

Oleksak just ended one of her best seasons during her time here at CSU. During the 2017 season, the Mountain West Player of the Year started all of the Rams’ 33 games at setter. She averaged 11.94 assists per set which ranked eighth in the nation. On Aug. 25, she recorded a season-best 59 assists in one of the Rams’ biggest games against Duke. Oleksak finished the season with 64 kills with a .342 hitting percentage. Hillyer led the Rams

in blocks for the second consecutive season with 1.46 blocks per set. She also ranked 17th in the nation in blocks. She finished second on the team with a .383 percentage which ranked 33rd in the nation. Hillyer was also named Mountain West AllConference. In the Duke game on Aug. 25, Hillyer posted a career-high 19 kills and had 10 matches with double-digit kills. On Sept. 1, Hillyer posted a stat line of 13 kills and 10 blocks. In that same

game Hillyer had a seasonbest three solo blocks. This is Hillyer’s second consecutive year trying out after being selected for the U.S. Collegiate National Team last year. Athletes that are selected for the National Team would begin training in the spring. Selections for the Collegiate National Team will be made by the end of March. Mamadou Balde can be reached at sports@collegian. com.


Enjoy a Healthy Spring Break Whether you are headed to Cabo, Tulum, Padre Island, Vail or Jackson Hole for spring break, you will return to homework, project deadlines, finals, and for some of you, graduation. To finish strong, you’ll need your strength and health when you return from that trip of a lifetime. Here are a few tips to make sure spring break is fun but does not make the remainder of the semester a drag. Beach Tips: 1. Drink plenty of water all day, everyday 2. Get a tan but protect your skin with sunscreen especially, your chest, shoulders, head and ears 3. Get tested for STDs before you leave on your trip 4. Practice safe sex during your trip, using appropriate protection like condoms 5. Break in your flip flops beforehand, blisters on the feet suck in salt water 6. Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from long exposure to the sun Ski Tips 1. Drink plenty of water all day, everyday 2. Use sunscreen on exposed skin areas because that altitude sun can be brutal 3. Get tested for STDs before you leave on your trip 4. Practice safe sex during your trip, using appropriate protection like condoms 5. Bring clothes that wick and/or are waterproof 6. Check your equipment beforehand to avoid ski/snowboard boots that cause shin cuts or foot blisters Okay, you’re smart (you’re in college after all) so you probably noticed that we slipped in the same tips on items 3 and 4 in both lists. Buzz kill, eh? However... did you know that Fort Collins is currently experiencing an increase in positive Chlamydia test results? Or that 90% of men and 95% of women with Chlamydia will not show symptoms? The only way to know for sure if you have an STD is to get tested, and in general, comprehensive STD screening should be performed after each new partner according to the CDC. If not treated, STDs can lead to more serious health complications down the road. All that said.... have an awesome spring break but don’t let the failure to get tested ruin your trip or the rest of your semester. You can get comprehensive STD testing for free at Alpha Center, 1212 S. College, as well as treatment for Chlamydia. Call them for an appointment at 970.221.5121.





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SPORTS Thursday, March 8, 2018


Boise State shoots past CSU to earn berth in Mountain West title game @ajwrules44

Senior leadership for a collegiate team always gives a team an advantage when it comes to tournament time. Having players with experience in the toughest situations to help calm the team does not have a numerical value. All season, Colorado State relied on its seniors to help lead a team looking to leave their own mark and emerge from the shadow of the Rams’ most prolific duo in program history. But basketball is ultimately a team sport and it takes more than just one player to pull off a big upset. For the second straight year, the Mountain West cochampion Boise State Broncos eliminated the Rams, this time by a score of 76-51, the most points the Rams allowed to a conference opponent all year. “We picked a tough night to have a tough night,” head coach Ryun Williams said. “Boise had a lot to do with that. They are playing well, Boise was great tonight.” Defense for both sides looked to be impenetrable early with only eight points for the Broncos and 12 for the Rams after one quarter. However, the defense for CSU could not keep up starting in the second quarter. The Broncos piled on 27 points behind three made 3-pointers and going 11-for-

15 overall from the field in the stanza. Meanwhile, CSU stayed at the same pace on offense, scoring only 13. Tvrdy kept the Rams within reach by notching 14 of her points in the half, including three triples, but could not reproduce that in the second half with only four points. “Boise State is an amazing defensive team, so I knew they would really be taking away my drive too, which they were,” Tvrdy said. “I was just really looking for the three and it was falling the first half so I just kept going with it.” CSU entered the matchup ranking in the top in the nation in field goal percentage allowed at 34.1 percent while BSU topped the Mountain West in shooting with 42.9 percent. Defense is said to win championships, but that did not hold for CSU. The Broncos finished shooting 51.7 percent from the field thanks to their 42 points in the paint.

