A Publication By Your
The Coin Volume 1~Issue 10
2014-2015 Treasurer
The February Edition
In This Issue
So You Want to Be District Treasurer?
Page 1 Icebreakers District Treasurer
Being on the Executive Board for a Key Club District can be a daunting task. I can’t deny that there is a fair amount of responsibility that comes with each position, but it is a very rewarding experience as a whole. If you want to be District Treasurer, this article will answer the basic questions about the job and what it takes to do it well. As the District Treasurer, there are a few qualities that you must possess: you must be organized, good at math, professional, and you must possess the capabilities to lead. Because the Treasurer oversees the dues collection process, you must be able to deal with varieties of people, both teenagers and adults. It can be a stressful job, but the feeling you get when that one club you’ve been struggling with FINALLY pays dues is remarkable! To become District Treasurer, you must be elected at District Convention (DCON). At DCON, you go through nominations, caucusing, and house of delegates before people choose who to vote for. See page 2 for sample caucusing questions. If you have any more specific questions about the position, please don't hesitate to send me an email. I am here to address any questions or concerns that you may have.
Page 2 The Eliminate Project Caucusing Q & A Page 3 Of the Month Page 4 The Academy Awards Page 5 Spring Rally Circle-K Page 6 RMD Contacts
Icebreakers For those of you who don’t know what icebreakers are, they are short, fun games that allow people to make new friends and have fun before a meeting starts. One of my favorite icebreakers came from Key Leader back in October. You spilt everyone into groups of 5 or 6, give each member a piece of paper and give each group one die and one pen. Essentially, the first person starts writing down numbers starting at one and counting aloud as well. The person to their right will roll the dice as many times as needed to roll a “six” while the other person writes down numbers. Once they roll a six, the person should grab the pen from the other person and start writing their own numbers. The next person rolls the dice until they get a six, and so on. The first person to get to 100 wins. This game is super fun, gets a little crazy, and is a great way to start a meeting!
As of January 16, 2015, we have raised a total of $74,841,146.90 for Eliminate!
Caucusing Question
Why did you choose to run for District Treasurer?
The main reason is my passion for service leadership. I love this organization, it’s members and what it stands for and I want to continue serving this organization.
What do you plan to do to help the District?
I plan to continue the creation of my “How to Pay Dues” video and help with the increase in International dues.
Which Disney Character are you? Relate it to Key Club.
If I had to choose, it’d probably be Peter Pan. He is a leader, he’s energetic, and and helps people who are “lost”, just like Key Clubbers do.
How will your course schedule affect Key Club?
Being the great time manager that I am, I don’t have any trouble balancing school and extracurriculars. My passion for Key Club won’t let there be a change in these habits
Are you planning to attend ICON 2015?
Yes, I am. At ICON, I hope to attend as many useful workshops as possible so I can bring back as much information to help the Rocky Mountain District.
What’s your favorite TV show? Relate it to Key Club.
I love Friends! Each character represents part of Key Club: Phoebe is caring, Ross is smart, Monica is organized, Rachel is independent, Joey is confident, and Chandler is energetic!
**Disclaimer** The example answers given in this section do not necessarily reflect the views of Key Club International, the Rocky Mountain District, or any of its members. They are simply acceptable answers to common caucusing questions designed to provide insight into the election process.
Of The Month Fundraiser of the Month This month, the Fundraiser of the Month is themed after the holiday that makes February famous: Valentines Day! I like to call it Val-ograms. All you need to do is print off a fair amount of slips that people can write message on (see picture below), charge one $1 for each one, and on the last school day before Valentines Day, deliver the messages to the recipients with a bag of chocolates! It’s easy, fun, and brings in the money! Make sure you start selling ASAP!
Joke of the Month
Quote of the Month
Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune?
One word frees us Of all the weight and pain in life, That word is Love."
A: Because it couldn’t get a date!
With the Academy Awards less than a month away, I felt obliged to include a list of the nominees and my personal picks for the winners! Look for the bold text to see who I chose and tune in to ABC on February 26 to see the real winners!
