Registration Form and Housing Policy

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The Rocky Mountain District of Key Club International presents: The 62nd Annual District Convention, April 4th-6th, 2014 Sheraton Denver West Hotel Name of Attendee: ___________________________________Grade: _____ Division __________ Key Club of: __________________________________________ Office currently held: __________ Address: __________________________ City: _____________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Phone: (___) ____-________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Adult Chaperone (Required): _________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________________________ Phone: (___) ____-_________ IMPORTANT, Please read the following: 1. 2.


Use one form per attendee Appropriate payment, in full, must accompany this form. Additional arrangements can be made with the District Administrator. Any registration received after March 14th, 2014 will require a $15.00 late fee.

Cancelation Policies: 1.


All cancelations must be made in writing on or before March 21st, 2014 to ensure a complete refund. Any cancelation received after this date is subject to a $50.00 penalty. NO refunds will be granted after March 28th, 2014.

Registration Fees: 1.

Registration includes: 2 nights of lodging, convention shirt, entertainment (including a talent show that YOU can star in), a dance, key note speaker, workshops, and 2 meals (K-Family Luncheon and Farewell Brunch)

Rooming Arrangements: If no rooming specified, registrant will be placed in a quad; each price is per registrant. (Check one.) ___Quad: $216 ___Double: $264

___Triple: $234 ___Single: $372

All FRESHMEN students are awarded a discount on quad occupancy rooms. The price per freshman registrant is $195. Adults may have single or double rooms ONLY.

Saturday K-family Luncheon Meal options: (Check one.) ___





Pasta (vegetarian)

Check the following that apply. I am: ___ Male ___ Female

___ Key Clubber

___ Advisor

___ Parent

___ Builders Club

___Circle K

___ Kiwanian

___ Other, Please specify _______________________ If you are not attending for the full weekend, just for the luncheon or brunch, check one of the following and list how many seats you would like to reserve. ___Saturday, K-family Luncheon $35.00 per person ___ Sunday, Farewell Brunch $30.00 per person Total amount enclosed: $ ______________________ Send form to: David Harris, RMD District Administrator, or send to 1641 S. Parfet Ct. Lakewood, CO, 80232. If you any questions, feel free to call Emily Sharp, Convention Chair,, at 804.868.0683, or David Harris at 720.341.5064. For more information on District Convention visit or join the 2014 RMD Rocky Mountain Key Club Convention page on Facebook.

Desired Roommates: 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________

I, as a member of the RMD Key Club, agree to abide to the Key Club Code of Conduct, if I do not abide by the rules I understand Meals: that I can be excluded from this convention. Student Signature _____________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature ____________________________


Chaperone Responsibilities for the Annual Rocky Mountain District Convention

at this year’s Rocky Mountain District Thank you for volunteering to serve as a chaperone Convention. We hope that you find the weekend valuable. Key Club members have a reputation of behaving exceptionally well and much of the credit for this belongs to the dedication of our advisors and other chaperones. Your help is valued and very important. We want Key Club members to have a safe, educational, and enjoyable weekend. Here is where you come in: 1. Prior to DCON discuss the rules with your students. Don’t assume they know the rules or have even read what they signed. Also review the dress code so they will pack all they need to be properly dressed. 2. Remind students that we are a family, that all chaperones are expected to correct any student, not just their own, and that all adults are to be respected at all times. 3. Treat students with the same respect with which you expect them to treat you. 4. There is to be no sexual activity. We are very strict about males and females staying out of each others’ rooms at all times and under any circumstances, even if adults in common areas around the hotel. are present. Group meetings should be held 5. Most participants have had their costs subsidized to at least some extent by someone else who expects them to benefit from participation in DCON. Therefore, chaperones as well as students are expected to attend all functions and stay for the entire session. All chaperones are expected to enforce this. 6. Visually check that students are in their rooms by curfew. Students are not allowed out of their rooms after midnight even with an adult with the exception of those serving as Sergeant-at-arms. 7. Check on your students to be sure they are enjoying the weekend, feeling well, and eating during times when meals are not provided. 8. Adults are required to follow the same rules about alcohol and drug use as students. Chaperones must remain at the hotel with their students at all times. Chaperones can and should accompany students to restaurants in the near area of the hotel. 9. Remind your students about being considerate of others staying at the hotel. If you become aware of any student not being considerate, respectfully talk to that student. Remember, “Caring is our way of life.” 10. Talk with your students about being on time for sessions. 11. At sessions, please assist in keeping attendees quiet once the meeting begins. Please be sure to model this behavior yourselves. 12. Adults and non-Key Club members are not permitted to be involved in Key Club district office campaigns. This includes wearing campaign material or asking questions during caucuses. 13. Please contact the District Administrator if you have a major disciplinary issue.

Housing Policy 2014 RMD Key Club District Convention Advisors!! When sending in registration forms, please indicate whether the housing is single, double, triple, or quad occupancy. Make sure that the roommates indicated are definite and set. If you want your students to stay with the desired students from your school, make sure you have the correct number of students that corresponds with the housing option checked. For example, if you have seven female students, do not mark all of them as quad occupancy and give me a rooming list of four students in one room and three in another. Rarely do we fill empty single slots in a room. In years past, we would let it slide. We cannot afford to do that anymore. If quad occupancy is checked and fewer than four names are submitted, there is an excellent chance the students will be split up. Triple occupancy is not that much more expensive than quad occupancy. All students attending the 2014 RMD Key Club District Convention must have a designated chaperone. That chaperone must be in attendance during the entirety of the District Convention. If you have any questions about this issue or need some assistance, please do not hesitate to contact David Harris at 720-341-5064.

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