13 minute read
Active Directory
The area code for phone numbers is (970) unless otherwise noted.
Fort Collins Archery Association 2825 SW Frontage Rd., FC www.ftcollinsarchery.com Greeley Archers www.greeleyarchers.com Rocky Mountain Archery 4518 Innovation Dr., FC, 226-5900 www.rockymountainarcheryfc.com
Fort Collins Cycling Club www.fccycleclub.org www.facebook.com/groups/ fccyclingclub Loveland Cycling Club www.lovelandcycling.org www.facebook.com/ LovelandCyclingClub Overland Mountain Bike Club www.overlandmtb.org PEDAL Club People’s Efforts to De-emphasize Autos in Loveland www.pedalclub.org Team B.O.B. (a.k.a, Babes on Bikes) www.coteambob.com
Bicycle Advisory Committee 416-2471, www.fcgov.com/bac Bicycle Ambassador Program 221-6705 www.fcgov.com/bicycling/bicycleambassador-program Bike Fort Collins www.bikefortcollins.org Estes Park Cycling Coalition www.bikeestes.org Fort Collins Bicycle Co-op 1501 N. College Ave., FC 484-3804, www.fcbikecoop.org Greeley Bikes 1001 9th Ave., GR, 350-9423 www.greeleybikes.com Pace Bike Share www.ridepace.com/fortcollins Recycled Cycles 4031 S. Mason St., FC, 223-1969 451 Isotope Dr., FC, 491-9555 www.recycled-cycles.com Ridekick International 2649 E. Mulberry St. #43, FC 844-483-0895 x1 www.ridekick.com
Trek Bicycle Fort Collins 202 W. Laurel St., FC, 482-6006 931 E. Harmony Rd., FC, 226-6006 4880 Thompson Pkwy. #110, LV 667-8735 www.trekbikes.com
Activities & lessons . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Archery, biking, boating, bowling, cards and bingo, dancing, equestrian gear, gardening, golfing, hiking, music, scuba, spectator events, swimming, tennis, glass blowing, knitting, painting, pottery, quilting & sewing, stained glass
Beauty/Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Culture, Arts & entertainment . . . 39 Cinema cafes, dinner theaters, museums, performance venues Education . ................ . . 39 Education & Lifelong learning
Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 General fitness, pilates, yoga
Food & beverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Brewery tours, cooking classes, delivery services, farmers’ markets, grocery shopping assistance, makeyour-own, wine tasting
Municipal support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 City services, libraries, senior centers
Volunteer opportunities . . . . . . . . 41
A Wanderlust Adventures 4120 W. CR 54G, Laporte 482-1995 www.awanderlustadventure.com
A1 Wildwater Rafting 2801 N. Shields St., FC 224-3379, www.a1wildwater.com Boyd Lake State Park 3720 N. CR 11C, LV, 669-1739 http://cpw.state.co.us/placestogo/ parks/BoydLake Inlet Bay Marina @ Horsetooth Reservoir 4314 S. Shoreline Dr., FC, 223-0140 www.inletbaymarina.com Mountain Whitewater Descents 1329 N. Hwy 287, FC 419-0917, www.raftmw.com Rocky Mountain Adventures 1117 N. Hwy. 287, FC 493-4005, www.shoprma.com
Chippers Lanes 555 S. St Vrain Ave., EP 586-8625 830 N. College Ave., FC, 484-4777 217 W. Horsetooth Rd., FC, 286-0802 2454 8th Ave., GR, 353-4275 www.chipperslanes.com Highland Park Lanes 1900 59th Ave., GR, 330-2695 www.highlandparklanes.com The Summit 4455 Fairgrounds Ave., WS 663-6363 www.playatthesummit.com Sweetheart Ten Pin Bowling 2320 N. Lincoln Ave., LV, 667-3510 www.sweetheartbowling.com
Fort Collins Senior Center 1200 Raintree Dr., FC, 221-6644 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ senior-center