“They went small and when they went small that posed some problems,” Williams said. “We tried to match them and that’s maybe not our best defensive team when we go small as well. Like Tvrdy said, we made some mistakes that we just normally don’t make.” “We got a lot of transition opportunities,” Boise State head coach Gordy Presnell said. “We got a lot of post penetration through Shay (Shalen Shaw) and

that created some opportunities in the paint.” What helped the Rams take their first round matchup with Fresno State was the ability to hit their open 3-pointers and jump shots altogether. That same performance could not be repeated as Sofie Tryggedsson went 1-for-8 from deep and Stine Austgulen went 0-for-2. “Some nights they go in more than others, but Boise did a good job on (Austgulen and Tryggedsson),” Williams said. “You saw some rushed shots, maybe not as in rhythm as we shot last night. Boise made us play that way.” On the opposite side, Braydey Hodgins shot through the outstretched arms of every Ram on her way to a game-high 25 points. She went 3-for-6 from beyond the arc and 8-for-11 overall from the field. “We were talking about Hodgins before the game a lot,” Austgulen said. “Really all their guards, they’re great, they all scored it a lot today.” The only player who seemed to find it offensively was Tvrdy, who the Broncos focused on in the second half and held her scoreless in the third as they built their lead to 56-38 and all but put the game away. CSU will lose Tvrdy, Austgulen and Veronika Mirkovic as the three seniors will be moving on from college basketball. Their impact on

Hannah Tvrdy attempts to pass during the Mountain West Tournament game against Boise State on March 7. PHOTO BY TONY VILLALOBOS MAY COLLEGIAN

the program will remain and Williams will not forget their effort this season. “I’m going to miss all my teammates, they’re great we always support each other,” Austgulen said about what she will miss. “And just playing basketball in Moby. It’s a fun arena to play in and all of our fans.”

“I don’t think we didn’t have success this year,” Tvrdy said with tears coming to her eyes. “Honestly this season taught me the most. I just think there was a lot of ups and downs this year but it taught me the most as a person.” Austin White can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

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By Austin White


The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Thursday, March 8, 2018

99% of brackets bust after the first round of the NCAA tournament, but that’s okay because you get a...


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SPORTS Thursday, March 8, 2018


CSU’s Dax Deadrick signs contract to play professional hockey in Europe By Evan Grant @ EGrantSports

Though every young athlete dreams of playing their sport professionally, very few ever make it to that level. Colorado State club hockey goalie Dax Deadrick is well on his way to living that dream after signing a professional contract to play hockey for Gastrikland in Sweden “I really do not have words to explain it,” Deadrick said. “I can’t seem to wrap my head around it, it’s the one thing I worked for. I left home to pursue it and it was never a sure thing, but being able to play means everything to me.” Deadrick spent the past two years as the number one option in net for the Rams. In his first year, he was a part of the most successful Rams team in recent history, contributing his stellar play in net as the Rams made their first national tournament appearance at the Division I level while winning All-League honors. The Rams did not see the same success in the following season as they had the year before. A young team proved inconsistent at times; however, despite the varying success from the team, Deadrick remained a solid, consistent option for the Rams in goal. Deadrick’s talents in net saved the Rams many times

over the years and he will look to continue that high level of play at the next stage of his career. “I need to keep doing what I’ve always done keep working hard,” Deadrick said. “I’ve been reaching out to people that have played in Sweeden to find out what I need to do to prepare for the next level.” Some people that have seen Deadrick through this journey and guided him along the way are his parents and coaches that he has had over the years. “I am really excited for Dax to get the opportunity to play professionally in Europe,” CSU head coach Jeff Degree said. “He has worked very hard to earn it in his time at CSU. I have really enjoyed my time coaching him and developing a relationship with him off the ice. His commitment to our team has been outstanding, particularly this year as we have struggled to find success with a very young team.” Deadrick is the first CSU goalie to sign a contract at the professional level. Partnering with an agency that works with 93 hockey services, Deadrick was able to get in contact with Gastrickland. Another big support system that Deadrick had through his hockey career were Tiffanie and Dale Greenrock, his biological mom and stepdad. “Just seeing all his hard

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work payoff is amazing,” said Tiffinie and Dale Greenrock. “We are so proud of his work ethic and love of the game. We have enjoyed every second of his journey. Dax has worked very hard and is very driven to be the best goaltender he can be,” the Greenrocks said. “He is very passionate and dedicated. In seeing first hand it motivates us to want to help him in any way we can so he can achieve his goals and dreams. It has been our honor and privilege to be

able to contribute in his journey and could not be prouder of him.” Deadrick’s support from his mother never went unnoticed. “When I made my first junior team, my mom gave me the only car that we had and had to find other transportation just so I could go from Butte, Montana all the way to Boulder just to play hockey,” Deadrick said. “I owe it all to her.” Deadrick will be set to take the ice in the second week of

August when the team’s training camp begins. The first games begin with preseason play in the opening weeks of September. Deadrick, currently a fourth-year student, will take online classes to finish up his degree in human development and family studies. Deadrick will be walking at graduation at the end of the spring 2018 semester. Evan Grant can be reached at sports@collegian.com.


