Division 5 and 18 August Newsletter Everything you need to know about KCI Vision Partners, Coaztecnana@gmail.com Sponsors and Kuddelz 4 Kidz! Plus, what Key Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs and I have been up to this month . . .
Me and several other Lt. Gs waiting to go to the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast in Glenwood Springs during our board meeting.
and what are all these acronyms??
Quick Key Club Fact: Our international president is Devin Sun and our VP is Mary Grace Lewis
Lt. G’s Corner Hey guys! So it’s August, and you all know what that means. School. But it also means that most Key Clubs are starting up again! First meetings, planning fundraisers and planning to go to district events. Ah, what isn’t there to love? Whether you’re a senior who has been in Key Club forever, or a freshman just dipping their toes in, here are some tips to help make this year a great year for Key Club. 1. Fundraise! In Alamosa, we’ve already had a fundraiser and are planning tons more. Unless you’re planning on ending neonatal/maternal tetanus completely out of your own pockets, fundraisers are a great way to aid causes that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to aid. They’re also a great way to help get more club members to Key Leader, DCON and ICON. Fellow Key Clubber Kaitlyn Simon And yes, you definitely want to get to and I at a bouncy house those events. fundraiser. 2. Reach out to your Kiwanis counterparts. If you have a Circle-K near you, reach out to them as well! By working with other branches of the K-Family, you’ll be able to reach your impact farther and learn new techniques for getting members as well as ideas for service projects. 3. Be creative! Bring pizza to your meetings, play games, make dog toys out of donated t-shirts! You don’t always have to have the same old same old when it comes to meetings. Encourage your club to volunteer at different places this year. The possibilities are endless.
What Have I Been Up To? This month, I’ve continued visiting Kiwanis clubs and have been organizing a divisional council meeting, as well as fall rally.
What’s a divisional council meeting? It’s a meeting where all the club officers come together for officer training!
August 3rd I went to a Monte Vista Kiwanis meeting August 4th I attended a South Fork Kiwanis meeting August 12-13th I was at a district board meeting! (They’re always one of my favorite things to go to). As a member of the Alamosa HS Key Club, I attended a fundraiser July 30th at our Beat the Heat Barbeque Competition.
Here I am with the Monte Vista Kiwanis president, Cindy on August 3rd.
. Did you know that Key Club was founded at
Sacramento High School in California, in 1925? It’s nearly 100 years later and still strong!
August Board Meeting This board meeting was in Glenwood Springs, the home of our RMD Governor Aliza Mitchell. On the district board, each Lt. G is assigned two committees to be a part of throughout the year. For example, mine is DCON planning and projects. So we had plenty of time to work in our committees throughout the meeting. At board meetings, we also worked on planning our Fall Rallies. Fall Rally is an event that takes place during the fall in each division. This year, our division will be joining up with Division 12 to host Fall Rally. Activities included will be a service project, several workshops and icebreakers, as well as a speaker from the Thirst Project! Fall Rally will be held October 8th- so save a date in your calendar! On Saturday morning, we went and volunteered (and ate, of course) at the annual Glenwood Springs Kiwanis pancake breakfast! Friday night we also went swimming at the hot springs.
