Vol 127, no 94, feb 13, 2018

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Vol. 127, No. 94 Tuesday, February 13, 2018










Student Fee Breakdown for the 2017 - 2018 Academic Year per Semester University Facility Fee Advisory Board $311.25

Combined Total of 14 Other Categories $187.83 Career Center: $31.22 Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board: $26.23

University Technology Fee Advisory Board: $25 ASCSU: $24.45 SLiCE: $18.16

Semester Total $1,183.74

University Center for the Arts: $14.59 Ram Events: $9.71 Adult Learner and Veteran Services: $7.49

Health Network $248.07

Conflict Resolution: $7.34 Student Legal Services: $7.30 RamRide: $6.07

Athletics $114.92 Lory Student Center $182.52

Off Campus Life: $5.54 Women and Gender Advocacy Center: $4.25 Resources for Disabled Students: $0.48

Campus Recreation $139.15


Student fees to increase due to rising mandatory costs By Natalia Sperry @Natalia_Sperry

With an estimated budget of $61.3 million dollars in student fees and the University projecting a three percent tuition increase for the ‘18-19 academic year, the Student Fee Review Board and its chair, student body Vice President Cole Wise, are at work this semester to determine what changes students can expect to see to their student fees. Wise said that the fee areas

present SFRB with two kinds of potential changes: mandatory costs and proposed increases. “I can speak in a general sense that mandatory costs will increase since minimum wage is increasing, so that definitely will see some sort of increase,” Wise said. “As far as the new initiatives and projects go, I’m not sure because the vote hasn’t happened yet.” SFRB cannot deny mandatory costs, which are either due to increases in facility maintenance,

minimum wage, fringe benefits or tuition. Proposed increases are what the Board is able to vote on and can include new project and initiative costs or new personnel for the various organizations. As costs of higher education continue to rise, Colorado State University students have a say in their student fees through the SFRB, a body comprised of student members intended to provide efficient, equitable and consistent review of student fees and fee services, according to the

University’s Board of Governors. By the end of the spring semester, the Board proposes a student fee-funded package that they then present to the senate body of the Associated Students of Colorado State University. After that passes, the package then goes on to University President Tony Frank, who presents it to the Board of Governors for final approval, according to Wise. “As far as SFRB goes, their role is really the students’ voice in where their money is being spent.

In all, it’s around (a) $62 million budget that we’re looking at,” Wise said. “So, it’s up to these folks to decide where we invest our student fees, and what programs and initiatives we really want to put our money towards.” According to University Provost Rick Miranda, CSU is proud of their unique level of shared governance with students in the fee budgeting process. see FEES on page 5 >>


COLLEGIAN.COM Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Sophomore Interior design student Sierra Finney uses a light box in the Aylesworth interior design lab. “Right now I’m designing a cabin retreat in the mountains because I want to go into hospitality design,” Finney said. A high school class lead her to study interior design at CSU. PHOTO BY JENN YINGLING COLLEGIAN

overheard on the plaza “Flume sounds like a couple robots making love.” “Are you gonna ask him out?” “No, I’m just gonna send him a valentine’s day card via Facebook messenger.”


Have you recently overheard something funny on campus? Put your eavesdropping to good use. Tweet us @CSUCollegian and your submissions could be featured in our next paper!

Lory Student Center Box 13 Fort Collins, CO 80523 This publication is not an official publication of Colorado State University, but is published by an independent corporation using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a 6,500-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public forum. It publishes four days a week during the regular fall and spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Collegian distribution drops to 3,500 and is published weekly. During the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and will be printed as necessary on page two. The Collegian is a complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to the editor should be sent to letters@collegian.com.

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NEWS Tuesday, February 13, 2018



Dreamers share their stories ahead of March 5 deadline By Yixuan Xie @YixanXie1

With the March 5 deadline approaching, Dreamers are facing the risk of deportation if Congress does not reach a deal. Five “Dreamers,” the name given to people who are recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and based on the failed Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, spoke out about their American Dream and called for action at the Lory Student Center Thursday, Feb. 8 in connection with the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition. Victor Galvan, director of membership and engagement of CIRC, was brought to America in 1991 when he was 8 months old with his parents and older brother. “I realized that immigration was going to be a problem when one day my mom came home crying that she was fired for not having status,” Galvan said. “This is something that didn’t happen once, but multiple times.”

“It is time for us as constituents to call (our elected officials) out. This is our government. This is our country. We deserve a better democracy.” VICTOR GALVAN DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT OF THE COLORADO IMMIGRANT RIGHTS COALITION

However, Galvan said he has hope. He’s been fighting for the dream acto to pass since he was 16, though it never did, and fought for change and progress in Colorado and across the nation. “I felt that we made progress, but then this past year has been a huge step back,” Galvan said. “For the repeal of DACA, it is worth that fight again. We do what we need to do to move forward. I think that’s what the American Dream is.” The day before the event, several immigration activists held a sit-in at the office of Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) for 44 hours, according to Galvan. According to CIRC, Senators Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) are members of “Gang of 6,” a group of bipartisan negotiator senators pushing for an immigration deal. But so far, this

group has failed to introduce a proposal that both Democrats and Republicans can support. Galvan encouraged people to rally, write letters and make calls to senators and congressmen, and register to vote in the upcoming midterm elections. “All we have been hearing from Democrats and Republicans is finger pointing, (and) that they are thinking about 2018 midterm elections. That’s why they are not moving on the DREAM Act,” Galvan said. “It is time for us as constituents to call them out. This is our government. This is our country. We deserve a better democracy.” According to Galvan, every single day since President Donald Trump announced the repeal of DACA, 122 people have lost their status and after March 5, that number is expected to increase to 1,400 people per day. Galvan said he hopes to change hearts and minds and call on the community to step out and fight back. “We are the people building the American Dream and that idea of creating opportunity out of nothing is born on the backs and souls of immigrants,” Galvan said. “That’s why we fight because we have that fire and inspiration, that hope that tomorrow will be a better day. “ Christian Solano, another speaker, walked across the border with his mom, one-yearold sister and a group of people when he was 3 years old. Solano said his mom bought him and his sister light-up shoes, so they would look nice when they saw their dad, who came to America a year earlier. Although the shoes were useful in the tunnel, they became a dead-giveaway when they were out of tunnel and had to walk in front of a border patrol vehicle. Solano’s mom did not want the kids to walk barefoot in the desert, so she carried them. “At first I thought that she was giving up because we would surely be seen, but she stood tall and walked with a defiant pep in her step,” Solano said. “She had faith and resolve that we would find somewhere our family could survive. She was a real dreamer and told me that the real meaning of courage was to take action.” Solano said that not creating a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants does not fit peoples’ wills. “Under current law, there is no way for people like me ... to earn citizenship, and that’s the whole issue at hand,” Solano said. “That’s why almost three-

Victor Galvan recounts his childhood in Mexico. He tells the story of how he grew up with his mother who sold burritos to get by. PHOTO BY BRANDON MENDOZA COLLEGIAN

fourths of Coloradans ... support creating a path for people like me to earn citizenship. We don’t need a wasteful and ineffective wall to get that done.” Most of the audience identified as Dreamers and two of them, Betzy Valdez and Arrisa Beltran, shared their experience. Beltran, who came to America from Mexico at age 3, said she used to be a good

student, but the summer before she entered high school, her father told her that she would not be able to go to college because she was undocumented. “Instead of giving me a push, it really put me in a hole and I started to be really depressed,” Beltran said. “I thought there was no point if I wasn’t going to the college, then what was the point of trying?” After DACA passed, Beltran

said she went back to school, but it was hard to pick up where she left off. Her DACA permit expired last month. “Now I have nothing, but I’m still hopeful,” Beltran said. “I want to let people know that we are not criminals. We help contribute to the community and government. We have a voice just as much as others.” Yixuan Xie can be reached at news@collegian.com.