Fields of Green: Hemp Farm & Agriculture Symposium Debuts at 5th Annual NoCo Hemp Expo States from Colorado to North Dakota to Kentucky are taking the lead in allowing farmers to grow industrial hemp, the non-psychoactive cousin to marijuana that has thousands of uses from food, textiles, dietary supplements and beauty care products to oil, paper, plastics, building materials and more. Yet, sharing of information and research among crop producers and farmers has been lagging in this emerging field. The inaugural NoCo Hemp Farm & Agriculture Symposium on Saturday, April 7, 2018, in Loveland, CO, will help remedy that. Commercial hemp farmers, growers, researchers and agriculture specialists will convene to learn about crop methodologies, regenerative farming best practices and market opportunities for the industrial hemp industry. The full-day Farm & Ag Symposium will highlight early learnings, recommended production practices and market opportunities from pilot programs in Colorado, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and other states and regions where commercial hemp crops are permitted and/or licensed to be grown. The symposium also will feature new equipment for farmers and showcase agricultural exhibits. The Farm & Agriculture Symposium is presented by Bija Hemp, a leading industrial hemp seed innovator based in Denver. Bija Hemp’s mission is to discover and procure the highest quality hemp seed from around the world and then match them to specific purposes, allowing Industrial Hemp to take root in the United States and Western Hemisphere. This groundbreaking presentation is a new feature of the 5th Annual NoCo Hemp Expo, or NoCo5, the largest gathering of hemp thought leaders, speakers, producers, entrepreneurs, and exhibitors from around the globe. NoCo5 will take place on April 6-7, 2018, at the Ranch Events Complex in Loveland, CO, and is presented by PureHemp Technology.

ARTS & CULTURE Thursday, March 8, 2018



5 monumental moments in CSU’s women’s history By Sarah Ehrlich @sarahehrlich96

Editor’s note: The information in this article was gathered from Colorado State University’s archives and special collections. A look into Colorado State University’s archives and special collections reveals several monumental moments for women. From shutting down a studentran Playboy Club to making landmark Title IX policies, the women of CSU certainly deserve to be celebrated. Evelyn M. Hermann, 1932 Hermann became the first female to earn her D.V.M from the veterinary program, despite enduring bullying by cohorts and faculty, as it was uncommon for women to be in science programs. One certain professor, Dr. James Farquharson, nicknamed “the Bull,” was especially hard on Hermann, accusing her of not taking an exam. Ample evidence proved Farquharson wrong. She later married fellow veterinary student Hilan Keagy. The two moved to Beverly Hills, where their thriving practice was the choice of many Hollywood stars. Farquharson remained on staff and refused women to enter the veterinary program for many years, even after Hermann graduated. WWII pushed women into traditional men’s career roles, and Farquharson reluctantly started to accept women into the program; however, male classmates still tried to force their female classmates back to home economics, where they thought women belonged. Now, nearly 85 percent of CSU’s veterinary program students are women, according to the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Policy change for women’s housing, 1966 Through the ‘50s, female students were required to live in residence halls or “approved” housing and had to adhere to a curfew. At the same time, men could live where they wanted and stay out as late as they wanted. “Weekdays, freshmen women must be in no later than 9:30,” reads a 1957 issue of the Collegian. “Fridays and Saturdays, the deadline is 1 a.m. and Sundays the evil hour is 11:00 p.m.” A decade later, the demand to drop old housing rules was very prominent. ASCSU passed a resolution demanding total gender equality for

housing and made their case to the State Board of Agriculture. University President William Morgan and the State Board of Agriculture changed policies, allowing women to live in off-campus housing with an extended curfew that was much more reasonable. However, a sign in sheet was still required to document times of women leaving and returning, for “safety reasons.” Shutting down the Ingersoll Playboy Club, 1972 In 1966, Ingersoll Hall hosted their first Playboy Club, calling it a new way to raise money. These clubs were rising in popularity across the country, and Ingersoll Hall Government obtained permission from Playboy Enterprises to use the bunny logo and name for the annual event. “This one night only spectacular will sport any and all forms of entertainment from provocative playmates to teasing taxi girls,” reads a 1966 issue of the Collegian. Opinion pieces later published in The Collegian expressed that the club was a blatant example of the subordinate view Playboy has on women, exploiting them as sex objects. In February 1972, the Radical Women’s Caucus confronted the bunnies of the club and their supporters, stating that women are taught their societal roles early on and that these roles are usually to gain the attention of a man. Other issues including motherhood, lesbianism and struggles of the working woman were also discussed. The caucus and many supporters eventually help shut down the club. Support for Title IX, 1974-1984 In 1974, more women’s varsity sports came to CSU thanks to Title IX rules. Women’s basketball began competition as well as swimming and diving, track and field, cross country, field hockey, tennis, golf and volleyball. Nine women’s varsity sports teams worked to comply with Title IX mandates with the help of Margaret Duncan, director for the Equal Opportunity Office. The deadline was 1978, and CSU was short $81,000 for funding. This figure was disputed, and the full mandates continued to be pushed back. Thankfully in 1984, after many news articles questioned what was next for CSU and Title IX, the State Board of Agriculture approved a plan to helped CSU comply with Title IX. The plan helped increase funding for all