Greeley Active Adult Center 1010 6th St., GR, 350-9440 www.greeleyrec.com/facilitiesr Northern Colorado Bridge www.northerncoloradobridge.com
Andre’s Ballroom Dance 266-8249
Ballroom Fort Collins 2600 Fieldstone Dr., FC, 493-2922 www.ballroomfortcollins.com
Club Tico 1599 City Park Dr., FC, 224-6113 www.fcgov.com/recreation/club-tico

Contemporary Dance Academy 2531 S. Shields St., #2A, FC 232-9539, www.contemporary danceacademy.com Foot and Fiddle Square Dance Club @ Windsor Community Recreation Center 250 N. 11st St., WS 498-8997, www.footandfiddle.net Goodtimes Dance Club @ Fort Collins Senior Center 1200 Raintree Dr., FC www.goodtimesdanceclub.com High Country Conservatory of Dance 5112 S. College Ave., Unit A, FC 7670 5th St., Ste. 200, Wellington 225-0600, www.highcountry conservatory.com Dancer Guy, LLC 813 Marshall St., FC, 207-9176 www.dancerguy.com
Lambspun 1101 E. Lincoln Ave., FC 484-1998, www.lambspun.com My Sister Knits 1408 W. Mountain Ave., FC 407-1461, www.mysisterknits.com Your Daily Fiber 4019 S. Mason St. #3, FC 484-2414, www.yourdailyfiber.com
Bath Garden Center & Nursery 2000 E. Prospect Rd., FC, 484-5022 www. bathgardencenter.com Fort Collins Nursery 2121 E. Mulberry, FC, 482-1984 www.fortcollinsnursery.com The Gardens on Spring Creek 2145 Centre Ave., FC, 416-2486 www.fcgov.com/gardens Gulley’s Greenhouse & Garden Center 6029 S. Shields St., FC, 223-4769 www.gulleygreenhouse.com The Sustainable Living Association FC, 224-3247, www.sustainable livingassociation.org
Daggett Glass Studio 918 1/2 N. Garfield Ave., LV, 667- 8073, www.daggettglass.com
Boomerang Links Golf Course 7309 W. 4th St., GR, 353-4653 www.golfingreeley.com/ boomerang-links Cattail Creek 2116 W. 29th St., LV, 663-5310 www.cityofloveland.org City Park Nine 411 S. Bryan Ave., FC 221-6650, www.fcgov.com/golf Collindale 1441 E. Horsetooth Rd., FC 221-6651, www.fcgov.com/golf Eaton Country Club 37661 WCR 39, Eaton, 454-2479 www.eatoncc.net
Estes Park 18-Hole Golf Course 1480 Golf Course Rd., EP 586-8146, www.colorado.gov/ pacific/evrpd/estes-park-18-holegolf-course Highland Hills Golf Course 2200 Clubhouse Dr., GR, 353-4653 www.golfingreeley.com/ highland-hills Lake Estes 9-Hole Executive Golf Course 690 Big Thompson Ave., EP 586-8176, www.colorado.gov/ pacific/evrpd/lake-estes-9-holegolf-course Mariana Butte 701 Clubhouse Drive, LV 667-8308, www.cityofloveland.org Southridge 5750 S. Lemay Ave., FC 416-2828, www.fcgov.com/golf The Olde Course at Loveland 2115 West 29th St., LV 667-5256, www.cityofloveland.org
City of Fort Collins: Parks and Trails FC, 221-6660 www.fcgov.com/parks/trails.php Larimer County: Natural Resources 1800 S. CR 31, LV, 619-4570 www.larimer.org/natural resources/parks Poudre Wilderness Volunteers www.pwv.org
Beaver Meadows Resort Ranch Red Feather Lakes, 881-2450 www.beavermeadows.com
Inspiration Riding Academy Pierce, 402-2536 www.inspirationridingacademy.com Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch 2939 N. CR 31D, LV 667-3915, www.sylvandale.com YMCA of the Rockies—Estes Park 2515 Tunnel Rd., EP 586-3344, www.ymcarockies.org
Boomer Music Company 3761 S. Mason St., FC, 223-2424 www.boomermusiccompany.com Estes Park Violin www.estesparkviolin.com Hands On Music Academy 2856 Sitting Bull Way, FC, 207-9111 www.handsonmusic.com
