RM Parent Magazine | September | 2022

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2 | RMPARENT (970) 266-9999 | 4519 College Ave. | Fort Collins Corner of College & Harmony next to onceuponachildfortcollins.comMcDonald’s| B Mon - Sat: 11am-7pm, Sun: 11am-6pm PAYING CA$H FOR KIDS STUFF ALLBUYINGSEASONSEVERYDAY!


4 | RMPARENT ! $ (970) 224-2866 • 111 N. College Ave. BabyClothesToysBooksShoesGiftsMaternity YOUR Adventure Begins Shop in-store, by phone or at ClothesPony.com 9/30/22

RMPARENT | 5 22 Greeley-Evans D6 District 6 opens two new schools: Greeley West High School and Tointon Pre-Engineering Academy 24 Poudre PSD Supply Our Students Program provides school supplies, Timnath and Wellington Middle-High Schools open for the 2022-23 school year 26 Thompson Berthoud High School 1975-76 Girls’ Basketball Team—starting from scratch contents 6 Perspective The lure of the open road—Let one family’s travels inspire your next adventure 8 Family Health The value of chores—To engage them, make it fun 10 Family Fun The wide world of sports—Watch, play and try a new sport 12 Family Favorites Kid’s camping gear—Solar lantern, colorful fire, child carrier 14 Family Living Family road tripping—Autumn in the Black Hills 28 Community news Give and get support in your community— Imagination Library, Day of Caring and youth board openings 32 Calendar Events and activities for parents, kids and families 36 Time out Tween's communication skills DEPARTMENTS FEATURE SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWS 18 Shyness is okay How shy is too shy? Most kids get over shyness but if your child is showing signs of social anxiety it might be time to get help. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT SPECIAL SECTIONS Find programs and activities to enrich your children’s lives. Harvest Season 2022 LOCAL FOOD AND FARM GUIDE INSIDE: PreservingPeachespage4 YOUR GUIDE TO FARM STANDS AND FARMERS MARKETS Enjoy delicious peaches by preserving them. Find a method that works for you. After the Bell Bounty: Local Food and Farm Guide

“Well,“Where?”it’smaybe six hours south of Tucson. I think we could be there the next afternoon if we leave at 4am the first day.”

I GET THIS HAPPY, elated feeling when we head out on a road trip. Maybe you do too. As home fades farther into the distance, the details and stresses of daily life fade away too and the lure of the open road pulls me along. Where will we go today? What might we see? What adventures await? It starts with an idea, maybe a suggestion from a friend, maybe a story in a magazine (see below), maybe a random picture on your screen-saver. And for whatever reason, it hooks you, and that idea starts to bake, and maybe you get a little obsessed with it and do some initial planning until one day you say it out loud. “Honey, I think we should drive down to San Carlos in Sonora.”

SEPTEMBER 2022 • Volume 26, Issue 4 PUBLISHER Scott Titterington, Kristinscott.rmpublishing@gmail.com(970)221-9210EDITORTitterington,(970)221-9210kristin.rmpublishing@gmail.comCREATIVEDIRECTOREmilyZaynardemily.rmpublishing@gmail.comADVERTISINGSALESDIRECTOR

ROCKYsusan.rmpublishing@gmail.comgreg.rmpublishing@gmail.comDISTRIBUTIONMANAGERSusanHartingCOVERPHOTOISTOCKCONTRIBUTINGWRITERSTheresaBaer,LeaHanson,LynnU.Nichols,ClaireL.SableMOUNTAINPUBLISHINGPOBox740 Collins, CO 80522 Voice 221-9210 • Fax 221-8556

essarily reflect the opinions of Rocky Mountain Publishing. ©2022 Rocky Mountain Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without express written permission is prohibited.

ThePerspectivelureofthe open road

I hope that her stories become those little bits of inspiration, along with some solid information, that help you motivate to head out on a familyI’madventure.lookingforward to seeing where she takes us next.

Bon Scottvoyage,

The long drive is remembered for the meal stops or the occasional crummy bathroom or outstanding scenery, not the “are we there yet?” grousing. What you do remember is the hike up the hill for the great sunset and paddling around the bay in clear water with dolphins jumping nearby.

We’re kicking off an intermittent series this month that spotlights one family’s road trips along with highlights and recommendations, complete with websites. Katie Harris had been a regular contributor to RM Parent and we’re excited to welcome her back. The first place that she takes us is the Black Hills in South Dakota where she details family-friendly excursions based on what she and her family experienced.

“It’s“O…K…?”aboutthe closest nice beach and we can get a house on the shore at a good rate and maybe camp in the dunes for a few nights.”



Not all road trips have to be life-changing epics. We live in one of the best spots for a quick road trip—a long weekend will do.

And then you look at some maps and find some pictures on the web and talk to the kids and before you know it, you’re pulling out of the garage at 4am, eating breakfast in Santa Fe and checking into a hotel in Tucson.

Greg Hoffman, (970)689-6832



RMPARENT | 7 Lodging, Campground, Restaurant & Bar, Hiking, Fishing, Disk Golf & More www.beavermeadows.com • 970-881-2450 Get Away Close to Home ~ Yet Far Away Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, 80545 Book Your Fall NOWVacation Visit us on Facebook for upcoming events.

Another way to liven things up— combine some fun, predictable traditions to go with chore day. For example, the morning can start with a favorite breakfast food like pancakes, kids can choose music to accompany their chores and they can vote on what the reward will be once the chores are completed.