women’s sports. “Before allowing women’s varsity sports facilities on campus didn’t even have locker rooms for women,” said CSU Special Collections and Archives coordinator, Gordon “Hap” Hazard. “The Title IX mandated construction of locker rooms and better office space for female coaches.” The founding of the Commission on Women and Gender Equity, 1997 Towards the end of the 21st century, many women felt

unequal to their cohorts. The founding of the Commission on Women and Gender Equity has helped push CSU to better represent the women who work and study on campus. “We are working hard to make CSU a better place for women to learn and work and study,” said Dr. Susan James, chair of the commission and department head for mechanical engineering. “If we succeed at that, we will make it a better campus for everyone

to do the same thing.” University President Albert Yates created a task force to take a better look at the status of CSU women. This task force recommended solutions to social and economic hurdles women had to endure. Sarah Ehrlich can be reached at entertainment@ collegian.com.


BiPartisan Support Grows For Hemp With growing support across bipartisan lines, Congressman James Comer (R-KY) Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Jared Polis (D-CO), and Thomas Massie (R-KY) joined forces to reintroduce the Industrial Hemp Farming Act in the summer of 2017 calling for the complete removal of hemp from its current oversight and regulations of the Controlled Substances Act. “Hemp has boundless potential as a sustainable alternative to plastics and other environmentally harmful products,” said Polis. “It’s past time that we eliminate absurd barriers and allow hemp farmers to get to work, create jobs, and grow this promising and historically important crop.” The $2 billion hemp industry worldwide continues to gain support. “The cultural shift in the perceptions, demand, and applications for hemp in the U.S. and around the world are priming the hemp industries for growth” says president and NoCo Hemp Expo co-founder Morris Beegle. This year’s NoCo Hemp Expo, NoCo5, reflects that momentum with an estimated 5,500 people expected to attend the April 6-7, 2018 event at The Ranch Events Complex in Loveland , CO, an increase of about 15% over 2017. On Friday, April 6, NoCo5 is hosting “Industry B2B Day,” open to trade visitors and those interested in the hemp products market. Programming will feature the 3rd annual Hemp Summit, an important gathering of hemp-focused investors, founders and professionals. In addition, Industry B2B Day attendees are invited to participate in interactive demonstrations, attend panels from over 75 industry experts and speakers, and learn the latest in new technologies, techniques, and applications. Recognized by the Hemp Industries Association as the “Hemp Event of the Year,” NoCo5 will offer two interactive expo halls featuring products from international brands, introduce a Farm and Agriculture Symposium to share the latest research, techniques and methodologies for industrial hemp production, and an expanded hemp investment summit.

Tickets and registration are available for the General Public, Industry B2B Day (including the Hemp Business Summit), and the Agricultural and Farm Symposium at nocohempexpo.com/ticket-sales. For speaker, sponsor, exhibitor and volunteer inquiries, visit nocohempexpo.com/registration-noco5.


ARTS & CULTURE Thursday, March 8, 2018


Empowerment anthems for International Women’s Day By Miranda Moses @mirandasrad

Women are kick ass, and it is always the time to celebrate that and be empowered by their kick ass-ness. But, with March being Women’s History Month and March 8 being International Women’s Day, you may feel more of a hankering than usual to indulge to some powerful women’s tunes. Although listening to Beyonce and Selena or repeat for 31 days is totally acceptable, because highkey that is what I will be doing, here are a few more songs to add to this month’s playlist (and every other playlist because our appreciation of women should not be limited to a month) of women power anthems: The Ting Tings, “That’s Not My Name” Your middle school self loved these lyrics, and there is really nothing like listening to vocalist Katie White demand that she be remembered as an individual and not called a pet name. This

song serves as a catchy ode to all the times women have been called “sweetie” instead of being acknowledged by their name or all the times women have not been rightfully called “professor” or “doctor.” I also might get the lyric, “They call me ‘quiet girl’, but I’m a riot,” tattooed on my forehead. Janelle Monáe feat. Erykah Badu, “Q.U.E.E.N” Janelle Monáe and Erykah Badu come together to create a beautiful, funky, impactful piece of political art that challenge ideals of sexuality and race. The women question expectations of both sexual expression and orientation whilst simultaneously calling for self-love and action by those who oppose oppression. Lyrics to note include, “Are we a lost generation of our people? Add us to equations but they’ll never make us equal. She who writes the movie owns the script and the sequel. So why ain’t the stealing of my rights made illegal?” Plasma Canvas, “SHOOT ME IN THE CHEST​!​!!​”