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NEWS Tuesday, February 13, 2018


CSU projects 3 percent tuition increase for academic year ‘18-19 By Erin Douglas @erinmdouglas23

PUEBLO – Colorado State University presented a 3 percent tuition increase as the most likely decision for next academic year’s tuition rates at the Board of Governors’ meeting Thursday morning. Based on what CSU believes the state contribution will be, in-

state CSU students will likely see an increase of about $172 to their tuition bill next fall if enrolled in 15 credits—bringing the total base tuition to $5,902.83 per semester. Out-of-state students will see a larger dollar increase if CSU stays with this plan: an additional $400 added to their base tuition of $13,330, bringing the total to about $13,730 per semester, or $27,460 per year.


CSU has raised in-state undergraduate tuition at least 5 percent for the past 10 years. Last May, the board settled on a 5 percent increase for resident undergraduates and a 2.5 percent increase for out-of-state undergraduates for the 2018 fiscal year. The burden of higher education costs falls mostly on students and families now as

compared to the past 15 years. In the 2000-2001 fiscal year, the state covered 68 percent of the cost and 32 percent fell to students. By 2012, the proportions reversed in Colorado, according to the 2016-2017 tuition and fees report by the state’s department of higher education. Mandatory student fees add about $2,300 to the cost of attendance each year for

students, but the rate of increase has slowed down in the past two years. Fees rose 1.4 percent for academic year ‘17-18 and 3.5 percent for ‘16-17, compared to a percent increase of 11.28 in ‘15-16. The Student Fee Review Board will propose a fee budget for ‘1819 to the CSU Board of Governors for approval in May. Erin Douglas can be reached at editor@collegian.com.


Students compete for Experts discuss importance of bees scholarship in 3 minutes By Audrey Weiss @Audkward

By Carson Lipe @CarsonLipe

Summarizing and presenting an entire research project in three minutes may sound daunting, but for the Colorado State University graduate students competing for scholarship money and a fellowship, it was exactly what they signed up for. The Vice President for Research’s three-minute challenge took place in the Lory Student Center Monday afternoon. Ellen Fisher, a faculty member in the office of the Vice President for Research, kicked off the event with a description of the event’s purpose. “The VPR fellows program started two years ago and arose from a desire by our VPR, Alan Rudolph, to create a program that would positively impact graduate student researchers at CSU,” Fisher said. “This challenge event provides a venue for students to compete for our VPR fellowships and to gain experience doing something a little out of their comfort zone.” The winners of the challenge, whose presentations are ranked by a panel of judges, are eligible for up to $4000 in scholarship money and the opportunity to become a cohort of VPR fellows the following year. “This was great, it’s really hard from a science perspective to really broaden your research,” said Lance Li Puma, a PhD student studying biomedical sciences. “So being able to find what’s necessary, what’s not and practicing performing and getting it down is beneficial.” The content of the entire program was presented in rapid succession and with very little downtime between speakers. Although the presentation was challenging, Carolina Gutierrez, an international doctoral candidate from Colombia studying Ecology, thought about it in a positive light. “It’s great and it forces you to

think about your research a little more in depth because it makes you think about not only easy-tounderstand words, but also about the impact that your research has on people,” Gutierrez said. “I love that, but it’s very challenging. There are only three minutes and it takes a lot of preparation.” Some participants were selected for an opportunity to present at the VPR challenge by winning a previous event. “So last year, I participated in the graduate student showcase,” Gutierrez said. “Those people selected have the opportunity to participate in the challenge.” The circumstances were the same for Li Puma. “I just did the graduate student showcase,” Li Puma said. “I did well there and got right up to this one.” Braden Beckstrom, a doctoral candidate in mechanical engineering, heard about the event from one of his professors. “I got my assistantship through my professor, Dr. Jason Quinn,” Beckstrom said. “I was talking with him and he said, ‘Well if you want a funded project that will pay for your schooling, and if this sounds interesting, it’s for you.’” Beckstrom was interested in the opportunity for his research, but had other reasons for competing as well. “It’s always nice to get a little bit of extra money and it’s fun to present stuff like this,” Beckstrom said. The winners are to be announced at a later date within the month. Aside from the scholarships, the Vice President for Research, Alan Rudolph, expressed his thoughts on the value of the threeminute challenge. “It’s really an opportunity for us together to put a little shine on our graduate students and what they do,” Rudolph said. Carson Lipe can be reached at news@collegian.com.

If you’re struggling to watch what you eat, start by looking at the bees. Defend Our Future hosted the Defend Our Bees event Monday at Colorado State University. Rachel Melton, a sophomore English education major moderated the event, asked panelists questions regarding bees and sustainability. Panelists included Don Studinski, entrepreneur and beekeeper; Beth Conrey, owner of Bee Squared Apiaries and cofounder of People and Pollinators Action Network; Josh Vaisman, a Northern Colorado Beekeepers Association representative; and Justin Scharton, the Nature in the City project manager. According to Conrey, approximately one-third of all produce in the human diet is provided by bee-pollinated plants. “Do you like to eat?” Conrey said. “Because, if you do, they’re very important.” Panelists listed pollination, honey, propolis and beeswax as resources that bees provide and how they contribute to the ecosystem. “Basically everything in the beehive is edible and has medicinal properties,” Studinski said. What’s more, bees serve as a “canary in a coal mine” in the sense that when something is affecting native pollinators, it is evident in the health of the bees, according to Vaisman. Conrey discussed Colorado Pesticide Laws, which aim to prevent and regulate pesticide usage. The laws are sidestepped due to loopholes within their regulations. Additionally, the

labels required for pesticides available for purchase in stores are specific to honey bees and not local pollinators. The panelists agreed that urban farmers actually have a drastic impact on pollinators when using pesticides to a larger extent even than agricultural farmers. According to Conrey, the solution is for urban farmers and growers to simply stop treating their plants with pesticides all together.

“Wherever you live, think about what kind of habitat you can provide.” JUSTIN SCHRATON NATURE IN THE CITY PROJECT MANAGER

“Making a commitment to yourself to not use pesticides and herbicides … is a huge step,” Vaisman said. Climate change will additionally impact bees in several ways, such as survivability based on a number of available resources, according to Vaisman. Honeybees are not the only pollinators that will be affected by climate change. Studinski said that native pollinators are going to be the hardest hit by climate change. “A honey bee will visit many kinds of flowering plants,” Studinski said. “Native bees are not so much generalists. They have a much more limited set.” The panelists stressed the importance of community involvement in taking steps toward saving and caring for bees.