8 |

Chores now mean greater competence later

HOUSEHOLD CHORES ARE generally viewed as dreaded obligations that no one wants to do. But with a little reframing, a touch of playfulness and a well-earned reward on the other end, house and yard work can actually provide parents with some excellent ways to teach their kids the value of teamwork, cooperation, responsibility, taking initiative and the concept of a job well done. And research backs this up.

conducted by Marty Rossman, emeritus associate professor of family education at the University of Minnesota, found that by “involving children in tasks, parents teach their children a sense of responsibility, competence, selfreliance, and self-worth that stays with them throughout their lives.” And Rossman says the earlier children start helping out, the better. So when it’s time to get all the toys off the floor and into the toy box, get your little one to take part. They will thank you down the road. To engage them, make it fun

ALL WORK AND NO PLAY makes Jack a dull boy, but what if Jack gets to jump into a big pile of leaves before putting them into the leaf bag? And what if vacuuming is not just vacuuming but is also a dance competition? It may sound silly and will likely look even sillier, but if the vacuum is on, it’s sucking up the dirt no matter what kind of crazy dance steps are happening at the other end of the handle, and meantime, the idea that chores don’t have to be drudgery is taking root in your child’s mind.

A study titled Involving Children in Household Tasks: Is it worth the effort?


CLAIRE L. SABLEFamily Health The value of chores

USUALLY RUNNING in a million different directions. Between work, school, after-school activities and homework, there is often little opportunity for those meaningful conversations that deepen understanding and strengthen bonds. But chores done as a family can set the stage for you and your kids to have those unstructured conversations that might not come up during the usual course of the day. You can suggest a specific topic or just let things unfold naturally.

Chore time can pave the way for deeper connection

Another way to approach chore time in a way that is both productive and promotes interaction, is to do fun knowledge challenges such as having your child name all 50 states or state capitals, or name all the U.S. presidents, or practice spelling words, or doing times tables. The possibilities are endless.

RMPARENT | 9 MindsColorfulTutoring • Private, in-home literacy tutoring • For 1st through 3rd grade students • Centrally located in Fort Collins villadeasj@comcast.net970-420-8635 Amy Ferrara Literacy Tutor Certified Teacher $35 per hour References Available Our soft play is designed specifically for kids aged 6-months to 6-years! (970) 632-8451 • LittleExplorersNoco.comBIRTHDAY PARTIES • WEDDINGS • EVENTS We Come to You! Portable Play Packages Safe, Clean, AccessibleSERVINGALL OF NORTHERN COLORADO! PersonalizeYourPlaytime!


Try a new sport together

• A1 Wildwater www.a1wildwater.com A Wanderlust Adventure www.awanderlustadventure.com Jax Outdoor Gear https://stores.jaxgoods.com Lake Estes Marina estes-marinahttps://evrpd.colorado.gov/lakeMountain Rentals www.mountainrentalsinc.com Mountain Whitewater www.raftmw.com REI www.rei.com/rentals Paddle Board @ the Comedy Overlook https://suphorsetooth.com What’s SUP www.nocosup.com

UNC Bears: 17 intercollegiate teams at the NCAA Division Big Sky Conference level. https://uncbears.com

CSU Rams: 14 men’s and women’s sports at the NCAA Division 1 Mountain West Conference level. https://csurams.com

WatchPickleballorlocal sports Racquet sports such as pickleball have become popular activities among all ages. You could even get grandparents out there playing.

Greeley-Evans School District 6 High School Athletics: www.greeleyschools.org/Page/14519

10 | RMPARENT THERESA BAERFamily Fun The wide world of sports

NOW THAT THE RIVER WATER levels are lower and while the weather is still warm, consider Stand up paddle boarding (SUP), rafting or kayaking. Look to the following companies for lessons, professionally led trips and rentals of life jackets, boards, helmets, kayaks, etc.

Fort Collins Parks & Recreation recamenitieswww.fcgov.com/parks/ Highland Meadows Tennis Center meadowstenniscenter.comwww.highland

Lewis Tennis School www.lewistennis.com Loveland Parks & Recreation https://bit.ly/3QHZzZx Rolland Moore Racquet Complex https://bit.ly/3dPpksi

WHETHER IT’S WATCHING as a group or actively playing as a family, sports are a great way to connect. This month, we share some ideas for local options on both fronts.

Colorado Eagles: Central Hockey League team plays at the Budweiser Events Center, www.coloradoeagles.comLV.

Poudre School District High School Athletics: Attend games or www.psdathletics.org/ticketing.stream.

Thompson School District High School Athletics: www.thompsonschools.org/page/22311

Fort Collins Foxes: collegiate baseball team plays June through July at City Park, FC. www.fortcollinsfoxes.com

RMPARENT | 11 AN EVEN LARGER SELECTION OF GREAT TOYS AND GIFTS! 970-674-2997 1290 Main Street | knowledgebound.netWindsor $7 OFF Valid through Sept 30 RMPN22 any purchase of $35 or more. www.JohnsonCustomFlooringandDesign.com CabinetLuxuryQuartziteTileGraniteQuartzVinylTileHardwoodCarpetNaturalStoneHardware Dedicated to creating the home of your dreams Single Rooms • Remodels • New Construction 970-663-1266 2093 E. 11thLovelandStreet FREE Competitive Estimates • Quality products for ALL budgets

LUCI Color Solar Lantern Buy local: JAX Fort Collins

GOING CAMPING WITH CHILDREN doesn’t have to be a nightmare. It doesn’t even have to be a hassle. They need so much stuff, right? Wrong. Well, they don’t need any more stuff than you or I would, at least. Camping with kids is truly wonderful, whether you choose to rent a cabin, take an RV, or set up a tent on the ground. Kids are into it and watching them discover the great outdoors is a beautiful thing. But having the right gear is important for adults and kids alike.

Liberty Mountain Colorful Fire Buy local: Johnstown Scheels

Why settle for one color when you can have eight? Choose the mood by setting a color, or cycle through them all in sequence. Like all Luci lights, it’s waterproof, lightweight, and completely solar. Kids have fun in the tent, finding their way around the campsite, and event searching for kindling using this fun lantern. It even has a battery level indicator so that you know how much power is left. Weighs 4.4 ounces.

