Vol 127, No 93, Feb 12, 2018

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Vol. 127, No. 93 Monday, February 12, 2018

CSU stadium to see a surplus of $5.3 million By Erin Douglas @erinmdouglas23

Steve Barnes joins Eustachy on paid administrative leave

Colorado State interim coach Steve Barnes reacts to the Rams’ 78-73 loss to Air Force, on Feb. 6. The game was his last before being placed on administrative leave. PHOTO BY DAVIS BONNER COLLEGIAN

By Colin Barnard @ColinBarnard_

Colorado State University placed interim men’s basketball coach Steve Barnes on paid administrative leave, the university announced Saturday morning. Barnes joins head coach Larry Eustachy, who was placed on leave Feb. 3. Second-year assistant coach Jase Herl will take over as the interim head coach for the remainder of the university’s climate assessment of the men’s basketball program. Herl is the third coach to assume head duties for CSU since Jan. 31. Barnes’ behavior with the team was called into question last week when CSU players boycotted practice Thursday afternoon. In addition to their frustration with the lack of communication between them and the athletic department, sources say that

some players were upset Barnes was named interim coach. “Colorado State University Director of Athletics Joe Parker today placed Coach Steve Barnes on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an ongoing climate assessment Parker is leading of the men’s basketball program,” the athletic department said in a statement. The announcement comes in light of the ongoing climate assessment into the conduct of head coach Larry Eustachy. On Jan. 31, Parker confirmed that the university began a climate assessment of the men’s basketball program and Eustachy’s conduct as the head coach. The climate assessment involved interviews with players and coaches regarding Eustachy’s behavior. In 2013-14, an internal investigation revealed that Eustachy created a culture of fear and emotionally abused his

players, according to a report from the Coloradoan in May 2017. Despite being advised to fire Eustachy with cause by then athletic director Jack Graham, CSU President Tony Frank placed Eustachy on a strict zero-tolerance policy for his actions. This most recent investigation is in regards to similar conduct included in the policy. After coaching the Rams in a double-overtime loss to Wyoming during the ongoing investigation, Eustachy was placed on paid administrative leave on Saturday, Feb. 3, just hours before the team’s game against Nevada. Barnes, the Rams’ associate head coach, was named the interim head coach. A reported enabler of Eustachy’s conduct, Barnes led the Rams to defeat the following two games against Nevada and Air Force. After the boycott on Thursday, players met with Parker in person

before Friday’s practice to discuss the assessment. “Our student-athletes have expressed concerns to us and we are working with them to address those concerns,” Parker said in a statement. “Student-athlete welfare has always been our top priority.” Following Saturday’s game, during which Herl led the Rams to victory over San Jose State, Bonner discussed the impact of the team’s meeting with Parker. “It was just nice because everyone on the team could say what they had to say face-to-face, man-to-man with Joe P (Joe Parker),” Bonner said. “I think it gave us all a better understanding and just help us kind of refresh our minds, be positive.” Barnes and Eustachy have known each other since childhood, playing high school basketball and rooming together at Chico State. see BARNES on page 13 >>

PUEBLO — Colorado State University’s new oncampus stadium outperformed expectations for net income, projections for the end of the first year showed during a Board of Governors meeting Friday. The $220-million stadium brought in more revenue than expected in its first year—and more expenses. The board expects the stadium to finish with $13.16 million in net income. Compared to the university’s plan in 2012, the income is 32 percent higher than expected. Expected total revenue of $15.54 million is 36 percent higher than the 2012 forecasts and expected total expenses of $2.37 million is 69 percent higher. The expected profit in the first year will cover the bond payments of $4.2 million and the athletic department contribution of $3.6 million, which maintains the department’s funding at the same amount previously contributed by Hughes Stadium. The university is still considering options for what to do with the $5.3 million surplus. At the board meeting Friday, members tossed around ideas of putting some of the money towards philanthropy or academic projects. However, if the university does decide to put the surplus towards a project, that will require a board decision. As the funding is currently structured, any surpluses automatically go into a reserve fund. “It’s an exciting piece of the see STADIUM on page 4 >>


COLLEGIAN.COM Monday, February 12, 2018


One of Troy Horner’s favorite memories was buying baseball cards and gum from the local candy store as a child. Now, many years later, he mans the register of Rocket Fizz, a candy store located in Old Town, Fort Collins. After five and a half years at Rocket Fizz, his favorite part of the job is all the smiles and stories from customers. PHOTO BY JULIA BAILEY COLLEGIAN

overheard on the plaza “I am not very good at multitasking... then again I’m not very good at single tasking either.”


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10 AM - 12 PM DJ Steez The Plug “The lecture sucks.” “Yeah, it’s like Awkward Laughter 340.”