Check out the playlist by scanning this QR code. Adrienne Rae Ash, the front woman in two-piece dirty femme rock/sparkly-andro-thunderpunk band Plasma Canvas, wants you to know that xe is gay, transgender and loud, and hir lyrics invite rebellion against binaries and expectation and a sanctuary for everyone who does not fit those expectations. With the help of hir bandmate Jude McCarron, the Fort Collins-based


3 badass women who have visited CSU By Isabelle Rayburn @Seiss_Diosaa

In honor of Women’s History Month, here are just some of the most inspirational women who have shared their experiences with students at Colorado State University: Laverne Cox Cox visited CSU in 2014, but she is still an inspiration in 2018. Mostly known for her role in Netflix Original “Orange Is The New Black,” Cox is a transgender woman who has experienced a lot of discrimination because of her identity. Still, she rose above all the negative comments, and at the end of the day, she knows who she really is and what she stands for.

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” ANGELA DAVIS ACTIVIST

“It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist,” Cox said. Jennicet Gutierrez Gutierrez is an undocumented, LGBTQ activist

Dr. Angela Davis speaks as part of Black History Month. Davis gave the keynote speech in the LSC Theatre on Feb. 6.


and a transgender woman. She also founded the “Trans Queer Liberation Movement.” She attracted attention when she interrupted one of President Obama’s speeches to ask him what he was going to do about the safety of transgender women who are incarcerated. She explained how they are being abused and she advocated to stop all deportations. “I wanted to send a very strong message to President Obama, and what I was trying to say was for Mr. Obama to release all LGBTQ detainees in detention centers in addition to stop the abuse and the torture trans women are facing in detention,” Gutierrez said in a 2015 interview with Democracy Now.

Angela Davis Well known in the AfricanAmerican community, Davis is an activist, worked with the Black Panther party and advocated for African-Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. Not all of the work she did was pleasing to many people. She even ended up on America’s top ten most wanted list. She is admired because she is someone who stood for something and did not let anyone get in her way, no matter how many obstacles there were. “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change,” Davis famously said. “I am changing the things I cannot accept” Isabelle Rayburn can be reached at entertainment@ collegian.com.

musicians create punk that will make you want to be loud, take up space and punch the patriarchy right in the face. Santigold, “Girls” This is simply a feel-good song about girls being dope that you will want to turn of volume up in your car for and roll your windows down so that everyone knows you are a GIRL. The music video illustrates all different kinds of women of all different identities and styles jamming to and singing along to the song together. The video itself is home to one of the most uplifting comment sections on YouTube I have ever seen, obviously due to the fact that women are amazing. Qveen Herby, “Wifey” Yes, Qveen Herby IS that women in that one YouTube video covering Chris Brown’s Look At Me Now, which she covered infinitely better both because the woman can rap and because she is not Christ Brown. Although she does call whoever the song is addressed to a “pussy” at one

point, which is not ideal, her lyrical empowerment of demanding respect and acknowledgment of her worth by the person she is in a relationship with is a message that should be consistently reinforced and respected. Kali Uchis, “Ridin’ Round” This song is a true homage to the strong, baddy woman attitude. I swear, every time I do my make-up to this song, my eyeliner wings are sharp like knives. Not only does Uchis not care what anyone thinks about her, she also does not need anyone to help her to accomplish her independent and financial goals, leaving those who underestimated her power in the dust. The songs shares aforementioned themes of knowing her worth, and lyrics to note are “I know I’m some shit, and I’m cool with it. You can’t tell me shit, don’t come and share your dialect,” and, “Now his face is looking kinda flustered. He didn’t know that I was my own hustler.” Miranda Moses can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.

