Take a hike!

MY DAD SENT ME ONE THOSE lists of witty sayings that go around the internet. This one was about getting older. One of the phrases stuck in my mind: The stupidest thing I ever did was to become an adult. First, it just made me laugh, and then I dug into it a little deeper and I was struck by a kernel of truth in it.
Some may view being an adult as being able to juggle jobs and families, paying bills and generally getting along in the world. That’s not what I’m really thinking about here. It seems that adults get caught up in all the wrong things—having an inflexible political stance, solidifying beliefs about how the world is or should be, valuing possessions and positions.
I wonder at what point do we go from being openminded beings exploring our world with fascination to being opinionated, stuck people who have a hard time seeing beyond our own noses. I’m probably overstating, but it seems that we do lose some of the wonder and openness to the endless variety that the world offers to getting frozen in place as our minds (and our bodies) become more rigid and less flexible.
In our quest to sort out right from wrong, good from bad, we get into an us-and-them mindset. And it just gets easier and easier to not even be open to ideas that don’t fit our world view. What’s the difference between a weed and a flower? A judgment. And we seem to solidify our judgements and it gets easier to see more things as weeds when it’s flowers that make us happy.
But what if we didn’t?
It seems that part of becoming an adult can be sorting thoughts and ideas into boxes: These things I believe and these things I don’t; these beliefs and lifestyles are right and these aren’t. But what if instead we didn’t separate weeds from flowers and tried to keep our minds flexible. What if we didn’t cling so tightly to our opinions as though they’re right simply because they’re ours.
Easier said than done, I know.
I think it helps, in any case to stay active and engaged in a variety of activities. This issue is jam-packed with places to go and things to do. Pick out some old favorites or, maybe better yet, try something new. In our feature story, Claire Sable recommends some hikes for all levels and offers advice about how to prepare and what to take. I’ve found that nothing clears and opens my mind like a walk in the woods.
I’m just curious how we go from our big open minds that we have as children where everything is a wonder to our “adult” mind full of opinions and narrowing views.
Anyway, that’s what I think of when I read the phrase: The stupidest thing I ever did was to become an adult.
Stay loose, Scott
Rocky Mountain
Box 740,
80522. 970-221-9210.
in whole
without written permission
Boards by Alea, says, “Charcuterie boards are distinguished from the average dinner party as they invite guests to connect and engage in conversation over a variety of flavors and colors. They serve as a beautiful focal point of a party and offer a unique culinary experience to enjoy.”
Boards consist of three cold, cured meats, three soft and hard cheeses, crackers/breads, vegetables, fruits, dips/spreads, and extras from your imagination like trail mixes, jams, nuts, spicy
mustard, olives, pickles artfully arranged on platters, plates, boards and in small bowls. Add plenty of tongs or serving utensils.
Rather than a large board, serve individual plates with the same ingredients artfully arranged.
If desserts aren’t included in the board or plate, create a dessert board. Choose options like individual cheesecake, mini cupcakes, several varieties of cookies, strawberries with chocolate dip or other fruits and dips.
Add a special wine and enjoy.
IF YOU DON’T GROW YOUR OWN vegetables visit the last of the farmer’s markets to find fresh, freezable vegetables. Instead of canning or dehydrating, consider preparing meals ready to freeze then thaw and cook or heat and eat. Check out books from Farm Journal—Freezing and Canning Cookbook or used copies of the old America’s Best Vegetable Recipes.
Here are some ideas for meals made from fresh vegetables along with other ingredients.
• Crust or crustless quiche—eggs, cheese, vegetables and spices
• Gumbo—vegetables with or without protein
• Soups —gazpacho, vegetable, winter squash
• Vegetable lasagna—any vegetables, eggplant, onions, garlic, noodles and sauce
• Broccoli soufflé—eggs, cheese, onions, broccoli, milk
• Ratatouille—tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, basil, oregano, thyme and other spices
• Tomato sauce—spices and tomatoes
• Vegetable chili—vegetables, spices, beef or vegetable base
Divide the meals into individual portions and freeze. Enjoy fresh vegetables meals all winter.
Keep it fresh this winter NEED SOMEONE TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSE? You have two choices—a professional cleaning service or an individual cleaner. Cleaning services
• Have well-defined, consistent procedures and training.
• Are licensed, insured and bonded.
• Employ several people and complete the job quickly.
• Are considered a contractor.
• Provide all supplies and sanitized equipment.
• Sends a replacement for a sick or vacationing employee.
• Charges more.
• May provide no consistency in cleaners. Individual cleaner
• Takes more time to complete the job for less cost per hour.
• Offers more flexibility in scheduling and add-ons.
• Develops a personal relationship.
• Considered an employee rather than a contractor.
• Skips jobs when sick or vacationing.
• Possibly no professional training.
• Requires that you provide supplies and equipment to prevent cross contamination.
Gather recommendations from friends or family. Both do a good job. It comes down to personal preference.
Reynolds Oral and Facial Surgery,
spare no expense at using the latest
to produce the
AS WE AGE, OUR SENSE of balance declines and that can affect even simple movements like getting up from a chair or climbing or descending stairs. Worsening balance problems can also lead to potentially dangerous and debilitating falls—something we all want to avoid.
But losing your balance does not have to be an inevitability of growing older. You can practice and improve your balance every day by doing some simple exercises that train your body and brain to help keep you vertical.
• Stand on one foot and hold it to the count of 10. Do this several times and then repeat the whole process with the other foot. Try this when you’re brushing your teeth or watching TV. It’s a good idea to have a countertop or back of a chair nearby in case you need to steady yourself.
• You’ve seen sobriety tests on TV where the person has to walk back and forth, heel to toe. This exercise helps improve your balance. Do this one before happy hour for better performance.
• Get an exercise half-ball. Balance yourself while standing on the soft, rounded side—this too will help improve your balance.
THE PAST FEW YEARS HAVE BEEN challenging to say the least. We’ve all had to contend with a global pandemic. More recently we are feeling the pressures of inflation, ongoing political strife and unpredict able and sometimes extremely destructive weather events. Layer all that on top of the daily stressors of life and it’s easy to see why many of us feel anxious and depressed.
If it’s all feeling like a little too much, it may be time to seek professional help. A good place to start is with your primary care physician. While psychology is not their specialty, medical doctors generally have some insight into these conditions. They also have the ability to prescribe medications that may help alleviate symptoms and may also be able to provide some mental health referrals and resources.
Another option is finding a trained practitioner who is skilled in cognitive behavioral therapy and other psychotherapeutic treatments. A quick google search will produce lots of options for private therapists as well as group practices. Some insurance plans will help cover the cost of treatment and some therapists offer a sliding fee scale.
Ever had to ask them more than once? Hearing loss is an unfortunate but not uncommon side-effect of aging, and can even be a problem for people in their 50s.
“We have a lot of middle-aged clients,” says Susan Baker, hearing healthcare provider with Advanced Hearing in Fort Collins. “Fortunately, the technology is vastly improved from what it was even five years ago.”
The size and appearance of hearing aids have also evolved. Gone are the large, clunky hearing aids our grandparents wore. Today, hearing aids are very small, nearly invisible devices that neatly and discretely tuck into the outside of the ear canal. “You can hardly even see them, yet these tiny devices make a huge difference in the ability to hear, and that improves the quality of life for our clients,” Baker adds.
For more information go to advancedhearing.net.
WHETHER YOU WANT TO SEE a Broadway show, sample a variety of artisanal beers, see the Broncos play, or have ‘high tea’ in an opulent setting, Denver has a lot to offer for those looking for a fun day trip this fall.
If you’re in the mood for some Broadway-caliber entertainment, DCPA Broadway at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts has you covered. Upcoming shows include Hadestown, Ain’t too Proud, Mean Girls and To Kill a Mockingbird. More at denvercenter.org.
Are you a fan of adult libations? Check out the Great American Beer Festival, Oct. 6-8, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. This year’s event features hundreds of the most innovative breweries from all over the country. More at greatamericanbeerfestival.com.
If afternoon tea with finger sandwiches and scones is more your style, book a seating at the renowned Brown Palace in downtown Denver. More at brownpalace.com/event/afternoontea-at-the-brown-palace.
Or, go catch the Broncos in action! The first home game is at 2:45pm on Sunday, Sept. 18 at Empower Field at Mile High in Denver. More at denverbroncos.com/schedule.
For more ideas on fun daytrip excursions plus a list of great Denver eateries, go to denver.org.
IF YOU’D RATHER FIND ENTERTAINMENT closer to home, you have a wide array of options from which to choose.
Bowie fans will not want to miss David Brighton’s Space Oddity—a celebration of one of rock ‘n’ roll’s most celebrated artists— David Bowie. It shows at 7:30pm, Sat., Sept. 17, at the Union Colony Civic Center in Greeley. More at ucstars.showare.com.
Area wine lovers can lift their glasses at The Annual Wine Festival at Island Lake, featuring more than 20 Colorado wineries, live music, plus food and retail vendors. It runs from 11am-5pm, Sat., Sept. 24, at Island Lake in Fort Collins. More at winefestivalatislandlake.com.
Get a jump on your holiday shopping at the Applewood Arts Festival, Oct. 8-9, at the Ranch in Loveland. There you’ll find a variety of homemade arts and crafts plus hand-made jewelry, home décor, books, food items, vintage items and more. More at applewoodfestivals.com.
See if you can keep your feet from tapping to Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox—an evening of live music, singing and tap dancing that celebrates beloved 20th century hits that everyone knows and loves.
Showtime is 7:30pm, Fri., Oct. 28, at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins. More at lctix.com/postmodern-jukebox-2022.
WITH ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK (RMNP) less than an hour away for most NOCO residents, witnessing one of nature’s most interesting and sonorous spectacles is easy.
The elk rut is an annual fall event in which bull elk fight one another for dominance over the herd and the harem. In addition to some hoof stomping and dramatic clashing of antlers, bull elk also bugle. The surprisingly highpitched, nearly shrill vocalization announces bull elks’ presence and intention to challenge one another in battle.
If you want to see and hear them in action, RMNP is an ideal location. You can either watch from the safety of your car or at the edge of the roadway. Keeping your distance is very important. These 700 pound bull elk are much more aggressive and unpredictable during the rut, and they can move incredibly fast.
The best time for viewing is usually at dawn and dusk, and the rut is at its peak during the last two weeks of September. More info at nps. gov/romo/planyourvisit/wildlife_view.htm.