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NEWS Monday, February 12, 2018



Lecia Brooks talks fighting white supremacy, rising hate in America By Carson Lipe @carsonlipe

Hate crimes in the United States are on the rise. Thursday night, Lecia Brooks, the outreach director with the Southern Poverty Law Center, echoed this sentiment in the Lory Student Center, and spoke about ways that Colorado State University students can help mitigate racial bias. During her presentation, Brooks spoke on the origins and progression of racially motivated bias, especially within the last decade. “Right after the presidential campaign, when Trump was declared the winner, we saw an immediate uptick in the number of hate and bias incidents that happened across the country,” Brooks said. “People who hold biased and bigoted thoughts now are emboldened to say whatever it is they want to say.” Brooks also talked about the neo-Nazi riots in Charlottesville, bystander intervention in racially motivated incidents and alt-right leadership. Students of all races came to the event to support the

speaker. “Since it’s Black History Month, I just think it’s important to expand my own knowledge and with me not being a person of color, I recognize the privilege that has,” said Kim Pannell, a freshman majoring in business. Others came to show support to marginalized students. “I think an important part of standing in solidarity with marginalized people is understanding their culture and understanding the experiences they have,” said Dylan Sanger, a freshman majoring in anthropology. In the afternoon preceding her event, Brooks had a chance to speak with members of the Ram community. “I had the honor of having lunch with some students from the Black/African American Cultural Center,” Brooks said. “We had a great conversation.” Brooks also had the chance to speak with a dozen administrators during her visit. “We had a very engaged discussion on how to address these issues (on equality) and what you could do at Colorado

State University to push back against hate on campus,” Brooks said. According to Brooks, the faculty members were very receptive to conversation on equality. “It was just so interesting that they were all actively engaged and they cared about building the community.” Brooks said. “It was 12 administrators sitting around a table talking about the ways to address white supremacy. You just don’t see that. They were all in and I think that’s great.” Brooks was pleased that Ram students and faculty are conducting conversations about race and equality, and said CSU is unique among other colleges in this respect. “These conversations are not happening on a lot of college campuses, or at all on college campuses across the country, so you need to know that it’s pretty special,” Brooks said. Brooks also spoke on the importance of involving people of all races and beliefs in the fight for equality. “What we’re seeing in terms of resurgence in student

Lecia Brooks speaks about the rise of hate fueled incidents across the country. Brooks leads the outreach programs for the Southern Poverty Law Center whose focus is to fight hate and bigotry as well as seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society. PHOTO BY MATT TACKET COLLEGIAN

activism is very reminiscent of the civil rights movement,” Brooks said. “The civil rights movement, especially towards the end, was successful. One of the reasons it was successful was because it became very multi-racial, inter-religious and inter-biased.” Brooks said that the modern day fight for equality is in the

hands of students. “It’s on us, and it’s on you in particular as students,” Brooks said. “Students are always the ones that push and create cultural change. If you don’t feel it, it won’t happen. It will go to the next generation.” Carson Lipe can be reached at news@collegian.com.


NEWS Monday, February 12, 2018



Hughes Stadium property approved Stadium to be annexed to City, CSU decides >> from page 1

By Erin Douglas @erinmdouglas23

PUEBLO – Hughes Stadium and its surrounding 162 acres of property can be annexed to the City of Fort Collins, the Colorado State University Board of Governors decided Thursday afternoon. The board voted to authorize the submission of a petition for the annexation of the property—a move that represents the first step in the process of redevelopment for the area. The annexation decision supports the intent of the

University to dispose of the property for its eventual development, according to board documents. The annexation, if acted upon by the city, will bring the property within city limits—it wasn’t previously because CSU had owned the land since 1967. In the fall, the board voted to demolish Hughes Stadium, estimated as a $4 million-$6 million project. Demolition is slated to start in March, said Amy Parsons, executive vice chancellor for the CSU System. The process will take between six and eight months.

The property’s future is uncertain beyond demolition and a plan to sell. CSU held community meetings over the past year to gather input on development, with many residents advocating it be developed for housing and others advocating for an open space designation, but no final decisions have been made. Estimates of the property’s value vary, but last May, President Tony Frank told the board they estimate it to be worth around $10 million, including the cost of demolition. Erin Douglas can be reached at editor@collegian.com.


CSU adopts free speech policy for all campuses By Erin Douglas @erinmdouglas23

PUEBLO — Colorado State University’s Board of Governors adopted a system-level free speech resolution Friday to ensure each campus had and adhered to a first amendment policy on campus. While the Fort Collins campus already has a free speech policy in place, the board wanted to ensure complete legal coverage by adopting a systemwide policy to require all CSU entities—Fort Collins, Pueblo and Global—to ensure policies respect first amendment rights and assures the safety of campus communities. “In a political sense, it’s nice to say we’ve long-staked out a position that speech is welcome on our campus,” CSU President Tony Frank said in support of the resolution. “We will stand up to speech we find offensive. But, as a community committed to open ideas, we don’t think it’s our place to decide what should and should not be spoken.”

The resolution comes just a week after Charlie Kirk, a conservative speaker and the founder of Turning Point USA, spoke in the Lory Student Center on the CSU Fort Collins campus, inciting protests outside. After the event, protesters and Antifa began to fight with a group of white nationalist counter-protesters, who carried flags with white power symbols and made the “Hail Hitler” sign. Police quickly deemed the gathering unlawful and ordered the crowd to disperse. Several witnesses told The Collegian people were hurt in the fights “on both sides.” “Last Friday provided an opportunity to look at how to manage those events,” said Jason Johnson, the general counsel for the CSU system, during the board meeting Friday. “Both campuses do have policies. This (policy) provides another opportunity to take another look at those and make sure we have all the necessary items.” Those necessary items include making sure each campus

enforces a policy that is content neutral and prioritizes safety. At a minimum, the board’s resolution requires campus policy to address: where and in what venue speech forums might be held, when reservations should be required for events, and what specific guidelines for large events should be. The policy states that minimizing risk and protecting the rights of free expression is essential. While board members unanimously adopted the resolution, some offered their concern that while a policy is a good step legally, it does little to resolve the cultural push and pull between the right to free speech and the safety of students. “I really support these policies, but what I think is more important is to create a culture that supports these policies,” said Margarita Lenk, the faculty board representative for CSU Fort Collins. “I would encourage each of our campuses … to discuss and decide what our culture is.” Erin Douglas can be reached at editor@collegian.com.