Specifically, Schraton is working for the City of Fort Collins in order to help residents on all spectrums of bee caregiving. “Wherever you live, think about what kind of habitat you can provide,” Schraton said. Schraton suggested considering the four components of habitat: space, food, water and shelter. “There are always opportunities to get engaged at any level, from right here on campus, all the way up to the state and federal levels,” Conrey said. “I encourage you to look for those opportunities because they’re out there and people want to hear your voice.” Schranton recommended considering individual participation, whether by planting flowers in a backyard or on a balcony, or even taking up beekeeping. On this note, Studinski noted his hopes for changing the paradigm of beekeeping from a condensed and heavy load of information, to an extensive and more immersive educational experience. “Bees collect honey not because they like us, (but) they collect nectar to collect honey for themselves,” Vaisman said. With that being said, bees are an integral part of the ecosystem and climate change has a negative impact on them, according to Studinski. “The choice is up to us,” Schranton said. “This choice is up to us of how we respond to it, how we try to mitigate it, and how we try to turn this massive ship that is climate change in the right direction.” Audrey Weiss can be reached at news@collegian.com.

NEWS Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Fees >> from page 1 “We have a philosophy here at Colorado State that I think we’re really proud of about the student fee areas, and that is that we have always gone to the students and student government for approval and for oversight of how their fees are spent,” Miranda said at the Feb. 5 SFRB meeting. “That’s not the case at all universities.”

STUDENT FEES The student fee is broken down into 19 fee areas as follows: ■ ASCSU, $24.45 ■ Adult Learner and Veteran Services, $7.49 ■ Athletics, $114.92 ■ Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board, $26.23 ■ Career Center, $31.22 ■ Campus Recreation, $139.15 ■ Conflict Resolution, $7.34 ■ Health Network, $248.07 ■ Lory Student Center, $182.52 ■ Off Campus Life, $5.54 ■ Ram Events, $9.71 ■ Ram Ride, $6.07 ■ Resources for Disabled Students, $0.48 ■ SLiCE, $18.16 ■ Student Legal Services, $7.30 ■ University Center of the Arts, $14.59 ■ University Facility Fee Advisory Board, $311.25 ■ University Technology Fee Advisory Board, $25.00 ■ The Women and Gender Advocacy Center, $4.25

3.49 percent. Although SFRB has not yet determined the final budget for the 20182019 academic year, Wise anticipates an increase due to rising mandatory costs. “The only trend that we’re seeing (in fee increases) is that mandatory costs increase. The cost of living is increasing, and the cost of salary is increasing, as well as hourly student pay,” Wise said. “With the minimum wage increase that was passed, we’re going to continue to see those mandatory costs continue to increase for the foreseeable future.” This year, Miranda asked SFRB to consider the projected rise in tuition when deliberating on any changes to student fees, as there was previously a gap between tuition increases and fee increases. As the Board continues to determine the specific necessary and proposed changes to student fees this semester, Wise plans on increasing transparency through the student fees website and encourages students to get involved in the process by contacting SFRB members. “Learn about where your money’s going, because if you have the opportunity to learn about where you’re spending money, you should take it,” Wise said. “This is a process that any student on campus can be a part of.” Natalia Sperry can be reached at news@collegian.com.

According to the CSU Institutional Fee Plan and Policy, student fees are defined as being any amount, other than tuition, that is assessed to all individual students as a condition of enrollment in the University. Though it often appears as one total cost of “tuition and fees” on the student’s end, as with the Shopping Sheet on RAMweb, the current student fee total for full time students per semester is $1,183.74. According to Wise, student fee areas are created based on what impacts students the most, such as Alternative Transportation Fee Advisory Board, which reviews the accessibility of Transfort and the bus systems around campus. “Really, it’s where on campus impacts the most students, and that’s what creates a fee area,” Wise said. “We’re getting a say in a lot of things going on, on campus.” This year, the two largest fee areas are in University Facility Fee Advisory Board, whose fees provide both new facilities and improvement to current facilities that directly benefit the students, and the new CSU Health Network, which provides resources to all students, such as 5 free counseling sessions. For full-time on-campus students, fees increased by about $15 for the 2017-2018 school year, a 1.34 percent increase from the 2016-2017 academic year. The previous year, the fee increased by

History of Student Fees from 2010 - 2017 $2,367.48





Activist discusses labor, climate By Pat Conrey @Load_of_Crop

Avogadro’s Number invited Michael Leon Guerrero to speak Monday evening about the impact climate change will have on the world’s work industries. According to the United Nations, the world population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, 25 years after current freshmen at Colorado State University will enter the workforce. Guerrero, the executive director of the Labor Network for Sustainability, addressed the audience about topics including progressive labor movements and climate change policy at the event co-sponsored by CSU’s Environmental Justice Working Group and the Department of Political Science. “The whole issue about jobs and environment as a dichotomy was always a false dichotomy,”Guerrero said. “We felt we should never have to trade off jobs for our health, our safety and the environment.” According to Guerrero, the environmental justice communities have to live with both realities. Guerrero left the environmental justice and community organizing sphere to work with the labor unions. He praised the work of his peers and their analysis of times when labor unions changed their positions on major issues, like civil rights, immigration and healthcare.

“It was the same story,” Guerrero said. “It was a bottom up process within the labor movement that created the change.” During the panel, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which has made its way onto the federal political scene, was used as an example of worker and environmental rights. On Jan. 1, 1989 the United States entered NAFTA. Guerrero worked closely with organizations on NAFTA where labor unions, faith-based groups and environmental groups came together. Between labor groups, organization has not always been easy. Guerrero said he believes the question “What would climate change mean to your industry?” opens the conversation. “Climate change is the real job killer,” Guerrero said. “I found that union people around the country really are thinking about this issue. They just need some guidance.” LNS hosted their first Labor Convergence on Climate in January 2016. At the convergence, the group approved a set of guiding principles. Groups like LNS and EJWG are actively working towards a more sustainable world. “This is one economic transition that we cannot afford to be reactive to,” Guerrero said. “We all have to be all in.” Pat Conrey can be reached at news@collegian.com.

$2,300 $2,257.48 $2,200

$2,100 $2,028.64 $2,000

$1,900 $1,819.16 $1,773.64

$1,800 $1,734.68 $1,728.80 $1,700

2/13 Showtimes 2017-18









Although formally student’s roles in SFRB are to give advice to the University President, who in turn advises the final decision making of the Board of Governors, Miranda said that in President Tony Frank’s administration, SFRB has always had a valuable place in the decision making process. “It’s never been the case that in our memory, and certainly not in our administration, that we have taken a fee to the board of governors that (SFRB) has not approved of, or that we’ve vetoed a fee that (SFRB) was supportive of,” Miranda said during the SFRB meeting. “We have a very long history of a cooperative relationship with SFRB and with student government in shepherding these resources.”


