perspective Generosity The big blur
learning, doing Making ourbeing worldand special again
young man approached a parking t’s just become one big blurme forinme. One yesterday. day lot blends into the next. One week “My family and and then I are months staying over drifts into another have there and we even couldmore get five dollars we now could slipped by.ifIt’s pronounced get awe’re pizza.into If wethese couldkind get of tenblah we could get that weeks, two andweeks. that would cover us.” wintry Are you still reading? That was I had no idea whether definitely a downer start. his story was true. He looked though was living So howasdo we gethethrough thisrough, long, though—gaunt, sunken cheeks, despairing dark, socially distanced (re: away from eyes. Withoutand hesitation, my wallet friends extendedI pulled family)out winter? Does and handed him ten I don’t know just did it. He it help knowing thatbucks. we have a vaccine and why that,I maybe, by wasn’t summer threatening. He wasn’t Heroutines, just seemed to really need a we’ll be starting to go over aboutimploring. our regular whatever that looks boostnow? right then and interacting with him right there a couple of feet like away,We I just felta it was a moment. have few ideas that might help. One is our Camp Guide It’s not thatprograms I’m on a mission to give away all ofcamps. our money. Preview. Many are scheduling summer Many,I walk but and all, drive plenty whoactivities are asking for a it’s little push. And apart, I’m not of by these are of forpeople outdoor where easy to stay notneeded. driven to others byas a sense of guilt or where even a we’ll feeling being as I’mhelp wondering, are most of us, beofcome lucky enough to high have hopes, it and these othersjust don’t and therefore it’s my summer. I have but that’s me. Wesohave excellent social obligation to northern do it. NorColorado do I get a and big sense of satisfaction. healthcare here in I’m eager to see the I have a hard time pinpointing why I feel compelled to help out sometimes, vaccine rolling out in the next couple of months. whether a sidewalk forLynn a neighbor or stopping to 18, pushabout a car, You scooping should also check out Nichols story, page and other times not much. fun. We’ve all slipped into these routines family bonding withsoindoor fall, neighbor of Lynn ours comes by with compressor that Every are part ofathe blur, but advocates thathis weair shake ourselves andand blows lines. He makes that the rounds in ourwith our off getout up our and sprinkler do something different, we interact corner outside of the neighborhood and gets everyone ready for winter. He family of our stuck-inside-together-for-all-time ruts. She doesn’t askgood for anything. just grab does it because he can. It is not a has some ideas thatHe might you. transactional offerhas in any Lea Hanson someway. food for thought about how to establish this put month inaher Learn and of Live column new Theresa routinesBaer thatwrites can help us in better frame mind, things aboutasteaching children to be generous and for to volunteer. such developing a good morning ritual ourselvesShe andalso our offers kids. some her ideasstory about and how. The idea is to help children to be Find onwhere page 16. aware of others’ needs andLive to understand that they, themselves, have Theresa Baer, in her & Learn story on page 12, wants to something to offer. take us on an outdoor adventure in the snow. She tells us what to goaltois get for them, really of us, to not just do an wear,The where the gear andallwhat else to bring to generosity make for aasfun activity and safethat tripwe forhave all. come to understand as something that we should do because lucky enough to have those with otherkids And inwe’re Family Activities, page 8, something I dive intoand cooking people struggling. we’re really headed is for our and theare many optionsWhere for making successful, funwith andthis delicious meals. children see people whowe arewatched just like the theyinauguration are, who just today want to be all And to a final thought: with happy just aspageantry, they do and who don’t want to feeland bad compelling just as they music don’t its patriotic high-minded speeches wantpoetry. to. WeItwant to get the on them us feelings. don’t just and caused mebeyond to reflect theand importance ofWe traditions droppausing money in can aand walk by. stop. Wewhat talk and engage with and to atake moment toWe appreciate we have. people who are justespecially like us. true now when it might be harder to I think that’s In the end, wethings want to be generosity, notSojust generosity, get excited about through the blur. I’mdogoing to try though to the path toto being it seems, lies through remember findgenerosity, little reasons to celebrate everythe daypath andoftodoing make generosity. regular celebrations, such as birthdays, into bigger deals. ‘Tis the for season, Thanks sticking with us, Scott
OCTOBER 2019 FEBRUARY 2021 •• Volume Volume 24, 25, Issue Issue 69 PUBLISHER Scott Titterington, (970)221-9210 EDITOR Kristin Titterington, (970)221-9210 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Emily Zaynard ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR Greg Hoffman, (970)689-6832 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVE SusanHarting Hartig Susan COVER PHOTO Cheri Schonfeld, Courtesy of Sky’s Open Design - CONTRIBUTING WRITERS WRITERS TheresaCONTRIBUTING Baer, Lea Hanson, Kris Kodrich Theresa Baer, Lea Hanson, Katie Harris, Lynn U. Nichols, Scott Titterington Lynn U. Nichols
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