can we do something for the students and for the greater good while being fiscally responsible,” said Kim Jordan, CSU Board of Governors secretary and CEO of New Belgium Brewing Co. There are not any proposals for project funding yet, since this was the first notification of a potential surplus at the end of the year. Any decision about the surplus will likely come at the next Board of Governors meeting in May. The stadium is financed by investors and donors through the sale of $239 million in revenue bonds. The University plans to make bond payments with stadium revenues and private donations. The bonds have an interest rate of about 3.57 percent and increase about $12.18 million annually between 2020 and 2055. Compared to Hughes Stadium, the new stadium made about $5.6 million more in revenue. In 2017, Hughes made $9.9 million in total revenue and $9.1 million in net income, compared to the new stadium’s $15.5 million in total revenue and $13.1 in net income. CSU President Tony Frank told the board Friday the higherthan-expected expenses largely had to do with the resources the University decided it needed to put towards the fan experience

in the first opening season of the stadium. The University spent about $973,000 more than planned, largely due to “game day expenses,” which included bus transportation, custodial services, additional security and other expenses related to the fan experience. The income statement presented to the board during the meeting does not represent the final numbers, but instead represents a likely projection for the end of the fiscal year in June. The statement takes into account revenue and expenses to-date, as well as anticipated revenue and expenses through the remainder the fiscal year. In the first season, the 41,000-capacity venue had a per-game average attendance of 32,062. Season tickets were in higher demand than at Hughes — 15,477 season tickets were purchased for the fall 2017 season compared to 11,054 in the 2016 season. “Much of overall stadium revenue is locked-in for several years to come,” Director of Athletics Joe Parker said in a statement. “This financial performance, and the long-term stability gained through these multi-year commitments, is the result of planning and hard work by people across campus, and by the deep support from our fans who really showed that bringing football back to campus was the right thing to do.” Erin Douglas can be reached at editor@collegian.com.


Car crash kills two, injures two in Fort Collins By Carson Lipe @carsonlipe

Two people were killed and two people were injured in a car crash on Sunday afternoon at the intersection of Harmony Road and Hinsdale Drive in Fort Collins. Fort Collins Police Services were notified at around 11:40 AM of a collision. A 2001 Chevrolet Truck, headed East on Harmony Road, was struck head-on by a 2005

Pontiac Vibe sedan. The sedan was driving west on Harmony Road when it crossed over the center turn lane. The sedan was occupied by a driver and two young children. The driver of the sedan died at the scene of the crash. Both children were transported to the Medical Center of the Rockies after sustaining serious injuries. One of the children died at the hospital. The man in the Chevrolet, Brian Sauer, 42, of Fort Collins,

sustained moderate injuries at the scene. He was later transported to Poudre Valley Hospital for treatment. The investigation is currently ongoing. Whether or not drugs or alcohol were a factor in the accident is currently unknown. The names of the deceased will be released by the Larimer County Coroner’s Office pending notification of family. Carson Lipe can be reached at news@collegian.com.

The CSU stadium seen during the national anthem with the flag unfolded during the CSU vs Oregon State game on Aug. 26, 2017. PHOTO BY TONY VILLALOBOS MAY COLLEGIAN

The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Monday, February 12, 2018

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OPINION Monday, February 12, 2018


Student-athletes need mental health support too Michelle Fredrickson @mfredrickson42

Editor’s Note: All opinion section content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by the Collegian or its editorial board. Colorado State University recently began an investigation into the climate of the basketball team due to the conduct of coach Larry Eustachy, who has previously been found to emotionally abuse his players. A very important topic has been brought to the forefront: Mental health among student-athletes. Being a student is stressful, and many studies have shown that being a student-athlete is even more stressful. This creates a population that really needs support, in a culture that makes them feel like they shouldn’t ask for it. Student-athletes don’t ask for the help they need. This is a documented phenomenon, researched by public health professionals at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. About 33 percent of college students struggle with their mental health, and 30 percent will seek some kind of counseling or treatment. There is no reason to suggest the number would be lower in student-athletes, but only 10 percent seek help.

Eustachy is currently under his second investigation; his first investigation, from the 20132014 season, concluded he had emotionally abused his players and at least one senior CSU official recommended Eustachy be fired. Former CSU Athletic Director Jack Graham thought Eustachy should be terminated, but said he was told by CSU President Tony Frank that they did not have grounds for termination. As a result, Eustachy was placed on a personal improvement plan. Though no one can really say how well the personal improvement plan worked until the current investigation is completed, the fact that this second investigation is happening at all seems to imply that the plan was not successful. Universities have a responsibility to their student athletes to promote an environment that fosters a dialogue and does not shame people for seeking help for mental illness. If an athlete sprained their ankle, they would see a doctor and rest and rehabilitate it as recommended – and mental health is no different. Athlete mental health has been in the national spotlight because of the recent suicide of Washington State University quarterback, Tyler Hilinski. I got my undergraduate degree at Washington State, and this news was shocking on multiple levels. Nowhere is a college more enthusiastic about their football team than WSU, but a student

suffered right under their eyes and still felt he couldn’t ask for help.

