My Goals/Plans
DCON Recap
About Our Division
International Updates
Important Contacts
Meet The LTG
Project eliMiNaTe
Hey guys! I’m Viviana Verde, the newly elected Lieutenant Governor for Division 9. I want to make this an absolutely rocking year, so I’ll tell you some random things about myself: Hobbies: Drawing, singing (badly), reading, making a fool of myself for the enjoyment of others, Key Club!! Favorite Color: Dark Purple Favorite Book: Harry Potter Favorite Movie: Mean Girls Dorky Obsession: Superheroes Best Key Club Memory: DCON 2014, it was so emotional!
Awkward Selfies!
DCON 2014 Left Me Dreaming… “Marriages” for $1 Dance for eliMiNaTe Pictures with Jackie!
Service Projects: Plarning
Getting Pinned!
Capes 4 Kids
eliMiNaTe Fundraising!
International a
Updates I strongly encourage the download and use of the new Key Club App! It’s really useful and keeps you posted with what the International Board is up to. Also, you can keep track of service hours, manage service projects, post fundraising progress and Key Club activities to Facebook, send friends invites to Key Club meetings, make donations to Project eliMiNaTe, and track the eliMiNaTe progress to the goal amount! It’s available on Androids and iPhones.
ICON 2014 International Convention is just around the corner! If you’re going, be sure to come prepared for the learning experience of a lifetime!
About eliMiNaTe: Why: Kiwanis and UNICEF have joined forces to defeat maternal and neonatal tetanus. How: Mother’s and their babies will receive immunizations from the deadly disease. What is Our Goal: By the end of the eliMiNaTe Project (2015), we want to raise 110 million US dollars. How Far Are We: As of this month, the K-Family has raised US$2,937,246.20, protecting over 1.6 million women and babies.
SUMMER FUNDRAISING IDEAS: Just because school’s out doesn’t mean service is done! Here’s some fun ideas to keep raising money for eliMiNaTe!
Host a Car Wash
Summer Concert (or even
Ice Cream Social
make it a talent show)
Send me updates of what your clubs are doing to raise money during the summer months!
My Goals
A Stellar Year
A Good Term is Key! I have a lot of goals for my term as your LTG! I want to be able to visit your clubs at least once every two months, improve communication between the district and the clubs, increase the amount of service, promote membership in our clubs, and strengthen the bond between Key Clubs and our Kiwanis Clubs. Also I want to do as much fundraising as we can! Please, let me know about your service projects because I want to be a part of as many as I can!
A Bit About Division 9
D9 Narwhals
We are the smallest division in all of the Rocky Mountain District, but (in my completely biased opinion) we are one of the best! We currently have seven high schools – Lakewood, Bear Creek, Jefferson Academy, Wheat Ridge, Standley Lake, Columbine, and Arvada – and I hope that number continues to grow! We are also the only division with an amazing mascot, Norman the Narwhal, who will be joining me on all of my Key Club trips and visits!
Key Contacts: Viviana Verde
Dave Harris (District Admin)
Darian Garcia (District Secretary)
Barb Fuller (Asst. Admin)
Ryan Mathias (District Governor)