RMD Key Club Division 5/18 January-February Newsletter
In This Issue Lt. G’s corner What’s been happening in the division? February Board Meeting Spring Rally KC Graduates Participants at Spring Rally celebrating the election of next year’s Lt. G
Key Club Trivia- Did you know that the first Key Club was founded in 1925 in Sacramento, California? Two Kiwanis members decided that high schools could use a club that impassioned individuals with service, just like in Kiwanis. And bam, almost 100 years later we have Key Club all across the world!
Lt. G’s Corner Hey guys! I’m super excited that it’s March- so many exciting things are happening in the division and there is so much more to come.
Remember, I’m only a call or email away at 719-580-4120 or rockymountainltg5@gmail.com
Divisional Happenings Alamosa Key Club was busy volunteering at Evergreen Nursing Home. They participated in bingo and making Valentine’s Day cards for the residents. Remember, you don’t have to go out and try saving the world. Sometimes, making a difference for your community’s elderly is just enough. They also participated in cooking/serving at La Puente Food Shelter.
As for what I’ve been up to? In January, I traveled to California and got to see the Rose Parade (pictured at left). The Kiwanis float killed it! In February, I also had the second knee surgery of my term, and on a brighter note traveled up to Denver for the February Board meeting.
February Board Meeting- Most of the board meeting, as you’ll notice in the picture below, was dedicated to committee work and spring rally planning. Working out final details for DCON was also a big part of the meeting and you’ll be happy to hear the DCON will definitely be running smoothly. From organizing caucus rooms to scripts, your club can be sure that the district has put in a year’s worth of effort into planning DCON. .
Spring Rally Division 5/18 has an Lt. G elect! Cedric Perea, a junior at Monte Vista High School, was elected at Spring Rally February 25th, 2017. Key Clubbers who attended also participated in fun icebreakers, as well as a service project in which they made dog toys for the local animal shelter. It’s obvious to see with the awesome attendance and enthusiasm that the division will continue thriving into the next year.
KC Graduates What is it? It’s a program for high school graduates over 18 who were Key Clubbers. You can register at www.kcgraduates.org. When you turn 18, the program coordinators will contact Kiwanis clubs near you and you’ll be able to join one. As a KC graduate, you’ll receive help from the Kiwanis club as well as networking. Need something like a dentist? Chances are, you’ll be able to find one with a Kiwanis connection! They’re amazing support networks that make moving past high school that much easier.