“If you’re in a locker room and you’re in pain, you want to seem tough. You feel like you might be shunned and looked at differently… there was a fear of being looked upon as weak.” DANNY DAVIS STUDENT-ATHLETE AND COFOUNDER OF HOPE HAPPENS HERE

Washington State took steps to reduce stigma around mental health, and counseling rates went up – but not for student athletes. The WSU football coach had been fired from a previous university for allegations of player mistreatment, which he denies. Coaches set the tone of the program, as evidenced by the Eustachy investigation. Some of the things that are alleged to have gone on in Eustachy’s program do not create a culture conducive to seeking help for mental health concerns. According to an article in the Coloradoan, in the previous investigation into his conduct Eustachy admitted to calling players ‘fucking cunts’ and said that he was way over the line when it came to an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Already locker room culture makes it hard to ask for help. Eustachy’s conduct, and his passive and active support from Steve Barnes, makes it nearly impossible. Barnes joined Eustachy on administrative leave this weekend. “If you’re in a locker room and you’re in pain, you want to seem tough,” Danny Divis, cofounder of a university studentathlete mental health initiative, told USA Today. “You feel like you might be shunned and looked at differently… there was a fear of being looked upon as weak.” Researchers have found student-athletes feel more comfortable asking for mental help in an environment within athletics, both because this does the best job of supporting their specific needs and because they may be recognized in general counseling offices. The fear of recognition adds a further deterrent to an already difficult behavior. In response to the Hilinski suicide, an article in the Denver Post discussed CSU’s athlete counseling program. There is a designated counselor for studentathletes named Jimmy Stewart. At the start of their career at CSU, players meet Stewart and get his contact information for their needs. This is a wonderful implementation from CSU that many schools, including Washington State, don’t have. However, the societal stigma that makes it so frightening for people

to seek help for their mental health conditions cannot be tackled by one counselor or by placing officials on administrative leave. The culture and the stigma that need fixing starts at the human level. If everybody on CSU’s campus decided to openly talk about mental health and stop making fun of people for seeking help, to stop shaming people for not being okay all the time, and to stop defining toughness as never needing help, we could really make a difference. It’s okay to not be okay, and everyone has the right to look after their mental health. We have a responsibility at CSU to create a culture that looks after our student athletes and prevents anything like Hilinski’s suicide from happening at this school. It starts with you, the person reading this. One person at a time, the culture can change.

RESOURCES ■ If you need mental health help,

there is no shame in asking for it. ■ Call CSU’s crisis line at (970) 491-7111or make an appointment with a counselor at (970) 491-7121

Michelle Fredrickson can be reached at letters@collegian.com.

NOPE DOPE Having beer spilled on you. All over you.

Sunday morning brunch.

Not being able to go out because your dog is crazy.

Playing Scrabble and winning Scrabble.

Having FOMO all weekend because your car sucks in the snow.

When your friends leave the bars early and won’t dance with you.

Burning the top of your mouth because you drunk ate pizza too fast.

Getting a Free People jacket at consignment store for $40. What a steal.

Falling in love in time for Valentine’s Day.

When people buy you drinks to apologize for spilling beer on you. :)

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OPINION Monday, February 12, 2018



To combat campus racial divide, white students need to be involved Jayla Hodge @JaylaHodge

Editor’s Note: All opinion section content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by the Collegian or its editorial board. Last Thursday evening, Lecia Brooks, the outreach director with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Civil Rights memorial director in Montgomery, Georgia, spoke at the “Rising Hate in America” event in the Lory Student Center. The event highlighted the rise of hate crimes across the country and how Colorado State University students can help mitigate racial bias on our own campus. Brooks gives presentations all around the country informing communities about the rise of active hate groups as well as promoting diversity, tolerance and inspiring student activism.

Those who do nothing while witnessing injustice and wrongdoing are worse than those who are committing the acts. The privileged have a responsibility to do what they know is right. White students in the CSU community must not remain complacent. This event was extremely informative and very applicable to recent hate acts around campus. Like many college institutions around the country, CSU has seen a rise in hate crimes and incidents this year. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Colorado has 21 active hate groups, many operating out of Northern Colorado. That is the Fort Collins area and the CSU community. The CSU administration is making a genuine effort to combat the spread of hateful ideologies and white supremacy on campus by promoting diversity and inclusion. It is the students who can do better. Brooks emphasized the importance of involving people of all races and beliefs in the fight for equality.