Loveland Academy of Music, LLC 1355 Cleveland Ave., LV 581-3553, www.loveland academyofmusic.com Magnolia Music Studio 4019 Mason St., Unit 2, FC 614-5691 www.magnoliamusicstudio.com Main Street Music Academy 609 Main St., WS, 674-0052 www.mainstreetmusicacademy.com Piano & Guitar Institute 2170 W. Drake Rd, Ste. B-8, FC 206-4930 2105 Maple Dr., LV, 631-5916 1296 Main St., Unit C, WS, 686- 9660, www.pianoinstitutellc.com Piano Center of the Rockies 2721 S. College Ave., FC 282-9171, www.pianocenter oftherockies.com
Artisan You 405 E. 7th St., LV, 663-4906 www.artisanyou.com Juiced on Imagination 1349 Cleveland Ave., LV, 301-9695 www.juicedonimagination.com Picasso & Wine 1540 Main St., #236, WS 460-0833, www.picassoandwine.com Pinot’s Palette 159 W. Mountain Ave., FC 214-5208 www.pinotspalette.com/fortcollins Studio Vino 6055 Sky Pond Dr., Unit P172, LV 685-4583, www.studiovino.com Showcase Art Center 1335 8th Ave., GR, 356-8593 www.colettepitcher.com
Chilson Center Pottery Studio 700 E. Fourth St., LV 962-2458 www.cityofloveland.org Northern Colorado Potters Guild 209 Christman Dr. #4,FC 416-5979, www.nocopottersguild.org Smokestack Pottery 119 E. Lincoln Ave., FC, 484-8183 www.smokestackpottery.com The Pottery Studio 1541 W. Oak St., FC, 221-6644 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ potterystudio The Clay Center of Northern Colorado 1024 6th Ave., GR, 590-1561 www.claycenternc.com
Country Quilting 7889 Antelope Ct., Wellington 217-3483 www.country-quilting.com Jukebox Quilts 400 N. College Ave., Ste. 400A, FC 224-9975, www.jukeboxquilts.com The Fig Leaf: Fabrics & Notions 2834 S. College Ave., FC., 495-1766 www.thefigleafquilting.com Quilter’s Stash 1180 W. Ash St., Ste. 100, WS 686-5657
Sew Downtown 3820 W 10th St., Ste. B3, GR 352-9230, www.sewdowntown.com
High Plains Scuba 115 W. Harvard St., FC, 493-8562 www.highplainsscuba.com Colorado Scuba Diving Academy FC, 221-6683 www.codivingacademy.com Tortuga Bay 3201 W. 10th St., GR, 353-3337 www.tortugabay.net
Colorado Eagles Hockey Budweiser Event Center 5290 Arena Cir., LV, 619-4100 www.coloradoeagles.com Colorado State University Rams Sports FC, www.csurams.com University of Northern Colorado Bears Sports GR, www.uncbears.com
Artisan You 405 E. 7th St., LV, 663-4906 www.artisanyou.com KDD Fused Glass 2601 Platte Pl., FC, 223-3778 www.kddfusedglass.com Northern Colorado Stained Glass Supply 3000 N. Overland Tr., Laporte 482-7655, www.ncstainedglass.com
Centennial Outdoor Pool 2315 Reservoir Rd., GR, 350-5636 www.greeleyrec.com/aquatics Chilson Recreation Center 700 E 4th St., LV, 962-2386 www.cityofloveland.org/swimming Chimney Park Municipal Pool 421 Chimney Ct., WS, 686-2632 www.windsorgov.com City Park Pool 1599 City Park Ave., FC, 221-6363 www.fcgov.com/recreation/citypark-pool Discovery Bay Waterpark 715 E. 24th St. GR, 350-5636 www.greeleyrec.com/aquatics Edora Pool and Ice Center (EPIC) 1801 Riverside Ave., FC, 221-6683 www.fcgov.com/recreation/epic Estes Park Aquatic Center 660 Community Dr., EP, 586-8191 www.colorado.gov/pacific/evrpd Family FunPlex Adventure Island Indoor Waterpark 1501 65th Ave., GR, 350-9401 www.greeleyrec.com/aquatics Fort Collins Senior Center 1200 Raintree Dr., FC, 221-6644 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ senior-center
