May newsletter

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LTG Announcements Hello Division 2, Emily here. How are you all doing? School is finally finished and we have the whole summer ahead. I was thinking that this summer we could all get together and do a meet and greet with a service project attached onto the end? I would love to have all the schools be able to meet each other and really unite as a Division. If you could email me with what dates don’t work well for you, I can compile a list of days that do work for everyone’s schedules. I am aware that summer is a very busy time, but there is always time for service (and food after service)! Please get back to me ASAP! If you could send me your schedule by the 18th of June, I can get started on that search for service! I look forward to hearing from you!

Graduates Congratulations on finishing High School! I am proud of you for doing it and you should be too! One of the awesome things about this organization is all that we get to participate in. Key Club does not just end when High School does. Key Club goes on in College and even beyond. There is Circle K and even the Kiwanis Clubs that you can still be involved with and continue to help make a difference in this world. Please feel free to contact me if you need more information on how to join!

Simple Service Opportunities: ​ #KeyClubsummerservice

The Key Club website gives 10 examples of projects for us to do during the summer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Making and donating no-sew blankets. Reading stories to children at a daycare. Picking up garbage at a park. Making cookies and giving them to a neighbor. Doing yard work for an elderly individual. Donating the clothes you don’t wear anymore. Babysitting for a family friend. Volunteering at an animal shelter.


Phone: 970-405-0222

Facebook: Rocky Mountain District Division 2

9. Tutoring struggling learners. 10. Having a family garage sale and donating the money raised to charity.

International Convention This summer is the 101 year anniversary of Kiwanis International. ICON is going to be held in Atlanta, Georgia this year. Come celebrate with us on July 3rd through July 10th. Contact your me if you have any questions or if you have any Key Clubbers interested in attending the International Convention. It is my first year going and I am super excited for the experience of a lifetime! The Convention is going to be held in the hotel that Mockingjay was filmed in. You will meet tons of amazing people who are inspired by service, just like you.

District Convention The theme of this year’s DCON was Service Around The World. It was my first time going and it was awesome! I strongly encourage all of you to think about going next year, contact me if you have any questions about that. Let’s make Division 2 the highest represented div​ ision in the district for next year!

Key Leader Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership ​ program​ for today's young ​ leaders​ . This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lessons of leadership. Participants begin by attending a Key Leader ​ conference​ , which is a weekend retreat. Large and small group workshops, discussions and team-building activities take place over the course of the weekend. ​ Students​ have opportunities to learn leadership skills that will help them to change their ​ schools​ , communities, and world for the better. While exploring leadership in a whole new way, participants will make amazing new friends and have experiences they will never forget. Register and find upcoming dates on the key leader website!


Phone: 970-405-0222

Facebook: Rocky Mountain District Division 2

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please don’t hesitate to contact me and let me know how things are going with you. I am here to help you and would love to get to know you better. I love talking on the phone or texting, while e-mailing works great too. If you have an idea or you are struggling with something, I would be happy to help or we can work through it together!

Have a Great Summer!


Phone: 970-405-0222

Facebook: Rocky Mountain District Division 2

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