Daily Horoscope Nancy Black


(03/08/18). Your educational journey flourishes this year. Visit friends and strengthen bonds. The funding arises unexpectedly. Fall in love again this summer and rest before the tempo picks up and energy rises. Winter brings team victories and family gatherings. Savor the sweetness. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — 6 — Avoid traffic or roadblocks. Slow down for emotional curves. Take time to process recent events and changes. Dip into a sidewalk cafe or roadside attraction. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — 7 — Teamwork with your partner makes a difference to your shared finances. Your collaboration directly affects your bottom line. Support each other and share resources. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — 8 — Listen to your partner generously. Invest time and effort in your shared goals. Postpone travel or nebulous pursuits. Stick to solid, attainable objectives. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — 8 — Your work and physical actions seem energized with high-profit potential. Arrange connections ahead of time. Study a secret system. Small changes reap a large reward. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — 7 — Consider all possibilities that include fun. Avoid impractical or expensive options. The next two days favor love, romance and

passion. Share your thoughts and dreams. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — 7 — Home comforts draw you in. Beautify your surroundings. You can find what you need. Evaluate quality and value. Use creativity and imagination. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — 8 — Follow through on what you said. Resolution and solutions arise in conversation. Communications reveal unconsidered opportunities. Friends help you make a connection. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — 8 — Watch the budget. An idea that seems profitable may cost more than it makes. Do the numbers before committing. Avoid controversy or risky business. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — 9 — When you’re hot, you’re hot. Relax and enjoy it. Invest in work you love. Make changes as necessary. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — 6 — Envision and plan for an inspiring future. Schedule actions for later. Find a quiet space for private meditation. A lovely moment enchants you. Pay attention. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — 8 — Community connections make a difference. Share news, resources and tricks. Inspire others by your example. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — 9 — Crazy dreams seem possible. A career prize lies within sight. Prepare for inspection, and polish your presentation. Dress for success and smile for the camera.

ARTS & CULTURE Thursday, March 8, 2018



Students share which women they find most inspiring By Nate Day @NateMDay

March 1 was the beginning of more than just the third month of 2018; it was the beginning of Women’s History Month. Whether students at Colorado State University are aware or not, their lives are impacted by women every day. Blanche Hughes is the University’s vice president for student affairs, Anne Hudgens serves as the executive director of the Health Network, Mary Ontiveros works as the vice president for diversity and there are countless others at the University alone. However, there are more empowering women than just here on campus, and students are more than happy to identify the women they find particularly inspiring. “I would say Serena Williams,” senior anthropology major Clara Oakley said. “She’s one of the only Black women to achieve as many Grand Slam Titles as she has.” Williams has won 39 Grand Slam Titles, the last of which, she achieved while carrying a child. Oakley also noted that she particularly appreciates Williams because some male tennis players put her down, but she rises through it all. Additionally, Oakley mentioned her sister, Maddie. “She’s pursuing her Ph.D. at Georgetown in linguistics,” Oakley said. “She helped me get through hardships in my college career.”

Matthew Freeman, a senior political science major, was stuck between two women: Hillary Clinton and Oprah. “They’re both powerhouses,” Freeman said. “I think I’d go with Oprah though because she’s done more for at-risk children.” Clinton made history as the first female presidential candidate endorsed by a major party in America and won the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election. Winfrey, the famed journalist and activist, recently accepted the Cecil B. deMille Award from the Hollywood Foreign Press, an award for “outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment,” according to the Golden Globe’s website. Her politically charged acceptance speech stirred rumors of a future presidential run, but Winfrey quickly shot them down, saying she’d prefer to work as an activist. As far as a woman in his own life, Freeman quickly named his mother, “of course.” “She’s always been there for me and has given me tons of support,” Freeman noted. Similarly, Zamzam Mohammed, a senior journalism major, cites her mother as an inspiration. “She’s the most resilient woman in my life,” Mohammed said. “I look up to her because she moved away from her family during a time of civil war right after high school and made a life for herself.” Mohammed also said that she finds Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai inspiring

because she “took unfortunate events in her life and turned them into opportunities to help and advocate for other young girls who are going through similar situations,” she said. Widely known as “Malala,” she wrote under a pen name for BBC about life under the Taliban when young girls were banned from attending school. Since then, Yousafzai has worked as a famed activist for women’s rights and education around the world. Amber Griego, a sophomore English major, also said that her mom is her inspiration. “She’s a really strong woman who doesn’t take sh*t from anyone,” Griego noted. “She’s very vocal and independent.” Ben Frazier, a sophomore economics student, cites Sen. Elizabeth Warren as an inspirational woman. “She’s got a Ph.D. in economics,” Frazier explained. “She knows how the world actually works.” Warren became a prominent figure in the recent influx within the feminist movement when she attempted to filibuster the Senate confirmation of Jeff Sessions, giving birth to the phrase, “nevertheless, she persisted.” Frazier also noted an appreciation for his sisters. “They work really hard,” Frazier said. “I don’t.” Nate Day can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.


