Volume 2
Issue 4
Westside News Rocky Mountain District Division 7 Key Words To Live By: “The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.� ~ Steve Jobs
December Edition
In This Issue: v End of the Year v Recaps of 2016 o Fall Rally Recap o Aug. District Board Meeting Recap o Nov. District Board Meeting Recap o Key Leader Recap v Key Club Dues Important Upcoming Events v Division 7 Meet Up v Social Media Corner v Contact Information
End of the Year It is sad to say that 2016 has officially come to an end and I can say that this has truly been the best year full of incredible memories, incredible relationships with amazing people, and rewarding opportunities to learn and grow as a person and lieutenant governor! I hope that we keep making incredible memories and positive changes in our homes, schools, and communities! J Monthly Report Forms: Each month, it is mandatory that each club officer fills out a report. If you have not already filled out the report you can access the form here, just fill out the form and submit. You guys are awesome!
A Word From Me To You Never settle. Always fight for what you want. But when you do always go with positivity and kindness.
Rocky Mountain District
Division 7
2016 Recaps Fall Rally Recap The 2016 – 17 Fall Rally for Division 7 was combined with Division 8 lieutenant governor: Itzel Antillon. It took place on Saturday September 24, 2016 in Glenwood Springs at the Glenwood Hot Springs from 4pm to 6pm. Itzel and I presented a powerpoint and talked about the levels of Key Club, Key Club dues, Key Leader, the Thirst Project, and did ice breakers with the members to get to know each other. We also did an officer training with all new officers in order to help them be great leaders and grow as individuals. After the presentation and officer trainings we were able to have a incredible time at the Glenwood Hot Springs! Overall, the 2016 -17 Fall Rally with Division 8 was a great success filled with great memories and rewarding opportunities!
Key Leader Recap Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership program for today’s young leaders. Key Leader is a lifechanging event that focuses on service leadership and leadership-development experience. There are large and small group workshops, discussions, and team building activities in where the participants can have the opportunity to learn leadership skills, explore leadership in a whole new way, make amazing new friends, and have the best experiences that will be unforgettable. To visit the Key Leader website click here. This year there were two Key Leaders that students could attend which were at Windy Peak, Bailey, CO on October 21-23, 2016 and at Roundup River Ranch, Gypsum, CO on October 14-16, 2016. Below are a few pictures of Division 7 attending Key Leader at Roundup River Ranch, Gypsum, CO on October 14-16, 2016!
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Rocky Mountain District
August District Board Meeting Recap
Division 7 The August District Board Meeting took place on Friday August 12th – Saturday August 13th in Glenwood Springs, CO. The Rocky Mountain District united as one to learn, envision, and execute amazing ideas, projects, and events to enhance and flourish the district and Key Club International. At the district board meeting lieutenant governors across divisions were able to plan their Fall Rally, talk about Key Leader, work in our committees. We too were given the opportunity to learn about each other to grow closer as a district since the June district board meeting. We also were given the opportunity to help out in the Glenwood Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast!
November District Board Meeting Recap
The November District Board Meeting took place on Friday November 11th – Saturday November 13th in Estes Park, CO. The Rocky Mountain District united as one once again and at the November district board meeting lieutenant governors across divisions were able to meet our Rocky Mountain International Trustee: Jessica Bae, work in our committees, create more goals as lieutenant governors and as a district, plan our Spring Rally, and lastly catch up with everything to wrap things up before the end of 2016 to really focus on the 2017 District Convention.
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Rocky Mountain District
Division 7
Key Club Dues Dues are the determining factor in a club’s status in the district. A club in ‘Good Standing’ is one which pays their dues on time. The Rocky Mountain District dues are $12. $5 are District dues and $7 are International dues. Clubs can begin paying dues on October 1st. Early Bird dues are due by November 1st. Regular dues are due by December 1st. Clubs submitting properly completed invoice and membership roster forms and appriopriate membership fees on or before November 1st, will also recieve an “Early Bird” patch for the Key Club’s banner.
If your club has not paid dues by February 1st, your club will be suspended. If your club did not pay dues last year, and you haven’t paid dues by October 1st of the following year, your club will be considered inactive. This means that you no longer receive any resources from the Key Club International Office. If your club did not pay dues last year immidiately get in contact with me or click here for further help on what to do. All contact information is listed below.
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Rocky Mountain District
Division 7
Upcoming Important Events
Magazine mailed to clubs
Fall mailing sent to clubs
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play
Key of Honor nominations due
October 1-31
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
Unpaid clubs become suspended
Officer elections
15 Youth Opportunity Fund grant application deadline
1-28 Submit annual achievement report before district convention (keyclub.org/districtconventions)
Key Leader RRR Late Fee Cutoff date
Early bird deadline for dues
Kiwanis Family Month
Key Club Week
Officer training mailing sent out to clubs
Kiwanis One Day
December 1
Final deadline for dues
31 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF donations due in order to receive recognition
Division 7 Meet Up • There will be an officer meeting with Montrose High School on January 10, 2017, at 11:45pm at Montrose High School. • More information on Spring Rally is to come!
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Rocky Mountain District
Division 7
Social Media Corner Division 7 Facebook
KCI RMD Division 7
Rocky Mountain District Snapchat
Contact Information Division 7 Lieutenant Governor: Jaspe Arias Email: rockymountainltg7@gmail.com jaspearias@gmail.com Call or Text: (970)-712-4760 District Governor: Aliza Mitchell Email: rockymountaingovernor@gmail.com
District Secretary: Olivia Becker Email: rockymountainsecretary@gmail.com
District Treasurer: Diana Antillon Email: rockymountaintreasurer@gmail.com
District Bulletin Editor: Ciana Burroughs Email: rockymountainbulletineditor@gmail.com
District Advisor: Dawn White Email: brookswhite@msn.com Call or Text: (719)-271-8889