Greeley Recreation Center Pool 651 10th Ave., GR, 350-9400 www.greeleyrec.com/aquatics Lake Loveland Swim Beach 2626 N. Taft Ave., LV, 962-2727 www.cityofloveland.org/swimming Loveland Swim Club LV, 744-4254 www.lovelandswimclub.com
Mulberry Pool 424 W. Mulberry St., FC, 221-6657 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ mulberry-pool Windsor Community Recreation Center 250 N. 11th St., WS, 674-3500 www.windsorgov.com Winona Outdoor Pool 1615 SE 4th St., LV, 962-2435 www.cityofloveland.org/swimming
City Park Tennis Courts 1500 W. Mulberry St., FC, 221-6660 www.fcgov.com/parks/recamenities Highland Meadows Tennis Center 6755 Crystal Downs Dr., WS 217-9291, www.highland meadowstenniscenter.com
Lewis Tennis School @ Rolland Moore Racquet Center 2201 S. Shields St., FC 493-7000, www.lewistennis.com McKee Park 1554 E. 19th St., LV www.cityofloveland.org Rolland Moore Racquet Complex 2201 S. Shields St., FC, 493-7000 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ rolland-moore-racquet-complex
Allura Skin, Laser & Wellness Clinic 2032 Lowe St., Ste. 103, FC 1615 Foxtrail Dr., Ste. 190, LV 223-0193, www.alluraclinic.com Arktos Direct Care PRP for Hair Loss 3938 JFK Pkwy., FC, 818-2280 www.arktosdirectcare.com
Old Town Hair Company 325 Cherry St., FC, 407-9730 www.oldtownhaircompany.com Screamin’ Peach Waxing Studio 638 S College Ave., FC, 224-2930 4414 S College Ave., FC, 224-2936 www.screaminpeach.com Total Vein Care 1136 E. Stuart St. #4102, FC 498-8346, www.totalvein.net Xanadu Med Spa 2244 E. Harmony Rd., #100, FC 364-2758, www.xanadumedspa.com
The Kress Cinema & Lounge 817 8th Ave., GR, 515-5717 www.kresscinema.com
The Lyric 1209 N. College Ave., FC 426-6767, www.LyricCinema.com
Candlelight Dinner Playhouse 4747 Marketplace Dr., Johnstown 744-3747 www.coloradocandlelight.com
Centennial Village Museum 475 A St., GR, 350-9220 www.greeleymuseums.com Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 408 Mason Ct., FC, 221-6738 www.fcmod.org Fort Collins Museum of Art 201 S. College Ave., FC 482-2787, www.moafc.org Global Village Museum of Arts & Cultures 200 W. Mountain Ave. 221-4600 www.globalvillagemuseum.org Loveland Museum/Gallery 503 N. Lincoln, LV, 962-2410 www.lovelandmuseumgallery.org Greeley History Museum 714 8th St., GR, 350-9220 www.greeleymuseums.com
Bas Bleu Theatre Company 401 Pine St., FC, 498-8949 www.basbleu.org Budweiser Event Center The Ranch 5290 Arena Circle, LV, 619-4100 www.budweisereventscenter.com
Lincoln Center 417 W. Magnolia St., FC 221-6730, www.lctix.com Rialto Theater 228 E. Fourth St., LV, 962-2120 www.rialtotheatercenter.org Union Colony Civic Center 701 10th Ave., GR, 356-5000 www.ucstars.com
Aims Community College 5401 W. 20th St., GR, 330-8008 www.aims.edu
Computer Classes High Plains Library District 888-861-7323, www.mylibrary.us CSU Online Plus 491-528, www.online.colostate.edu CSU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute 491-7753, http://courses.online. colostate.edu
Front Range Community College 4616 S. Shields St., FC 226-2500, www.frontrange.edu UNC Extended Campus GR, LV. online, 351-2944 www.extended.unco.edu
24 Hour Fitness 2208 E. Harmony Rd., FC, 797-3036 460 S. College Ave., FC, 829-3476 3001S. 23rd Ave., GR, 888-243-5002 www.24hourfitness.com
