July, 2016 Rocky Mountain Division 14 Newsletter
In This Issue • Whatchu know about the YOF? • International Convention: A Recap • Key Leader • IMPORTANT: Divisional Council Meeting • Our new International Trustee: BAE
Important Dates
14 Divisional Council Meeting Wed, Sep. 14th Green Mtn. High School
Oct. 21st-23rd Windy Peak Bailey, CO
Youth Opportunity Fund
Application DUE October 15th
Oct. 14th-16th Roundup River Ranch Avon, CO
Whatchu Know About the YOF?
Key Leader Program
Divisional Council Meeting
The Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF) is a Kiwanis held endowment that can be applied for to help fund service projects. It is awarded to Key clubs and Key Club members. The application is due Oct. 15th- so get on it! Go to http://www.keyclub.org/service/f und/yof.aspx to find out more.
The Key Leader youth leadership program is a great opportunity to hone your leadership skills and meet other Key Clubbers. The two dates and locations can be found at the front of this newsletter. For more information, visit http://www.keyleader.org/Home.aspx .
Our first Divisional Council meeting (DCM) will be held at Green Mountain high school on Wednesday, September 14th. It will be an ice cream social- all advisers and presidents are expected to attend! You will receive email reminders prior to the meeting.
International Convention: A Recap The Rocky Mountain District Tour to ICON 2016 began in Savannah, Georgia, where the group went to the beach and watched fireworks on the 4th of July. Then, after a commute to Atlanta, Georgia, we checked into the Marriot Hotel where the convention was being held. We toured World of Coke and CNN before getting down to business with all International Convention had to offer. At the Convention itself, we voted 11 new trustees into office, including Division 14’s past Lieutenant Governor Audrey Dilgarde. The new International President, Devin Sun, and International Vice President, Mary Grace Lewis, were also elected. The convention also included service activities, dances, public speakers entertainment, and more. The 2017 International Convention will be held in San Antonio, Texas. If you want to go, make sure you plan ahead!
Our International Trustee: BAE Greetings, Rocky Mountain District! My name is Jessica Bae, and it is truly an honor to introduce myself as your new International Trustee for the 2016-2017 Key Club year. With a phenomenal sister district- Ohio, Rocky Mountain, and Missouri-Arkansas- I have no doubt that it’s going to be an amazing year. To tell you a little more about myself, I’m from Seattle, Washington and will be a senior at Kamiak High School. I love going on outdoor adventures in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, jamming out to Chicago and Art Pepper, and of course, volunteering in and around my community. My Key Club journey started the first week of high school, when I decided to attend a Key Club meeting because they were passing our chocolate chip cookies. But there, I was drawn to the close-knit community of servant leaders and the shared passion for service that prevailed. Key Club have provided me with so many amazing opportunities and unforgettable experiences, and as your International Trustee, I want to make sure that your Key Club experience is the best it can be. I will work to be your bridge between International, to ensure that your opinions are voiced in decisions that affect you, while keeping you informed on International occurrences. Throughout our time together, I hope to be an accessible resource and an approachable friend during your term in your respective roles. Together, let’s foster a strong sister district relationship that will enable us to share ideas, make connections, and work together to serve our homes, schools, and communities. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or would just like to say hello, feel free to reach out to me via email or phone(425.248.7258) or add me on social media. I would love to hear from you! I couldn’t be more excited for this service year with you all. It’s going to be a great year!
In love and service, Jessica Bae International Trustee, Key Club International 425-248-7258 | jessicabae.kci@gmail.com