2 minute read
I know what you wanna say I think that
you’re all the same
Constantly being led astray You think you know somethin’ you don’t Downtown hot spots
stories sometimes changed lives, and sometimes only minds. And still I can barely find my way to university by myself, barely make a meal beyond cereal. I can walk and I can talk but only sometimes do I have things worth saying.
I finish my degree soon – I have only two subjects left to fulfill. And so maybe it makes sense that now feels an apt time for me to be thinking so much about a life after it all. After class, after timetables, after cinema shifts and closing credits. I cried tonight in a cinema on the other side of town because I saw a story that confronted the after with a story of the living. Like an antidote to the idea of afterlife, I watched a film focus on all the life that was to happen before it all, on all the living that was to be done.
fulfill. And so maybe it makes sense that now feels an apt time for me to be thinking so much about a life after it all. After class, after timetables, after cinema shifts and closing credits. I cried tonight in a cinema on the other side of town because I saw a story that confronted the after with a story of the living. Like an antidote to the idea of afterlife, I watched a film focus on all the life that was to happen before it all, on all the living that was to be done.
I’ll be leaving uni soon, and maybe my job, too. In so many ways I like to pretend, I’m still eight years old. In all the ways I can’t ignore, I’m turning twenty-four. The lifespan of a small human feels long enough to know that it had a good run. It feels enough to know that I had a life there. It feels like just enough to know that there’s more, there’s other, that there is a life after. It feels enough to know that I’m ready for it now; to move closer to the after, and to do all the living. I finish my degree soon – I have only two subjects left to
I’ll be leaving uni soon, and maybe my job, too. In so many ways I like to pretend, I’m still eight years old. In all the ways I can’t ignore, I’m turning twenty-four. The lifespan of a small human feels long enough to know that it had a good run. It feels enough to know that I had a life there. It feels like just enough to know that there’s more, there’s other, that there is a life after. It feels enough to know that I’m ready for it now; to move closer to the after, and to do all the living.
Halfway up the street I used to be free I used to be seventeen Follow my shadow Around your corner I used to be seventeen Now you’re just like me Down beneath the ashes and the stone Sure of what I’ve lived and have known I see you so uncomfortably alone I wish I could show you how much you’ve grown Downtown hot spots I used to be on this street I used to be seventeen I used to be seventeen
Now you’re half shy Hanging on my block Sun coming up is my shadow?