Anytime Fitness 814 W. Drake Rd., FC, 223-2248 302 S. College Ave., FC 295-4010 4855 W. 10th St., GR, 352-3640 4872 Thompson Pkwy., Johnstown, 663-4517 324 W. 37th St., LV, 203-0800 1107 Eagle Dr., LV, 719-368-8525 6556 Buttercup Dr., Wellington, 472-6556 1159 W. Main St., WS, 674-3304 www.anytimefitness.com Chilson Recreation Center 700 E. 4th St., LV, 962-2386 www.cityofloveland.org Fit5 Studio 4637 S Mason St., Unit A1, FC 775-3955, www.fit5studio.com Foothills Activity Center 241 E. Foothills Pkwy., FC 416-4280 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ foothills-activity-center Fort Collins Club 1307 E. Prospect Rd., FC, 224-2582 www.genesishealthclubs.com Fort Collins Senior Center 1200 Raintree Dr., FC, 221-6644 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ senior-center
Loveland Athletic Club 1000 S. Lincoln Ave., LV, 663-4009 www.lovelandathleticclub.com
Miramont Centerra 3755 Precision Dr., Ste 100, LV 744-5005 www.genesishealthclubs.com Miramont North 1800 Heath Pkwy., FC, 221-5000 www.genesishealthclubs.com Miramont South 901 Oakridge Dr., FC, 282-1000 www.genesishealthclubs.com Northside Aztlan Community Center 112 E. Willow, FC, 221-6256 www.fcgov.com/recreation/northside Old Town Athletic Club 351 Linden St., FC, 493-7222 www.oldtown-athleticclub.com
The Other Club 1227 Riverside Ave., FC, 221-4348 www.theotherclubfitness.com Raintree Athletic Club 2555 S. Shields St., FC, 490-1300 www.raintreeathleticclub.com
Silver Sneakers www.silversneakers.com
SNAP Fitness 1015 S. Taft Hill Rd., Unit V, FC 472-1777 www.snapfitness.com Windsor Parks & Recreation 250 N. 11th St., WS, 674-3500 www.windsorgov.com Work Out West 5699-5701 W. 20th St., GR 330-9691, www.workoutwest.com
Perk! Pilates Fitness 351 Linden St., Ste. 100B, FC 481-8474, www.perkpf.com Powerhouse Pilates 1002 W. Drake Rd., #104, FC 556-4589, www.prhspilates.com
Loveland Community Yoga 284 E. 29th St., LV 368-9642, www.lcyoga.com Loveland Yoga Core Fitness 100 E. 3rd St., LV, 292-8313 www.lovelandyogacorefitness.com Mindstream Yoga 2733 Council Tree Ave., #129, FC 266-9642 www.mindstreamyoga.com Moxi Yoga Works 5112 S. College Ave., Ste. C, FC 232-9896 www.moxiyogaworks.com Old Town Yoga 235 Jefferson St., FC, 222-2777 www.oldtownyoga.com Om Ananda Yoga 115 N. College Ave., Ste. 200, FC 488-9192 www.omanandayoga.com Sacred Space Yoga 1545 13th St., GR, 515-6821 www.ssyoga.com
Beer & Bike Tours, 201-1085 www.beerandbiketours.com
Budweiser Brewery Tours 2351 Busch Dr., FC, 490-4691 www.budweisertours.com
Fort Collins Brewery Guide www.fortcollinsbreweryguide.com New Belgium Brewery 500 Linden St., FC, 221-0524 www.newbelgium.com Odell Brewing Company 800 E. Lincoln Ave., FC, 498-9070 www.odellbrewing.com
Come Back to the Table FC, 407-8828 www.comebacktothetable.com
The Cupboard 152 S. College Ave., FC, 493-8585 www.thecupboard.net The Cooking Studio 123 N. College Ave., Ste. 130, FC 251-0941, www.the-cookingstudio.com
The Teaching Kitchen @ Ginger and Baker 359 Linden St., FC, 223-7437 www.gingerandbaker.com
Blendings at The Preserve 3924A Bingham Hill Rd., FC 889-3162, www.blendings.wine Hops & Berries 1833 E. Harmony Rd., #16, FC 493-2484 www.hopsandberries.com
Blendings at The Preserve 3924A Bingham Hill Rd., FC 889-3162, www.blendings.wine Blue Mountain Vineyards 4480 Hoot Owl Dr., Berthoud 480-7778 www.coloradobluemountain.com
