Rmd7 newsletter volume2 issue2

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Volume 2

Issue 2

Westside News Rocky Mountain District Division 7 Key Words To Live By: "The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things. ~ Ronald Reagan

June Edition

In This Issue: v What’s New v The Youth Opportunity Fund v Key Club Dues v June Board Meeting v Upcoming Important Dates v Division 7 Meet Up v Key Clubber Shout Out v Key Club Throwback v Social Media Corner v Contact Information

What’s New? Hello fellow Key Club member I certainly hope this newsletter finds you doing well and enjoying your summer vacation! The beginning of this summer has been an incredible journey filled with work and experience that will only continue as we reach the end of such a wonderful time. This June I was fortunate to attend the first official Rocky Mountain District board meeting hosted at Regis University. At this district board meeting I learned many new useful skills that have certainly made me a better lieutenant governor. I will soon go back to school to start my sophomore year and I look forward to working with all the wonderful clubs in Division 7! Let’ s make the year 2016 - 2017 the best one Division 7 has ever experienced! A Word From Me To You Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. ~ Swami Sivananda Division 7 lets put our hearts, minds, and souls into our smallest acts and strengthen our homes, schools, and communities.

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Rocky Mountain District

Division 7

The Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF) The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through gifts to the G. Harold Martin Fellowships. Clubs may request funding assistance ranging anywhere

from $100 to $2,000. New applications will be available in July. Applications must be received by October 15 at 11:59 PM EST and can be mailed to: Kiwanis International Attn: YOF Application/Nicole Harris 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, USA

For more information here is a link you can click on http://keyclub.org/service/fund/ yof.aspx to visit the website.

Applications can also be faxed to 1-317-879-0204 or emailed to yof@kiwanis.org.

Key Club Dues The Rocky Mountain District dues were $12 for the year of 2015-2016; however, there might be slight changes this year. Further updated information will be given in the next newsletters. Clubs can start paying dues October 1st. If your club has not paid dues by February 1st, your club will be suspended.

Clubs submitting properly completed invoice and membership roster forms along with appropriate membership fees on or before November 1st, will receive an “Early Bird” patch for the Key Club’ s banner. Early Bird dues are due by November 1st. Regular dues are due by December 1st. If your club did not pay dues last year, and you haven’ t paid st dues by October 1 of the following year, your club will be considered inactive.

Once your club is considered inactive you will no longer receive any resources from the Key Club International Office. If your club did not pay dues last year here please click on this link http://keyclub.org/dar.aspx for further information on what you need to do or immediately contact me. All contact information is listed below.

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We found her Rocky Mountain District

Division 7

June District Board Meeting Hosted at Regis University the June District board meeting was truly a memorable weekend full of learning, training, relationship building, and fun experiences. Meeting Full of … The first official Rocky Mountain District board meeting took place June 9 - 11 at Regis University where as new lieutenant governors we gathered and met with our executive board to learn new skills and experience training that would prepare us for a successful year ahead of us. Learning At this board meeting we learned that the Youth Opportunities Fund is a fund that Key Club International utilizes to provide Key Club and it’s members with financial grants so that the clubs and members aren’t hindered to serve the world with service opportunities. The grant is only given to Key Clubs for only one fund cycle through a fund request range from $100 to $2,000 that must follow strict guidelines. On page 2 of this newsletter there is further detailed information of the YOF.

Training Throughout the board meeting we were constantly being trained how to have good organization, communication, work ethic, creativity, enthusiasm, ambition, vision, and most importantly leadership. We were introduced to the Key Club International Robert F. Lucas guidebook that demonstrates what each lieutenant governor must do ranging from monthly club reports to training club officers. As a whole the training we received will outline my duties to better serve Division 7. Fun & Relationship Building

We found her!!

During the weekend there were endless opportunities to bond with other district officers. One evening we had the opportunity to attend the Downtown Denver Aquarium where we got to strengthen our relationships through deep conversations and exploring the aquarium together. I will forever cherish my board and the great experiences I made with them that weekend!

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Rocky Mountain District

Division 7

Upcoming Important Events








6-10 Key Club International Convention in Atlanta, GA


September 1

Magazine mailed to clubs


Fall mailing sent to clubs


Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play




Key of Honor nominations due

February 1

Unpaid clubs become suspended


Officer elections

1-28 Submit annual achievement report before district convention (keyclub.org/districtconventions) March

1-31 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 15 Youth Opportunity Fund grant application deadline 23


Key Leader RRR Late Fee Cutoff date


Officer training mailing sent out to clubs

April 2




Early bird deadline for dues



Kiwanis Family Month


Key Club Week

Kiwanis One Day

Eliminate Week

December 1

Final deadline for dues

31 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF donations due in order to receive recognition

Division 7 Meet UP More information on Fall Rally is to come!

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Rocky Mountain District

#KCshoutout Here is the opportunity to nominate & submit an outstanding Key Clubber in your Key Club. Contact me with nominations & submissions

Division 7

Key Clubber Shout Out I sincerely apologize that there was no Key Clubber shout out this month due to my April/May edition newsletter being sent out late. There is still an opportunity to nominate and submit an outstanding Key Club member. When submitting nomination please include the following: § Basic Info: first and last name, grade, school, years in Key Club § Reason for nomination § Interesting fact about the member or any information that the member would like to share § Picture of the member § Name of submitter

Key Club Throwback Eliminate Week: May 2nd – 6th

#KCthrowback A summary of the past couple of weeks

What is The Eliminate Project? Through The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Neonatal tetanus is a deadly disease that kills one baby every nine minutes— nearly 60,000 newborn children every year. A significant number of women also die due to maternal tetanus. The effects of the disease are excruciating—tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. To eliminate MNT from the Earth, 129 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take $110 million—and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Now, together, they are eliminating MNT from the face of the Earth. In doing so, the project will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning of better health for so many families. http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx

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Rocky Mountain District

Issue 2

Social Media Corner Division 7 Facebook


KCI RMD Division 7


Rocky Mountain District Snapchat






Contact Information Division 7 Lieutenant Governor: Jaspe Arias Email: rockymountainltg7@gmail.com jaspearis@gmail.com Call or Text: (970)-712-4760 District Governor: Aliza Mitchell Email: rockymountaingovernor@gmail.com District Treasurer: Diana Antillion Email: rockymountaintreasurer@gmail.com

District Secretary: Olivia Becker Email: rockymountainsecretary@gmail.com

District Bulletin Editor: Ciana Burroughs Email: rockymountainbulletineditor@gmail.com

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