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Selected works from RMIT Culture collections and International Collections

Paul Taylor, Concept sketches of Kambrook 'Axis' electric kettles, 1993

This work was chosen because it was visually appealing to me. When I was younger I always loved making everything and anything. They weren’t practical but I loved just putting stuff together. This electric kettle, although an old sketch, seems like what would be envisioned for the future. It seems new and different. It just reminded me of myself and kinda wants me to sketch a few more of my impractical designs.

Concept sketches of Kambrook ‘Axis’ electric kettles (1993) Design

Works by Kirtan Singh

A changing perspective

This year, we have find ourselves stuck at home. Early on and for some still in isolation, it is difficult to be productive. This short film was made with my family and shows how sometimes, it takes one push to get started. TALI, finds inspiration from a fellow student who shares their work online. The short is also a bottled film, so it takes place in one location. It was a personal test for me to make this short under these conditions. The small location reflects how people feel in isolation: alone.

Video link : https://youtu.be/rkibi3LN638

‘A Changing Perspective’

Written and Directed by Kirtan Singh (2020) Short Film

Substitute is a short film that has been in the work since 2019. Harjeet Kaur recalls her past and her endeavours of maintaining an everlasting relationship with her daughter. The film was made to be open to interpretation and viewed differently after subsequent viewings. While there is a lot to discuss about the relationship, this short film also touches on the inner workings of people’s mentality and their wellbeing. Love is a powerful emotion. It can help one person but also hurt another. Harjeet’s actions may help her ‘rediscover’ her relationship with her daughter but has effects on others.

Video link: https://youtu.be/zr6lscfUf1I


Written and Directed by Kirtan Singh (2020) Short Film

Cristina Ulloa Sobarzo

Cristina has a keen interest in documentary filmmaking and (over-)analysing all sorts of films. She is interested in docu-fictional approaches in recording the world around her. She also has an emerging passion for film photography, and has been experimenting with different video editing techniques during lockdown. Cristina is currently studying a Bachelor of Communications (Media) and is the communications intern for Museum of Me.

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