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OPINION Tuesday, February 13, 2018


CSU’s lack of transparency reaches the highest level, but it’s a simple fix

Editor’s Note: Letters from the editor do not represent a stance taken by all Collegian employees, and are instead a stance taken by the Editor-in-Chief. Erin Douglas is the Editor-in-Chief of the Collegian and has covered CSU Board of Governors meetings since 2015. A conversation about Colorado State University’s future at the highest university level happened this past weekend — 173 miles from Fort Collins. CSU’s Board of Governors convened Thursday and Friday at the CSU Pueblo campus to discuss, among other topics, the Hughes Stadium property, the on-campus stadium’s projected income statement, political tension surrounding free speech and a possible tuition increase. The board’s six yearly meetings rotate locations between Denver, Fort Collins and Pueblo. While it’s reasonable to allow each campus part of the CSU System to have the spotlight, the location changes only furthers an already frustrating lack of transparency by CSU. Materials for these meetings are not available ahead of time, either for the public or the press. Agendas and meeting announcements are posted online a few days prior, but definitely not advertised – perhaps this is why no one is ever present for public comment. Meetings are not recorded, except by minutes that are only posted days afterward. So, the location wouldn’t be an issue if the University made the on-average-400-page binder of board materials public ahead of time. It wouldn’t be an issue if the university live-streamed the

meetings. And, I would be less inclined to make it an issue if my publication and myself had not been requesting these very simple accommodations for (at least) three years. The lack of accessibility is hardly surprising. Public meetings, in any context or organization, are notoriously not very public. Often times journalists go through training to navigate the obstacles. The much-coveted binder, full of important data, graphs, maps and explanations of board decisions, is only available for press use during meetings because a Coloradoan reporter requested it (or, more accurately, demanded it with annoying questions) a few years ago. But, we’re still not allowed to see the materials prior to the meeting, and there is normally only one binder on the press table to share. Could someone at least digitalize it at the time of the board meeting? Though CSU is not technically breaking Colorado sunshine law rules that govern public meetings, they are certainly making it difficult for journalists to do their jobs. When I’ve asked for the materials, the typical response is that board materials are not official until the board votes to approve them after the meeting. Understandable, but the University could easily make these materials available under embargo so that The Coloradoan and The Collegian aren’t trying to quietly sift through hundreds of pages of information in the same binder at the same time while the meeting is in session. As for the location, it would be quite simple to live stream meetings, therefore making them accessible to not just journalists, but to CSU professors, alumni, students or parents interested in watching. It might be naïve for me to claim that hundreds of students would anxiously tune in,

Being a broke college kid.


Erin Douglas @erinmdouglas23

Car trouble.

The Snapchat update. #rip

waiting to watch public business be discussed. But, as it currently stands, if anyone did want to speak during public comment or watch the meeting in real time, they are likely looking at a long drive and two days of work or class missed. All of this might sound like a Journalist RantTM, inapplicable to the students I’m here to serve, but I promise this affects all of you, too. When my reporters and I are not able to have time to look at information prior to the meeting, it affects our ability to ask questions in the students’ interest. It affects our ability to write detailed and contextual stories. Thus, it affects your ability to know what the university is deciding to do with your $12,000$27,000 per year. It doesn’t need to be like this. Fort Collins’ City Council, bless their hearts, live streams meetings, makes meeting material available ahead of time and holds meetings Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., long after a normal workday. For student reporters, not having to miss class to do our jobs is a breath of fresh air. I’ll be the first to admit that The Collegian should make more of an effort to be an unwavering presence at the Board of Governors’ meetings. But how can we? Meetings are scheduled from about 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on weekdays, materials are not released physically or digitally ahead of time and meetings are not recorded unless we’re there to do the recording. Student reporters have class and many don’t have cars. Last weekend, I took two days off school and drove a grand total of six hours and 346 miles to get information that could have been obtained with a simple PDF and an iPhone. As a land-grant institution responsible to the public, CSU can and should do better. Erin Douglas can be reached at editor@collegian.com.

Instagram is still lit.

Field trips. Ryun Williams offering to jump your car. Not all heroes wear capes.

When it’s so cold your wet hair freezes.

Collaborating with brilliant people.


People who walk you home <3


Warped Tour end may give Fort Collins a unique opportunity Josh Silva @jsflix

Editor’s Note: All opinion section content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by the Collegian or its editorial board. This past year, Vans Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman announced that the upcoming 2018 tour would be the last, leaving fans and artists justifiably upset. Following in the footsteps of Grand Junction’s Loudwire Music Festival in 2016 and Denver’s Riot Fest in 2017, the farewell tour will pass through Denver on July 1 before shutting its doors on Aug. 5.

“We are trying to deliver [an affordable festival experience] for the 95 percent of people who can’t afford to go to Bonnaroo or Coachella” KEVIN LYMAN VANS WARPED TOUR FOUNDER

Though all three events expressed interest in a revival at some point in the future, they have yet to take concrete steps toward this goal. The end of the nationwide Warped Tour further exacerbates the void for punk rock enthusiasts in Colorado, since none of the other Colorado music festivals fit the profile of Warped Tour or Riot Fest. The City of Fort Collins is uniquely well-positioned to take up the mantle by hosting a new festival to replace Warped. While Colorado as a whole features a hospitable musical climate and boasts artists such as OneRepublic and The Fray, Fort Collins specifically is the ideal location to establish a new music festival in the spirit of Warped Tour. Promoters have historically struggled to set up music festivals in Denver, but Fort Collins may prove more compatible under the right circumstances. Historically speaking, Fort Collins enjoys a track record of accommodating large crowds for musical events, as the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys both famously played at Hughes Stadium. The musical appetite in Fort Collins persists, with CSU’s oncampus stadium being floated as a potential future concert venue and CSU students working to make Colorado an artistic hotspot. The

efforts seem to be paying off, as CSU hosted concerts on football game days, known as “Stadium Sessions,” that showcased various artists before kickoff. Fort Collins has another positive track record when it comes to holding large-scale cultural events. Fort Collins hosts the annual Colorado Brewers’ Festival every summer, where visitors gather to witness over 90 Colorado beers and 40 Colorado breweries. The City also hosts Taste of Fort Collins, which has showcased rock bands such as the Plain White T’s, the Wombats and Smash Mouth. Last year’s Tour de Fat celebration in Fort Collins featured the All-American Rejects and X Ambassadors, proving that such events can thrive with the appetite for rock bands in Fort Collins. While music festivals such as Warped can be expensive and cumbersome to implement, they present numerous benefits such as opportunities for sponsorship, philanthropy and activism. They also provide cash-strapped fans with the opportunity to experience several of their favorite artists in one central location. Since the Vans Warped Tour began in 1995, its mission has been described as, “trying to deliver [an affordable festival experience] for the 95 percent of people who can’t afford to go to Bonnaroo or Coachella,” to see their favorite artists. By capping ticket prices around $50, Warped Tour has worked to fulfill its mission and provide fans with shows they otherwise may not have been able to experience. Additionally, the cultural impact of the Warped Tour cannot be overstated, as these festivals allow up-and-coming artists an opportunity to gain exposure. According to Westword, “punk has ebbed and flowed in Denver’s underground music world since the mid-’70s. The current wave of the genre is one of its most diverse, both demographically and musically.” Without a large venue to interact with other bands and showcase their talent, many local artists risk their careers being strangled before they have the chance to take off. Indeed, various artists such as blink-182, Green Day and even Katy Perry and the Black Eyed Peas have credited their appearances at Warped with bolstering their, at the time, fledgling careers. Benefits such as these are why festivals like Warped are worth replacing, and Fort Collins has a golden opportunity to fill the void. Josh Silva can be reached at letters@collegian.com.




