December 2016 newsletter

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December Newsletter Division 2

LTG Emily Kingsford

Finishing Strong And Starting Something New

Save the Date! 

Can you believe the year 2016

chapter of our lives. Some of

is already over? So many

us will graduate and go on to

December 1: Dues due

good things have happened

join CircleK and continue to


this year and you and your

make a difference with the K-

club have made them happen.

Family, while others will

January 1: The beginning of

Each club has participated in

make a difference in our clubs

the partnership with The

service projects and changed

and our communities. This

Thirst Project

lives in doing so. 2016 has

year we will get new

January 3: Divisional

been the year that Key Club

members to help us along our

Council Meeting @3:15pm @Farr Library

[Type a quote from the document or the

January 30: Divisional

summary of an interesting point. You can position

Council Meeting @4:00pm

the text box anywhere in the document. Use the

@Farr Library

Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

February 17-19: District Board Meeting February 28: Divisional

International helped complete

way and we will accomplish

Council Meeting @4:00pm

the UNICEF project, each of

great things. I look forward to

@Farr Library

you helped to make this

this year as we welcome new

difference in the world. We

partnerships, such as The

March 4: Spring Rally!

have also said goodbye to old

Thirst Project, and Kuddlez


officers and members in our

for Kidz. This year of 2017

club and welcomed new ones.

will be the greatest year of

I am so grateful to be one of the offices here with you all for the year 2016, and I am so glad we get to start the year 2017 together. 2017 is a new

service the world has ever

March 30-April 2: Pre-CON and D-CON!

seen. This year, we will

April 2: Retirement of LTG’s

change lives for the better and

and instatement of new

I am privileged to join hands

LTG’s and District officers

with each of you while doing so.

April 29: Food Packing Event @10:00am @Larimer Food Bank in Fort Collins

More Details Things We All Need to Know Why should I go to Spring Rally?  

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Why should I go to DCON? 

I am going to run for Lieutenant Governor! I want to vote for the next Lieutenant Governor! My club officers helped plan it, I should support them! There will be Karaoke and I am great at singing! I want to be more involved in Key Club! There will be service projects! I want to listen to an inspirational Keynote Speaker! It is 80’s themed and I should have been born in the 80’s! There are so many people from other clubs in the Division that I want to be friends with! I want to be the one who collects the prize for the Kuddlez for Kidz donation winner! I am a Key Clubber in Division 2! I want to learn more about and donate more to The Thirsty 30 project! I want to have the most fun ever! I am a member of Key Club International! I heard there would be food 

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I want to run for a District officer position! I want to be a delegate to vote for our District board! I want to have the best time ever! I love service projects! I am a member of Key Club International! I am a Key Clubber in The Rocky Mountain District! Key Club is my life! I want to go to the dance at DCON!

Why should I run for

What are some service project ideas for 2nd semester?  y30 and do The Thirsty

Lieutenant Governor or another District Board member position?   

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It is super fun! I want to make a difference! I want to know more about Key Club International! I am awesome! Key Club is my life! It looks great on college applications and resumes! I want to make a difference outside the walls of my high school! Board meetings are super fun! I want to make new friends and Key Clubbers are the best!

Kuddlez for Kidz (Raise money to buy stuffed animals for children’s hospitals in our local area and get recognized at DCON for doing so.) The Thirst Project (Watch the video from this link

30 challenge with your club and help children and families get fresh water.) Collect old t-shirts and bring them to Spring Rally to make dog toys for the local animal shelter! Visit for more service project ideas!

For more information concerning any of the things talked about, please either visit the District website at or the Key Club International website at You can also contact me, your LTG, through email, text, or call. My contact information is 970-405-0222.

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