A double halo harness features front-facing arm loops for easier loading and buckling. Reviews say it’s comfortable and fits tall and short adults alike. It has a removable drool pad, toy attachment loops, and a zippered lower compartment for extra storage. Other features include a built-in sunshade and loops and pockets that provide your mini me access to toys and their pacifier. It is lightweight (considering) and recommends carrying kids who weigh between 16-48 pounds—so it lasts a few years.

Osprey Packs Poco Plus Child Carrier Buy from: JAX Fort Collins

Favorite Things: Kids’ Camping Gear



Everything is more fun when it’s a rainbow! Colorful Fire is no ordinary flame colorant! Colorful Fire packets are environmentally friendly and produce no smoke, no odor, and no noxious fumes. It comes in a convenient package that is light, moisture and air resistant, resulting in a tremendously long shelf life.


RMPARENT | 13 SW corner of Horsetooth & College, west of Safeway 970-225-1040 172 North College Avenue buttercreamcupcakery.com970-482-2505 Buy one cupcake Get one FREE!

Family road tripping: Autumn in the Black Hills

THERE’S NO BETTER TIME to visit South Dakota than autumn, when temperatures are mild, leaves are at peak fall color, and summer crowds have dispersed. The easily manageable six hour drive to Rapid City, where we recommend setting up base camp, paired with the strong selection of kid-friendly and unique activities in the area, make this our first family road tripping

Day 1 Day 2 DayDay34


VISIT THE BADLANDS, an hour’s drive from Rapid City, where trails of all lengths and difficulty levels abound. Door Trail and Window Trail are family

final day in South Dakota. Reptile Gardens are the place to go for giant tortoises and the chance to hold a snake (www.reptilegardens.com), Dinosaur Park features several dino statues perfect for climbing around on (www.blackhillsbadlands.com), and the active dig site at The Mammoth Site is a great stop for budding paleontologists (www.mammothsite.org) on the way back to Colorado.

While in Keystone, check out Big Thunder Gold Mine for gold panning and a mine tour (www.bigthundermine.com). Bear Country USA is a must-do back in Rapid City. A favorite for all ages, Bear Country is a drive through zoo of a whole different animal. Be prepared to stop as black bears, arctic wolves, and mule deer, among others make appearances out the windows, sometimes crossing right in front of your car blackhillsbadlands.com).1-mileStopgoldenmoreformationsfrom(www.bearcountryusa.com).TAKEADRIVEONTHEscenicNeedleHighway,anhourRapidCity.Theuniquerockalongthewayareevenstunningwhenframedbyaspenthistimeofyear.andstretchyourlegsontheSylvanLakeTrailloop(www.WhatSouthDakotaroadtripwould be complete without a chuckwagon dinner? Check out Blue Bell Lodge’s hay ride and chuckwagon dinner, where you’ll likely spot a herd of bison along the way, or visit Fort Hays Chuckwagon Show for dinner and entertainment at the old set of Dances with Wolves (www.custerresorts.com or www.mountrushmoretours.com, reservations required).


DEPARTrecommendation!RAPIDCITYand make the 30 minute drive to Keystone, where your first stop awaits! Enter Mount Rushmore through the Avenue of Flags, being sure to stop at the visitors centers along the way (www.nps. gov/moru/index.htm).

“Introverts can be shy, and shy people can be introverts, but the two personality features are not the same. Introverts are socially cautious but not socially uncomfortable like a shy person may be,” Mesinger adds.

There’s shyness and introversion, and then there’s social anxiety. If your child not only struggles in social situations but also wants to leave situations to isolate alone, it might be social anxiety. If this sounds like your child, consider seeking help from a child counselor or therapist so that your child can live a full life. Social anxiety can be serious and life limiting.

Lynn U Nichols

DO YOU EVER WISH YOUR son would raise his hand more often in class? Or do you ever want your daughter to look your neighbor in the eye when saying hello? Having a shy child can feel challenging, but know that being shy is okay.“Shyness is not something parents generally need to worry about. It’s common in young children and it usually resolves on its own,” says Brian Mesinger, PhD, a pediatric psychologist with The Youth Clinic in Northern Colorado. Extroverts vs. introverts, they’re both good You might think that being an extrovert is best. It’s a message that our society gives loud and clear—it’s better to be outgoing and extroverted, than withdrawn and shy. Yet some kids have an inner confidence that they don’t have to announce to the world. If you have a shy child, do your best to send the message that quiet can be strong, and shyness isn’t bad. “The most important thing is to make sure your child doesn’t selfidentify as being a bad or unacceptable kid because they’re shy. Avoid framing shyness as a negative so your child doesn’t view him or herself as bad or defective,” Mesinger says. It’s true, being outgoing does have social advantages. Loud, outgoing kids tend to make friends more quickly, but on the flipside they can also alienate friends with unfiltered comments. On the other hand, shy kids might have fewer friendships, but they are more lasting. That’s because shy kids tend to cultivate and approach friendships moreYouthoughtfully.mightequate shyness with introversion, but surprisingly, the two are not the same. It all depends on the situation. Introverts can be perfectly comfortable in social situations that they can regulate, for example, being with new people at home, or being with family in public. Where it can get dicey is when nothing is predictable or controllable. Yet a shy person might feel discomfort even in a predictable situation.

Social anxiety can be limiting and serious


How shy is too shy?

Shyness is okay

“Children with social anxiety don’t adjust well to school and struggle

Feeling some social stress is natural.

The best way to help your shy son express himself is to let it come naturally, and then offer specific praise. Also, point out positive outcomes, as in, ‘I noticed that after you smiled at Ethan he came over and asked you to play.’


RMPARENT | 19 making friends,” Mesinger says. “It’s important for children to be exposed to new situations, new personalities and new challenges or their emotional and psychological growth can suffer and stall.”

When your preteen or teen seems down, reassure her that feeling lonely, unconfident, or like she doesn’t measure up at times is normal. Remind her that her friends and peers feel the same way, even if it doesn’t seem that way.

• Tell her that she is just fine, that she can get through a challenge, that you believe in her, and that she will be okay.