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SPORTS Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Runners enjoy record-breaking weekend at Husky Invitational By Mamadou Balde @mamadoubalde62

Splitting between two events did not slow down Colorado State track & field as the Rams continued action in two different invites last weekend. The Rams sent most of their distance runners to Seattle, Wash. for the Husky Invitational while the rest of the team competed in Albuquerque, N.M. At the Husky Invitational, Grant Fischer scorched the competition in the 5,000 meters where he also broke the program record. Fischer won the event with a time of 13:44. The record was previously held by Jerrell Mock who ran a 13:46 at the Husky Invitational in 2017. “Grant really wanted that school record,” distance coach Art Siemers said in a statement. “He’s never had a school record before – college, high school, middle school, he told me. For a former walk-on to come out here in pretty

much his one chance to get the school record…he just executed. The pace was slow early but he just stayed composed throughout the race and got it done.” Fischer was just the start for the team as multiple Rams earned rankings on Colorado State University’s top 20 all-time list in the 5,000 meters. Eric Hamer finished second in his heat with a time of 14:15, the second-fastest time for the Rams. Hamer’s time also ranks sixth on CSU’s alltime indoor list. Maximilliano Martinez finished with a time of 14:24 in his debut, a time that ranks 14th in the program’s records. There were four other Rams that set top-20 times including Luke Giugliano who finished with a time of 14:25, which ranks 11th on the all-time list. Justin Weinmeister’s time of 14:26 ranks 12th. Rounding things out for the Rams were sophomores Satchel Caldwell and Forrest Barton. Caldwell finished with a time of

14:29, which ranks 13th on the all-time list while Barton finished with a time of 14:41, 18th all-time. “I was really proud of all of our guys in the 5k tonight,” Siemers said. “Each of those guys made our top-20 list, which is exciting because it means they’re all on and ran personal bests. They’re starting to come into form and hopefully we’ll just keep rolling until conference. We have some up-and-coming young guys that have a chance to travel to sea-level competition and they’re taking advantage of their opportunities. We’ll keep it rolling tomorrow.” While the distance runners highlighted the Husky Invitational, the women’s weight throw team registered multiple personal bests. Aimee Larrabee set a personal record with a mark of 19.44 meters, seventh on the alltime list. Linnea Jonsson also set a PR with a mark of 19.02 meters, ninth on the all-time list. In the men’s weight throw, Alex Blaho also set a PR with a mark of 19.04


CSU picks up two wins, falls to UNLV in MW play By Michelle Gould @michellegouldd

Colorado State tennis traveled to Las Vegas, Nev. last weekend where they picked up two wins against UC Riverside and Youngstown State. In their final day of play, the Rams lost to the UNLV Rebels in the first game of Mountain West play. The Rams began the weekend facing off against UC Riverside. Priscilla Palermo started the tournament strong, picking up a win against Karla Dulay 6-0, 6-1. Emily Leutschwager followed behind Palermo as she defeated her UC Riverside opponent, Sara Khattab, 6-2, 6-4. Alyssa Grijalva improved her singles record with a win over Chloe Pham 6-4, 6-4. The first day concluded with a sweep in doubles wins for duos Palermo/Grijalva, Emily Kolbow/ Leutschwager and Riley Reeves/Emma Corwin. “We were very proud of our competing and the energy we brought to the matches.” Grijalva said. “We brought that same energy into the second half of the day.” With a quick turnaround, the Rams faced the Youngstown State Penguins that afternoon. The Penguins picked up the

opening point in doubles play, with Imaan Hassim and Sofia Macias besting Kolbow and Luetschwager 7-6 (7-2) The Rams’ duo of Reeves and Corwin also dropped their doubles match, 6-3. With singles play to end the day, Leutschwager began with intensity to even the match against Sofia Macias, 6-1, 6-3. Improving her overall singles record to 12-3, Grijalva claimed an additional singles victory over Anastasiia Khokhlove, 6-3, 6-3. Corwin and Reeves clinched winning team points with victories over Cassandra Moraleja, 7-6, 6-2, and Ana Stroe, 3-6, 6-1, 6-3, respectively. Head coach Jarod Camerota said he was pleased with his players’ performances going into the final day of the tournament. “We did a good job of getting two wins today, and we did it in different ways, with and without the doubles point,” Camerota said. With a back-to-back tournament the day prior, the Rams fell to UNLV Sunday in their first Mountain West Conference opponent. With three losses and three unfinished matches in singles play, the Rams continued to stay hopeful going into the doubles round.

“We all kept each other up and tried to recognize what we needed to work on as a team,” Grijalva said. With fatigue and frustration setting in, the UNLV Rebels claimed victories in doubles to best the Rams, 4-0. Despite the loss against the Rebels, Camerota remained positive. “Whenever you win more than you lose over a weekend, it’s a good thing,” Camerota said in a statement. “UNLV showed us what we need to work on to get ready for our divisional opponents in conference and for the conference tournament.” With no competition set for this weekend, the Rams will utilize the extra training time to prepare for play against Duke and Western Illinois in Des Moines, Iowa on Feb. 23-24. “I think the team can improve for Iowa by simply hitting more balls and getting more reps in,” Kolbow said. “A lot of us will be playing extra this week and that will be the key to our success. We also have a lot of workouts before Iowa that will make us stronger and better.” Michelle Gould can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

meters, 18th on the all-time list. “We came in looking for some big marks today, and we had a few in the weight throw,” head coach Brian Bedard said. “To have four women reach the finals of the weight throw at the Don Kirby was good to see as well. We had some areas that I thought we underperformed in today, but I’m looking forward to seeing what we can get done tomorrow.” The Rams continued their record-breaking weekend on day two with Cole Rockhold breaking the record for the 3,000 meters by just over a second with his time of 7:50.10. The record time of 7:51.38 was previously held by Jefferson Abbey. Rockhold also set a PR. “Cole missed about four or five days of training a couple of weeks ago and we were thinking he might not even run at the meet (last week) at CU,” said coach Siemers. “He’s just such a composed runner. He went to CU and got a likely qualifying mark in the mile, not even knowing he

was going to run it until probably Thursday of that week. Then, in his first 3k of the year with some of the toughest competition in the country, he just moved up throughout the race and put himself in a position to win in the last turn.” Three other Rams set personal bests in the 3,000 meters. Carson Hume finished with a time of 8:05, ranking fifth on the all-time list. Following Hume was Wayde Hall who finished with a time of 8:07, seventh all-time. Also finishing with a time of 8:07 was Trent Powell, his time ranks eighth on the all-time list. Mostafa Hassan remained undefeated in the shot put event this indoor season. Hassan won the event with a mark of 19.59. The Rams will continue their indoor season at the Rocky Mountain Classic in Laramie, Wyo. on Feb. 16. Mamadou Balde can be reached by email at sports@ collegian.com


CSU unable to capitalize on fast start in loss to CU By Tyler Johnson @TylerGjohnson20

The Colorado State club hockey team got off to a fast start in the second game of a back-toback series with rival Colorado Saturday evening. The Rams got a quick goal but were unable to keep up with the Buffaloes’ scoring and lost 6-2, falling to to 8-21-2 on the season. Rams’ forward Austin Ansay scored just fifty five seconds into play and was assisted by Elijah Aquilina. The Rams played inspired defense in the first period, feeding off the crowd’s energy. Colorado broke through with a goal from Buffs defender Ben Hull seven minutes into the first on a power play. Penalties would come back to hurt the Rams again before the end of the first. With just four minutes left in the period, Trace Jablin scored for Colorado. Colorado State once again came out and played good defense to start the second period.

