RMP Magazine #4

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Interviews Sabaton Enter Shikari Real Friends Less Than Jake Masked Intruders Miracles Agnostic Front The Reeves

4-7 8-9 10 - 13 16 - 19 20 - 25 26 - 28 30 - 33 36 - 38

Columns Mendeville shows - Niek Van Beylen Breaking Down Barriers - Kimberley De Somere

40 - 42 44 - 49

Reviews From page until page

50 62

Best of 2012 From page until page


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64 101


2013 has begun. Another journey, another year with great challenges and opportunities. RMP Magazine #4, the first one of the year, was the hardest to create so far. Most of the people on our team, consisting entirely of volunteers, had to focus on their mid-terms, which created a lot of troubles for our planning, but we are here! After releasing our last magazine, our social networks exploded: 500+ fans on Facebook, 3000+ followers on Twitter, 1500+ followers on the new MySpace. We’re highly impressed by how interested you are in our magazine. That’s why we would like to thank you. In addition to the things RMP has accomplished, I’ll be remembering 2012 as the year that some of the most inspiring bands, festivals and newspapers called it quits. It keeps reminding me how lucky we are to still be around. Let’s hope that 2013 will be our year, and remember to take nothing for granted.

Kenny Leys

RMP- Magazine Januari


Sabaton recently visited Belgium to play at the Ancienne Belgique for a couple of shows and we at R had a talk with the guys regarding that show, their album and the new bandmembers that replace the g left by the departure of a couple of the original bandmembers. Even the reason of change to the infamous Nuclear Blast label and their upcoming live DVD/documentary was revealed.

What is the impact of the band’s success on your personal life? The band has 100% of my life; the amount of time it takes is full-time. I am happy


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with this, as it is what I always wanted. Are the newest band members already well adjusted to the band, and

does the audience accept them as well? They are totally accepted by the fans. They’ve even got their own fan clubs. The new guys had only a few days to practice the new songs and

Interview - Sabaton were really good, even in the beginning, but now, after 100 concerts, it feels like we’ve played our whole lives together. “Carolus Rex” was, just like “The Art Of War,” a concept album and worked out really great. Can we expect more of such albums, or are you guys on the lookout now for a new “Coat Of Arms” or “Primo Victoria?” We like the big concepts. It’s fun to write and fun to work with everything around from booklets to artworks and such. I think in the future, we will continue down that path.

Sabaton’s trademark on stage is a giant explosion of energy that connects directly with the audience. This is RMP not something that you see with many new bands. gap I love to play live and so l does the rest of the band. When on stage, we trigger each other into having g fun, and it usually works well. Sabaton is a band that works very close with the crowd when it comes to live shows. We give them everything, and they give us all they’ve got. Nowadays, you appear on festival bills where Slayer and Motorhead have a lower ranking

on the bill than you. How do you manage to not develop a star attitude, and how do you handle this status? We come from small villages in Sweden where there is no room for rockstar attitudes or such. Me and Joakim grew up in similar families where we were taught a lot of respect for everyone, and this is something we kept with us all the way. We love being close to the fans even if we cannot be as social as we used to be in the past. It was easier when we had not so many shows to do. Now, we must think always to put our health in first place. We do not want to cancel shows. Some of your crewmembers, such as Otto, Pizza and Emil have become semi-celebrities by now. Where are those guys from? And how are they coping with the success of the band? A lot of crewmembers have said that it’s more fun to travel with Sabaton than many other bands. They get treated with lots of respect, and where a lot of bands only see them as employees, we actually see our crewmembers as our friends. This causes a good atmosphere on the tour bus when we are out for months. A while ago you switched labels from Black Lodge to Nuclear Blast. That must have had great consequences for the band, in a positive and also in a negative way. Could you explain the benefits and

downside of working with such a big label? There was nothing negative at all, only positive. We had gone as far as we could with Black Lodge, as they were lacking distribution in many countries. Nuclear Blast helped us with that and also to reach new media and journalists in new countries and such. This was the step that needed to be taken, and it was one of the most important things in our career. Carolus Rex was a very successful album that also got released in Swedish. Although at shows outside of Sweden it rarely happens, “besides The Carolean’s Prayer,” that you play a Swedish version. Why don’t you play “Carolus Rex” in Swedish or the highly acclaimed “Ruina Imperii?” There are a few people who ask us to play in Swedish. We chose to play the song “Carolean’s Prayer” in Swedish on the current tour since it’s the song that works best outside of Sweden. We tried sometimes something more also, but it did not work as well. Maybe in the future, we will include one or more of the Swedish tracks also on tours outside of Sweden but not for now. The band has a fan base in many countries of die-hard fans. I’m thinking of groups such as Belgian Panzer Battalion, Polish Panzer Battalion and the German Saboteurs. There’s even a