Helping shy kids blossom

While it might be tempting to jump in and direct your daughter on what to do or how to act, resist. Even if you are embarrassed that she won’t give your sister who’s visiting a hug, or won’t say hi to a friend, don’t force it. That only creates anxiety and possibly sets a negative pattern in motion, making a similar situation go harder in the future.

your shy shineteen

• Suggest breaks from social media, especially when your teen feels low. Discuss how people on social media often only show one side of themselves, always presenting the best light—which isn’t necessarily an honest representation.

Try worry practice To help your child blossom beyond shy feelings, Mesinger recommends what he calls ‘worry practice’ several times a week. For example, to help your son engage socially, have him practice in easy places, like buying a toy at the dollar store and talking with the clerk. Or, when you are dining out, encourage your daughter to order on her own. Social situations that revolve around a planned activity are also easier—like lessons or team sports. They naturally lend themselves to conversations more than, say, an unstructured play date. Finally, be a good social model. Talk about times you felt scared or shy and explain how you overcame it. Be social with a stranger in front of your daughter and let her observe. And when she tries, offer encouragement. “Even if it’s hard to watch your children struggle, they need the exposure, the practice, and they need to work through things on their own,” Mesinger says.

With a little help, your shy child is going to be just fine. If you think your son is not engaging in life enough, know that he probably is, just in his own observant and thoughtful way.

• Brainstorm different ways to handle various situations. Encourage him to try something new, yet safe, where positive results are expected. It could be a volunteer opportunity, a neighborhood job doing something he enjoys like watching animals, or a fun get together among your friends who have teens.

If your child has a hard time making friends or participating in class, it can help to rehearse what to say in different social situations. That way, the words will be ready when a similar moment arises. It also helps to let your child know what to expect when walking into a new situation.

“Acknowledge that a situation might feel challenging but reassure your child that everyone feels that way sometimes, even you, and tell him or her that they are going to be okay,” Mesinger adds. Help your young child understand what nervousness feels like—when you feel a flutter in your tummy or your body feels jittery—so she can identify the feeling, name it, and gain more sense of control.

“Keep in mind that trying to coach your child during a stressful event doesn’t work. A brain under stress can’t take in new information,” Mesinger says.


SERVING high school students in Longmont, Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor, Fort Morgan, Sterling and surrounding. To learn more: Goalac.org Or call: (877-776-4625)877-PRO-GOAL site


Colorado’s Largest High School Holds “Staff Meeting”

More than 500 employees converged to be together at Colorado State University Pueblo for their annual “GOAL Forum,” for celebration, training, and kickoff to the 2022-23 school year. Chief Executive Officer Constance Jones and Board President Ted Del Duca welcomed the large and excited crowd who were then treated to a power-packed eight-minute video created by GOAL’s in-house communications team. The video traced the trials and tribulations of one of GOAL’s 1,016 graduates in the class of 2022. Not a dry eye in the house was to be found as the story turned from tragedy to triumph before their eyes. Over a thousand lives were changed and GOAL’s mission was accomplished—to develop productive members of society. Now comes the challenge of a new year and an anticipated student body of over 5,000 students. If the two-day forum is any indication, the school is more than up to the GOALtask!isa charter high school birthed in Pueblo in 2007 and now authorized under District 49. GOAL serves the needs of over 500 Pueblo students yearly. The school is free, public, fully accredited, and in great standing with the Colorado Department of Education as a “performance” rated school. All curriculum is delivered online, but in-person support is available for physical, academic, or socialemotional needs. Student drop-in centers provide a comfortable, socially distanced, and relaxed learning environment. Highly qualified staff are excited and eager to help students whether face-to-face or virtually.Asapioneer in their unique educational model, GOAL continues to break new ground in the world of transformational education. They do so powered by technology partners including Microsoft and Lenovo. This year the school is expanding its Career and Technical Education program to include additional liaisons statewide to coordinate internships, job-shadowing, and work-based learning opportunities. These pathways have proven to be successful in raising graduation rates and lowering high school dropoutGOALrates.High School, the largest Microsoft Showcase school in the world, boasts a social programming component that continues to expand including, but not limited to, statewide art club, Perfect World Music Academy, GOAL Ventures experiential-learning program, student council, proms, and community partnership and service

for more information or a



Peaches are for sale everywhere this time of year. We are bom barded with pallets of peaches, encouraged to buy them as fundraisers, EZ Ups on every corner, and more. With our kitchens filled with pallets of peaches, we’re suddenly inundated with the responsibility to do something with them. Luckily, peaches are one of the easiest fruits to preserve and there are many ways to do it. There are many ways to preserve the goodness of peaches well past the harvest season. Examples in clude canning, freezing, making salsa, or makingPeachespreserves.provide vitamins A and C, are a good source of fiber and are low in calories. One raw medium peach (147 grams) has 50 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol and sodium, 15 grams of carbohydrate, 13 grams of sug ar, 2 grams of fiber and 1 gram of pro tein. It provides six percent of your daily vitamin A needs and 15 percent of daily vitamin C needs. One medium peach also contains two percent or more daily value of vitamins E and K, niacin, folate, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Preserving fruit is much easier than most novices think it will be and the tools needed are minimal. Actually, besides purchasing a bulk of canning jars, most people already have utensils that will work in the house. Although many specialty items are for sale, they usually simply make the process easier, but aren’t required to complete the task.



Canning, Jamming, Freezing, Salsa Lea Hanson

Choose ripe, mature peaches of ideal quality for eating fresh or cooking. Peaches should be firm, or “give” slightly and should have a strong, sweet smell and a yellowish golden background color. To peel, dip peaches in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds until skins loosen. Dip quickly in cold water and slip offCutskins.inhalf, remove pits and slice, if desired. To prevent darkening, keep peeled peaches in ascorbic acid solution (1 teaspoon or 3000 milligrams ascorbic acid or vitamin C per gallon of water), or use a commercial ascorbic acid mix ture according to directions on package. Drain when ready to process.