AS A RESIDENT OF northern Colorado, you live near some of the most scenic and pristine hiking trails in the nation, and even if you’ve never officially ‘gone hiking,’ with so many trails close by, a relatively small time investment can pay big dividends in fun, enjoyment and that sense of peace and tranquility that only nature can provide.
And fall is a fantastic time to go, says Joel Schwab, trail supervisor for the Department of Natural Resources with Larimer County. “Fall’s cooler temperatures and calmer weather are ideal for getting outside and hitting the trails.” Fall is also when aspen groves blanket hillsides in shimmering shades of yellow and gold, making for some stunning panoramas.
For those who are hiking for the first time or just want a short, casual outing, Schwab says a couple good trails to start with are the Devils Backbone and Round Mountain Nature Trails. Both are located off of Hwy. 34 west of Loveland. The Devils Backbone Trail skirts the hogbacks. It’s totally exposed with no shade and can be quite crowded on the weekend so aim for a weekday for this one. A few miles up into the Big Thompson Canyon is where you’ll find the Round Mountain Nature Trail, which starts from Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park. Both hikes have fairly level terrain and start at lower elevations than a lot of other trails, so they are ideal for beginners. Dogs are welcome on both trails but must be leashed. Schwab also recommends the Shoshone Trail located on the Pinewood Reservoir southwest of Loveland. This trail
takes you up into a pine forest, providing ample shade and making this a pleasant hike in early fall when temperatures are still warm. Dogs are welcome here too, but again, must be leashed.
Two more fairly easy trails are Lady Moon and Mt. Margaret. Both are located northwest of Fort Collins off of W. County Rd. 74e or Red Feather Lakes Road. The Lady Moon Trail is 2.6 miles long and takes about three hours to complete in and back. The starting elevation is around 8,100 feet and hikers will climb about 200 more feet during the hike. The Mt. Margaret Trail is 3.8 miles long one way, with a subtle climb of about 100 feet. It starts at about 8,000 feet in elevation and takes hikers through pine forests and meadows with some granite outcroppings along the way. Dogs are welcome in both locations and are allowed to be under voice control.
For those who are looking for a little more challenge, Schwab recommends the Limber Pine Trail (park at the Saddle Trailhead lot), located within Hermit Park Open Space off of Hwy. 36 southeast of Estes Park. The trail is 5.1 miles one way, with multiple access points connecting to other trailheads within the park. This area features aspen groves, wetland meadows, pine forests and granite rock features. The Krueger Trail, also in Hermit Park, is about two miles one way and has a significant elevation increase topping out at about 9,300 feet.
For experienced hikers Schwab recommends the Greyrock Trail, which is located northwest of Fort Collins approximately eight miles into
the Poudre Canyon. The trail is a 7.2 mile loop and takes close to five hours to complete. It begins at an elevation of 5,600 feet but tops out at about 8,000 feet, so be prepared for some steeper climbs and descents. This is a very popular trail and is usually pretty crowded on weekends, so Schwab recommends doing Greyrock during the week. Leashed dogs are welcome. Another more advanced hike is the Crosier Mountain Glenhaven Trail near Glenhaven. This trail is just over three miles long but has a 1,400 foot climb. It connects to other trails on Crosier Mountain for those who want to extend the length of their hike. Finally, Schwab recommends the West Branch Trail located within the Rawah Wilderness in Roosevelt National Forest. This 6 ¾ mile hike starts at 8,500 feet and goes to just over 11,000 feet in elevation.
Whether you’re hiking a fourteener or taking a leisurely hike close to home, being prepared helps ensure a successful excursion. Before you leave, check the forecast and let friends or family know where you’re going and when you expect to return home. Schwab always recommends going with a buddy or two.
All hikers should take sunglasses, sunscreen, a hat with a brim, cell phone, water (remember to take enough for Fido too), energy snacks, a first-aid kit, a multi-tool and navigation tools including a map and compass. Clothing and socks should be moisture-wicking, and comfortable, supportive footwear is a must. Schwab stresses that while it can be 70 degrees on the Front Range, it could be 35 degrees in the high country, so wearing layers and having a spare fleece and rain poncho in your pack is always a good idea. He also advises that even though you may’ve downloaded the trail map onto your phone, be sure to have a paper map as back-up in case the phone malfunctions or the battery dies.
For longer hikes you’ll need more food, water and clothing for a variety of weather conditions. You may also want to add sanitation gear, a head lamp, insect repellent, bear spray, a whistle, an emergency shelter, and if you’re going deep into the back country, consider taking along a device such as a Garmen inReach that enables satellite communication.
Schwab recommends trekking poles for all hikers regardless of their ability because they help with balance and reduce pressure on joints. They can be found in lightweight material such as carbon fiber and many fold up for ease of stowing in backpacks. Trail information and to join up with other hikers
For the most up-to-date and accurate trail information, go to trails.colorado.gov, and to view a list of group hikes and other outdoor and nature activities offered by the county, go to offero. larimer.org/calendar.
Berthoud Local Farmers Market
Fickel Park, 620 Mountain Ave., Berthoud Saturdays, 9am–noon, June 18–Sept. 24 http://berthoudlocal.org
Erie Farmers Market
Briggs Street between Wells and Moffatt, Erie Thursdays, 5–8pm, May 12–Sept. 8 www.realfarmersmarketco.com
Estes Valley Farmers Market
Visitor Center, 500 Big Thompson Ave., EP Thursdays, 8am–1pm, June 2–Sept. 29 www.facebook.com/EstesValleyFarmersMarket
Farmers Market at Fairgrounds Park
700 S. Railroad Ave., Loveland Sundays, 9am–1pm June 5–Sept. 25 (except July 3) www.cityofloveland.org/farmersmarket
Bartels Farm
3424 E. Douglas Rd., Fort Collins www.thebartelsfarm.com
Colorado Fresh Farms
8101 S Timberline Rd, Fort Collins www.coloradofreshfarms.com
Desiderata Ranch
4617 CR 2, Berthoud http://desiderataranch.org
Folks Farm & Seed
917 S. Taft Hill Rd., Fort Collins www.folksfarmandseed.com
Garden Sweet
719 W. Willox Ln., Fort Collins www.gardensweet.com
Green Dog Farm
Off CR54G next to Overland Foods, Laporte www.greendogfarmcsa.com
Hazel Dell Mushrooms
3925 E. CR 32 (Carpenter Rd.), Fort Collins www.hazeldellmushrooms.com
Fort Collins Farmers Market
1001 E. Harmony Rd., FC (rain or shine) Sundays, 10am–2pm, May 1–Nov. 13 Wednesdays, 10am–2pm, June 15–Nov. 13 www.fortcollinsfarmersmarket.org
Greeley Summer Farmers Market
Union Pacific Depot, 902 7th Ave., GR Saturdays, 8am–Noon, May 7–Oct. 29 www.greeleygov.com/fm
Larimer County Farmers Market
200 S. Oak St., FC (courthouse parking lot) Saturdays, 9am–1pm, May 21–Oct. 29 www.larimercountyfarmersmarket.org
Loveland West Farmers Market at Jax 2665 W Eisenhower Blvd, LV
Tuesdays, 9am–1pm, April 19–Nov. 8 www.facebook.com/ LovelandWestFarmersMarket
Timnath Sunday Market
4138 Main St., Timnath
Second Sundays, 9am–2pm, May–Oct www.TimnathFarmersMarket.org
Windsor Farmers Market
Boardwalk Park, 110 5th St., Windsor Saturdays, 9am–1pm, June 4–Sept. 3 www.windsorgov.com/FarmersMarket
Something about being on a farm just feels good. The pace feels relaxed and your interactions, maybe, more genuine. So swing by a farm stand soon and pick up some deliciousness while you’re at it.
Heritage Lavender
4809 Foothills Dr., Berthoud www.heritagelavender.com
Hoffman Farms, LLC
3545 W. O St., Greeley www.hoffmanproduce.com
Hope Farms
1601 N. Shields St., Fort Collins www.cultivatehopeco.org
Jodar Farms/Fort Collins Vine Farm Order online/pick up Fort Collins or Wellington www.jodarfarms.com
Long Shadow Farm Order online/pick up Berthoud www.longshadowfarm.com
Native Hill Farm 2100 CR 54G, Fort Collins www.nativehillfarm.com
8627 N. 95th St., Longmont www.ollinfarms.com
On the Vine at Richmond Farms
3611 Richmond Dr., Fort Collins www.onthevineatrichmondfarms.com
OwlTree Farm
4605 E. CR 58, Fort Collins www.owltreefarmco.com
Papa Joe’s Honey
4855 W. Eisenhower Blvd., Loveland www.facebook.com/PapaJoesLocalHoney
Raisin’ Roots Farm 2229 W. Vine Dr., Fort Collins www.sunnydazegardens.com
Sunny Daze
901 S. CR 5, Fort Collins www.sunnydazegardens.com
Tigges Farm 12404 CR 64½, Greeley www.tiggesfarm.com
Peaches are for sale everywhere this time of year. We are bom barded with pallets of peaches, encouraged to buy them as fundraisers, EZ Ups on every corner, and more. With our kitchens filled with pallets of peaches, we’re suddenly inundated with the responsibility to do something with them. Luckily, peaches are one of the easiest fruits to preserve using a variety of methods and you can then enjoy them well past the harvest season.
Examples include canning, freezing, making salsa, or making preserves.
Peaches provide vitamins A and C, are a good source of fiber and are low in calories. One raw medium peach (147 grams) has 50 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol and sodium, 15 grams of carbohydrate, 13 grams of sug ar, 2 grams of fiber and 1 gram of pro tein. It provides six percent of your daily vitamin A needs and 15 percent of daily vitamin C needs. One medium peach
also contains two percent or more daily value of vitamins E and K, niacin, folate, iron, potassium, and magnesium.
Preserving fruit is much easier than most novices think it will be and the tools needed are minimal. Actually, besides purchasing a bulk of canning jars, most people already have utensils that will work in the house. Although many specialty items are for sale, they usually simply make the process easier, but aren’t required to complete the task.
Choose ripe, mature peaches of ideal quality for eating fresh or cooking. Peaches should be firm, or “give” slightly and should have a strong, sweet smell and a yellowish golden background color.
To peel, dip peaches in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds until skins loosen. Dip quickly in cold water and slip off skins.
Cut in half, remove pits and slice, if desired. To prevent darkening, keep peeled peaches in ascorbic acid solution (1 teaspoon or 3000 milligrams ascorbic acid or vitamin C per gallon of water), or use a commercial ascorbic acid mix ture according to directions on package. Drain when ready to process.