Lecia Brooks speaks about the rise of hate-fueled incidents across the country. Brooks talked about the gains we have made but also how “we can’t be satisfied. I might be okay, you might be okay, but somebody’s not okay.” Brooks leads the outreach programs for the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization whose focus is to fight hate and bigotry as well as to seek justice for the most vulnerable members of society. PHOTO BY MATT TACKET COLLEGIAN

“In terms of resurgence in student activism, this is very reminiscent of the civil rights movement,” Brooks said. “The civil rights movement, especially towards the end, was successful. One of the reasons it was successful was because it became very multi-racial, interreligious and inter-biased.” According to the presentation, white supremacist propaganda has increased by 250 percent and many extremist groups like white nationalists and neoNazis see colleges as “fertile recruiting ground.” Brooks indicated that it is the majority population – white people – who can do more to combat these ideologies and keep them from spreading. “White people, you need to start talking about being white or these groups are gonna do it for you” Brooks said. Many social justice activists on this campus are students of color or other marginalized identities. These are students some hate groups won’t talk to and see as enemies. This makes the exchange of constructive dialogue impossible when coming from marginalized students. Marginalized identities and voices should not be the only ones speaking out against these groups and their hate, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, supremacy and other despicable ideologies. Social justice is about the inclusion of

all identities working together. If these ideologies bother you, speak out. Do something, because inaction sends a very clear message to the groups combating and being affected: that you don’t care.

“White people, you need to start talking about being white or these groups are gonna do it for you” LECIA BROOKS OUTREACH DIRECTOR

Those who do nothing while witnessing injustice and wrong-doing are worse than those who are committing the acts. The privileged have a responsibility to do what they know is right. White students in the CSU community must not remain complacent. Go to events like “Rising Hate in America,” and when there are peaceful demonstrations or acts of solidarity on campus don’t just pass by. Attend events in SDPS offices like the Black/African American Culture Center’s “Real Talk” that promotes cultural conversations and discussions. Reach out to diversity and social justice groups on campus. When you hear or see a hate crime document it. We must all band together and make sure CSU

does not become a “fertile recruiting ground.” In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that of the

good people. We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Jayla Hodge can be reached at letters@collegian.com.


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SPORTS Monday, February 12, 2018



CSU snaps seven-game losing streak under tutelage of Jase Herl By Austin White @ajwrules44

A second interim head coach in just over a week means that something is bound to change. Everyone is different, and that includes coaches who will all teach the game in varying ways. This time taking the helm is 30-year-old assistant coach Jase Herl. The young coach’s message before the 90-79 victory over San Jose State Saturday afternoon was simple: have fun and play like you have since you were a kid. “Before the game, the exact words he said (were), ‘Go out there, hoop, have fun.’ He said, ‘Don’t look at the bench unless I call your name,’” guard Anthony Bonner said. “Before the game we were like, ‘Man, we are just playing pickup with subs, let’s get out and get going.’” “Everybody started playing the basketball game for the same reason,” Herl said. “You go out there because you get to play with your friends, and you get to have fun so that’s what we wanted it to be, and I don’t need them looking at me asking what’s next.” That message of being loose and focusing on the game might have caused a change in the Rams’ offense with shot selection and pace of play. CSU came out of the gates firing from beyond the arc compared to the drive to the basket style that Larry Eustachy and Steve Barnes preached. The only Ram to not attempt a 3-pointer in the first half was Lorenzo Jenkins. As a team, CSU shot 36.4 from the arc in the first half which helped them grab a 46-40 lead at halftime. Bonner led the assault by knocking

down three of them. However, big man Nico Carvacho had the most points with 12 at the break, aided by his nine rebounds and the third made 3-pointer of his career. “We go out there every day, we

‘SAN JOSE STATE VS. CSU’ ■ Moby Arena, Fort Collins, Colo. ■ Final:

CSU 90 - SJSU 79 ■ CSU forward Nico Carvacho: 26 points, 20 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals ■ Rams snapped seven-game losing streak, scored most points in a game this season ■ Jase Herl earned his first victory as a Division I head coach don’t know who is going to go off, we don’t know who is going to play their best, we don’t know who is going to do it. But we know somebody is and we are going to support them and give them the ball when they are hot,” Carvacho said. “Thanks to the coaches and my teammates and my parents, they got me back on track, they talked to me. I just went out there, I told myself, ‘I’m just going to go out and have fun, play hard, rebound the ball.’” The Rams played without much direction from the bench and focused more on playing that “pick-up” style described by Bonner. The redshirt sophomore seemed to enjoy the freedom as he finished with 19 points and shot 5-for-8 from the 3-point line.

“I’m feeling a lot more comfortable,” Bonner said. “Just getting out of my own head and playing. Not second-guessing myself, just knowing I have the ability and now I just got to do it and not think about doing it.” The barrage of 3-pointers would quiet down in the second half, but Carvacho just got started. He picked up 11 boards to finish with 20, tied for the most in one game for his career. He also kept finding the bottom of the net by racking up 14 more points to finish as the game’s leading scorer with 26, a new career high. Despite ending their sevengame losing streak, the focus on CSU basketball remains the future of Eustachy, and now Barnes, as both coaches are on paid leave. A boycott during Thursday’s practice from the players occurred in order for the team to voice their frustration with finding out information from the media rather than the athletic department. “It was just nice because everyone on the team could say what they had to say face-to-face, manto-man with Joe P (Joe Parker),” Bonner said. “I think it gave us all a better understanding and just help us kind of refresh our minds, be positive.” “That’s those guys, they got together, they met and they decided what they wanted to decide and that’s that,” Herl said on the team’s decision to boycott practice. “We’ve always known (the guys are close) it didn’t take anything like (a boycott) to know that these guys are together.” With their voices now heard, the players felt like some weight was

