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Toddlers, masks and social distancing
Children in the age of Covid-19
Social distancing, mask wearing and being stuck at home are hard for all of us, but even harder for little ones who can’t fully grasp what’s going on. How do you explain to toddlers that they can’t play in their favorite ball pit, hug their best friend or that they have to wear a mask? As with everything, as parents, we do the best we can.
It may be tempting to blow off social distancing and mask wearing completely—labeling it simply too hard. Before you do, consider this: babies under age one are more susceptible to severe sickness from COVID-19, thanks to their immature immune systems and narrower airways. Protecting other little ones, as well as older people, means it’s a good idea to give it your best try.
Masks can seem scary to babies and toddlers. They can’t see a reassuring smile behind a mask, and voices can sound muffled. Like disappearing with peek-a-boo, babies don’t understand that they are still fully there when they put on a mask. Help your child get used to wearing a mask by starting slow and being patient. Try these tips to ease the process: • Let your toddler watch you put on a mask and appear relaxed and comfortable. • Ease in with play. At first, encourage your toddler to put a mask on her favorite doll or stuffed animal, playing up the fact that she is taking good care of her doll and keeping it from getting sick. Eventually, you can ask her to wear a mask like her doll does. • Celebrate the mask wearing, even if it is only a few seconds at first. • Set a few simple ground rules. Tell toddlers when you expect them to wear their mask and when they can take the mask off.
• Give a simple explanation on why you need a mask, such as: It’s what we do to keep germs away. • Get him involved in making his mask.
Maybe use his favorite old t-shirt or a plain white cloth that he can decorate with fabric paint. Or let him pick one out that he likes.
Since toddlers are impulsive and excitable, asking them to stay six feet away from a friend is expecting the impossible. Replace play dates with FaceTime check-ins to keep little ones connected. Some parents are opting to allow a small inner circle of one or two families deemed “safe”—those who take social distancing and mask wearing as seriously as your family does. Yet you have to consider exposure—does the child’s parents go in an office or work from home? How about your family? Keep in mind that the more people you allow in, the more likely your child (and your family) will get sick. In general, you can lessen your risk by keeping activities outdoors, seeing the fewest people possible and gathering for a short time rather than a long one. The best idea is to limit socializing within your own household of family members.
If you are worried that a slow down in social interactions will harm your baby or your toddler’s development, know that they will be just fine as long as one person continues to engage, play and interact with them socially.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself to keep your own stress under control. Consider asking someone to read a book to your toddler virtually every day at a set time while you take a moment to do a few exercises, check your social media or simply close your eyes and relax.
A bonus of these crazy times is a whole generation of little ones will be experts at proper hand washing. Another is that they may be receiving more parent time than usual, thanks to more parents working from home. If those silver linings are not enough, know that we will get through this, and remember—kids are resilient.
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