Keying in the News
Rocky Mountain DistrictDivision 9
August Edition In this issue of Keying in the News… What I’ve been up to August Board Meeting Fall Rally YOF Key Club App Social Media
What I’ve Been Up To Hello Key Clubbers! School is starting and so is Key Club, so it is all very exciting. Before the summer winded down, I attended the August Board Meeting up in Glenwood Springs and it was very good to see everyone again! I spent the last few days going shopping and at the pool, which was very fun. My home Key Club had their first meeting and we have added so many new members. I called all of the presidents, some of which answered and some didn’t, so if you didn’t get a call from or haven’t had a chance to call me back, PLEASE do that this week! If you have any questions, please let me know. I’m so excited to get the year started with you guys!
The August Board Meeting was held in Glenwood Springs, August 13-14th. We got a lot of work done in a short period of time. We went to the Glenwood Hot Springs and also partnered with the local Kiwanis Club to do an annual pancake breakfast. Overall, it was a great experience and I was able to gain new ideas and strengthen friendships. I have attached the minutes here and they will be approved at the November board meeting.
Falling into Key Club This year’s Fall Rally will be held on September 26th, 2016 at the Belmar Library from 4:30 to 6:30 and we are partnering with Division 14. This is very crucial because during this time will be officer training which is required for all the officers. The main training we will be holding is for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor. If there is any way you can’t make it, please let me know so we can schedule something else.
Youth Opportunities Fund The YOF is a grant given by the Key Club International Board through Kiwanis International for a club, by application, and it’s used for service opportunities. This is only given to one Key Club or member and applications will be closed on October 15th at 11:59 p.m. You can request $100 up to $2, 000. I encourage all of you to apply!
Key Club App Yes, there is a Key Club App and it is very useful. You can track your service hours, know when your meeting are, check in to service projects etc. It’s available for both Android and iPhone. I have it and so should you!
Every month, I will be doing a Key Club shout out, for members who go above and beyond in service. Don’t take this as a competition, but as a way to show other Key Clubs your members’ passion for service.
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