Yields: Approximately 2 to 2½ pounds peaches for a 1-quart jar.
Prepare and boil syrup, using ½ cup (very light), 1 cup (light) or 1¾ cup (medium) sugar per quart of water, de pending on desired sweetness. Or pack peaches in water, apple juice or white grape juice.
First, what’s the difference? Hot pack ing is the practice of heating freshly prepared food to boiling, simmering it 2 to 5 minutes, and promptly filling jars loosely with the boiled food. Raw pack ing is more suitable for fruits and vege tables processed in a pressure canner.
To hot pack peaches, first place drained fruit in a large saucepan with syrup, water or juice and bring to boil. Next, fill jars with hot fruit and cooking liquid, leaving ½-inch headspace. Place peach halves in layers with the cut side facing down. Adjust the jar lids and process in a boiling-water canner: 20 minutes for pints, 25 minutes for quarts at altitudes up to 1,000 feet.
To raw pack, fill hot jars with raw fruit, cut side down, and add hot water, juice, or syrup, leaving ½-inch head space. Adjust the jar lids and process in a boiling water canner: 25 minutes for pints, 30 minutes for quarts at altitudes up to 1,000 feet.
Also known as sugar packing
Many believe sugar packing is the best way to preserve the taste of fruit. To sugar pack, start by dissolving ¼ teaspoon ascorbic acid in 3
tablespoons cold water and add to each quart of peaches to slow darkening. Then, add ⅔ cup sugar to each quart (1⅓ pounds) of prepared fruit. Next, stir gently until sugar is dissolved or let stand 15 minutes. Place into containers, seal, label, and freeze.
Yield: About 8 half-pint jars
Making jam is usually the task that seems most difficult… but like the processes described above, is easier than most assume. Begin by combining two quarts crushed, peeled peaches and ½ cup water; cook gently for 10 minutes. Add 6 cups sugar; slowly bring to boiling, stirring occasionally until sugar dissolves. Cook rapidly until thick, about 15 minutes; stir frequently to prevent sticking. Next, pour hot jam into sterilized canning jars, leaving ¼–inch headspace.
Wipe jar rims and adjust lids; they will be quite sticky later if you don’t. Process (seal) jars in a boiling water bath canner for 5 minutes at altitudes up to 1,000 feet. Add 1 minute of processing time for each additional 1,000 feet.
Adding pectin is easy simply by fol lowing the manufacturer’s directions on the pectin box.
Every day for 15 years, Stacy Cason treated patients suffering from various medical issues, many of whom dealt with chronic pain.
“They were hurting, and often, the end result of that was turning to opioids,” Stacy said.
As an anesthesiology nurse practitioner, Stacy witnessed firsthand the rise of the opioid pandemic in the United States. The U.S. makes up just 4.4% of the world’s population but consumes more than 80% of the world’s opioids.
And it was witnessing that crisis and the devastating impacts on patients and their families that ultimately led Stacy to found her company. It focuses on providing products that support pain
management in a natural, organic way without the dangerous side effects of opioids and even common over-thecounter NSAIDs like ibuprofen.
“I saw firsthand what opioids did to people and the chronic pain that leads to depression and lost quality of life,” Stacy said.
In 2018, Stacy founded Planetarie, the world’s first-ever USDA-Certified Organic CBDa manufacturer and distributor. Planetarie produces soft gels, muscle rubs, infusions, drink additives, salves, and more that leverage CBDa, the raw acidic cannabinoid derived directly from the hemp plant in its purest form.
Teachers, family, and friends identified Stacy from the start as a gifted and talented child. She started working at an office at just 12 years old and quickly learned she had a natural business sense. But growing up in a rural part of northern Louisiana with patriarchal norms deeply embedded in the culture put a college-bound Stacy on one of the only two culturally accepted paths: nursing or teaching.
“I remember having a discussion with one of my teachers about how I should attend Harvard,” Stacy said. “But, I didn’t know that I could. I didn’t believe that I could. I didn’t see it as a viable option. It was a very small, close-minded area.”
Stacy opted for nursing school instead, working in an intensive care unit before eventually moving to Miami. She married a U.S. Air Force officer and obtained a master’s degree in anesthesia from Florida International University. Stacy moved to Denver in 2012 and, in 2013, started attending classes at the University of Denver (DU) to earn her MBA while continuing to work in health care.
She graduated from DU in 2015. During that time, the constant influx of patients struggling with pain and opioid addiction wore on her, and, in 2017, Stacy let her medical license expire.
“I was getting tired — tired of watching people in pain and not being able to help them in a productive way, in a way that wouldn’t result in other conditions or addiction,” she said.
Stacy went on to earn a degree
in Real Estate Management from Harvard University in 2018, ultimately going into commercial real estate development.
Stacy purchased a ranch in May 2018 and started growing hemp in an effort to make it economically viable.
“That’s when I was introduced to the fast-growing hemp industry,” Stacy said.
“Growing hemp helped me learn about cannabinoids and how they are a game-changer for people suffering from pain, people like the very patients I encountered all those years working in health care.”
Stacy tapped into her entrepreneurial spirit and, like any successful entrepreneur, quickly learned how to pivot her business focus based on difficulties in the industry. When processing her hemp became an issue, Stacy decided she’d just process it herself.
“I quickly learned that I wasn’t a fan of using ethanol to process hemp,” she said. “Hemp is such a pure plant. It deserves to be treated as such.”
With that in mind, Stacy spent
next year developing a waterextraction method that preserves the hemp in its raw, living state to extract the more potent, more effective form of CBD—CBDa. It was the first time it had been done in the CBD industry, and Stacy was excited to sell the CBDa concentrate to other CBD brands.
“But quality wasn’t their priority,” Stacy said. “They just wanted CBD. People weren’t driven by the purity of it. They were opportunistic.”
When one manufacturer tried to insult Stacy by telling her, “You have purist, altruistic standards in your process,” Stacy knew it was time to pivot again to bring her commitment to healing without harm directly to the consumer.
“We care about quality and transparency, and not a lot of people in this industry do,” she said. “That’s what led us to bring everything in-house.”
In May 2020, Stacy launched Planetarie’s first direct-to-consumer retail line. Planetarie manages the CBDa production from start to finish, from plant to packaged product. Planetarie creates the formulations and manufactures the products that go directly into customers’ hands.
“Our CBDa has greater and very specific anti-inflammation action that other cannabinoids don’t have,” Stacy said. “It’s selective in that it only goes after what it needs to help with pain management.”
The company’s grassroots sales efforts quickly attracted athletes like Olympic Cyclist & Team USA Cycling Coach Chris Carmichael who commented, “When we advise athletes about nutrition, we recommend minimally processed whole foods and Planetarie’s game-changing water-only extraction process.”
And through the company’s Kindness Program, which provides discounts to patients with medical needs, others have enjoyed the benefits. For example, Jesse, a teen with Autism Spectrum Disorder, noticed a drastic improvement in his symptoms after using Planetarie’s water-soluble drink additive.
“He himself demands it every morning,” Stacy said. “It’s made a huge impact in his life.”
It’s stories like Chris’ and Jesse’s that get Stacy out of bed to face what is often a 14-hour workday.
“Hope. Hope is what gets me up in the morning—hope that today will be a better day, and hope that we’re making a positive change in the world,” Stacy said.
Colorado Low-Income Bill Paying Assistance www.needhelppayingbills.com Colorado Consumer Fraud 800-222-4444 www.stopfraudcolorado.gov
Colorado Old Age Pension (OAP) Larimer County, 970-498-6300 www.larimer.org/humanservices/ public-benefits/ cash-assistance-programs Weld County, 970-351-1551 www.weldgov.com
Kevin Dunnigan, Investment Center Advisor Group 290 E. 29th St., Ste 100, LV 970-622-2366 www.helpwithmyinvestments.com