Anders Osborne, Armory, 7pm Michael Kirkpatrick and the Honey Rider Band, Washington’s, 7pm CharlestheFirst, Potions, Supertask - The Lab Group Tour w/ Special Guests Goopsteppa and Sorrow, Aggie, 8pm The Heavy Pets w/ Steady Flow, Banshee Tree, Hodi’s Half Note, 8pm


Lucius Live in Ft. Collins, Washington‘s, 7pm An Evening With Shovels and Rope, Boulder Theater, 8:30pm THE BLACK JACKET SYMPHONY, Lincoln Center, 8pm Canyon Collected w/ House With a Yard and Tyler T, Hodi’s Half Note, 8pm


Shovels and Rope, Washington’s 7pm Phillip Phillips with the Ballroom Thieves, Lincoln Center, 8pm Mr. Bill w/ Au5, Covex, Evoke, Aggie, 8pm Enlightened Artists w/ Revyve, Anville, Heavy Z x Al Dente, Front Range, Boo G/Steelo Bass, Hodi’s Half Note, 8pm


Martin Sexton, Keller Williams, Washington’s, 7pm Enlightened Artists w/ Revyve, Anville, Heavy Z x Al Dente, Front Range, Boo G/Steelo Bass, Hodi’s Half Note, 8pm


Mug Night: Stand-Up Comedy, Hodi’s Half Note, 8pm


Euphonic Conceptions, Longevity & Mindbeam Productions: RE:Turn Tuesdays Feat. BogTroTTer, Wax Future, Goldy LoxX (Late Set), DJ Wadada, Hodi’s Half Note, 8pm


Wyclef Jean: The Carnival Tour, Summit Music Hall, 7pm An Evening With Glen Hansard, Boulder Theater., 8pm Participatory Music Show, Old Town Library, 2pm Chali 2na & House of Vibe w/ Kind Dub, Thin Air Crew, Alex Knox, Aggie, 8pm

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22 Thursday, March 8, 2018 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian

COLLEGIAN.COM Thursday, March 8, 2018


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

Across 1 Vaccine pioneer Salk 6 Biblical verb 10 Sever, with “off” 13 “The Good Wife” wife 15 Irrawaddy River locale 16 Hubbub 17 Grilled sandwich 18 *Hobbyist’s broadcasting equipment 20 Checked out 21 Gather 23 Domestic sock eater? 24 Storied climber 26 Little limb 27 *Drama in the Nielsen top 10 four times during the ‘70s 32 Special __ 35 Mets modifier of 1969 36 Noggin 37 Case in Lat. grammar 38 Twit 39 Cuts and pastes, say 41 Trellis climber 42 Corner PC key 43 Expert 44 Mysterious girl on “Stranger Things” 46 “Zip it!” 47 *Ball of fire

14 Where many missed connections occur 19 MLB’s D-backs 22 2003 holiday film 25 IV lead? 26 Bouffant feature 27 Flame-haired villain in Disney’s “Hercules” 28 Mennonite sect 29 Super Bowl gathering, e.g. 30 Mediterranean vacation island 31 Zoo doc Rocky Mt. Collegian 3/7/18 Sudoku33 “The Hunger Games” land 34 __ pad 40 Barely lit 41 Blood feud To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and 43 List of notables box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 45 Soap chemical 48 Defense advisory gp. 50 __ whiskey 9 52 Thing to put on 253 Put on 1 3 7 54 Look bad? 7 55 Slender cylinders 1 57 Budweiser Clydesdales’ pace 5 658 Shredded 2 59 TASS country 61 Many years 63 “Spring the trap!” 49 “No __!”: “Sure!” 4 3 9 51 Lose one’s coat Rocky Mt. Collegian 3/8/18 52 Moves to the melody 4 3 54 “__ Encounter”: SeaWorld show1 Yesterday’s5solution 8 56 Shakespearean “You as well?” 4 6 1 60 *”Oh boy, it’s starting!” 62 First words 5 3 64 Muffin grain Copyright ©2018 PuzzleJunction.com 65 Believe 66 Wind farm blades 67 Like some grins 68 People 69 Liquid whose chemical formula is a homophonic hint to the answers to starred clues Down 1 Zinger 2 Body wash brand 3 Largest single-digit square 4 Genre incorporating elements of funk and hip-hop 5 Transgression 6 “LOL” 7 “Right away!” 8 Dickens boy 9 Taxing and successful 10 Coventry rider 11 Dog that licks Garfield 12 Low-quality




To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


7 5

8 6

Sudoku Solution

Yesterday’s solution

8 9 7 5 3 2 1 4 6

5 2 4 6 8 1 7 3 9

1 6 3 9 7 4 2 8 5

7 4 8 3 9 6 5 2 1

9 1 5 2 4 8 6 7 3

2 3 6 1 5 7 8 9 4

3 7 1 4 2 5 9 6 8

6 8 9 7 1 3 4 5 2

4 5 2 8 6 9 3 1 7


2 8 1


2 9 9 4 3 6 4 9 1

2 5 1 7

Copyright ©2018 PuzzleJunction.com


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We will taste and study 5 - 6 classic teas, each ith its own unique character, from different origins, in traditional Chinese Gong Fu style.