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Interview - Sabaton A while ago Joakim and Pär continued with Sabaton, while the other four members parted ways and took a different direction. The reason for this rupture is not of our interest, but is it possible that we will ever witness Sabaton and Civil War on the same line-up? I would not be surprised if we end up on the same festivals one day. I am not involved in the bookings of Civil War. In September and October, Saboton played the Brussels venue Ancienne Belgique (AB) for the first time ever, a very different venue than Hof Ter Loo, where you’ve played on previous visits. Besides the venue itself, it was also the first time you played in Belgium’s capital. What was that experience like? The AB was the best indoor club/arena we have played in Europe. It was the perfect thing. We love a big stage,

and this was absolutely perfect, and seeing that it was sold out way in advance on a Monday, I realize there are a lot of fans, not only in Antwerp.

In the future, I think there will be more stops in Brussels. With “Carolus Rex,” Sabaton made its first album with a nationalistic theme. While being cheered in Belgium, it tends to be a more sensitive subject in Sweden. Did you get a lot of negative comments regarding the background of the album? A few people were disappointed that we did not sing about WW2 again, but in general people are more interested in this, as it’s something many people did not know about. And after all, it was due to the fans’

requests that we did the album about the Swedish Empire. During Belgian shows, there’s always two nuts up front with a yellow Screaming Eagles flag and a Swedish SABA-FUCKINGTON flag. Are these guys just placed there by the band, or are they just two nuts that appear at all your Belgian shows? [Laughs] We do not place fans, but we love when they show up. Hope to see them at all concerts until we die! By Issmael Bentoutouh


Photo - Michael Johansson 6

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You released your own beer: Sssnakepit. Whose idea was that? The company Signature Brew contacted us with this awesome idea, and we were immediately up for it! We had heard about the company already because other bands did it also. We really love beer, so there’s no reason not to make our own beer. Can you describe the beer’s taste? It’s a lager with a little bit of citrus, but it’s also a little wheaty. It’s a 5% premium beer, and I think it tastes amazing. We just tried it for the first time, and it passed the test because it made us drunk. [Laughs] You can buy the beer on some shows in the UK but not on all the shows. Not all the venues want to sell it. I hope our fans will like it. On YouTube there’s a video of you covering “Call Me Maybe.” Would you be interested in a collaboration with Carly Rae Jepsen instead of covering her? To be honest, I don’t think that will ever happen. We never did a collaboration with a pop musician before, and I doubt that we ever will. I think if we have a collaboration with an artist it has to be someone who plays a similar style of music like us. So when it comes to pop music, I think we stick with covering songs instead of working together on it. I hope I don’t disappoint too many people by saying this.


RMP- Magazine Januari

The magazine Kerrang recently listed all the genres of music they talk about in their magazine, and Enter Shikari had a special, individual genre. How does that make you feel? It makes me feel very special, honestly! I’m so glad we could accomplish this as a band. We try to be ourselves and develop our own style as a band, so this really feels like a reward. It makes me feel acknowledged, and that’s a great stimulation to keep on doing what we’re doing. Thanks. Recently, I met a guy who makes music with Game Boys. He connects them to a computer and takes the sound out of it. Would that be something that you guys would want to do, or is that too experimental? Wow, that sounds interesting! Very creative too. I love to hear that kind of music. We like experimenting, but I don’t think we have the technical knowledge to try things out like that, unfortunately. We just have drum computers and keyboards, very basic stuff. In the video for “Arguing With Thermometers” you guys are anchormen, reporters and weatherman who are delivering the news. It’s a very cool video. Who came up with the idea? Director Paul Gonzo contacted us with this idea, and we were up for it

Enter Shikari guitarist with us about bee playing all melting immediately. A weatherman playing the drums and a yelling anchorman, why not?! It’s most of the times that the director contacts us, instead of we contacting a director. For the video of “Destabilized,” one of our

Interview - Enter Shikari world, where would that be? It must be great to float through space and make music there. That would look amazing. You talk about climate change in “Arguing with Thermometers.” What would you do if you were in charge? That’s a hard question. A lot of problems have a root cause, and it’s not easy to solve them. The leaders of the countries are also trapped in the system, just like us, and it’s hard to solve things quickly. They also have laws and rules to follow. The problem is the system and how we live our lives. It’s hard to know what’s right.

t, Rory Clewlow, talks er, musicvideo and over the globe. friends made and edited the video. We went to an empty warehouse and shot the video while we were performing there. It was a lot of fun! If you could film a music video anywhere in the