However, unlike the first, the Rams struggled to get any offense going. The Buffs would add to their lead eight minutes into play with a goal by George Gruber VII, then the game was broken open with Colorado scoring two more goals in the period by Matt Anders and Jake Bauer. The Rams were shut out and went into the third trailing 5-1. The Rams would get one goal seven minutes into the period, scored by Liam Millar, but it was too little too late. Colorado State was swept in the series with Colorado by a combined score of 11-3. The Rams only have three games left in what has been a season to forget but will look to end on a high note. The Rams will be back in action Thursday, Feb. 15 and Friday, Feb. 16 as they travel to take on the University of Jamestown in North Dakota. Tyler Johnson can be reached at sports@collegian.com.

The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Tuesday, February 13, 2018



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ARTS & CULTURE Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Movies for a night in with your Valentine By Claire Oliver @claire_oliver21

This year, staying in and watching movies on Valentines Day is a cheap way to spend time with those people who are important in your life. However, finding a good movie to watch though can be a ridiculous feat, and hours can be spent surfing through possible options. Here are ten classic romance movies to consider before sitting down with the gal pals or that special someone: “Casablanca” (1942) This movie stands as one of the most popular romance movies ever. With an amazing score and heart wrenching story, it is easy to see why this movie is so highly rated among critics and audiences. The story focuses on Rick Blaine who owns a bar in Casablanca, Morrocco during World War II. His troubled past is what brought him there but he must face the music when his former lover, Ilsa Lund, walks into his bar one night igniting a desire between them. The movie is a great testament to a period of cinema that has been all but forgotten.

“Here’s to looking at you kid” and “Louie, I think this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship” are both famous quotes that came from “Casablanca” which celebrated its 75th anniversary last year.

Rated: 97% Rotten Tomatoes “Roman Holiday” (1953) “Roman Holiday” earned Audrey Hepburn her first Oscar and cemented her as one of the great Hollywood actresses. Hepburn will pop up a again on this list, but “Roman Holiday” stands out because her charm and wit as Princess Ann who leaves her confines and spends a night in Rome with a dashing reporter, played by the great Gregory Peck. The pair work well together on screen and you can’t help but root for them as they dance the night away in Rome. Rated: 98% Rotten Tomatoes “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1953) Perfect for Galentine’s Day, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” stars Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell as best friends who are on a trip to Paris. The

two are recruited by a private investigator and Marilyn’s character is charged with being a gold digger. The case can be easily solved considering on of Marilyn’s numbers is called “Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend”. It is a great movie to watch with a group of girlfriends. Rating: 98% Rotten Tomatoes “West Side Story” (1961) A musical version of Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”, Steven Sondheim’s “West Side Story” takes place on the west side of Manhattan. Maria and Tony are members of rival gangs and against all odds they fall in love. The music is wonderful, the dance numbers are fluid and fun to watch and the chemistry between the two star-crossed lovers is heart warming. Not to mention it doesn’t end the way the classic play does so don’t write this off as just a recreation of the traditional story. Sondheim keeps it interesting and represents minority groups living in Hell’s Kitchen. Rated: 94% Rotten Tomatoes “The Graduate” (1967) For those who like to go against the grain and want to watch a nontraditional love story, “The Graduate” is an option. Dustin Hoffman plays Ben, a recent college grad who is seduced by his neighbor, Mrs. Robinson. The two become lovers and Ben comes to find out that Mrs. Robinson’s daughter Elaine, portrayed by Katharine Ross, is the perfect girl for him. The movie is almost like a Wes Anderson film with long moments of silence and a strange and very memorable ending. Plus, the film score was written by Simon and Garfunkel so the entire show has a very zany feel to it. Rated: 91% Rotten Tomatoes “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” (1961) Another Hepburn classic, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” takes place in Manhattan. Holly Golightly is a broken young woman with a troubled past who meets Paul Varjak, a new tenant in her building. The pair begin a budding romance and the audience gets to watch the twists and turns as Holly deals with her inner demons that prevent her from falling in love. Rated: 88% Rotten Tomatoes But wait.....

Movies of old Hollywood are a little more traditional when it comes to relationships. Girl meets boy, they fall in love and the rest is history, but in today’s society, love and the many forms it takes are starting to get more attention. Recently Hollywood has produced a wide range of movies that cater to the LGBTQ community. Here are movies that represent the LGBTQ community can be possible options to watch this Valentines Day. Love is love after all. “Carol” (2015) This movie takes place in the 1950s, where older woman Carol, portrayed by Cate Blanchet, catches the eye of a young store employee Therese. Therese, portrayed by Rooney Mara, and Carol begin a friendship which blossoms into something more as the two take a road trip together. Against all odds and Carol’s ever present ex-husband, the two remain in love. Rated: 95% Rotten Tomatoes “Call Me by Your Name” (2018) To shake things up this movie is actually still in theatres. Set in Northern Italy, a young 17-year-old boy named Elio, portrayed by Timothee Chalamet, works with his father who is a professor of archeology. Elio’s father hires an American graduate student named Oliver, portrayed by Armie Hammer, to help with his research and an immediate connection is formed between Elio and Oliver. Rated: 96% (Rotten Tomatoes) “The Danish Girl” (2015) Einar, portrayed by Eddie Redmayne, and his wife Gerda, portrayed by Alicia Vikander, are a married couple. Both are painters with Gerda preferring portraits and Einar landscapes. When Einar sits for a portrait in a dress their world is flipped on it’s head as Einar realizes that she is a woman. Einar changes her name to Lili and will eventually undergo the first sex change operation. The movie didn’t receive rave reviews but it does showcase one of the first ever documented cases of a sex change operation that will pave the way for the transgender community. Rated: 68% Rotten Tomatoes Claire Oliver can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.


Where to (probably) find Girl Scout cookies By Nate Day @NateMDay

Without fail, every year, the Girl Scouts of America manage to snag dollar after dollar for their delicious cookies. It seems that regardless of where you are, there’s always a little girl nearby looking up at you with puppy-dog-eyes, sweetly requesting that you invest in her future by purchasing a box of calories. That being said, most of us are more than willing to fork over the cash. If you’ve got a serious hankering for some baked deliciousness, here are some spots around town that you’ll likely find Girl Scouts doing their thing: Flea Market If you haven’t seen the lines forming just outside of the CSU Bookstore in the Lory Student Center, you must be blind. Visiting a college campus full of hungry students is genius, so get to them while you can. The Grocery Store These girls know what they’re doing. Sitting at a table outside of the store in their patch-covered uniforms is certain to draw eyes, and making eye contact with a girl

scout means your locked in for at least a box of Thin Mints. Foothills Mall They’re occasionally sprinkled around the mall, as well, ready to catch folks in a money-spending mood. Craft Stores It’s mostly parents that end up shopping at places like JoAnn Fabrics and Hobby Lobby, and the genius saleswomen that Girl Scouts are, know that parents can never turn down an opportunity to support the cause. Department Stores It’s not just craft stores where you’ll find adults with disposable income. Places like JCPenny’s and Macy’s often have a cookie station parked out front, just waiting to nab an unsuspecting shopper. Luckily, if you can’t manage to track down a gaggle of girls to sell you the goods, the Girl Scouts of America have a booth finder feature on their website, www.girlscouts. org Additionally, if you can’t figure out what cookies to purchase, The Collegian has you covered in our Cookie Ranking. Nate Day can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.

