Communic a t i o n s 0 2
course ab s t r a c t Communications 02 seeks to explore the ‘digital’, ‘virtual’ and physical in relation to Landscape Architecture. It takes as it starting point that the landscape is a complex, living and dynamic medium, that is interpreted, and transformed through the way we look at it and the tools through which we communicate this complexity. This course aims to broaden the theoretical and technical range of all students in their ability to communicate their ideas and position concepts of communication within a theoretical and historical discourse of design. The subject takes as its premise that a system may be investigated through an understanding of its structure and relationships. It considers that space is four dimensional, (3d + growth and change) with many scales of operation. This subject aims to interrogate the physical world and develop techniques to understand, transform and generate through digital and physical modelling, drawing and fabrication.
contents Pratika Talegaonkar Angus Lanni Bella Lebar Smeaton Hieu Truong Catrin Daly James Mitchell David De Thomasis Nathan Collins Sarah Hicks
course leaders:
Bridget Keane, Saskia Schut, Cassandra Lucas, Greg Afflick
Prati k a T a l e g a o n k a r Shell Analogue investigations
Angu s L a n n i Jellyfish and Banana Tree Leaf Digital and Analogue Investigations
Bella L e b e r S m e a t o n Slater + Abalone shell Digital and Analogue investigations
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Hieu T r u o n g
Catri n D a l y Analogue Investigations
Jame s M i t c h e l l , D a v i d D e T h omasis, Nath a n C o l l in s
Digital and Analogue Investigations
Sara h H i c k s Mushroom Digital Invetigations