Also known as sugar packing Many believe sugar packing is the best way to preserve the taste of fruit. To sugar pack, start by dissolving ¼ teaspoon ascorbic acid in 3 tablespoons cold water and add to each quart of peaches to slow darkening. Then, add ⅔ cup sugar to each quart (1⅓ pounds) of prepared fruit. Next, stir gently until sugar is dissolved or let stand 15 minutes. Place into containers, seal, label, and freeze.


First, what’s the difference? Hot pack ing is the practice of heating freshly prepared food to boiling, simmering it 2 to 5 minutes, and promptly filling jars loosely with the boiled food. Raw pack ing is more suitable for fruits and vege tables processed in a pressure canner. To hot pack peaches, first place drained fruit in a large saucepan with syrup, water or juice and bring to boil. Next, fill jars with hot fruit and cooking liquid, leaving ½-inch headspace. Place peach halves in layers with the cut side facing down. Adjust the jar lids and process in a boiling-water canner: 20 minutes for pints, 25 minutes for quarts at altitudes up to 1,000 feet. To raw pack, fill hot jars with raw fruit, cut side down, and add hot water, juice, or syrup, leaving ½-inch head space. Adjust the jar lids and process in a boiling water canner: 25 minutes for pints, 30 minutes for quarts at altitudes up to 1,000 feet.

Everything you eat starts with how it is raised and how it

PEACH JAM Yield: About 8 half-pint jars Making jam is usually the task that seems most difficult… but like the processes described above, is easier than most assume. Begin by combining two quarts crushed, peeled peaches and ½ cup water; cook gently for 10 minutes. Add 6 cups sugar; slowly bring to boiling, stirring occasionally until sugar dissolves. Cook rapidly until thick, about 15 minutes; stir frequently to prevent sticking. Next, pour hot jam into sterilized canning jars, leaving ¼–inchWipeheadspace.jarrims and adjust lids; they will be quite sticky later if you don’t. Process (seal) jars in a boiling water bath canner for 5 minutes at altitudes up to 1,000 feet. Add 1 minute of processing time for each additional 1,000 feet. Adding pectin is easy simply by following the manufacturer’s directions on the pectin box. All Natural makes all the difference. gets to you. Know what you and your family



are eating. • Black Angus cattle selected for high marbling genetics, locally farm-raised in large pastures in a low stress environment • NEVER EVER given antibiotics, hormones, or steroids or fed animal by-products • Available by quarter, half, or whole, cut and packaged just the way you want it • Dry-aged 21 days for tender, moist, consistently great flavor.OFFERWE www.blueskyfarmcolorado.com (970) 222-7147 • Rbluesky8@msn.com • Windsor, CO Please request a cutting instruction sheet to place your order. LET US SHARE WHOLESOME, NUTRITIOUS, AND SAFE NATURAL BEEF WITH A TASTE YOU CAN TRUST.

Yields: Approximately 2 to 2½ pounds peaches for a 1-quart jar. Prepare and boil syrup, using ½ cup (very light), 1 cup (light) or 1¾ cup (medium) sugar per quart of water, de pending on desired sweetness. Or pack peaches in water, apple juice or white grape juice.




4 | RMPARENT | AFTER THE BELL 970-663-3173 • Premiergymnastics.net 1410 East 11th Street • Loveland The Dream Starts Here! Offering gymnastics classes for ages 18 months to 18 years of age in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. H H Bring in this ad and receive 2 free classes! H H — For new customers only — • Beginner - Advanced Girls & Boys • Kids Open Gyms • Birthday Parties • Preschool Classes • Aerial & Parkour Classes • Summer Camps • Competitive Teams • Tumbling Classes


6 | RMPARENT | AFTER THE BELL All tickets and admission fees are paid by the camp. The only items your child needs to bring every day are a lunch, water bottle, sunscreen and appropriate clothing or extras (such as swimsuits or towels). Activities Include: MUSEUMS • FORT FUN • PUTT PUTT • TOURS • ARTS AND CRAFTS MOVIES • BUMPER BOWLINGS • ROLLER SKATING • SWIMMING A nondenominational Bible study begins each day Call Cat Colonna at: 970-786-9809 nocokidsacademy.com/summercamp cat@nocokidsacademy.com Fully-licensed day camp for grades 1-6 NOCO KIDS SUMMER CAMP Formerly Choice City Christian Camp For Grades 1-6 • Camp runs concurrently through school summer break. • Infant Program (Fort Collins Only) • Toddler Program • Preschool Program • Utilize Creative Curriculum • Nutritious Breakfast, Lunch & Snack • Financial Assistance Available • Dedicated Professional Staff • Nonprofit Agency • Qualistar Rated FORT COLLINS CENTER 424 Pine St. Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) 493-2628teaching-tree.org 6:30OPEN: am - 6:00pm ALL YEAR LOVELAND CENTER 2109 Maple Dr. Loveland, CO 80538 (970) 667-7240 FINANCI A L AID & SCHOLARSHIP Become a Healer GIFT CARDS FOR SALE Calltoscheduleyourmassage. 970-353-1047 www.natural-therapy.com | 625 8th Ave. | Greeley NaturalAllLotionsForSale CELEBRATING32YEARS! Studenttherapistsavailable at discounted rates.

Now Registering for FALL!

22 | RMPARENT School District News: Greeley-Evans D6

District 6 cuts ribbon on new Greeley West High School

Bob, who attended the ceremony with several of his family members, said it is an honor to have the academy carry his family’s name. “On behalf of my family, I want you to know that we are honored and humbled by the naming of this school,” Tointon said during the ceremony. “I am proud that a legacy of the Tointon family in Greeley, Colorado will be this building and that generations of leaders, teachers and students will benefit from all that will happen inside the walls of this school.”TheTointon Academy of Pre-Engineering is a preschool-eighth grade school. This year, the school is preschool through sixth grade. Seventh grade will be added next year and eighth grade the following year. Project Lead the Way Curriculum will be used to infuse learningcollaborativeengineeringof-the-artTheareasprinciplesengineeringacrosscontentforeverygradelevel.schoolhasstate-scienceandlabs,aswellasandoutdoorspaces.

The Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering officially opened to the public Thursday night, August 18, with a ribbon cutting ceremony and community openThehouse.school opened its doors to students on August 11, but Thursday was the first time members of the general public have been invited to view the new school, located on 71st Avenue between 10th Street and 4th Street. The Tointon Academy of PreEngineering is the first nonreplacement school to open in District 6 in more than two decades.Theschool was named after Bob and Betty Tointon, long-time Greeley residents and strong supporters of public education. The Tointons have supported blended learning initiatives in the district, as well as starting and supporting the Student Recovery Program. The Tointons have also been strong supporters of the Mill Levy Override and bond issues for District 6.

Tointon AcademyPre-EngineeringopensinD6

WITH A SNIP OF THE SCISSORS, a new era officially began Tuesday, August 9, for Greeley West High School, as GreeleyEvans School District 6 officially opened the new school, replacing a 60-yearold building that had numerous challenges and structural issues. “We are so fortunate to be supported by this community,” Superintendent Dr. Deirdre Pilch said. Greeley West Student Body President Sam Providence said the new building matches the strength and character of the students that attend and will attend Greeley West. The 280,000 square foot building is constructed to educate 1,800 students. It includes a Career and Technical Education wing that houses the agriculture and horticulture program, welding and construction trades, a culinary arts program, business, as well as fine arts. The 650-seat auditorium includes an orchestra pit and state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems.

NOW ENROLLING! Arts and Imagination is a fresh approach to early childhood education. We view children as capable, strong, resilient and overflowing with knowledge, curiosity and potential. We value their thought journey and foster learning through our unique program. At Arts and Imagination we believe in a thoughtfull development of art, academics, and peace education. 2430 W. Prospect Rd. | Fort Collins, CO | 970-556-3759 | ArtsAndImagination.com

Timnath and Wellington Middle-High Schools open

24 | RMPARENT School District News: Poudre


Middle-High School, 4700 E. Prospect Road in Timnath, and Wellington Middle-High School, 2856 Cleveland Ave. in Wellington, wel comed students in grades 6-10 on Aug. 16, PSD’s first day of school. Both schools will grow to serve students through grade 12 and can accommodate up to 1,500Timnathstudents.andWelling ton Middle-High Schools, along with Bamford Ele mentary, which opened last school year, are new schools funded by the 2016 bond. Visit the PSD website at schools.orgwww.psdtoreadabout their kick-off events.

DISTRICT, Timnath and Wellington communities celebrated the future while honoring the past during grand opening events of the new Timnath and Wellington Middle-High Schools. Timnath’s open house event was July 22 and Wellington’s celebration was Aug. 11, held just before the start of the new schoolTimnathyear.

Supply Our Students Program Getting fresh crayons, glue sticks and notebooks add to the excitement and anticipation of a new school. To ensure all kids experience that and are ready to learn, PSD and community partners are working together to provide brand-new school supplies for students in need. “It’s a monumental task requiring countless hours of work, hundreds of volun teers, and substantial re sources. Supplying our stu dents in need is profound and we can’t thank our partners enough for their incredible commitment,” says Nick Peterson, coordi nator of PSD Business and CommunitySchoolsDevelopment.workwith the PSD Partnership Cen ter to distribute school supplies to students in need. Families who need assistance with school supplies should contact theirManyschool.thanks to PSD partners: Colorado State University’s (CSU) School is Cool, OtterCares’ Pack 2School programs, Intel, Realities for Children, Vol unteers of America, Front Range Community College and Staples. For informa tion about donating school supplies, please contact Peterson at psdschools.org.npeterson@

WHEN TITLE IX WAS PASSED in 1972, making it possible for girls to play competitive sports in high school, Berthoud High jumped at the chance to have a girls’ basketball team. Gay Hughes was hired to be the team’s first coach in 1974, and as she recalls it, starting a program from scratch was exciting— but also challenging. “We had practiced two weeks when we had first game,” Gay recalls. “At that first scrimmage, I was laughing so hard I couldn’t even blow the whistle.”

“We imitated what we saw the boys do, but there was nothing organized for us. Up until then, cheerleading was all you could do. Managing the teams was ok too, but when the opportunity came up that we were going to get to play and participate like the boys, it was like ‘oh yeah, I’m all in.’” By the second year, the team seemed to click, and in 1976, just four years after the passage of Title IX, the Berthoud girls’ basketball team beat Windsor High and Weld Central High in a competitive tournament that would be talked about for years to Havingcome.lost to both of those teams earlier in the season, the Berthoud team was eager for the rematches.“Inthe tournament we beat Windsor and beat Weld Central by exactly what they had beaten us by earlier,”

Teresa says, recalling that the gym was full for the girls’ games that season, and the crowds were excited to see the girls play. “It was novel at the time to go to the girls’ games. Attendance was great— parents, of course, but the kids got into it too.” Winning the tournament meant the girls’ team went to the District tournament and played Burlington in front of a packed crowd. “The gym held 600 completely packed, but we had 700 that night,” Teresa recalls. “They put bleachers on the stage.” Burlington beat the Berthoud Spartans 52-47, but the team had earned the respect of their school—and their town. Barb (Straight) Day was also on the 1975-76 team, and she says the lessons she learned being part of the inaugural basketball program have stayed with her throughout her life.

26 | RMPARENT School District News: Thompson

“Teamwork, communication, confidence. Learning how to win and lose, and how to do both with dignity and grace,” Barb says. “You learn how to be competitive and survive in a very competitive world.” Barb played basketball in college as well and is grateful for everything she gained from athletics.