Larimer County Office on Aging 1501 Blue Spruce, FC 970-498-7750 www.larimer.org/seniors
Larimer County Veterans Services 200 W. Oak St., 5th Floor, FC 970-498-7390 www.larimer.org/veterans
Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Goodwill of Colorado 866-432-8435 www.goodwillcolorado.org/ services/leap
Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities
Larimer County, 970-310-4900 www.pafclarimer.org
Pinnacle Retirement 1039 Main St., Ste. L, WS 970-541-4772 www.pinnacleretirementinc.com
Social Security Administration 301 S. Howes St., 4th Floor, FC 866-336-7385
5400 W. 11th St., Ste. A, GR 877-405-9195 National 800-772-1213 www.ssa.gov
Michael Tarantino, CFP Tarantino Wealth Management 419 Canyon Ave., Ste. 320, FC 970-829-0900 www.michaeltarantino.net
CARE Housing 1303 W. Swallow Rd., FC 970-282-7522 www.carehousing.org
Estes Park Housing Authority 363 E. Elkhorn Ave., Ste. 101, EP 970-591-2535 www.esteshousing.org www.colorado.gov/esteshousing
Housing Catalyst 1715 W. Mountain Ave., FC 970-416-2910 www.housingcatalyst.com
Good Samaritan Society
Affordable Senior Housing EP, FC, GR, LV, WS 855-459-2884 www.good-sam.com/services/ senior-living/affordable-housing
Greeley-Weld Housing Authority 903 6th St., GR, 970-353-7437 www.greeley-weldha.org
Loveland Housing Authority 375 W. 37th St., #200, LV 970-667-3232 www.lovelandhousing.org
Neighborhood Resource Office 1000 10th St., GR, 970-336-4167 www.greeleygov.com/services/ neighborhood-resource-office
Neighborhood Services Office 281 N. College Ave., FC 970-224-6046 www.fcgov.com/ neighborhoodservices
Neighbor to Neighbor 1550 Blue Spruce Dr., FC 970-484-7498 1511 E. 11th St., LV 970-663-4163, www.n2n.org
Senior Living Advisors of Colorado 1635 Foxtrail Dr., FC 970-541-4592
Windsor Housing Authority www.windsorhousingauthority.org
A Home for Life Residential
Assisted Living Collaborative 970-663-2933 www.ahome4life.com/
Apple Leaf Assisted Living 1328 N. 1st St., Berthoud 970-532-2600 www.appleleafassistedliving.com
Aspen House 2212 E. 11th St., LV 970-635-9800 www.aspenhouse.org
Aspyre Rock Creek 3150 Rock Creek Dr., FC 970-372-5838 https://aspyrerockcreek.com
Assisted Living Locators
471 Expedition Ln., Johnstown 970-660-8898 www.assistedlivinglocators.com/ care-advisor/noco
The Bridge at Greeley 4750 25th St., GR 970-339-0022 www.thebridgeatgreeley.com
Bright Assisted Living 610 Hemlock Dr., WS 970-674-1446 www.brightassistedliving.com
Collinwood Assisted Living and Memory Care 5055 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-223-3552 www.collinwoodco.com
Brookdale Senior Living
1002 Rule Dr., FC, 844-477-8403 1999 W. 38th Ave., GR 844-875-7043 2895 N. Empire, LV 844-405-1157 215 Shupe Cir., LV, 844-643-8048 www.brookdale.com
Columbine Commons
1475 Main St., WS, 970-449-5540 www.columbinehealthfacilities.com
The Courtyard of Loveland 605 N. California Ave., LV 970-667-3342 www.courtyardofloveland.com
Eagle’s Nest Assisted Living
1026 Salmon Run, FC 970-402-3675 www.eaglesnestal.com
Fox Meadows
4021 Spruce Dr., FC 970-449-4472 www.assistedlivingftcollins.com
Garden Square at Spring Creek 1000 E. Stuart St., FC 970-494-3253
Garden Square of Greeley 1663 29th Ave. Pl., GR 970-460-4254 www.gardensquarememorycare.com
Garden Square at Westlake Assisted Living
3151 W. 20th St., GR 970-373-5123 www.gardensquareatwestlake.com
Good Samaritan Society— Estes Park Village 1901 Ptarmigan Tr., EP 970-800-4853 www.good-sam.com/locations/ estes-park-village
Good Samaritan Society— Fort Collins Village 508 W. Trilby Rd., FC 970-323-7675 www.good-sam.com/locations/ fort-collins-village
Good Samaritan Society— Bonell
706 23rd St., GR, 970-323-7677 www.good-sam.com/locations/ bonell-community
Good Samaritan Society—
Loveland Village
2101 S. Garfield Ave., LV 970-999-0336 www.good-sam.com/locations/ loveland-village
Good Samaritan Society—
Water Valley Senior Living Resort 805 Compassion Dr., WS 970-323-7723 www.good-sam.com/locations/ water-valley
Grace Point Senior Care Community 1919 68th Ave., GR 970-304-1919 www.gracepointegreeley.com
Heritage Haus 208 19th St. SE, LV 970-669-5616
Hillcrest of Loveland 535 N. Douglas Ave., LV 970-674-7120 www.mbkseniorliving.com/ senior-living
The Joneses Assisted Living
2127 Eagle Dr., LV 970-663-2226
Lakeview Commons 1422 W. 29th St., LV 970-278-4000 www.columbinehealthfacilities.com
Live to Assist Assisted Living 2914 W. Prospect Rd., FC 970-224-1400 www.livetoassist.net
MacKenzie Place 4750 Pleasant Oak Dr., FC 970-207-1939, www.leisurecare. com/our-communities/ mackenzie-place-fort-collins
MeadowView of Greeley 5300 W. 29th St., GR 970-353-6800 www.legendseniorliving.com
Monarch Greens
Assisted Living Home 1725 Lakeview Dr., FC 970-218-5057 www.monarchgreensassisted living.com
Morning Star of Fort Collins 3509 Lochwood Dr., FC 970-432-8810 www.morningstarseniorliving.com
New Mercer Commons 900 Centre Ave., FC 970-495-1000 www.columbinehealthfacilities.com
Park Regency Loveland 1875 Fall River Dr., LV 970-461-1100 www.ParkRegencyLoveland.com
Primrose Place 1330 E. 1st St., LV 970-667-5962
The Residence at Oakridge 4750 Wheaton Dr., FC 970-229-5800
Seneca House 4406 Seneca St., FC 970-795-8600 www.senecaral.com
Terry Lake Assisted Living 3629 Woodridge Rd., FC 970-221-3707 www.terrylakeassistedliving.com
Turnberry Place Assisted Living 2401 Turnberry Rd., FC 970-692-2850, www.turnberry placeassistedliving.com/
Willows at Windsor 303 E. Chestnut St., WS 970-686-2258
WindSong at Northridge 7010 West 8th St., GR 970-449-7199 www.windsongmemorycare.com
AccentCare Skilled Home Healthcare
4065 St. Cloud, Ste. 200, LV 970-346-9700 www.accentcare.com
Alpha Omega Home Health Care 970-266-2527
Amada Senior Care 2850 McClelland Dr., Ste. 1900, FC 970-237-5747
www.amadaseniorcare.com/ northern-colorado-senior-care
Bayada Home Healthcare 5285 McWhinney Blvd., Ste. 140, LV 970-282-8500, www.bayada.com
Bloom at Home
915 Centre Ave., Ste. 2, FC 970-482-5096
www.columbinehealthservices. com/bloom-at-home
BrightStar Care
Serving Berthoud, FC, LV
Timnath, 970-667-7778 www.brightstarcare.com/fortcollins-loveland
Caring Companions—
Volunteers of America 405 Canyon Ave., FC 970-472-9630 x19 www.voacolorado.org/gethelpnorthernco-caringcompanions
Caring Senior Service Fort Collins 333 W. Drake Rd., Ste. 22, FC 970-672-1734, www.caring seniorservice.com/fort-collins
Eldercare Locator 800-677-1116
Family Care Connection 970-223-9026, www.familycare connection.com/elder-care
Good Samaritan Society—
Colorado Home Care: LV 970-579-8710
Services@Home: EP 970-800-4853
FC 970-999-0349
LV 970-579-8710
WS 970-680-9590
Home Instead Senior Care Larimer & Weld 970-325-6053
Homewatch CareGivers of Northern Colorado
1220 W. Ash St., Ste C, WS 970-355-3372 www.homewatchcaregivers.com
HomeWell of Northern Colorado
3001 N. Taft Ave., Ste. 100 LV, 970-461-4799 www.homewellcares.com
Interim Health Care
2000 Vermont Dr., Ste. 100, FC 970-472-4180 www.interim healthcare.com/fortcollins
Maxim Healthcare Services 3665 JFK Pkwy., Ste. 330, FC 970-493-9300 www.maximhomecare.com
Right At Home
330 E. Mulberry St., FC 970-494-1111 www.rightathome.net
3101 Kintzley Ct., Unit J, Laporte
Seniors Helping Seniors
2290 E. Prospect Rd., Ste. 6, FC 970-631-8251 257 Johnstown Center Dr. Ste. 210, Johnstown 970-484-8445 www.seniorshelpingseniors.com
Visiting Angels
5441 Boeing Dr., Ste. 200, LV 877-618-4748 www.visitingangels.com
Affinity at Fort Collins 4201 Corbett Dr., FC 970-236-7485 www.affinityforliving.com
Affinity at Loveland 3415 N. Lincoln Ave., LV 970-238-7907 www.affinityforliving.com
Good Samaritan Society—Bonell 706 23nd St., GR, 970-323-7677 www.good-sam.com/locations/ bonell-community
Good Samarian Society—
Estes Park Village
1901 Ptarmigan Tr., EP 970-800-4853 www.good-sam.com/locations/ estes-park-village
Good Samaritan Society—
Fort Collins Village 508 W. Trilby Rd., FC 970-323-7675, www.good-sam. com/locations/fort-collins-village
Good Samaritan Society—
Fox Run Senior Living 1720 60th Ave., GR 970-323-7680, www.good-sam. com/locations/fox-run-senior-living
Good Samaritan Society— Loveland Village
2101 S. Garfield Ave., LV 970-999-0336, www.good-sam. com/locations/loveland-village
Good Samaritan Society— Water Valley Senior Living Resort 805 Compassion Dr., WS
Grace Point
Senior Care Community
1919 68th Ave., GR, 970-304-1919 www.gracepointegreeley.com
Harvest Pointe
4895 Lucerne Ave., LV 970-622-9907, www.rhf.org/ location/harvest-pointe
Hillcrest of Loveland
535 N. Douglas Ave., LV 970-674-7120, www.mbksenior living.com/senior-living
Holiday Retirement— Greeley Place
1051 6th St., GR, 970-601-4089 www.holidaytouch.com
Holiday Retirement— Parkwood Estates