Colorado State University interim coach Jase Herl and sophomore forward Nico Carvacho celebrate a 90-79 win against San Jose on Saturday. PHOTO BY DAVIS BONNER COLLEGIAN

lifted off them, despite finding out that Herl would take over Saturday morning, the second straight week the team found out hours before a game. Having gone through it before, Bonner and Carvacho both expressed that this adversity is nothing new to them after dealing with the academic issues from last year and Eustachy’s leave last week. Freedom seemed like the key word used to describe their feelings, as the team’s expression all game was one of fun. And for many of the players, the best part was seeing Juan Sabino II notching his first career points on a corner jumper in the final few minutes of the game. The players sprayed the guard with water

coming down the tunnel post-game and followed that up with a shower for coach Herl. “(The scene in the locker room) was nice for them, it wasn’t very nice for me,” Herl said. “I’m soaked and its cold out and I’ve got about two suits so I got to go get this one dry cleaned on the bye week.” The bad taste of losing is now out of the mouths of the Rams who face a tough test after their first bye week of the conference season. CSU will take the court next Saturday on the road against Fresno State who they lost to at home in overtime earlier this season. The game is set to tipoff at 5 p.m. Austin White can be reached at sports@collegian.com.


Rams extend winning streak to six on the West Coast By Luke Zahlmann @lukezahlmann

Colorado State women’s basketball increased their win streak to a half-dozen on Saturday and sent San Jose State in the opposite direction, increasing their losing streak to six with a final tally of 73-66. San Jose State welcomed the Rams to a block party, stuffing four attempts at the rim, while also forcing five turnovers in the early-going. The Rams were kept in the contest early by way of their proficiency beyond the arc, hitting three of their five attempts in the opening quarter. The Rams shot 29.4 percent from the field. Freshman Cydni Lewis proved to be a thorn in the side of the Rams’ offense that had come in on a hot streak. Lewis had three blocks in the opening quarter, closing down the lane for the Rams and forcing their offense to make hay outside. The Rams gained

their lead by way of an early 10-0 run before going cold to end the period. Once again, coach Ryun Williams switched his lineup, inserting Annie Brady, Sofie Tryggedsson and Jordyn Edwards into the lineup alongside mainstays Hannah Tvrdy and Stine Austgulen. The lineup featured firepower from outside, with a lack of size inside, a key component of the Rams having little success at the rim early. After a disappointing start inside, the Rams transitioned themselves to a jump-shot friendly offense, adjusting to the Spartans’ tenacity inside. The switch proved to be beneficial for the Rams as they extended their lead from only two after the first, to 14 going into the half. They shot 56.3 percent from the field in the second quarter, a far cry from their first-quarter struggles. “We’re going to have our stretches where we don’t score

for a couple minutes,” Williams said. “But everybody seems to be locked in and in a pretty aggressive mindset right now.”

‘CSU VS. SAN JOSE STATE’ ■ The Event Center, San Jose,

Calif. ■ Final CSU 73 - SJSU 66 ■ CSU guard Hannah Tvrdy: 22 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists ■ Rams extended winning streak to six games The offensive unit gelling is nothing new for the Rams as they have truly taken off in the scoring department as the season has gone on. Led by Tvrdy, the Rams have increased their per game totals nearly every game during their sixgame streak.

“If we could move the ball from side to side, we felt we could get the ball to the rim,” Williams said. “Tvrdy did a nice job finishing, (Edwards) had a couple really good drives and those two are kind of attack mentality kids.” Tvrdy served as the star of the game, registering 22 points to go with six rebounds and three assists. The scoring output is nothing new for the senior as her hot streak continues, converting itself from a trend to a consistent feat, spanning over a month. Rolling with three guards for much of the contest, the Rams held a speed advantage on both sides of the ball for much of the day. A usually stout defense, the trend continued for the visitors as they held the Spartans to a mere 24 points in the opening half. The second half was an uphill battle for the hosts, with the Spartans doing their best to comeback against the Rams. What was once a 20-point lead, turned

quickly into a single-digit fight between the two squads. A lack of scoring and defensive miscues by the Rams served as the catalyst for the comeback efforts. “As that second half wore on, you just know they were gonna make a few threes,” Williams said. “Then they started driving it down our throat a little bit and we missed a few, but (we) finished it off nicely. It was a good, hard fought road win.” Despite the surge from the Spartans, the Rams were able to come out on top, having led the game for every tick of the clock sans a 25 second interval in the opening quarter. The Rams will head home to defend their winning streak following a full week off due to a lack of a Wednesday matchup. Moby will place host to visiting Fresno State next Saturday with tip at 2 p.m. Luke Zahlmann can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