Berthoud High School 1975-76 Girls’ Basketball Team

Teresa (Beck) Rimsky was a starter on that team, and she has many fond memories of those first years of girls’ athletics in schools.

RMPARENT | 27 Now Enrolling! Ages 12 months to 4 Years Nurturing Atmosphere Excelled Academic Learning Specialized Learning Curriculum Teaching With Kindness & Openness Visit us at NoCoKidsNest.Com 5137 South College Ave Conveniently located between Fort Collins and Loveland 970-232-9665 | NoCoKidsNest.Com

High schoolers have an opportunity to better understand local government and provide input on youthoriented issues through the Youth Advisory Board. Applications are open for Fort Collins residents interested in serving on this board which gathers information from local youth and other organizations regarding youth-oriented issues and then oncommunitymorely/3PI1knV.applyprogram.high19mustyear.perCouncil.recommendationsmakestoCityMeetingsareoncemonthduringtheschoolEligibleapplicantsbeundertheageofandcurrentlyenrolledinschooloranequivalentLearnmoreandonlineat:https://bit.Adultscanalsobecomeinvolvedintheirbyparticipatingaboardorcommission

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in Larimer County United Way of Larimer Coun ty (UWLC) has partnered with country star Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. In this early literacy program, chil dren ages 0 to 5 will receive 60 age-appropriate books in the mail over the course of five years. Hand-selected by a panel of early literacy pro fessionals, the books include bilingual titles. Why should you participate? According to the UWLC website, “Books in the home have been consis tently proven to be an indica tor of a child’s academic suc cess. Ninety percent of brain development occurs by age 5. Research shows between 66 and 75 percent of families read more to their children after receiving the Imagi nation Library books. Most importantly, children develop a lifelong love of learning and reading.” Learn more and register each of your children at nationlibrary.https://uwaylc.org/imagi

Resources to overcome baby formula shortage While the national baby formula shortage seems to be improving, challenges remain for families. The Early Childhood Council of Larimer County provides a list of resources for local parents seeking not only formula but also diapers, wipes and clothing for their children at https:// bit.ly/3AId1qy. The site also includes links to information regarding SNAP, WIC & Formula Insurance Coverage & Reimbursement. Those seeking to donate unopened baby formula, diapers and baby wipes may also look to the site to learn more about where to go.

related to affordable housing, the arts, parks/ recreation, transportation and many more. Annual applications open this month for all boards. Learn more at fcgov.com/boards.


Give and get support in your community

Family-friendly volunteer opportunities on Day of Caring Weld County families seeking opportunities to volunteer time together can look to the United Way of Weld County (UWWD) Day(s) of Caring on Friday, September 9 and/or Saturday, September 10. For this annual volunteer event, “United Way partners with agencies to host volunteer projects that help spread awareness about the important work they do, as well as encourage volunteer engagement in the Weld community.”CountyChoose from several projects at local nonprofits such as outdoor clean-up projects, cleaning and organizing donated children’s items, office work and more. Children as young as 5 years old can help. Learn more and register at regardingcaringunitedway-weld.org/day-of-https://volunteer.andlookfordetailsagerequirements.

Youth Advisory Board has openings

30 | RMPARENT (970) 224-5500 | 421 Stover Street, Fort Collins trozaninsurance.com Our Team partners with you to easyMedicareunderstandingmakeyouroptionsasaspossible.Calltoday! As an independent insurance agency our team represents many of the finest plans in the health and life insurance industry. Our Team partners with you to find the right fit for your Medicare Insurance needs • Medicare Advantage • Part D (prescription drug plans) • International Travel • Final Expense • Life insurance • Medigap/Supplement • Hospital Indemnity • Dental, Vision and Hearing plans Amy Kilber and Lisa Wentz-Kinnison, LICENSED INDEPENDENT AGENTS Ages 2 1/2 through 5 years • 9am-12pm Christian values • Small class sizes • Experienced staff Remodeled Classrooms • Nonprofit ministry 970.226.2341 | MorningGloryPreschoolFC.org 301 East Drake Road | Fort Collins

Here Fest with Maddy O’neal For middle school ages+, benefits Beats By Girlz. The Lyric, FC https://bit.ly/3R2mVsv SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Korean Festival Old Town Square, www.downtownfortcollins.orgFC ENTERTAINMENT THROUGH SEPTEMBER 4 Cinderella Candlelight Dinner Playhouse, www.coloradocandlelight.comJohnstown SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Jarabe Mexicano Mexican Folk music plus Rock & Roll, Tex-Mex, Latin Rock

32 | RMPARENT THERESA BAERCommunity Calendar September events FESTIVALS & COMMUNITY EVENTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Horsetooth Fest & Mishawaka Free Concert Old Town Square, www.downtownfortcollins.orgFC SEPTEMBER 3 THROUGH 5 Windsor Harvest Fest Hot air balloons, parade, vintage baseball game, more. Eastman Park/ Main Park, SATURDAY,www.windsorharvestfest.comWSSEPTEMBER10 Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department Mountain Festival Rist Canyon, www.festival.RCVFD.orgBellvue Pastels on 5th Professional sidewalk chalk art with live music and kids art area. 5th Street, Downtown https://pastelson5th.orgLV SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Loveland Honey Festival Fairgrounds Park, www.lovgov.org/preventsLV SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Loveland Chocolate Festival Budweiser Event Center, www.treventscomplex.comLV

We’re and

ReggaeCumbia. Rialto Theater, www.rialtotheatercenter.orgLV

FRIDAY, Matthews

SEPTEMBER 9 “Weird Al” Yankovic, The Unfortunate Return of the Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour Monfort Concert Hall, https://ucstars.showare.comGR THROUGH SEPTEMBER 10 One Sweet Summer Event Series Live music, kids’ days, fitness classes, etc. The Foundry Plaza, Downtown LV https://bit.ly/3KfIseW WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Bonnie & Taylor Sims Band with Clay Rose Benefits The