International Board Business International trustees are our liason to the international board, and ours this year is Jessica Bae: Greetings, Rocky Mountain District! My name is Jessica Bae, and it is truly an honor to introduce myself as your new International Trustee for the 2016-2017 Key Club year. With a phenomenal sister district- Ohio, Rocky Mountain, and Missouri-Arkansas- I have no doubt that it’s going to be an amazing year. To tell you a little more about myself, I’m from Seattle, Washington and will be a senior at Kamiak High School. I love going on outdoor adventures in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, jamming out to Chicago and Art Pepper, and of course, volunteering in and around my community. My Key Club journey started the first week of high school, when I decided to attend a Key Club meeting because they were passing our chocolate chip cookies. But there, I was drawn to the close-knit community of servant leaders and the shared passion for service that prevailed. Key Club have provided me with so many amazing opportunities and unforgettable experiences, and as your International Trustee, I want to make sure that your Key Club experience is the best it can be. I will work to be your bridge between International, to ensure that your opinions are voiced in decisions that affect you, while keeping you informed on International occurrences. Throughout our time together, I hope to be an accessible resource and an approachable friend during your term in your respective roles. Together, let’s foster a strong sister district relationship that will enable us to share ideas, make connections, and work together to serve our homes, schools, and communities. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or would just like to say hello, feel free to reach out to me via email or phone(425.248.7258) or add me on social media. I would love to hear from you! I couldn’t be more excited for this service year with you all. It’s going to be a great year! In love and service, Jessica Bae
International Trustee, Key Club International 425-248-7258 | Jessicabae.kci@gmail.com
What About The Clubs? As school gets in, more clubs will start meeting regularly again after the summer break. This means I’ll be visiting you all soon! Talk to your president, or contact me to see when I’ll be visiting your club. Alamosa HS Key Club is getting busy with freshman orientation and trying to recruit new members, and so is Aztec High School . . . If your club isn’t already, I highly recommend recruiting members at your school’s freshman orientation, or club fair. It’s a great way to get in new members that will keep the club going in the next years. Here, Aztec clubbers recruit members with baked goods.
Club of the Month- Alamosa High School Key Club Meet Alamosa’s president, Audrey! She’s a junior and has been involved since her freshman year. When she’s not doing things with KC, you can find her playing softball and playing in band. She joined because she loves being able to make an impact, even if only for a little bit. This year, her goal is to get the group more involved in the community and go to conventions.
Alamosa has around 25 members. Their advisors are Mary Rendon and Adahli Curry.
What are Kiwanis Doing?
Key Club Acronyms Throughout these newsletters and KC websites, you’re likely to see lots and lots of acronyms. Don’t worry- I was confused at first too. Here’s some information on some commonly used KC abbreviations.
Here I am with the president of the Monte Vista Kiwanis Club. They recently hosted a garage sale fundraiser, and will be having a corn roast at the Potato Fest on September 10th.
Here, a South Fork Kiwanis club member celebrates his birthday. They were a very lively club! They are working on coordinating their annual Thanksgiving dinner.
DCON- district convention ICON- international convention MRFs-monthly report forms Lt.G- lieutenant governor Or LTG KCI- Key Club International CKI- Circle K International KI- Kiwanis International RMD- Rocky Mountain District KC- Key Club Have any questions or concerns? Contact me:
719-580-4120 Rockymountainltg5@gmail.co m
Vision Partners Vision partners are groups that share similar visions as KCI and other branches of the K-Family organization. Nickelodeon is one of our vision partners. Every year they encourage people to get out, off electronics and play outside on their Worldwide Day of Play. This year it’s September 24th. Make sure you participate, put down that phone (unless it’s Pokémon Go) and get outside!
Club Member of the Month
This month, our recognized member is Danielle Chacon from the Monte Vista HS Key Club! She participated in a popsicle fundraiser this summer (getting up at dawn to help) and is a servant leader at heart that beats blue and gold.
Major Emphasis Project-Kuddelz 4 Kidz Instead of Aidspirit, we will be focusing on Kuddelz 4 Kidz, an organization that distributes stuffed animals to pediatric patients. How can you help? You and your club can collect brand new stuffed animals- they have to have the tag still on them- and they’ll be collected. You can even involve your school, and hold a schoolwide stuffed animal drive! By collecting them, you’ll be impacting a pediatric patient who needs a form of comfort.
Closing Thoughts
School starting opens up so many opportunities, especially in Key Club! Make sure you take every opportunity you can get, and use it to make a difference: in yourself, in your community, and throughout the world. Remember, we can be the change we wish to see in the world! So take chances, invite those freshman to club meetings, try a new service project, fundraise for conventions, get outside of your comfort zone. I for one can’t wait to start visiting your meetings! I’ll see you soon, and remember to study up on newsletters because when I see you, you can be sure I’ll reward those who know newsletter content.
Make sure you’re following the division page, Rocky Mountain District Key Club Division 5. There, you’ll find information on the division as well as be able to see what everyone is up to!