SPORTS Monday, February 12, 2018


CSU opens season with 4-0 weekend in Texas By Mack Beaulieu @Macknz_james

Only the weather could stop the Colorado State University softball team (4-0) this weekend at the Texas Classic as the Rams picked up four strong wins before below-freezing temperatures stopped their bid for a sweep of the University of Wisconsin (2-2). In an event held by the University of Texas (2-2), it could have been the Rams who felt the advantage as they came back in the first game against Wisconsin and never trailed for the rest of the weekend as they strung together wins against the University of Incarnate Word (0-4) and Texas. The first two at bats on Friday could not have gone much worse for the Rams as the Badgers led off the game with a double by Kelsey Jenkins. A bunt followed where Gabby Sherle reached first and Jenkins scored after an error by CSU catcher Amber Nelson. A flyout scored Sherle, after she stole second and advanced on a single, but the Rams’ Bridget Hutton was able to stop the bleeding there with the help of two strikeouts. The Rams got half of the deficit back in the top of the second inning when sophomore Haley Donaldson scored on an error. Sophomore Corina Gamboa closed the gap with a home run in the fourth. It was the start of a strong weekend for Gamboa, who had two hits in the game. After that, Sherle came back to do more damage in the bottom of the fifth as she singled in a run

to make it 3-2. That was it for the Badgers as Larisa Petakoff came in as relief for Hutton and pitched three scoreless innings to earn the win. Ashley Michelena hit a double in the top of the sixth to drive in two runs and cap the scoring on the 4-3 Rams’ win. Two less exciting matchups followed with the Incarnate Word Cardinals as they failed to keep up with the Rams’ hot bats. The Rams jumped out to a 9-2 lead after three innings behind the power of Donaldson and Gamboa, as both Rams homered in two runs. Incarnate Word put together a comeback bid after scoring five runs in the top of the fourth and fifth innings, cutting the deficit to two. The Rams, however, proceeded to put up five more runs in the bottom of the fifth and sixth and finished with the 14-9 win over the Cardinals. Hutton grabbed the win in relief after starting for the Rams in their first matchup of the day. On Saturday, Incarnate Word and the Rams matched up again in a less contested and lower scoring battle. The Rams scored first, in the bottom of the third, when Michelena scored on an error and Nelson drove in two runs on an RBI triple. The Rams shut it down from there as Allison Petty and Petakoff combined to throw a one-hit, onerun game. Petty got into trouble with her control, but was able to mitigate the damage with a mix of timely strikeouts and ground balls. Despite seven walks, she only allowed one run and was able to get

the win after Petakoff closed the Rams’ 6-1 victory. Finally, the Rams got the Longhorns on Saturday in what turned out to be their last game of the weekend. Senior Hayleigh Evans started the scoring against the host club with a sacrifice fly in the top of the second inning to score Acosta. After going 0-for-4 in the day’s first game against the Cardinals, Donaldson was back to doing damage with an RBI walk. The Longhorns came right back with two of their own off a double from Bekah Alcozer, but the Rams’ pitching was the story again as Hutton pitched a complete game win and only allowed two runs. CSU took the lead on a Donaldson single in the fourth and a Hannah McCorkhill threerun home run provided insurance in the top of the seventh. Perhaps demoralized by the suddenly large deficit, the Longhorns went down in order to close out the game. The last big game of the weekend against Wisconsin was cancelled on Sunday due to below freezing temperatures in Austin. However, with two wins against reigning NCAA tournament teams, a strong offensive showing and mostly dominate pitching, it was certainly a hot start for the Rams. The Rams will try to keep the win streak going next week as they head to Tucson for the Hillenbrand Invitational hosted by the University of Arizona. Mack Beaulieu can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

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BARNES >> from page 1

The two have coached together throughout the majority of their careers, including stints at Idaho, Utah State, Iowa State, Southern Mississippi and Colorado State. During Eustachy’s conflictladen ending at Iowa State, Barnes was also surrounded by controversy. Amid negotiations between the university and Eustachy to part ways with the coach after he was seen drinking and partying with college-aged women, Barnes allegedly encouraged team members and their families to protect Eusatchy’s job. Just one day after being named interim head coach for Iowa State, Barnes was also suspended. Colin Barnard can be reached at sports@collegian.


Reports surface that Eustachy’s conduct is under investigation ■ Wednesday, Jan. 31 Athletic director Joe Parker confirms that a climate assessment has begun. Eustachy coaches CSU in loss to Wyoming ■ Saturday, Feb. 3 Eustachy placed on paid administrative leave while CSU concludes the assessment. Associate coach Steve Barnes named interim head coach ■ Thursday, Feb. 8 Players boycott practice due to frustration with lack of communication with the athletic department ■ Saturday, Feb. 10 Barnes placed on paid administrative leave for the remainder of the assessment. Assistant coach Jase Herl named second interim head coach; coaches CSU in victory over San Jose State

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ARTS & CULTURE Monday, February 12, 2018


New Fort Collins Museum of Art exhibit captures America’s beauty By Sarah Ehrlich @sarahehrlich96

Patriotic themes have found their way to the Fort Collins Museum of Art. The art isn’t American flags and aggressive bald eagles, but intimate portraits of wonders within the United States.