2201 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-528-5810 www.holidaytouch.com
Holiday Retirement— Sugar Valley Estates
4750 Pleasant Oak Dr., FC 970-207-1939, www.leisurecare. com/our-communities/ mackenzie-place-fort-collins
Green House Homes—Mirasol
Senior Living
1153 Finch St., LV, 970-663-1300 www.mirasolseniorcommunity.com
Rigden Farm Senior Living 2350 Limon Dr., FC 970-698-9423 www.RigdenFarmSeniorLiving.com
Silvernest Home Sharing www.silvernest.com
Sunflower—A Gated Active Adult Community
865 Pleasure Dr., FC 970-893-8780 www.sunflowermhc.com
The Wexford
1515 W. 28th St., LV 970-667-1900 www.columbinehealth.com
The Windsor
1385 Main St., WS 970-460-5005 www.columbinehealth.com
The Winslow
909 Centre Ave., FC 970-492-6200 www.columbinehealth.com
The Worthington 900 Worthington Cir., FC 970-490-1000 www.columbinehealth.com
Village Cooperative of Fort Collins 3580 Stanford Rd., FC 970-223-3538 www.villagecooperative.com
Village Cooperative of Loveland 350 Arriba Ave., LV 970-669-5454 www.villagecooperative.com
Big Thompson Manor I & II 224 and 230 Monroe St., LV 970-667-4195
Birchwood Manor Apartments 2830 W. 27th St. Ln., GR 970-330-6206
Broadview Apartments
2915 W. 8th St., GR 970-352-9305
CARE Housing
1303 W. Swallow Rd., FC 970-282-7522 www.carehousing.org
Century III Apartments
(Windsor Housing Authority) 1027 Walnut St., WS 970-667-3232, www.windsor housingauthority.org
The Remington (formerly DMA Plaza Apartments)
300 Remington St., FC 970-493-7727
Good Samaritan Society—Bonell
706 23nd St., GR, 970-323-7677 www.good-sam.com/locations/ bonell-community
Good Samarian Society— Estes Park Village 1901 Ptarmigan Tr., EP 970-800-4853, www.good-sam. com/locations/estes-park-village
Good Samaritan Society— Fort Collins Village 508 W. Trilby Rd., FC 970-323-7675, www.good-sam. com/locations/fort-collins-village
Good Samaritan Society— Fox Run Senior Living 1720 60th Ave., GR 970-323-7680 www.good-sam.com/locations/
Good Samaritan Society— Loveland Village 2101 S. Garfield Ave., LV 970-999-0336, www.good-sam. com/locations/loveland-village
Good Samaritan Society— Water Valley Senior Living Resort 805 Compassion Dr., WS 970-323-7723 www.good-sam.com/locations/ water-valley
Governor’s Farm Apartments 701 6th St., WS, 970-686-9650 www.governors-farmapartments.com
Greeley Manor Apartments 1000 13th St., GR 970-356-5489
Hamilton Park Apartments I & II 1406 N. 4th St., Berthoud 970-532-3725
Harvest Pointe
4895 Lucerne Ave., LV 970-622-9907, www.rhf.org/ location/harvest-pointe
Housing Catalyst
1715 W. Mountain Ave., FC 970-416-2910 www.housingcatalyst.com
Immaculata Plaza 530 10th Ave., GR, 970-356-0610
Island Grove Village Apartments (IGV) 119 14th Ave., GR, 970-356-2808 www.islandgrove.org/igv
Joe P. Martinez Gardens 1701 2nd St., GR, 970-356-2332 www.ccinvest.com/properties/ joe-p-martinez-gardensapartments
La Casa Rosa (Greeley/Weld Housing Authority) 1011 C St., GR, 970-353-7437 www.greeley-weldha.org
Loveland Housing Authority 375 W. 37th St., Ste. 200, LV 970-667-3232 www.lovelandhousing.org
Meeker Commons
Mutual Housing 505 9th Ave., GR, 970-378-9393 www.rockymountain communities.org
Oakbrook II Senior Community 3300 Stanford Rd., FC 970-223-1356
Reflections Senior Apartments 321 E. Troutman Pkwy., FC 970-225-3711 www.reflectionsseniorliving.com
Sanctuary Place Apartments 3732 Kunz Ct., FC, 970-225-2116 www.voacolorado.org/ housing_properties
University Plaza Apartments 1534 11th Ave., GR, 970-353-9275 www.universityplaza.net
Villa Fourteen 214 Birch Ave., Ault 970-834-1570 www.vintage-corp.com
Windsor Meadows Apartments (Windsor Housing Authority) 1500 Tipton Dr., WS 970-667-3232 www.windsorhousingauthority.org
Woodbridge Senior Apartments 1508 W. Elizabeth St., FC 970-472-1703 www.woodbridgeseniorapts.com
Woodside Village Apartments 146 E. 24th St., GR 970-356-5991 www.dominiumapartments.com
Berthoud Living Center 855 Franklin, Berthoud 970-532-2683
Centennial Healthcare Center 1637 29th Ave. Pl., GR 970-356-8181 www.savasenior care.com/ centennial-healthcare-center
Centre Avenue Health & Rehab Facility 815 Centre Ave., FC 970-494-2140, www.columbine healthfacilities.com/centreavenue-facility
Columbine Commons Health & Rehab Facility 1475 Main St., WS 970-449-5540, www.columbine healthfacilities.com/columbinecommons-facility/
Columbine West Health & Rehab Facility 940 Worthington Cir., FC 970-221-2273 www.columbinehealthfacilities. com/columbine-west-facility/
Fairacres Manor
1700 18th Ave., GR 970-353-3370 www.vivage.com/fairacres
Fort Collins Health Care Center
1000 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-482-7925, www.savasenior care.com/fort-collins-healthcare-center
Garden Square at Spring Creek
1000 E. Stuart St., FC 970-482-5712, www.savasenior care.com/find-a-center/gardensquare-at-spring-creek
Golden Peaks Center
1005 E. Elizabeth St., FC 970-482-2525, www.genesis hcc.com/GoldenPeaks
Good Samaritan Society—Bonell
706 23nd St., GR, 970-323-7677 www.good-sam.com/locations/ bonell-community
Good Samaritan Society—
Fort Collins Village 508 W. Trilby Rd., FC 970-323-7675, www.good-sam. com/locations/fort-collins-village
Good Samaritan Society—
Loveland Village
2101 S. Garfield Ave., LV 970-999-0336, www.good-sam. com/locations/loveland-village
Grace Point
Senior Care Community
1919 68th Ave., GR, 970-304-1919 www.gracepointegreeley.com
Kenton Manor
850 27th Ave., GR 970-353-1018, www.savasenior care.com/KentonManor
Lemay Avenue Health & Rehab Facility
4824 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-482-1584, www.columbine healthfacilities.com/lemayavenue-facility/
Life Care Center of Greeley 4800 W. 25th St., GR 970-330-6400 www.lifecarecenterofgreeley.com
North Shore Health & Rehab Facility
1365 W. 29th St., LV 970-667-6111 www.columbinehealthfacilities. com/north-shore-facility/
Sierra Vista Health Care Center
821 Duffield Ct., LV 970-669-0345 www.savaseniorcare.com/ sierra-vista-health-care-center
Spring Creek Healthcare Center
1000 E. Stuart St., FC 970-482-5712 www.savaseniorcare.com/ spring-creek-healthcare-center
Windsor Healthcare Center
710 3rd St., WS, 970-686-7474 www.savaseniorcare.com/ windsor-healthcare-center
Adamson Funeral & Cremation Services
2000 47th Ave., GR 970-235-2522 www.adamsonchapels.com
Allnutt Funeral Service
1302 Graves Ave., EP 970-335-9376
650 W. Drake Rd., FC 970-335-8213
6521 W. 20th St., GR 970-329-2786
2100 N. Lincoln Ave., LV 970-344-8959, www.allnutt.com
Bohlender Funeral Chapel
121 W. Olive St., FC 970-364-2536 www.bohlenderfuneralchapel.com
Goes Funeral Care and Crematory
3665 Canal Dr. Ste. E, FC 970-482-2221 www.goesfuneralcare.com
8426 S. Hwy. 287, FC 970-667-0202 www.dignitymemorial.com
Stoddard Funeral Home
3205 W. 28th St., GR 970-329-2753 www.dignitymemorial.com
Vessey Funeral Service
2649 E. Mulberry St. Ste. A-1 FC, 970-482-5065 www.vesseyfuneralservice.com
Viegut Funeral Home
1616 N. Lincoln Ave., LV 970-679-4669 www.viegutfuneralhome.com
60+ Food Delivery Program 970-702-6413 www.weldgov.com/departments/ human_services/area_agency_ on_aging
Food Bank for Larimer County 5706 Wright Dr., LV, 970-493-4477 www.foodbanklarimer.org/ nutritious-kitchen
King Soopers Grocery Delivery www.kingsoopers.com
Meals on Wheels Fort Collins 970-484-6325 www.mealsonwheelsfc.org
Meals on Wheels Greeley 970-353-9738 www.mealsonwheelsgreeley.com
Meals on Wheels Loveland & Berthoud 970-667-0311 www.lovelandmealsonwheels.org
Safeway Grocery Delivery www.safeway.com/shop/lp/ delivery.html
Sprouts Grocery Delivery www.instacart.com/sprouts
Volunteers of America Northern Colorado 405 Canyon Ave., FC 970-472-9630 www.voacolorado.org
Weld Food Bank Senior Feeding Program 1108 H St., GR, 970-356-2199 www.weldfoodbank.org/seniorfeeding-program
Johnson Custom Flooring & Design 2093 E. 11th St., Ste. 100, LV 970-663-1266 www.johnsoncustomflooring.com
Beyers Law—Elder-Law Attorney
1419 W. 29th St., LV 970-669-1101 www.beyerslaw.com
Bordeaux & Boyes Estate
323 W. Drake Rd., Ste. 120, FC 970-488-2737 www.bordeauxandboyes.com
Peter W. Bullard, Elder Law
375 E. Horsetooth Rd., Bldg. 6 Ste. 101, FC, 970-223-5900 www.estate-planning-help.com
Colorado Legal Services
211 W. Magnolia St., FC 970-493-2891 912 8th Ave., GR, 970-353-7554 www.coloradolegalservices.org
Larimer County Bar Association Pro Bono Program 970-402-2075 www.larimerbar.org/pro-bono
C. Jan Lord, Elder-Law 1201 Lake Ave., Ste. A, Berthoud 970-532-4183 www.cjlordlaw.com
Sutherland & Connor, LLC, 1315 Oakridge Dr., Ste. 120, FC 970-224-9779 www.sutherland-connor.com
Wallace & Kling, P.C. 425 W. Mulberry St., Ste. 107, FC 970-221-5602 www.wallace-kling.com
Kids Gloves, LLC LV, 970-449-2309 www.kidgloves.us
The Group, Inc.