ARTS & CULTURE Tuesday, February 13, 2018



How to celebrate a solo Valentine’s Day By Nick Botkin @dudesosad

Valentine’s Day can bombard you with messages geared towards couples. Romantic chocolates. Candlelight dinners. Gifts for that special someone. If you are that exotic species known as the single person, it is easy to feel left behind. But there are plenty of ways to take Valentine’s Day into your own hands. Here are some ways to make the day all your own. If you have your own rituals in mind, embrace them as well. 1. Buy yourself something This might sound ludicrous. Egotistical, even. But why not? Valentine’s Day is about love, so why not pay tribute to yourself? Get something that reflects your own interests, no matter how quirky. Selfesteem is important. Embrace yourself, especially the quirky facets. If you like vampires, get yourself a copy of “Dracula.” If you are a music lover, buy the latest album that can get you grooving on the floor.

2. Share the love Do not get lost in paroxysms of self-pity. There are likely plenty of other singles in your world. Why not try to alleviate their sadness? Maybe bring gifts or cards to people at school or at work. Especially people you might not know well. The act of giving can fill others with a sense of personal worth, a sense of being wanted. You just might feel more self-esteem as well. 3.Hang out with friends When you think about Valentine’s Day and love, romantic love comes to mind. But why not make it about all types of love? Period. You love your friends. Perhaps some of them are up the same singles creek sans paddle. So help them out. Maybe throw an “antiValentine” party. Go out for some beers if you are over 21. 4. Watch movies Movies offer a delightful escape. You can live vicariously through others. The choice of viewing material is yours, but why not avoid rom-coms? Watch a cynical comedy. Or an action movie. If you do veer into the romantic fare, maybe

think about avoiding the most upbeat offerings.

5. Road trip Take a day trip if you are not in class. Maybe go into Denver. See a comedian. Go to a concert. Walk around and explore. Do not go into this with a set plan. Let spontaneity and impulse reign supreme. Carpe diem, as Robin Williams proclaims in “Dead Poets Society.” 6. Write. Write something. Anything. Go on a freewriting binge, even if it is rife with stream of consciousness rants. Pen lousy poetry, even if Alfred Lord Tennyson’s ghost picks a fight with you. Writing is an inherently therapeutic act, according to an article in “Psych Central.” According to the article, writing is a means of observing our thoughts and feelings. So write about your frustrations. Write about inadequacies, about breakups. Even write about your ideal date. Nick Botkin can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.








ARTS & CULTURE Tuesday, February 13, 2018



‘Black Panther: The Album’ hypes Forgot about Valentine’s listeners for movie, can stand alone Day? Here are some tips By Miles Parrish & Ty Davis @ parrishm20 @TyDavisACW

Rarely has there ever been an album based on a major film whose excitement has not only stood alongside the film itself, but in some ways stood separate from the film. The press coverage of the Marvel’s “Black Panther,” is filled with news of one good decision after another, from design, cast and the decision to commission Top Dog Entertainment, the record company boasting the likes of Kendrick Lamar, SZA, and Schoolboy Q, to create the film’s soundtrack. After the wave of hype following his “DAMN” release, Lamar seems like the obvious choice for making an album for “Black Panther.” Not only does this album excel fitting in thematically with the “Black Panther” movie, but it also excels in standing on its own as a celebration of the culture behind the music. Kendrick also adds some lesser-known artists out of Africa to the celebration with their addition to the feature list.

“BLACK PANTHER: THE ALBUM” REVIEW ■ ”Black Panther” has style, and

“Black Panther: The Album” has the sonic equivalent of style.

The instrumentals throughout the album are consistently superb. This is a Kendrick Lamar album through and through, and in many ways, the album sounds like a spiritual successor to “To Pimp A Butterfly.” Rather than pulling from jazz or funkadelic like “To Pimp a Butterfly,” “Black


(02/13/18). Love feeds your career this year. Rising profits come through disciplined scheduling and coordination. Reach a new personal record this spring. Physical and health practices support an energy surge this summer. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — 8— Pass along what you’re learning. Friends are a big help

Panther: The Album” instead experiments with fusions of electronic music. Luckily, the album does not lean so far into experimentation that it becomes inaccessible. There is an elegance to the composition that puts the album more in line with TPAB, than with Lamar’s most recent album “DAMN.” The electronic infusion brings a type of rapid energy to the hard hitting beats of songs like “X”, “Opps,” and “Paramedic.” The focus on electronic does not leave it with only one sound. The album allows for many types of genres like R&B, with hints of soul, rock and gospel sprinkled throughout many songs in the album. The album also makes great use of South African instrumentals that are present even in the most heavy bangers on the album, giving a unique sound to each of the tracks, even the most distinctly American ones. These instrumentals, along with the focus on electronic experimentation partners greatly with the film’s setting and creates a sound that not only encapsulates the film’s vision but creates such a vivid tone that you can visualize what the song would portray and where best to place it. “Black Panther” has style, and “Black Panther: The Album: has the sonic equivalent of style. The feature list serves as a major highlight for the “Black Panther” album. Although it’s stacked with plenty of heavy hitters in the music world, such as Travis Scott, Future, Anderson Paak., etc., the album also sports features from artists out of South Africa that bring just as much to the table. The track “X” is an absolute banger, and South African rapper Saudi comes in hot; blending English and Zulu, a language native to South Africa, flawlessly with his verse. Sjava also utilizes Zulu beautifully on

the song “Seasons” with Mozzy and Reason. Sjava’s entire verse in Zulu is as a tribute to South Africa and its people, which adds great value to the sentiment being portrayed on the track. On the song “Opps” Yugen Blakrok comes in fierce after Kendrick and Vince Staples with comparisons to cyborgs and Batman villains while threatening to dismantle anything that gets in her way. While one may not expect these artists to perform at the same level as some of the biggest names in the music world today, they do so, seemingly with ease, and arguably outshine them. Because of the initial mystery that comes with their feature on the “Black Panther” album, their performance is that much more exciting to bear witness to. The “Black Panther” album is a really solid project overall. With a feature list as strong and regionally diverse as this one, it is very hard to disappoint, especially when your album is curated by Lamar. And while there may be low points on this album, they aren’t necessarily low in quality, but instead just less impressive than the rest of the album. Sonically, the production of almost every song caters to the artists performing on them in such a way that brings some of their best work out of them. This can be heard on tracks like “X” and “Seasons.” The “Black Panther” album does a fantastic job of building up excitement for the movie coming out on Feb. 16, while also celebrating the culture that’s behind the music. Not often does music geared towards marketing another product carry such great meaning on its own. Miles Parrish and Ty Davis can be reached online at entertainment@collegian.com.