MUSEUM OF ART TICKETS ■ Location: Museum of Art | Fort

Collins, 201 South College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80524 ■ $5 general admission, $4 for students

Rhode Island-based painter Sue McNally has been working on illustrating American landscapes in her new installation, “This Land is My Land.” Currently, her work depicts New Mexico, Colorado and Washington, and she will eventually capture a landscape for each state. McNally has been working on the project since 2010, with her first painting of the Devils Tower in Wyoming. The paintings are from McNally’s vantage point and show her relationship to America’s different landscapes

and the stories and people behind them. McNally photographs the desired landscape and collages the photos from different viewpoints, which then becomes her template for painting. Her paintings have no human element, and she tries to experiment with colors and space to create a new view of nature. Her large canvases are filled with neon pinks, purples and blues, with different textures that give these paintings a dimension unlike traditional landscape paintings. “America is such an incredibly diverse country both in its populace and in its geography and landscape,” McNally said in an artist statement. “For many, it has been a rite of passage to drive coast to coast to see what the different regions of the country contain.” Alongside McNally’s is another exhibit in the hallway of the Fort Collins Museum of Art entitled “From the Heart:Land.” This collection of photographs is by photographer Chuck Kimmerle, who has depicted the relationship between man and nature in his newest exhibit. Working primarily in black and white, Kimmerle has captured the hauntingly beautiful silence and peace one can find in the plains of

Sue McNally’s “Maroon Bells, Colorado” piece hangs in the Fort Collins Museum of Art. PHOTO BY


western America. Kimmerle credits his interest in photography to the moment he bought a Canon Canonet QL17 while in the Army. This led Kimmerle to have a successful 15-year stint as a photojournalist, including a Pulitzer nomination. “My landscape work centers primarily around the intersections of where man and nature meet,” Kimmerle said in a statement. “I find that these areas, which seem to be a norm of our landscape, offer an insight and significance which I cannot find in nature alone.” These two exhibits will be on display until March 18, 2018. More information can be found at moafc.org. Sarah Ehrlich can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.


CSU theatre program to perform Jacob-Jenkins’ ‘Appropriate’ By Claire Oliver @claire_oliver21

Talking about certain topics can be difficult for some. Sometimes people ignore those conversations and push real-life issues under the carpet because they distract from the happy life around them. In Brandon Jacob-Jenkins’ “Appropriate,” put on by the Colorado State University theatre program, these issues are revealed in all their glory. After the death of their father, siblings Toni, Bo and Frank find themselves saddled with what remains of an old plantation house in rural Arkansas. As the three siblings try to figure out what to do with the property and the mountains of debt that comes with it, they begin to crumble under the weight of junk and forgotten family history. The play, directed by Garrett Ayers, directly discusses issues that some people would rather stay

hidden in basements and old photo albums. “The show is a dark comedy that I’m sure will be leaving a lasting impression on the audience,” the show’s assistant director, Richard Keesling, said. Keesling is majoring in theatre with a concentration in directing. “It’ll make you laugh and it will hopefully make you question your viewpoints on society,” Keesling said. The show focuses on some very sensitive material. The questions of race, sexuality and religion are all addressed within the show and how, no matter how long you may know a person, their true thoughts may never be really revealed to you. Toni, portrayed by performance major Sonny Walls, finds this out the hard way as she deals with the possibility that her father was not everything she imagined him to be. Her relationships with her siblings as well as with

her father begin to crumble just as the old house does. The story is gripping with twists you never see coming, and difficult content that is hard to talk about is forced center stage.

‘APPROPIATE’ TICKETS ■ The show “Appropriate” will

open on Feb. 16 and will run until Feb. 25. Tickets are free for Colorado State students.

“Appropriate” will open on Feb. 16 and will run until Feb. 25. Tickets are free for Colorado State students. “You’re going to have to see it more than once if you want to understanding everything,” Keesling said. “So go get tickets.” Claire Oliver can be reached at entertainment@collegian. com.

Daily Horoscope Nancy Black


(02/12/18). Guide your career to unprecedented levels this year. Careful preparation allows for high performance. Personal power and confidence rise to a crescendo this spring. Your physical fitness and health practices energize and build strength this summer before romance sparks a partnership. Share your passion. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — 8

— Forge ahead for professional gain. Your prize has long-term benefits. The stakes are high, and you have what you need. Consider pitfalls in advance. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — 8 — Travel sounds nice, but wait for traffic to clear. Can you attend a meeting or conference virtually? Studies have your focus. Learn from an expert. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — 7 — Anticipate financial changes, and put backup plans in place. New expenses may require adaptation. Discipline and consideration now pay off later. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — 8 — A romantic partnership blossoms naturally. Everything seems possible. Brainstorm to narrow the options and choose your course of action. Together, you’re a powerful team. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — 8 — Profit from meticulous service. Take advantage of a lucky break. Balance work with pleasure, sedentary pursuits with physical ac-

tion. Grow your heart stronger.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — 8 —

Relax, and take advantage of the fine conditions for love. Enjoy family and friends. Play games, music and sports together. Pay someone special attention. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — 6 — Consider long-term plans before beginning a home renovation. Discuss ideas with family. Study color and style schemes and test before committing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — 7 — An answer you’ve been seeking is hiding in plain sight. Practice your creative arts and discover unexpected beauty. Write, paint, craft, pluck or strum. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — 9 — Your morale gets a boost as your wallet grows fatter. Disciplined efforts pay off. Pay bills and reduce debt. Create your own lucrative opportunity. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — 7 — Make a personal change. Practice optimism and self-care. Put aside judgments and complaints for a while, especially those directed at yourself. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — 5 — Stretch and rest in peaceful privacy. Sit or walk somewhere with a lovely view, soothing music or fragrance. Nurture your health and well-being. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — 7 — Crowdsource a solution between your community. Organize and provide infrastructural support. You can accomplish great things with a team of talented friends.

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