Pringles Fine Wine & Spirits 2100 W. Drake Rd., FC 221-1717, www.pringleswine.com Sweet Heart Winery 5500 W. Hwy. 34, LV, 528-5373 www.sweetheartwinery.com Ten Bears Winery 5215 Ten Bears Ct., Laporte 566-4043 www.tenbearswinery.com The Cellar 3600 Mitchell Dr., FC 223-1555, www.thecellarfc.com Wilbur’s Total Beverage 2201 S. College Ave., FC, 226-8662 www.wilburstotalbeverage.com
Berthoud Library 236 Welch Ave., Berthoud 532-2757 https://berthoud.colibraries.org Estes Valley Library 335 E. Elkhorn Ave., EP, 586-8116 www.estesvalleylibrary.org High Plains Library District Centennial Park Library 2227 223rd Ave., GR Riverside Library 3700 Golden St., Evans Farr Regional Library 1939 61st Ave., GR Lincoln Park Library 1012 11th St., Ste. B, GR 888-861-7323, www.mylibrary.us Loveland Public Library 300 N. Adams, LV, 962-2665 www.lovelandpubliclibrary.org Poudre River Public Library District Council Tree Library 2733 Council Tree Ave. #200, FC Harmony Library 4616 S. Shields, FC Old Town Library 201 Peterson, FC, 221-6740 www.poudrelibraries.org Windsor-Severance Library 720 3rd St., WS, 686-5603 www.clearviewlibrary.org
Berthoud Senior Center 248 Welch Ave., Berthoud 532-3049
Fort Collins Senior Center 1200 Raintree Dr., FC, 221-6644 www.fcgov.com/recreation/ senior-center
Greeley Active Adult Center 1010 6th St., GR, 350-9440 www.greeleyrec.com/facilities/ greeley-active-adult-center Loveland Chilson Senior Center 700 E. Fourth St., LV, 962-2783 www.cityofloveland.org Windsor Community Recreation Center 250 N. 11th St., WS, 674-3500 www.windsorgov.com
Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County 103 Smokey St., FC 223-1709 www.begreatlarimer.org Boys & Girls Clubs of Weld County GR, 353-1278 www.bgcweld.org City of Fort Collins Volunteer Programs 215 N. Mason, FC, 416-4245 www.fcgov.com/volunteer Colorado Welcome Center 3745 E. Prospect Rd., FC 491-4775 www.colorado.com/coloradoofficial-state-welcome-center
Community Grief Center 2105 Clubhouse Dr., GR 506-4114 www.communitygriefcenter.org FC Bikes Bicycle Ambassador Program www.fcgov.com/bicycling/bicycleambassador-program Food Bank for Larimer County 1301 Blue Spruce Dr., FC 493-4477 www.foodbanklarimer.org Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 408 Mason Ct., FC, 221-6738 www.fcmod.org/volunteer Fort Collins Rescue Mission 316 Jefferson St., FC, 224-4302 www.fortcollinsrescuemission.org Larimer County Multiple Departments 498-7000 www.larimer.org/volunteerlarimer-county Loveland Museum/ Gallery 503 N. Loveland Ave., LV 962-2410 www.lovelandmuseumgallery.org Meals on Wheels 1217 E. Elizabeth St., FC 484-6325 2131 9th St., GR, 353-9738 437 Garfield Ave., LV, 667-0311 www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org Museum of Art Fort Collins 201 S. College Ave., FC 482-2787, www.moafc.org Odyssey of the Mind www.coloradoodyssey.org Poudre Wilderness Volunteers www.pwv.org Realities for Children 308 E. CR 30, FC, 484-9090 www.realitiesforchildren.com
Senior Alternatives in Transportation (SAINT) FC, 223-8645, LV 223-8653 www.saintvolunteer transportation.org Ten Thousand Villages/Fort Collins 113 Linden St., 224-9501 www.tenthousandvillages.com/ fortcollins
United Way of Larimer County 525 W. Oak St., Ste. 101, FC 407-7000 www.uwaylc.org/volunteer United Way of Weld County 814 9th St., GR 353-4300 www.unitedway-weld.org Volunteers of America Northern Colorado 405 Canyon Ave., FC 472-9630 www.voacolorado.org/volunteeropportunities Weld Food Bank 1108 H St., GR 356-2199, www.weldfoodbank.org