By Maddie Wright @maddierwright

Oh crap! Is it Valentine’s Day tomorrow? If you totally spaced and are frantically trying to find a spot to take your partner to pretend you’re on top of it, here’s a list of some fun (and decently cheap) ideas:

LAST MINUTE GIFTS ■ A poem you wrote ■ A mixtape (or Spotify playlist) ■ Candy and flowers

Hodi’s Half Note Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal with Rush Hour Train and special guests are playing at Hodi’s Half Note for Valentine’s Day. This soul/funk band will be playing a high energy show and if that name sounds familiar, that is because Josh Hoyer was a contestant on The Voice. So grab your musicloving babe and start dancing. Pizza Hut heart shaped pizza If you are a more pizza and Netflix couple, turn to Pizza Hut to fulfill your Valentine’s Day dreams with their classic heart shaped pizza. It can be topped with whatever you want (even pineapple). This is perfect for you to bring some Valentine’s flair into an otherwise ordinary night. Lyric Movies Did someone say movie date? Instead of taking your date to the AMC which you can go to anywhere in the nation, take your sweetie to a Fort Collins staple, The Lyric, for a couple romantic movies. They’re showing “Amelie” and “Call Me by Your Name.” Horsetooth picnic If you want something outdoorsy and lowkey, might I suggest a sunset picnic at one of Fort Collins’ most famous natural

landmark? Pack some PB&Js, possibly cut into little heart shaped bites, some champagne (or some La Croix if that’s your speed), and a couple blankets to stay cozy during the chilly February weather and enjoy the romantic backdrop. Chocolate Cafe If your sweetheart has a sweet tooth, and that store bought box of candies won’t do, take a trip to The Chocolate Cafe Desserts for some fancy chocolate treats. And if the word “chocolate” is keeping you away, they still have lots of goodies that are not chocolate based. Craft beer festival If you are into beer and all the breweries FoCo has to offer, consider going to the Craft Beer Festival by The Downtown Business Association, which includes 17 breweries from within the area. Chat with other beer enthusiasts and brewery staff members for a unique event on this day of love. At home couples cooking class If you are into cooking or just tired of always getting Spoons take out for dinner, you and your date may want to go to a cooking class. But, given that they can be a bit of a challenge to get into the day of, load up some Food Network on your computer and have Ted Allen inspire you to get chopping. Lunch hour date For the couples with rushed schedules or who have tests to study for, consider the lunch hour date. Set aside a quick hour during the day and meet up at somewhere close to campus for an hour date on the day of love to be in the moment and focused on each other. Art museum If you are an artsy couple that was not able to score tickets for the symphony, take a stroll through the Fort Collins’ Art Museum and appreciate some nice art at a reasonable price, while also supporting a local museum. Maddie Wright can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com.

Daily Horoscope Nancy Black

over the next few days. Together you can move mountains. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — 8 — Review instructions, and discuss the plan. Career responsibilities have your focus, and there’s an inspection or presentation ahead. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — 8 — The next two days are good for travel. Avoid extravagant promises. Have fun without overspending. Adapt to the news. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — 7— Pay bills and manage money

over the next few days. Financial changes necessitate budget revisions. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — 7 — Conversations with your partner get results today and tomorrow. Avoid misunderstandings, and it could get romantic. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — 8 — The next two days could get especially busy. Don’t try a new trick now. Stick to practiced routines and techniques. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — 7 — Prioritize love and romance

through tomorrow. Don’t get casual about keeping your promises. Honest interactions inspire optimism and trust. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — 8 — Consider long-term domestic plans for a few days. What changes would you like to make at home? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — 8— Craft your message and edit each word Communications go further over the next few days. Prepare and issue statements .

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.

19) — 9 — Dedicate efforts to increase cash flow. Make an amazing discovery. New information threatens an assumption. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — 9 — You’re especially charming and brilliant today and tomorrow. Ruminate on a personal vision. You’re closer to achieving. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — 7 — Relax and meditate to decompress from pressure over deadlines. Get imaginative and speculate .

COLLEGIAN.COM Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle 22 Frank Lloyd Wright house built around multiple cascades, and what’s literally found in this puzzle’s circles 24 “Meh” 26 “The Simpsons” beer server 29 Fooled 30 “Xanadu” gp. 31 ‘60s war zone 32 Coll. periods 34 For 35 Gym cushion Rocky Mt. Collegian 2/12/18 Sudoku 36 Musical Brian 39 Nativity trio 42 Formerly, in bridal announcements To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and 44 Two-part box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 46 Hypnotic state 48 General tendency 49 Refueling ship 5 outlaw chasers 7 1 50 Old West 52 Video game pioneer 5 2 9 53 Equip anew Cosmetician Lauder 8 654 57 “The Wizard of Oz” farmhand 9 60 Sound4units,1briefly 61 Mil. roadside hazard Across 1 Suffix with silver or glass 5 1980 Dom DeLuise film 10 Cry noisily 13 Acme 14 This evening, on marquees 15 Actress Longoria 16 Fiction’s opposite 17 Drag race racer 18 Women’s __ 19 Trick-taking game 21 “Stay With Me” singer Smith 22 A-OK 23 Fixes 25 Does harm to 27 Prefix with gram or graph 28 Earth sci. 29 World’s largest cognac producer 33 Cry of distress 37 Economist Greenspan 38 Marilyn Monroe’s first name at birth 40 Pakistan neighbor 41 Game piece with pips 43 Refused 45 Former House leader Gingrich 47 Gurgling sound 48 BBC TV series about cars 51 “You don’t have to tell me”




55 Kia subcompacts 5 2 8 56 ‘60s-’80s Red Sox nickname Rocky Mt. Collegian 2/13/18 58 Makes happy 2 1Yesterday’s solution 6 59 Raised railroads 60 Really tired 4 62 President before Wilson 63 Nintendo’s Super __ 6 7 8 64 Steam shovel scoop Copyright ©2018 PuzzleJunction.com 65 The “E” in the HOMES mnemonic 66 Dr. with Grammys 67 Jouster’s horse 68 Ceremony


To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


Down 1 Kit Kat layer 2 Quickly 3 Brief summary 4 Baseball overtime 5 Egg __ yung 6 Carpenter insects 7 Rant 8 Bellyache 9 Multivolume ref. work 10 Former baseball commissioner Bud 11 Sheeplike 12 Innocents “in the woods” 14 “We’re trapped in here!” 20 It ebbs and flows



Sudoku Solution

Yesterday’s solution

4 1 8 9 5 7 2 3 6

9 3 6 8 2 4 1 5 7

2 5 7 6 3 1 4 9 8

5 2 1 4 6 3 8 7 9

6 7 9 1 8 5 3 2 4

3 8 4 2 7 9 6 1 5

8 6 5 7 1 2 9 4 3


7 9 2 3 4 6 5 8 1

1 4 3 5 9 8 7 6 2


4 3

1 3

2 9 1 5 2

2 7 7 4 6 3 8 9

5 7 6 4

Copyright ©2018 PuzzleJunction.com


Sudoku Solution

2 6 5 9 7 3 4 8 1 9 1 4 8 2 5 3 7 6


16 Tuesday, February 13, 2018 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian


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