Deanna McCrery, SRES 970-222-9532
Carol Voorhis, SRES 970-481-9487
Lisa Hite, SRES 970-310-3133
Anna DiTorrice-Mull, SRES 970-631-2649
Senior Access Points of Larimer County 970-498-7740 www.larimerseniors.org
Town of Berthoud 807 Mountain Ave., Berthoud 970-532-2643 www.berthoud.org
Town of Estes Park 170 MacGregor Ave., EP 970-586-5331, www.colorado. gov/townofestespark
City of Fort Collins www.fcgov.com/cityservices
City of Greeley 1000 10th St., GR, 970-350-9777 www.greeleygov.com
City of Loveland 500 E. 3rd St., LV 970-962-2000, www.lovgov.org
Town of Windsor 301 Walnut St., WS 970-674-2400 www.windsorgov.com
60+ Ride Weld County, 970-352-9348 www.60plusride.org
Berthoud Area Transportation Service (BATS) Berthoud, www.berthoud.org/ departments/berthoudarea-transportation-system-bats
City of Loveland Transit (COLT) 105 W. 5th St., LV 970-962-2700 www.cityofloveland.org/transit
Dial-A-Ride Paratransit / Dial-A-Taxi
FC, 970-224-6066 www.ridetransfort.com/routes/ dial-a-ride
Greeley-Evans Transit (GET) GR, 970-350-9290 www.greeleyevanstransit.com
Groome Transportation Airport Shuttle
4414 E. Harmony Rd., FC 970-226-5533 www.GroomeTransportation.com
Rural Alternative for Transportation (RAFT) Berthoud, 970-532-0808 https://berthoudraft.org
Senior Alternatives in Transportation (SAINT) FC, LV, 970-223-8604, www. saintvolunteertransportation.org
Super Shuttle Express 4414 E. Harmony Rd., FC 800-258-3826 www.supershuttle.com/dia
Transfort Fort Collins FC, 970-221-6620 www.ridetransfort.com
Uber www.uber.com
Via Mobility Services
Serving EP, 303-447-2848 www.viacolorado.org
Wellington Senior Resource Center 3800 Wilson Ave., Wellington 970-817-2293 www.townofwellington.com/171/ Senior-Resource-Center
zTrip www.ztrip.com
CarePathways 877-521-9987 www.carepathways.com
Caring Senior Services
333 W. Drake Rd.Ste. 22, FC 970-672-1734, www.caring seniorservice.com/fort-collins
Columbine Health Systems www.columbinehealth.com
Elderhaus Adult Day Programs
6813 S. College Ave., FC 970-221-0406, www.elderhaus.org
Good Samaritan Society
EP, FC, GR, LV, WS 855-459-2884, www.good-sam.com
Homewatch CareGivers of Northern Colorado 223 Aspen Grove Way, Severance, 970-305-3256 1220 W. Ash St., WS 970-355-3372 www.seniorhelpers.com
Senior Helpers
3101 Kintzley Ct., Unit J, Laporte 970-821-9408 1051 6th St., GR, 970-344-9486 www.seniorhelpers.com
Visiting Angels Serving Northern CO 800-365-4189 www.bannerhealth.com
Larimer County Office on Aging Services 1501 Blue Spruce Dr., FC 970-498-7750 www.larimer.org/seniors
Catholic Charities
Larimer County Senior Care Services 460 Linden Center Dr., FC 970-484-5010, www.ccdenver. org/senior-services/larimer-county
Weld County Senior Care with A Purpose 1442 N. 11th Ave., GR 970-353-6433, www.ccdenver. org/senior-services/weld-county
Connections for Independent Living 1331 8th Ave., GR 970-352-8682, www.connections forindependentliving.org
Disabled Resource Services
1017 Robertson St., Unit B, FC 970-482-2700
2154 W. Eisenhower Blvd., Unit 5 LV, 970-667-0816 www.disabledresourceservices.org
UCHealth Cancer Care & Hematology www.uchealth.org/locations
AARP ElderWatch Colorado 800-222-4444, Option 2 www.aarp.org/money/scamsfraud/elderwatch
Adult Protective Services (APS)
Larimer County
2555 Midpoint Dr., Ste. F, FC 970-498-7770 (24/7 Hotline) www.larimer.org/humanservices/ aging/adult-protective-services
Alternatives to Violence
541 E. 8th St., LV, 970-669-5150 (connects to 24/7 Hotline) www.alternativestoviolence.org
Crossroads Safehouse
FC, 24/7 Hotline/Info: 970-482-3502 www.crossroadssafehouse.org
Weld County Adult Protective Services (APS)
315 N. 11th Ave., Bldg. C, GR 970-400-6950 970 -346-7676 Hotline www.weldgov.com/Government/ Departments/Human-Services/ Area-Agency-on-Aging-AAA/ Adult-Protection
SAVA (Sexual Assault Victim Advocate)
4812 S. College Ave., FC 970-472-4204
921 38th Ave. Ct., GR 970-506-4059
1570 W. 1st St., LV, 970-775-2962
24/7 Rape Crisis Hotline: 970-472-4200 www.savacenter.org
Ability Home Health Care 138 E. 4th St., Ste. 3, LV 970-658-6509
AccentCare Home Health 4065 St. Cloud, Ste. 200, LV 970-346-9700 www.accentcare.com
Alpha Omega Home Health Care 970-266-2527 www.alphaomegahh.com
Aveanna Healthcare (formerly Evergreen Home Healthcare) 301 N. Howes St., Ste. 110, FC 970-416-6481
5200Hahns Peak Ste 210, LV 970-530-0210, www.aveanna.com
Banner Health Home Care www.bannerhealth.com/services/ home-care
Bayada Home Healthcare
5285 McWhinney Blvd., Ste. 140 LV, 970-282-8500 www.bayada.com
BrightStar Care
3880 N. Grant Ave., Ste. 180, LV 970-667-7778, www.bright starcare.com/fort-collins-loveland
Canyon Home Care & Hospice
4850 Hahn’s Peak Dr., Suite 100 LV,970-330-5655 www.canyonhomecare.com
CarePathways 877-521-9987 www.carepathways.com
Caring Hearts Home Health Care 6801 W. 20th St., Ste. 207, GR 970-378-1409 www.caringheartshh.com
Columbine Poudre Home Care 915 Centre Ave., Ste 2., FC 970-482-5096, www.columbine healthservices.com/columbinepoudre-home-care
Encompass Home Health of Colorado
2171 Citrine Ct., LV 970-493-8500 www.encompasshealth.com/ locations/lovelandhomehealth
Good Samaritan Society— Colorado Home Care LV 635-2970 Services@Home: EP 577-7700 FC 658-4286 LV 624-5468 WS 674-5520 www.good-sam.com
Homewatch CareGivers of Northern Colorado
1220 W. Ash St., Ste. C, WS 970-355-3372 www.homewatchcaregivers.com
Interim Health Care
2000 Vermont Dr., Ste. 100, FC 970-472-4180, www.interim healthcare.com/fortcollins
Maxim Healthcare Services
3665 JFK Pkwy., Ste. 330, FC 970-493-9300, www.maxim healthcare.com/home-healthcare
Right At Home
330 E. Mulberry St., FC, 970-494-1111 www.rightathome.net
Senior Helpers
3101 Kintzley Ct., Unit J, Laporte 970-821-9408
1051 6th St., GR, 970-344-9486 www.seniorhelpers.com
Banner Hospice
5628 W. 19th St., Ste. 2, GR 970-352-8487, www.banner health.com/services/hospice
Canyon Home Care & Hospice
4850 Hahn’s Peak Dr., Ste. 100, LV 970-330-5655 www.canyonhomecare.com
305 Carpenter Rd., FC 970-663-3500
4075 W. 11th St., GR 970-356-4090
2000 N. Boise Ave., LV 970-820-6062 www.pathways-care.org
Goldstone Acupuncture & Whole Health
300 Boardwalk Dr., Bldg. 6A FC, 970-227-1906, www. goldstoneacupuncture.com
Scott Family Health
4038 S. Timberline St., Ste. 120 FC, 1491 N. Denver Ave.,#101, LV 970-663-2225, www.scottchiro.com
Traditional Chinese Medical Clinic 700 W. Mountain Ave., FC
1018 Centre Ave., FC 970-416-0444, www.tcmclinic.org
Wisdom Ways Acupuncture
2601 S. Lemay Ave., Unit 25, FC 970-227-3077, www.wisdom waysacupuncture.com
Allergy Partners
555 Prospect Ave., EP, 221-2370
2121 E. Harmony Rd., Ste. 290, FC 970-221-2370
6801 W. 20th St., Ste. 202, GR 970-330-5391 www.allergypartners.com
Banner Health Clinic: Allergy Care
2923 Ginnala Dr., LV 970-820-6660
608 E. Harmony Rd. Ste. 101, FC 970-498-9226, www.banner health.com/services/allergy
Colorado Allergy and Asthma Centers
2014 Caribou Dr., Ste. 200, FC 970-221-1681
3400 W. 16th St., Bldg. 5, Unit Y GR, 970-356-3907 www.coloradoallergy.com
American Cancer Society
8221 W. 20th St., Ste. A, GR 970-356-9727, www.cancer.org
Banner Health Clinic: Cancer Care 2050 N. Boise Ave., LV 970-820-5900, www. bannerhealth.com/locations/ loveland/banner-health-clinicboise-cancer
UCHealth Cancer Care 555 Prospect Ave., EP 970-237-7700 2121 E. Harmony Rd., FC 970-237-7700
6767 W. 29th St., GR 970-652-2780 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., LV 970-237-7700, www.uchealth.org
Canna World Market 270 E. 29th St., LV 970-617-2996 http://Cbdloveland.com
Cornerstone Botanicals 970-239-3374 www.cornerstonebotanicals.com
Plenty Wellness
2677 N. Taft Ave., LV 970-305-4702 www.plentywellness.com
Academy of Natural Therapy 631 8th Ave., GR, 970-352-1181 www.natural-therapy.com
Family & Sport Chiropractic 1035 Robertson St., FC 970-224-2282 www.drmontywilburndc.com
Impact Chiropractic
1730 S. College Ave., Ste. 100, FC
1661 Rocky Mountain Ave. Ste. 302, LV, 970-223-5501 www.impact-chiropractic.com
Hand Chiropractic
1630 S. Lemay Ave., Ste. 4, FC 970-221-9300, www.handchiro.org
Pivotal Wellness
2451 S. College Ave., Ste. 3, FC 970-290-9589 2625 Redwing Dr., Ste. 270 970-420-5565 www.pivotalwellness.com
Scott Family Health
4038 S. Timberline St., Ste. 120, FC 1491 N. Denver Ave., Ste.101, LV 970-663-2225 www.scottchiro.com
Weld Family Clinic of Chiropractic 1713 61st Ave., Ste. 102, GR 970-356-5255 www.weldfamilyclinic.com
Alpine Dental Health
1015 S. Taft Hill Rd., FC 970-482-6034
718 S. College Ave., FC 970-484-5297 (Interim during construction: 950 S. Taft Hill Rd.) 1136 E. Stuart St., Bldg. 3 Ste. 3140, FC, 970-482-1520 www.alpinedentalhealth.com
Aronson Family Dental 4027 Boardwalk Dr., FC 970-472-0488 www.aronsonfamilydental.com
BenchMark Dental 1555 Main St., Ste. A-2, WS 970-460-4871 www.BenchMarkDentalCare.com
Family Dental Clinic–Health District of Northern Larimer County 202 Bristlecone Dr., FC 970-416-5331, www.healthdistrict. org/services/family-dental-clinic Front Range Dentures & Prosthodontics
1006 Robertson St., Ste. 210, FC 970-493-9001
Greeley Dental Care