Sudoku Solution


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24 Thursday, March 8, 2018 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Spring Break Savings!




Mich Ultra Suitcase ......................$19.99 Tanqueray Gin...............................$33.99 Black Box Wines ..........................$17.99 24pk – 12oz cans


3.0L All Types

24pk – 12oz cans

750ml Single Malt


24pk – 12oz cans


750ml Chardonnay

24pk - 12oz cans

750ml Bourbon, Rye

750ml New Zealand

30pk – 12oz cans

1.75L Bourbon

750ml Cab Sauv, Zinfandel

36pk – 12oz cans

1.75L Gold, Silver

750ml All Types

18pk – 12oz cans/btls

1.75L 80 Proof

750ml All Types

15pk – 12oz cans

1.75L Spiced Rum

750ml Crianza, Spain

All Types 12pk – 12oz btls/cans


1.5L All Types

White, Variety 12pk – 12oz btls

750ml Whiskey

1.5L All Types

Maximus, IPA, L’il Sumpin, Hop Stoopid

1.75L Bourbon

1.5L All Types

Coors, Coors Light Suitcase ......$16.99 Glenlivet 12yr ................................$31.99 Meiomi Pinot Noir .........................$17.99

1107 City Park Ave. Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. - Midnight Fri.-Sun. 8 a.m. - Midnight

(970) 484-1107 Craft Beer of the Month Kona Brewing

6pk – 12oz btls....................$ 7.99

Big Wave Golden Lager, Hanalei Island IPA, Wailua Wheat

Import Beer of the Month

Guinness 6pk – 12oz btls....................$ 7.59 Extra Stout, Draught, Blonde

Bud, Bud Light Suitcase..............$16.99 Tito’s Vodka ................................... $26.99 Kendall Jackson ...........................$10.99 Miller Lite Suitcase .......................$16.99 Knob Creek....................................$25.99 Oyster Bay Sauv Blanc................$ 9.99 Pabst Blue Ribbon .......................$17.99 Old Forester ..................................$25.99 Carnivor Wines .............................$ 8.99 Natural Light 36pk ........................$14.99 Cuervo Tequila .............................$21.99 Apothic Wines...............................$ 8.99 Rolling Rock ..................................$ 8.99 Southern Comfort.........................$21.99 Cupcake Wines .............................$ 7.99 Day Blazer .................................... $12.99 Captain Morgan ............................$21.99 Campo Viejo Tempranillo ............$ 7.99 Odell Brewing ..............................$14.99 Stolichnaya Vodka........................$20.99 Cavit Wines ...................................$10.99 Blue Moon Brewing .....................$13.99 Jameson Irish ...............................$18.99 Rex Goliath Wines ........................$ 7.99 Lagunitas Brewing .......................$ 7.99 Evan Williams Black.....................$18.99 CK Mondavi Wines .......................$ 7.99 6pk – 12oz btls

Kegs 1/2 Barrels Old Aggie Lager ................$99.99 Coors, Coors Light............$102.99 Bud, Bud Light ..................$102.99 Pabst Blue Ribbon ............$89.99 Labatt Blue .......................$79.99 Keystone Light ..................$77.99 Miller High Life ..................$77.99 New Belgium ....................$119.99 Odell Brewing ...................$125.99

Kegs 1/4 Barrels

Left Hand Brewing........................$ 7.99 1.75L Nitro Milk Stout

Canadian Club ..............................$16.99

6pk -12oz btls


30pk – 12oz cans


12pk – 12oz btls


12pk – 12oz btls/cans

750ml Rum Cream

Variety 12pk- 12oz btls/cans

1.75L Whiskey

All Types 6pk- 12oz btls

1.75L Spiced, Cherry

Labatt Blue ....................................$16.99 New Amsterdam Gin ....................$16.99 Corona, Light ...............................$14.39 Pearl Vodka ...................................$14.99 Heineken .......................................$12.99 Rum Chata Liqueur ......................$14.99 Smirnoff Ice, Seltzers ...................$13.99 Canadian Mist ..............................$11.99 Strongbow Ciders ........................$ 7.49 Admiral Nelson Rum ....................$11.99

Odell Brewing......................$73.99 Odell IPA.............................$85.99

Kegs 1/6 Barrels New Belgium.......................$45.99 Fat Tire, Voodoo, Citradelic, and many more... Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - Midnight Fri. - Sun. 8 a.m. - Midnight 1107 City Park Ave. campuswestliquors.com @campuswliquors

Prices Good Thru 3/10/18

Scoresby Scotch ..........................$18.99 Andre Sparkling ............................$ 4.99




Craft Cave Feature of the Week

New Belgium La Folie

$9.99 22 oz btls

While They Last!

750ml All Types


CSU of

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