House. Fort Collins Nursery, www.FortCollinsNursery.comFC THURSDAYS, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 15 Bohemian Nights: Thursday Night Live Concerts Old Town Square, www.bohemiannights.orgFC FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Comedian Jim Gaffigan: The Fun Tour Budweiser Event Center, www.treventscomplex.comLV SEPTEMBER 16 THROUGH 24 Screwball Comedy Quick wit and humor of classic movies from ‘30s and ‘40s. Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre, FC www.lctix.com

Houska Garage Band Presents The Burroughs Picnic-style concert. Houska Automotive, anniversary-celebrationhttps://houskaautomotive.com/70th-FC

Comedian Jeff Allen Rapid-fire humor centers on marriage and family. Rialto Theater, www.rialtotheatercenter.orgLV

Fitness in the Foundry: Yoga Classes Foundry Plaza, downtown LV https://bit.ly/3KfIseW

FIT4MOM Stroller Fitness Class Promenade Shops at Centerra, Main Plaza, Centerra.com/eventswww.ThePromenadeShopsAtLV

Community Drum Circle Be one of 100 people making music together! Hammond Amphitheater at North Lake Park, LV. lovlib.org/events




Superhero Run and Family Carnival



Greeley Family FunPlex, GR. lifestoriesweld.org/superhero-runwww.



The Wailin’ Jennys Monfort Concert Hall, https://ucstars.showare.comGR




Live at The Gardens Summer Concert Series Gardens on Spring Creek, www.fcgov.com/gardens/concertsFC

David Brighton’s Space Oddity, The Quintessential David Bowie Experience Monfort Concert Hall, https://ucstars.showare.comGR

Family Art Challenge: Pumpkin Patch Pageant Families create an art piece to display at library. Clearview Library District Facebook meeting. libnet.info/event/6974453.https://clearview.

34 | RMPARENT SCAN HERE BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE | JUNE 15-JULY 19 Help children in need start the school year off right by donating supplies!

I DON’T KNOW IF IT’S generational, the fact that kids in Northern Colorado (for the most part) have class time specifically for social/emotional learning, or just my kid’s friend group, but it’s recently become obvious to me that my sixth grader’s communication with her friend group is healthier than mine ever was at thatTheage.other day, at middle school move-in day, we saw a kid with whom I know my daughter is friends, but I haven’t heard much about lately. Let’s call her Nancy. I asked my daughter why I hadn’t heard much about Nancy. Here is the conversation in a nutshell:

Daughter: Well, when they first had the conversation, Nancy asked me if I had any advice that might change Max’s mind. I told her that I didn’t think Max would change her mind but none of it changed whether I was friends with either of them. Me: Does Max ever say mean things about Nancy?

I am beyond grateful that my child has friends who are honest and clear with one another. And who take own ership of and responsibility for their Whenfeelings.will we parents master this?



Daughter: Why would I? Me: Well, because they’re both your friend?

Tween'soutcommunication skills

Daughter: Why would she? Max’s feelings are about herself. She doesn’t care if everyone still likes Nancy. I was floored. I recognized this situation as a run-of-the-mill middle school friend drama. On its surface it doesn’t bother me or feel big in any way other than how my daughter is talking about it. This floors me because when I was her age, this scenario would have been far more dramatic and likely very hurtful—to someone or everyone. It would have included either or both Max and Nancy trying to get other friends to “take sides” and sadly may have included one girl trying to blackball the other from the group. And I don’t think my experiences with middle school friends was unique. I am basing this on my conversations with friends, what’s portrayed on TV during that time, and more. It really is very different now.


Daughter: Max told Nancy that Nancy’s negativity was too much, and she needed a break from their relationship. Max said she needed to take care of her mental wellness better and that didn’t include Nancy right now. Me: Wow. That must have been hard for Nancy to hear. And, hard for Max to say to her so directly, quiteDaughter:frankly. Why is that hard to Me:say?Because it’s typically difficult to tell people things you know might hurt their feelings. How do you feel about all Daughter:this?Idon’t feel anything. I can easily be friends with people who aren’t friends with each other. Me: Wow. When I was your age that would have been hard for me. Do you feel caught in the middle?


The best part though? It’s just plain FUN! Your child’s imagination comes to life as they flip, jump, climb and swing their way through each station. They can pretend to be a superhero, a ninja warrior or even an Olympic gold medalist. There’s no limit to how far their imagination can take them. At Timberline Gymnastics, we of fer developmental, recreational, and competitive gymnastics programs for kids ages 18 months to 18 years. Call us today at 970-226-0306 visit one of our classes and let your child experience the fun of gymnastics! We also offer Preschool Open Play, birthday parties and camps. St. CO

Asomersault, a cartwheel, jumping off a trampoline into a foam pit: gymnastics offers children as young as 18 months a chance to push their physical boundaries. Its whole-body engagement makes it the best cross-training sport for kids of any age, increasing strength, balance, and coordination. Studies have also shown its positive effect on enhanced reading and math skills.

Timberline Gymnastics 2026 Lowe

970.226.030680525 TimberlineGym.com

The childhood obesity epidemic is a growing concern for parents. Gym nastics helps kids become physically active and can help instill a lifelong love of physical fitness. Exercise of any kind reduces the risks of obesi ty, heart disease, and diabetes, but participating in gymnastics can also help kids sleep better, reduce their stress levels, and equip them with the skills to handle physical, social, and emotional challenges in life. It takes a great deal of body awareness to walk on a four-inch beam, land a cartwheel, or balance on one leg. Gymnastics helps children build motor coordination skills, balance, and all-around muscle strength, endurance, and power, and regular training helps kids develop lean muscles and better posture. Gymnastics has also shown to increase attention and focus, and there are numerous studies linking gymnastics to enhanced reading and mathematical skills. Research shows that action-based learning increases students’ ability to process and retain new material and that repetitive gross motor movement aids the brain in putting patterns into a sequence, which makes gymnastics a great option for preschool children who might be too young for other sports.

Fort Collins,

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