1813 61st Ave., Ste. 210, GR 970-352-4242 www.GreeleyDentalCare.com
Loveland Dentistry and Dentures
274 E. 29th St., LV 970-744-2345
Northern Colorado Periodontics
4033 Boardwalk Dr., Ste. 100, FC 970-672-4708
3400 W. 16th St., Ste. 5X, GR 970-800-2269, www.nocoperio.com
Perfect Teeth
1856 N. College Ave., Ste. 110, FC 970-484-0080
902 14th St., GR, 970-392-0152
1685 Rocky Mountain Ave. Ste. 400, LV, 970-667-2121
3400 W. Eisenhower Blvd., LV 970-669-2853 www.perfectteeth.com
Poudre Valley Family Dental
2032 Lowe St., Ste. 100, FC 970-221-3020, www.poudre valleyfamilydental.com
Reynolds Oral & Facial Surgery
3520 E. 15th St., Ste. 102, LV 7251 W. 20th St., Bldg. P, GR 970-663-6878 www.reynoldsoralfacial.com
Vinna C. Norris, DDS
1221 E. Elizabeth St., Ste. 2, FC 970-221-1400 www.dentistsfortcollins.com
Wells & Abrames Dental
702 W. Drake Rd., Bldg. G, FC 970-493-9299 www.wellsabramesdental.com
Zimmer Family Dentistry
1343 E. Prospect Rd., D1, FC 970-221-4500 www.zimmerfamilydentistry.com
A Step Ahead Foot & Ankle Center
2001 S. Shields, Bldg. F, FC 970-343-4217
3880 N. Grant Ave. Ste. 140, LV 970-667-0769, www.asafoot.com
Anderson Podiatry Center
1355 Riverside Ave., Ste. C, FC 970-329-8084 www.andersonpodiatrycenter.com
UCHealth Internal Medicine
221 E. 29th St., Ste. 102, LV
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave. North Ste. 200, 970-203-7050 www.uchealth.org/services/ senior-care
OB/GYN Associates
1900 N. Boise Ave., Ste. 300, LV 970-820-2009 www.bannerhealth.com
Women’s Clinic of Northern Colorado
1107 S. Lemay Ave., Ste. 300, FC
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., North Bldg. Ste. 150, LV 970-680-1019 www.womensclinicnoco.com
Arktos Direct Care 3938 JFK Pkwy., FC 970-818-2280 www.arktosdirectcare.com
Banner Health Clinics
Locations throughout northern Colorado. www.bannerhealth.com
Centura Health—
Primary Care Berthoud 549 Mountain Ave., Berthoud 970-532-4644, www.centura.org
Greeley Medical Center 6767 W. 29th St., GR www.uchealth.org
Kaiser Permanente Medical Clinics Locations throughout northern Colorado, 970-207-7171 www.kaiserpermanente.org
McKee Medical Center 2000 N. Boise Ave., LV 970-820-4640 www.bannerhealth.com
Medical Center of the Rockies— UCHealth 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., LV 970-624-2500, www.uchealth.org
North Colorado Medical Center 1801 16th St., GR, 970-810-4121 www.bannerhealth.com
Poudre Valley Hospital—UCHealth
1024 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-495-7000, www.uchealth.org
Salud Family Health Centers 1635 Blue Spruce Dr., Ste. 101, FC 970-484-0999, www.saludclinic.org
Sage Holistic Health 1136 N. Lincoln Ave., LV 970-667-7071 www.sageholistichealth.com
Sunrise Health Centers 12 locations in GR, EV, LV plus mobile outreach van. 970-353-9403 www.sunrisecommunityhealth.org
Traditional Chinese Medical Clinic 700 W. Mountain Ave., FC 1018 Centre Ave., FC 970-416-0444 www.tcmclinic.org
UCHealth Family Medicine Center 1025 Pennock Pl., FC 970-495-8800, www.uchealth.org
VA Medical Clinic 2509 Research Blvd., FC 970-224-1550
5200 Hahns Peak Dr., LV 970-962-4900
Mental Health 307-778-7349 www.va.gov
UCHealth Medical Clinics Locations throughout northern Colorado. 970-495-7000 www.uchealth.org
Kaiser Permanente Medicare 855-832-0353, www.kp.org/ask-co
Larimer Health Connect 144 N. Mason St., Unit 7, FC 120 Bristlecone Dr., FC 1511 E. 11th St., LV, 970-472-0444 www.larimerhealthconnect.org
North Colorado Health Alliance 2930 11th Ave., EV, 970-350-4673 1010 A St., GR, 970-301-4426 302 3rd St. SE #150, LV 970-292-1533, www.north coloradohealthalliance.org
Rocky Mountain Health Plans 970-243-7050 or 800-346-4643 www.rmhp.org
Advanced Hearing Services
2001 S. Shields St., Bldg. J-2, FC 970-221-5249 www.advancedhearing.net
Hearing Life
4675 W. 20th St.,Unit A., GR 970-475-6287
909 E. Eisenhower Blvd. Ste. 101, LV, 970-744-2605 www.hearinglife.com
Hearing Rehab Center
1030 Centre Dr., Ste. A, FC 970-482-5700
2018 35th Ave., Unit A, GR 970-330-7374
2980 Ginnala Dr., Ste. 102, LV 970-593-9700 www.hearingrehabcenter.com
NuEar Hearing Center
2531 S. Shields St., FC 970-999-9505 www.FortCollinsNuEar.com
CardioVascular Institute of Northern Colorado—Banner Health
1800 15th St., Ste. 310, GR 970-810-0900
1900 N. Boise Ave., Ste. 200, LV 970-820-2400 www.bannerhealth.com
UCHealth Heart and Vascular Care 555 Prospect Ave., EP 970-577-4478
2121 E. Harmony Rd., Ste. 100, FC 970-221-1000
1024 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-495-7000
6767 W. 29th St., GR, 970-652-2000
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., Ste. 100 970-221-1000, www.uchealth.org
McKee Medical Center
2000 Boise Ave., LV 970-820-4640, www.banner health.com/locations/ loveland/mckee-medical-center
Medical Center of the Rockies
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., LV 970-624-2500, www.uchealth.org
Northern Colorado Medical Center
1801 16th St., GR 970-810-4121 www.bannerhealth.com
Peakview Medical Center
5881 16th St., GR, 970-313-2700 www.uchealth.org
Poudre Valley Hospital
1024 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-495-7000, www.uchealth.org
Alzheimer’s Association
415 Peterson St., FC 970-493-1571
918 13th St., Ste. 1, GR 970-346-9025 24/7 Helpline: 800-272-3900 www.alz.org/co
Grand Family Coalition, Inc. 970-699-2837 www.grandfamilycoalition.org
Grandparents Support Groups in Northern Colorado http://grg.colostate.edu/supportgroups.php
Health District of Northern Larimer County 120 Bristlecone Dr., FC 970-224-5209 www.healthdistrict.org
Larimer County Office on Aging 1501 Blue Spruce, FC 970-498-7750 www.larimer.org/seniors
The Seasons Club
McKee Medical Center
2000 N. Boise Ave., LV 970-820-4097, https:// senioraccesslarimer.colostate. edu/seasons-club/
Senior Living Advisors of Colorado LV, 970-541-4592 www.slacolo.com
UCHealth Aspen Club/Senior Services
1025 Garfield St., Ste. A, FC 970-495-8560
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., LV 970-624-1860
6767 W. 29th St., GR 970-652-2796 www.uchealth.org/services/ community-health/aspen-club
Weld County Area Agency on Aging 315 N. 11th Ave., Bldg. C, GR 400-6950, www.weldgov.com/ Government/Departments/ Human-Services/Area-Agencyon-Aging-AAA
Banner Health Infusion Therapy 1801 16th St., GR www.bannerhealth.com/services/ infusion-therapy
Poudre Infusion Therapy
151 W. Lake St., Ste. 1500, FC 915 Centre Ave., Ste. 3, FC 1683 Main St., WS 970-494-2130 www.columbinehealthservices. com/poudre-infusion-therapy
Apria Health Care 420 W. 67th St., LV 970-663-0500, www.apria.com
Banner Home Medical Equipment 1990 59th Ave. Ste. 300, GR 970-810-6420 www.bannerhealth.com
Columbine Medical Equipment 802 W. Drake Rd., Ste. 123, FC 970-221-1453 1525 Main St., Ste. B-1B, WS 970-460-9205, www.columbine healthservices.com/columbinemedical-equipment/
Disabled Resource Services
1017 Robertson St., Unit B, FC 970-482-2700 21154 W. Eisenhower Blvd., Unit 5, LV, 970-667-0816 www.disabledresourceservices.org
Frontier Access and Mobility
819 E. Mulberry St., FC 970-223-8267 www.FrontierAccess.com
4812 McMurray Ave., Ste. 190, FC 970-482-8114, www.lincare.com
Major Medical (Aerocare) 1420 Riverside Ave., Ste. 108, FC 970-484-6616
3640 W. 10th St., GR 970-584-1020 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., Ste. 320, LV, 970-669-6800 www.aerocareusa.com
Mobility and More 493 N. Denver Ave., LV 970-461-8400, www.mymobility.biz
RCC Medical Supply 3109 35th Ave., Bldg. H-103 970-356-9078, www.rccmed.net
Roth Medical 225 N. Lemay Ave., Ste. 3, FC 970-224-2828
Good Health Will 2003 W. 8th St., LV 970-624-6002 2393 W. 27th St., Ste. 528, GR 970-515-6935 www.goodhealthwill.org
Aging Clinic of the Rockies at CSU Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging 151 W. Lake St., Ste. 1400, FC 970-491-6795, www.psychology. colostate.edu/acor
Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County 525 W. Oak St., Ste. B10, FC 970-482-2209 www.allianceforsuicideprevention.org
Connections 425 W. Mulberry St., FC 970-221-5551 www.healthdistrict.org/services/ connections-adult-services
LifeStance Health (formerly Heart Centered Counseling) FC, GR, LV, 970-310-3406 www.heartcenteredcounselors.com
North Range Behavioral Health
Crisis Support Services
Multiple locations in GR, WS Frederick, 970-347-2120
Crisis Hotline: 844-493-8255 www.northrange.org
Murphy Center for Hope
242 Conifer St., FC 970-494-9940, www.homeward alliance.org/murphy-center
Spirit Crossing Clubhouse
1148 E. Elizabeth St., FC 970-786-2002 www.summitstonehealth.org/ spirit-crossing-clubhouse
VA Medical Clinic
2509 Research Blvd., FC 970-224-1550
5200 Hahns Peak Dr., LV 970-962-4900
Mental Health 307-778-7349 www.va.gov
Walk-In Crisis Center
1217 Riverside Ave., FC 24-Hour Access: 970-494-4200 www.summitstonehealth.org/ services/crisis-services
Advanced Neurology of Colorado
2121 E. Harmony Rd. Ste. 180 FC, 970-226-6111 www.advancedneurology.com
Banner Health —Neurology
702A W. Drake Rd., FC 970-821-4600
4700 Lady Moon Dr., FC 970-821-4500
1801 16th St., GR 970-810-5612
