Rmd division 16 courier december 2015

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RMD Division 16 Courier December Table of Contents: • International Trustee Update •

What is Circle K? New Year’s Resolutions Spring Rally Teaser

Contact me? Reach me at 970691-4666 or rockymountainltg1 6@gmail.com

With the year wrapping up, I’m glad to see all the success that has come out of Division 16. Throughout the semester, I’ve begun to see how capable the wonderful officers and members of this division are. We’ve made strides to truly unite as a division and I’m proud to have been Lt. Governor during this period of improvement. See you all in 2016!

Meet Your International Trustee: Heather Farley

Q: What does the job of International Trustee entail? A: An International Trustee is assigned to three districts within Key Club International. They visit each district twice throughout the year-- once in the fall, and then once in the spring for DCON. Trustees visit districts and remain in constant communication with their districts so that they can reap the most from Key Club International. Trustees work with the International Board to make Key Club better tomorrow than it is today, so we do as much as we can to make the experience better for our members. Q: What is your favorite part about being on the International Board? Q: What are your words of wisdom for any Key Clubber interested in running for A: favorite part of being on the International Board is being able to visit my theMy International Board? districts. I love being able to meet amazing Key Clubbers from across the country A: If you're running International Office,work there are some you and being considering welcomed into their for communities. Getting done for mythings districts in must consider. Do you have the time? Being an International Officer can be time person is the absolute greatest. consuming. There's work to be done at home, but you will also be away from home often. If you have a job, you may want to reconsider. Many employers won't be okay with you taking so many weekends off. Something else to consider is do you have the experience? To be a trustee, you should have leadership experience in Key Club, or extensive knowledge of the organization. Key Clubbers will be looking up to you, so it's pertinent that you are able to answer their questions.

What is Circle K International With CKI Governor Austin Good

Q: What exactly is Circle K International? A: Circle K (CKI) is the world’s largest student led collegiate service org! We're college kids that love to give back to our campuses and communities. We're a lot like Key Club. We have a similar governance structure and strive toward the same goal as Key Club and Kiwanis which is to serve the children of the world. We live to serve and love to serve.

Q: What do you think is the most enjoyable aspect of Circle K? A: The people, hands down! People that join CKI aren't usually the people that are just trying to pad their resumes, there are plenty of other opportunities on campus to do that. People that join CKI are the ones that really want to just give back and build relationships. There are so many opportunities to meet CKIers from other schools and build great networks. Q: What opportunities can members partake in when a Circle K member? A: CKI has a ton of opportunities for members! Aside from networking with Kiwanians there are a lot of opportunities for members to meet other CKIers and build relationships. We have an International Convention and District Convention like Key Club does, but was also have other unique opportunities. One of them is our Large Scale Service Project (LSSP). This is often the highlight of CKIers time in Circle K because we get to do what we do best, serve the community. CKI members show up to our International Convention a few days early to do large service projects in the host city of our convention. It's hot, sweaty, exhausting and a ton of fun. What better way to meet other members then to do service projects with them? We also have an event called Leadership Academy. This is a weeklong retreat in Indianapolis where CKI members from all over the world come together to learn about themselves and leadership. The bonds I made with people during my experience at Leadership Academy are some of the strongest relationships I've made during my time in CKI. Q: What can Key Clubbers do if their college doesn't have a Circle K? A: It depends on how much time you want to put in! If you want to go all in you can start your own club! Email our Executive Director, Chric Martz at cmartz@kiwanis.org! Alternativly if a college nearby has a Circle K chapter you can join their club as a satellite member. Reach out to their club president and I'm sure they'll welcome you to the family!

Key Club New Year’s Resolutions

With 2015 coming to an end, there’s only about 92 days left in my term as Lt. Governor for Division 16. I’ve made a commitment to finish out my term strong and be a support for all of Division 16. It’s my last year in this fantastic organization and I’m excited to end it with a bang. I can’t wait to see what our division can do when we get together and work for a common goal. I’m hoping to plan several more Council Meetings along with several smaller Division Wide Service Projects. It’s essential that all the officers in Division 16 give it their all for the rest of your term. We’re beginning to really form the club interconnectivity that I strived for when beginning my term. If you don’t have a New Year’s resolution or even if you do have one, take the time to commit to finishing this year strong. Keep recruiting, planning projects, and be sure to serve your community as much as possible. Key Club is worth the effort! Happy New Year!

Friday, March 4th

5:30 pm- 8:00 pm

RMD Division 16 Spring Rally

Vote for Loveland High the Next School Lt. Governor See a preview for DCON of Division 2016 16 New Officer Q & A With Graduating Officers

Come to celebrate Stay tuned for more information regarding another fantastic year of friends, service and Key Spring Rally 2016 Club!

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