Rocky Mountain District District Convention Newsletter
Greetings from your 2012-2013 Convention Chair! Hello fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Noha Kikhia and I am very happy to be serving as your District Convention Chair during the 2012-2013 year. I am a senior at Green Mountain High School in Lakewood, CO. I have been apart of Key Club since I was a freshman. I have fallen in love with this organization, our mission, and the members. Nothing makes me more happy then when I am around my Key Club friends. I served last year on the board as a Lieutenant Governor and I am so happy to be on the board again! You may recognize me from this past DCON. I helped plan the convention last year and now I am fully prepared to serve as Convention Chair. I have so many high hopes for this year’s DCON so I hope you all are ready! If you have any specific questions about the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain District Convention, feel free to ask. I am here for you. Yours in service, Noha Kikhia Convention Chair
In this Issue: Greetings…...............1 Goals………..…..……2 DCON ’12…………3-4 ICON ’12………….….5 DCON Committee… 6 Odds and Ends……..7
My Goals
s Convention Chair, my main goal is to create the best convention Key Club International has ever seen! I have specific objectives and I hope by doing all of this, the Rocky Mountain District will be prepared and excited for the best convention yet!
1. Communication. I will be updating you all with news about DCON 2013 through emails, newsletters, promotional videos, Facebook, and Twitter. 2. Bring it back to service. I will be filling the convention with service. While all the attendees of DCON are spending time reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the next, I also want us to emerge ourselves in service. There will be opportunities to give back during convention, so be there! 3. Listen. I want all of the Rocky Mountain Key Clubbers to know that the convention I’m planning is not mine or the board’s. It is OUR convention. I want to hear what you want! Email me with any comments or suggestions and I will do everything I can to make it happen.
“You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.” ~Winston Churchill 2
District Convention 2012 Overview Did you miss the last RMD Convention? No problem! Here’s a quick recap on everything we did.
Elected our new executive board. After two sessions of caucusing and the final votes at the House of Delegates, the Rocky Mountain District elected JD Manzanares as governor, Bronte Gilman as secretary, Alannah Roth as treasurer, and Miranda Samon as bulletin editor.
Put items in our time capsule. Since the past DCON was our 60th Annual, we created a time capsule for all of our attendees to put something in. It won’t be opened until the 75th Annual Convention!
Danced the night away! On Saturday we partied at the black and white dance while other members made trauma dolls for kids in Vietnam.
Met and interacted with lots of new people. Through many icebreakers, Key Clubbers from all around the district made friendships that will last a long time! 3
District Convention 2012 Overview
Watched the CU Buffoons! These talented college students did fabulous and provided some GREAT entertainment.
Learned about new service opportunities. Representatives came from organizations like the Women’s Bean Project. We also held all sorts of workshops to give the members something new to bring back to their clubs and had a very successful service fair!
Recognized the achievements of our district. On Saturday night we had an awards ceremony where we awarded outstanding club and individual achievements!
Completed our goal to raise the last $12,000 to give to Children of Peace International. COPI has been our district project for about a decade and we finally reached our end goal of $72,000. With this money we built two schools in Vietnam. We even duck taped a board member to a board!
International Convention 2012 The Rocky Mountain District Fun and Flamingo Tour to Orlando, Florida for this year’s International Convention was a blast! We learned a lot and are ready to bring back our new information to the Rockies! For more specific information about The 69th Annual Key Club International Convention, look in your lieutenant governor’s monthly newsletter!
My experience at ICON this year was great! I met loads of new people and have pages of notes that will help make this year’s DCON the best. I don’t want to spoil any surprises so I’m leaving you all to look at some pictures from ICON!
Meet the 2012-2013 Convention Committee!
Noha Kikhia Convention Chair
Miranda Samon District Bulletin Editor
Megan Bissell District Projects Chair
Ariana Nikmanesh Division 14 LTG
David Strang Division 6 LTG
Mackenzie Korf Division 2 LTG
Jamie Falvo Division 4 LTG
Juliana Rodriguez Division 9 LTG
Zachary Fangman Division 8 LTG
Evan King Division 7 LTG
Renee Freel Division 5/18 LTG
Elshaday Sendek Division 15 LTG
Odds and Ends
Look for information about awards, talent show, special guests, registration, and more in my next newsletters!
Join the group “2013 RMD Key Club Convention” on Facebook for more updates and polls!
Any questions? Contact Me! Facebook: Noha Kikhia Twitter: noha_kikhia Phone: 720-438-8000
Just so you know…. DCON 2013 is at the Sheraton Denver West in Lakewood, Colorado 80228. The dates of the convention are April 5-7. There’s a countdown on my page on the!