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This studio, THREE VERSIONS OF JUDAS, will continue the methodology that was established in studio BOYDWATCHING.

It will operate through ficto-critical methodologies, with a particular interest in modalities of thought, and modalities of expression. The studio will ask students to operate through precedent, to draw in other disciplines, and to consider a collective futurity.

How might a foundational architectural typology be stretched, reconfigured, and ultimately redescribed in order to operate critically on the present, consider the operative methodologies of the past, and invest in a construction site for possible worlds.

This will be done, not through fantasy, but through a manifestly realised fiction.

The obsessive desire to construct a world around the singular object.

The architectural object.

The architecturally affected subject.

What is the architecture that holds multiple personal readings?

What is the project that chases its own consequences, one week to the next?

What is the architectural profession that isn’t considered successful?

What is the framework of difference?

What is the life that is built before it is lived?

What is the architecture that holds a narrative mouvance?

What is the architecture that holds a critical position?

What is the architecture that translates the alternate, the other, the Actor?

What is the architecture of Walsh St without a Boyd?

NB: Students must be available for a site visit on March 7th. This will cost thirty dollars per person.

Monday and Thursday 6-9pm

Hannah Zhu, Jack Murray, Aimee Howard

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