2410 W. 16th St., GR 970-810-4121
2000 Boise Ave., LV 970-820-4640
1813 Cheyenne Ave., LV 970-810-4676, www.banner health.com/services/neurology
UCHealth Neurology Clinic
2315 E. Harmony Rd., Ste. 110 FC 970-482-4373
6767 29th St., 3rd Floor, GR 970-482-4373
2695 Rocky Mountain Ave. Ste. 200, LV, 970-667-7664 www.uchealth.org
Catholic Charities—Samaritan House 460 Linden Center Dr., FC 970-484-5010, www.ccdenver.org/ larimer-county-services
Food Bank for Larimer County FC, LV, 970-493-4477 www.foodbanklarimer.org/ nutritious-kitchen
Food Assistance (Larimer SNAP) 1601 Brodie Ave., EP 1501 Blue Spruce Dr., FC 200 Peridot Ave., LV 970-498-6300, www.larimer. org/humanservices/publicbenefits/food-assistance-snap
Fort Collins Rescue Mission 316 Jefferson St., FC 970-224-4302, www.fortcollins rescuemission.org
House of Neighborly Service 375 Meadowlark Dr., Berthoud 970-532-0161
1511 E. 11th St., Ste. 100, LV 970-667-4939 www.honservice.org
Meals on Wheels Fort Collins 970-484-6325 www.mealsonwheelsfc.org
Meals on Wheels Greeley 970-353-9738 www.mealsonwheelsgreeley.com
Meals on Wheels Loveland & Berthoud 970-667-0311 www.lovelandmealsonwheels.org
Salvation Army 3901 S. Mason St., FC 970-207-4472 www.fortcollins.salvationarmy.org
Senior Nutrition Program with Volunteers of America 405 Canyon Ave., FC 970-472-9630 www.voacolorado.org
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
FC, GR, LV, Berthoud 800-932-8677, www.tops.org
Weld County Senior Nutrition (Friendly Fork)
Multiple locations, 970-400-6132 https://www.weldgov.com/ Government/Departments/ Human-Services/Area-Agency-onAging-AAA/Friendly-Fork
Weld Food Bank Senior Feeding Program
1108 H St., GR, 970-356-2199 www.weldfoodbank.org/seniorfeeding-program
Front Range Center for Brain & Spine Surgery
1313 Riverside Ave., FC 970-493-1292 www.brain-spine.com
Orthopaedic & Spine Center of the Rockies (OCR)
2500 E. Prospect Rd., FC 970-493-0112
1900 16th St. 3rd floor, GR 970-573-3224
3470 E. 15th St., LV, 970-663-3975 www.orthohealth.com
3506 W. 10th St., GR 970-301-4959 www.osteostrong.me
Spine Correction Center of the Rockies
2244 E. Harmony Rd., #110, FC 970-658-5115 www.spinecorrectioncenter.com
Colorado Clinic
7251 W. 20th St., Bldg. N, Ste. 1 GR, 970-710-3551 3810 N. Grant Ave., LV 970-707-5257 www.coloradoclinic.com
UCHealth Pain Management Clinic 555 Prospect Ave., EP 3744 S. Timberline Rd., Ste. 102, FC 1605 Fox Trail Dr., Ste. 100, LV 970-495-0506
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., North Bldg., Ste. 2200, 970-203-7190 www.uchealth.org/locations/ uchealth-pain-managementclinic-fort-collins
Banner Lifeline
LV, 970-820-3066 GR, 970-810-4743 www.bannerhealth.com/ services/home-care/programs/ banner-lifeline
VRI 800-860-4230 http://www.vricares.com/ caringsolutions
LifeFone 800-882-2280 www.lifefone.com
Life Station 844-276-7314 www.lifestation.com
Philips Lifeline 855-681-5351 www.lifelinesys.com
Berkana Rehabilitation Institute 2001 S. Shields St., Bldg. A Ste. 1, FC 970-797-2431 www.berkanarehab.com
Colorado in Motion 210 W. Magnolia St., Ste. 110, FC 115 E. Harmony Rd., Ste. 160, FC 3744 Timberline Rd., Ste. 103, FC 2021 Battlecreek Dr., Unit A, FC 970-221-1201 1901 56h Ave., Ste. 110, GR 970-451-5776 4435 Ronald Reagan Blvd. Johnstown, 970-669-7303 1555 Main St. A 4/5, WS 970-674-9675 www.coloradoinmotion.com
Front Range Therapy 802 W. Drake Rd., Ste. #133A, FC 970-494-6449 www.columbinehealthservices. com/front-range-therapy
Scott Family Health 4038 S. Timberline St. Ste. 120, FC 1491 N. Denver Ave., Ste. 101, LV 970-663-2225 www.scottchiro.com
Catholic Charities
Samaritan House Fort Collins 460 Linden Center Dr., FC 970-484-5010 www.ccdenver.org/larimercounty-services
House of Neighborly Service 375 Meadowlark Dr., Berthoud 970-532-0161 1511 E. 11th St., LV 970-667-4939 www.honservice.org
Needy Meds 800-503-6897 www.needymeds.org
Health District of Northern Larimer County 120 Bristlecone Dr., FC 970-416-6519 www.healthdistrict.org/ prescription-assistance
VA Assistance Program 800-698-2411 www.va.gov
Berkana Rehabilitation Institute 2001 S. Shields St., Bldg. A Ste. 1, FC, 970-797-2431 www.berkanarehab.com
The Center at Rock Creek 4880 Ziegler Rd., FC 970-223-4376 www.centeratrockcreek.com
Life Care Center of Greeley 4800 W. 25th St., GR 970-330-6400, www.lcca.com
Health District of Northern Larimer County 120 Bristlecone Dr., FC 970-224-5209 www.healthdistrict.org/services/ quit-smoking
Larimer County Tobacco Prevention www.larimer.org/tobacco Tobacco-Free Coalition of Weld County www.tfcweldcounty.com
Arktos Direct Care—PRP for Hair Loss
3938 JFK Pkwy., FC 970-818-2280 www.arktosdirectcare.com
Colorado Ultraslim
702 E. Drake Rd., F-A, FC 970-300-2856
Premier Skin Clinic
1603 Oakridge Dr., Ste. 200, FC 970-221-1285 www.premierskinclinic.com
Total Vein Care
1136 E. Stuart St., Ste. 4102, FC 970-614-5110 www.totalvein.net
Colorado Clinic
7251 W. 20th St., Bldg. N, Ste. 1 GR, 970-710-3551
3810 N. Grant Ave., LV 970-707-5257 www.coloradoclinic.com
UCHealth Surgical Clinics
2121 E. Harmony Rd., Bldg. A-1, Ste. 330, FC
2500 Rocky Mountain Ave. Ste. 2200, LV 970-221-5878
5881 W. 16th St., GR 970-356-2426, www.uchealth.org
Associates in Family Medicine
Urgent Care
CSU, 151 W. Lake St., Ste. 1500 FC, 970-293-3876
3519 Richmond Dr., FC 970-682-7981
1683 Main St., WS, 970-545-7209 www.afmfc.com
Banner Urgent Care
3617 S. College Ave., Ste. C, FC 970-821-1500
2015 35th Ave., GR, 970-810-4155
2555 E. 13th St., Ste. 110, LV 970-820-4264, https://urgentcare. bannerhealth.com
Concentra Urgent Care
620 S. Lemay Ave., FC 970-221-5811 www.concentra.com
UCHealth Urgent Care
2127 E. Harmony Rd., Ste. 140 FC, 970-297-6250
1900 16th St., GR, 970-652-2454
3850 N. Grant Ave., Ste. 200, LV 970-624-5150, www.uchealth.org
Eye Center of Northern Colorado
1725 E. Prospect Rd., FC
3151 Precision Dr., FC 1701 61st Ave., GR 2555 13th St. Ste. 225, LV 6125 Sky Pond Dr., LV 970-221-2222 www.eyecenternoco.com
Kirk Eye Center
3650 E. 15th St., LV 970-669-1107 www.kirkeyecenter.com
See Life Family Vision Source
2867 35th Ave., GR
2108 35th Ave., GR 970-356-0100 www.seelifevision.com
The Eyes Have It
102 W. Mountain Ave., FC 970-407-0665 www.theeyeshaveitfc.com
Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center
515 Main St., WS, 970-460-0154 www.windsorvisionsource.com
her mother’s unexpected Alzheimer’s diagnosis, Cynthia Jensen contacted Dementia Together’s founder, Cyndy Lusinski. Cynthia was stressed, frustrated and had no idea how to begin caring for her mother. Luzinski’s quiet demeanor calmed Cynthia and guaranteed her that she wasn’t alone in her and her mother’s dementia journey.
Eventually, Cynthia learned about the Contented Dementia program Luzinski promotes and felt Dementia Together a deserving place to donate her time. Cynthia has served on the board for approximately six years. Once the organization developed a free meal drop plan for dementia families, Cynthia volunteered to coordinate the program.
Cynthia plans and purchases meals from, preferably, family-owned restaurants. She helps distribute the meals between ten or so drivers, including herself and her husband Terry. Invariably, the restaurant owners have a family member or know of someone with dementia and offer a discount on meals to the organization.
“I was asked if I wanted to JUST drop off the meals or stay and visit,” says Cynthia. She understood the isolation and loneliness of those navigating the dementia journey. “I chose to visit. I start a conversation and then sit back and listen as people talk.” They seldom have anyone to talk to other than their loved one, many of whom can no longer carry on a conversation.
Terry says, “We are Dementia Together’s servants. We do the smaller jobs so the leaders can do the bigger jobs for which they are trained.” Terry explains he nor Cynthia are teachers. They haven’t the skills to carry out the organization’s programs. “Luzinski
and her partners don’t need to plan, pick up and drop off meals. We can do those things.”
Not only do the Jensen’s do the meal drops, but they also allow Dementia Together free use of their basement for office space and storage. “We had six children,” says Terry. “Our house is big and mostly unused. The office is only occupied Monday mornings two to three weeks out of a month.”
Terry also plays pool with dementia patients. “We don’t play by any rules. It doesn’t matter,” says Terry, “as long as they enjoy the outing. We visit Sports Emporium every Friday when dementia
patients play free from 12-1:30pm.”
In the past, Cynthia drove for Senior Alternative IN Transportation (Saints). She enjoyed getting to know her clients as she took them to facilities to visit spouses, the grocery store or beauty shop.
Cynthia and Terry Jensen promote the organization to anyone they meet, including some police officers who noticed the Dementia Together sign on the back of Terry’s truck. They passionately give back to the dementia community and teach dementia families they are not alone in their dementia journey.