October newsletter

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Rocky Mountain District October Newsletter Upcoming Events:  Nov. 1: Early Bird Deadline  Nov. 7 – 11: Key Club Week  Nov. 10 -12: Board Meeting at Estest  Dec. 1: All club fees due for 20162017 year

Division 11

In this Newsletter: Pg. 2 What Have I Been Up To?/ Project Opportunity Pg. 3

Eliminate Project

Pg. 4

Thirst Project

Pg. 5

Kuddlez for Kidz Women’s Bean Project

Pg. 6

Key Clubber of the Month

Division Hey Everyone! I’m sure you’ve all had an amazing Halloween yesterday! (If you are a senior like me, hopefully, you finished you college applications. ) These past two month have been crazy busy for me and I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Fall Rally. We had an estimated total of around sixty members attend. Yay! I had such a wonderful time planning the rally with Molly and Emily, and I had an even better time hanging out with all of you! While I was not able to attend Fall Rally this year due to familial reasons, I know that some of you went. I loved seeing the pictures on Facebook. Tell me all about it when I visit your schools again. Speaking of schools, I had the opportunity to visit Monarch High School and meet with their awesome crew. A couple of weeks ago, I spoke with the Thornton HS Key Club’s president, Maritza. She spoke to me about a possible project idea. Read about it below!

Project Opportunity The Thornton High School Key Club is looking to host a carnival at the end of the school year for students and families within their community. Because the project is a huge and time consuming engagement, they are looking for other clubs to partner with in order to pull of the carnival. If interested, please contact Maritza (President) at mhui64258@adams12.org .

I’m sure you have all heard about or participated in an Eliminate Project before this newsletter. I’ve seen the Halloween Trick or Treat for UNICEF pictures from yesterday and know you are all incredibly dedicated to this endeavor. Sadly, as with all great things, our pledge to this project has ended and starting in November, we will shift Key Club’s focus towards the Thirst Project (pg. 4). This does not mean you cannot fundraise for ELIMINATE, because you are definitely still encouraged to do so! You may be asking yourself why we are changing focus and the reason is simple: we reached our goal of $110 million in cash and pledges! That means, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have saved roughly 61 million mothers and babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus. That’s amazing! Below, you will find a list of countries that have been eliminated and countries that are still in need of help. So, keep fundraising for Eliminate!

Eliminated Countries:                    

Burkina Faso (2012) Cambodia (2015) Cameroon (2013) China (2012) Cote d’Ivoire (2013) Gabon (2013) Ghana (2011) Guinea Bissau (2012) India (2015) Indonesia (2016) Iraq (2013) Lao People’s Democratic Republic (2013) Liberia (2012) Madagascar (2014) Mauritania (2015) Niger (2016) Senegal (2012) Sierra Leone (2013) Timor Leste (2012) United Republic of Tanzania (2012)

Countries That Still Need Our Help:                   

Afghanistan Angola Central African Republic Chad Democratic Republic of Congo Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Guinea Haiti Kenya Mali Nigeria Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Somalia South Sudan Sudan Yemen

The Thirst Project is the next major emphasis project Key Cub is focusing on. Our partnership starts in January of 2017. The main goal is to raise awareness for clean water and to donate to different clean water projects, specifically Swaziland. A single well built in Swaziland costs roughly $11,325 so all and any type of donations is welcomed! Every cent that you donate will go towards building wells and giving everyone clean waters to drink from. It takes about $25 to give a person the gift of clean water for life. While that fact is wonderful, it will never be fulfilled if you do not do your part! So start fundraising for The Thirst Project. Find more information about the Thirst Project at https://www.thirstproject.org/

Members from the Thirst Project tour around the United States and have even made appearances in Colorado! You can request they come to your school to raise awareness or you can simply attend another schools. Their tour season for fall ends November 18, but not to worry because Thirst Project also tours in the spring from February 13th to April 4th. Get your schools involved!

Main Idea: Riley, a thirteen year old girl, was diagnosed with Moyamoya Disease. She remembers receiving many toys and well wishes before her surgery and is looking to give back by asking everyone to donate stuffed animals to local children’s hospitals. Want to know more? Visit Riley’s website:

http://www.kuddlezforkidz.org/home.html Our Rocky Mountain District has set a goal of 2000 stuff animals donated by DCON (last week of March). We need your help! Please fundraise stuff animals for any children’s hospital and record the number you raised monthly to me. Guidelines:   

Stuff animals have to be new Stuffies can be any size You can choose to donate yourself to a specific children’s hospital or you can keep the stuffies and bring them in during DCON week.

Main Idea: The Women’s Bean Project focuses on helping society by offering women who have overcome hardship a transitional job in jewelry making or gourmet food manufacturing. In doing this, they provide the women with an immediate income, arrange support systems to overcome employment barriers, and to teach job readiness skills needed in order to hold and keep a job. Women spend nine months in the program before transferring to an entry level job.

Want to know how you can help? Visit their website at http://www.womensbeanproject.com/

Key Clubber of the Month We did not have a nominee for Key Clubber of the Month this time. Don’t forget! If you feel like you or one of your club members are doing an amazing job, tell me!


Contact Information Name: Ashley Lai Email: rockymountainltg11@gmail.com Phone: 720.212.3937 *Please send a text telling me who you are before calling

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