August newsletter (1)

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Division 11

Rocky Mountain District August Newsletter Upcoming Events: Sept. 23: Fall Rally Oct. 14-16: Roundup River Ranch Key Leader

Oct. 21-31: Windy Peak Key Leader Nov. 1: Early Bird Award Fees Due Dec. 1: All Clubs’ Fees Due

In this Newsletter: Pg. 2

What Have I Been Up To?

Pg. 4

Monthly Reports and Upcoming Yearly Dues

Pg. 3 Pg. 5 Pg. 6

Recruiting New Members

Fall Rally and Key Leader

Key Clubber of the Month

What Have I Been Up To? Around the beginning of August, the District Board

met up to have their second meeting in Glenwood

Springs. We are all working hard on different assignment including club building, project advertising, and Fall Rally planning.

This year, we decided to meet and help the

Glenwood Kiwanis Club in their Saturday Pancake

Breakfast! They put us hard at work flipping pancakes or holding signs, but it was still loads of fun. Of course, the

payoff of eating those delicious pancakes made the hard work worth it.

Personally, for this month, I have been planning an

awesome Fall Rally for our division along with Division 2 and Division 16 Lt. G’s Emily Kingsford and Molly

Cordsen. Please read page four for the full details.

Furthermore, I have also started to work on expanding our division and having Longmont HS join us as a new Key Club. Wish me luck!

Recruiting New Members Key Club prides itself in having an organization based on the

upside down pyramid. This means that we value members more than anything. But…how do we find members? Below you will find a list of ideas in recruiting new members. Recruitment Ideas: 1. Candy!!- This might sound wrong, but always try to bribe high schoolers with candy. You can have a glass jar filled

with candy and do a raffle drawing through the first couple Key Club meetings. Whosever’s name gets drawn will win the jar of candy. This will also let you have members attending clubs 

2. Volunteer Hours- In many high schools, there are

students who are in need of volunteer hours (ex. NHS and IB students). Find those students and tell them about the amount of volunteer hours Key Club provides.

3. Friends- Have each member in your club bring in a friend to a meeting. Give a prize to the club members who are able to bring the most amounts of new members.

Upcoming Yearly Dues

Every year, Key Clubs ask for a yearly due. The dues paid by the club depend on the amount of members. For each member,

$7.50 goes to International Key Club while $6.50 goes towards

the District Board. This makes a total of $15 dollars. However, each Key Club can choose to ask members to bring in more for their own Key Club account.

Due Dates: All Key Clubs have to have dues in by December

1st, 2016. If your club is hoping for the Early Bird Award, the deadline is November 1st, 2016.

For information on how to pay dues or the Early Bird Award, consult the following web address:!paying-dues/c1e9s

Monthly Reports The monthly due can also be found on the RMD Key Club

Website. Every month, the president of each club should send in a monthly report form on what they have accomplished the

past month and what they hope to accomplish in the upcoming month. The web address to this form can be found below:!club-monthly-reports/cgkm

Fall Rally 2016!

What: Fall Rally is a time where all members in a division have the chance to meet with members from other schools. It is an awesome and exciting event that teaches new and old members about the fundamentals of Key Club and all that we represent. Additionally, Fall Rally includes officer training sessions. For this year, I will be working with Emily Kingsford and Molly Cordsen. Our chosen theme is Hawaiian! We will have lots of food, drinks, snacks, games, and information ready for you.

When: September 23rd, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. (This is still tentative. If we change it, I will be sure to let you know.) Where: Budweiser Event Center in Windsor

What: Key Leader is two and a half day event where everyone in the Rocky Mountain District can attend. Essentially, it is a leadership building camp helping teenagers in America build lifelong qualities. This year will be my first year attending and I hope to see many of you there! When/Where:

1. October 14-16 at Roundup River Ranch in Avon, CO 2. October 21-31 at Windy Peak in Bailey, CO

How to Sign Up and Fees:

The fee this year is $200. However, your school will generally pay 1/3 with Kiwanis Club paying another third.

The following web address will have a detailed information on how to register:

Key Leader 2016!

Key Clubber of the Month The very first Key Clubbers of the Month for Division 11 goes to…………………Bionca Bauer (Junior) and Riley Juenemann

(Senior) at Fredrick High School. They did an amazing job these past few weeks recruiting new members. Last year,

Fredrick HS had a total of eight members

and now, they have around twenty active members. That’s awesome! Thanks Riley

and Bionca for willing to spend time during

Back to School night to advocate Key Club. You guys are amazing. :)

Contact Information Name: Ashley Lai Email: Phone: 720.212.3937 *Please send a text telling me who you are before calling

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