Best Picture
American Sniper Birdman Boyhood The Grand Budapest Hotel The Imitation Game Selma The Theory of Everything Whiplash
Best Actor in a Supporting Role Ethan Hawke Boyhood Edward Norton Birdman Mark Ruffalo Foxcatcher J.K. Simmons Whiplash Robert Duvall The Judge
Best Actor in a Lead Role
Steve Carrell Foxcatcher Bradley Cooper American Sniper Benedict Cumberbatch The Imitation Game Michael Keaton Birdman Eddie Redmayne The Theory of Everything
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Patricia Arquette Boyhood Laura Dern Wild Kiera Knightly The Imitation Game Emma Stone Birdman Meryl Streep Into the Woods
Best Actress in a Lead Role
Marion Cotillard Two Days, One Night Felicity Jones The Theory of Everything Julianne Moore Still Alice Rosamund Pike Gone Girl Reese Witherspoon Wild
Best Animated Feature
How to Train Your Dragon 2 Dean DeBlois & Bonnie Arnold Song of the Sea Tomm Moore & Paul Young The Tale of the Princess Isao Tahahata & Yoshiaki Nishimura Big Hero 6 Don Hall, Chris Williams, & Roy Conli The Boxtrolls Anthony Stacchi, Graham Annable, & Travis Knight
Spring Rally 2015 Every year, the Lieutenant Governors of the Rocky Mountain District hold an annual event titled Spring Rally. Spring Rally brings each division and sometimes more than one division together for a fun event focused around the future of Key Club! At Spring Rally, the LTG-Elect is elected by the two voting delegates chosen from each club. If you have any desire to be a Lieutenant Governor on the Rocky Mountain District Board or have any questions about Spring Rally, please contact your divisions Lieutenant Governor! We would love to see you take the next step in the Key Club Family!
Circle-K Attention all college-bound seniors! For those of you who wake up in the middle of the night after having nightmares of your life without Key Club, worry no more! There is a college version of Key Club, and it’s name is super cool: Circle-K, or CKI! During your quest to college, look and see if your chosen school has a Circle-K club! If they do, great! If not, don’t worry! Contact the appropriate Circle-K District Governor and get some help in starting one! We all know how magical the KFamily is, and thankfully college bound seniors don’t have to say goodbye! If you have any further questions about CKI, email any of the RMD Key Club Board Members and we can give you more details!
Rocky Mountain District Board Contacts District Governor Ryan Mathias rmdgovernormathias@gmail.com
Division 2 LTG Annette Dinnebeck annetteltg@gmail.com
Division 10 LTG Avery Hatfield averyhatfieldltg@gmail.com
District Secretary Tara Suppes rmdsecretarytarasuppes@gmail.com
Division 3 LTG Christianne Padilla christianneltg3@gmail.com
Division 11 LTG Juliana Zhao julianazltg11@gmail.com
District Treasurer Patrick McGarry Jr. treasurer.mcgarry@gmail.com
Division 4 LTG Tess Rinaldo
Division 12a LTG Breana Williams breanawilliamsltg12a@gmail.com
District Bulletin Editor Hunter (Lauren) Adcock laurena.rmdbeditor@gmail.com
Division 5 LTG Division 12b LTG Genesis Villa Gabe Flores ltgdivision5genesis@gmail.com ltg12bflores@gmail.com
Convention Chair: Katie Biesiada katie.dcon.rmd@gmail.com
Division 6 LTG Brayan Rodriguez brayanltg6@gmail.com
Division 13/17 LTG Aliza Mitchell alizamitchell.ltg@gmail.com
Division 7 LTG Kendal Clark kendalclarkLTG7@gmail.com
Division 14 LTG Josie Middleton rmd14.lt.gov@gmail.com
Division 8 LTG Zackery Larsen zlarsenltg8@gmail.com
Division 15 LTG Madison Troudt Madi.ltg.15@gmail.com
Division 9 LTG Viviana Verde vivianavltg9@gmail.com
Division 16 LTG Maya Thompson maythompsonltg16@gmail.com
Technology Chair: Dakota Parker rmdtechnologyparker@gmail.com Club Building Chair: Trevor Tuthill clubbuildingtuthill@gmail.com Eliminate Chair: Karalee Kothe eliminatechair.kkothe@gmail.com Rallies/Conferences Chair: Josie M. District Administrator Dave Harris RMDKCAd@aol.com
Asst. District Administrator Barb Fuller barbaranfuller@aol.com
Asst. District Administrator Gay Hughes hughesgay@gmail.com