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Maintenance Services Department
This professional management team is responsible for initiating, planning, executing, and completing reserve projects. In 2023, there are $2.9 million in neighborhood and Association Reserve projects. Some projects will get deferred due to timing and if life expectancy of the assets can be extended longer than anticipated. Listed here are a few of the planned projects:
Defensible space clearing is occurring in Country Club, Windgate, Terrace Homes East, Terrace Homes West, Park and Manor, The Estates and Montelena. The Ranch Association has applied for a hazardous fuels grant through the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management to assist with funding of the program. In cooperation with the City of Scottsdale Fire Department, the Ranch Association has applied for certification as a Firewise Community.
Road Maintenance and Sidewalk Replacement
The Ranch Association is responsible for maintaining approximately 50 miles of private roads. Pavement maintenance requires the use of a third-party consultant to develop a plan and a budget to repair and replace roads as needed. This includes patching, crack filling, seal coating and repaving of the streets. Increases in oil and supply costs have resulted in necessary budget adjustments, in some cases more than double the original estimate. The Ranch Association is working with a consultant to come up with a revamped plan on how to proceed without exhausting all of the reserve funds.
Camera Technology Equipment Replacement and Upgrades
Replacement of cameras at Arcadia and all the unmanned gates are currently slated for this year. For some unmanned gates, camera replacement may be deferred to complete the road work that is needed. Older computers at the gatehouses are also up for replacement as they have exceeded their life expectancy.
Playground Structure Renovations
As part of preventative maintenance on all park playground structures and equipment, a safety inspection is conducted twice per year. During these inspections, safety compliance is reviewed and recommendations are provided for any needed repairs.
Plant Enhancements and Tree Replacement
The Ranch Association Landscape Team maintains all of the landscape in the common areas of DC Ranch. There are significant plant enhancements and tree replacements scheduled for this year.
Mailbox kiosk replacement is scheduled for Camelot, Desert Haciendas, Terrace Homes East, and Terrace Homes West. These replacements will be done in phases through 2024 due to road maintenance being a higher priority in some neighborhoods.