You recently went on tour to South Africa. How was that? Amazing. That tour was one of the best we’ve done. We only played two shows there, but it was overwhelming. We played a festival in front of 5,000 people, and the reaction was absolutely mindblowing. We also went on a safari there, and that was a lot of fun too. If you play music all across the world, places like Thailand, Japan, South Africa, Australia, Europe, America, etc., what kind of cultural differences do you notice? The fans are slightly different in different parts of the world. The country that is very different when it comes

to culture is Japan. They are very militant there but also really enthusiastic. There’s no negativity at all, and everyone is focused and respectful. If you want to say something to the audience, there’s a complete silence, which can be a bit awkward. But often there’s the one American or European that travels everywhere, yells and breaks that silence. [Laughs] What is your message to the fans? You can find our message also in our lyric. We want people to educate themselves and not to live in their own bubble. We want people to look at the outside world. If a lot of people do little things that can have a big effect, just like we say in our song “Arguing with Thermometers.” What would you be doing if you weren’t on tour? I’d be an optician and help in a shop, fixing lenses into frames. Pretty boring, right? Can you tell us something about the band’s future? The future is going to be bright! We are going to tour Europe and UK and also USA. We’ll also play a few shows on festivals, probably, and start writing a new album. What’s the best album of the year, according to you? The best album of the year for me is the new album of Sigur Rós, “Valtari.” By Lisa Leysen

Photo - Tom Barnes facebook.com/entershikari

RMP- Magazine Januari


Chicago’s Real Friends had a very EPs along with an acoustic EP as throughout the Midwest. Real Frie last two EPs and their intense live Real Friends’ Dan Lambton (vocal enough to take the time and mee played their house show in OKC o

So I know Real Friends formed in 2010. Can you tell me a little bit about how Real Friends came to be? Kyle: Yeah, we actually started in 2010. Dave, our guitar player, and I started writing some music together. Dave had written some songs with Dan before but never really did much with those songs, so Dan was able to just kind of slip into the vocalist position for us. Nothing too special, just started writing and it all just kinda fell into place.

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Dan: It was kind of just convenient, really. Kyle hit me up, and I had applied to Illinois State, but I hadn’t paid for registration yet. I knew Dave really well, so I was just like, “Hell yeah, I’m gonna do it.” You released the “This Is Honesty EP” shortly after forming and did a few shows but then made a few lineup changes and started writing what would turn out to be “Everything That Dragged You Here’.” Can you clarify what happened?

Kyle: Yeah, we released “This Is Honesty” and did like ten shows and then basically started all over. ”This Is Honest” wasn’t what we really wanted to do, so we added a guitar player and got a new drummer. Just kind of started fresh. I almost consider “Everything That Dragged You Here” our first CD. We pretty much just kept our band name, changed our lineup, sound and approach, really. There is a noticeable change in the musical style going from “TIH” to

Interview - Real Friends

you know, we didn’t want to play that kind of music. Our hearts weren’t into it the way they should have been. We wanted to play music that was more like what we would want to listen to, instead of just forcing stuff out.

y busy 2012, self-releasing two full band well, all while playing constant shows ends gained a lot of attention for their e shows. Even with all this attention, ls) and Kyle Fasel (bass) were still nice et with us for an interview before they on December 27th.

“ETDYH.” The former is definitely more pop than the latter, which is faster and a little harder. Was that a conscious decision on your part? Dan: Yeah, I really attribute our first CD to us not really knowing what we were doing or really what we wanted to do. At the time, it was just four of us; we had a different drummer at the time as well, but we all just sat down and had a long conversation about what we wanted to do, the pros and cons of everything ‘cause,

You recently released a three song EP titled: “Three Songs About The Last Year of My Life,” and it seems to be more aggressive and maybe a little harder than “ETDYH.” Was this also an intentional decision? Kyle: It really was just kind of how it came to be. We don’t go in thinking about how a certain song should or shouldn’t sound. Each song is its own project. But I did want to showcase Dan’s more aggressive side of vocals in those three songs, which I think we definitely got across. Dan: We also recorded those songs a little differently, a little more naturally. We were really experimenting with the way we record. We did everything in a live room, and we were experimenting with how far away from the mic I was. You can get a really good raw feeling and a well-produced sound. Kyle: Yeah, we always want to sound live. We don’t want to sound different on the album and not be able to pull off the same sound live.

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So what bands do you listen to? Who inspires you guys to write what you do? Dan: We all have very different tastes in music actually. Like Brian will listen to like ‘90s - early ‘00s hardcore along with Nada Surf. Eric listens to everything and hardcore metal. I really like a lot of pop punk: The Starting Line and New Found Glory, early ‘00s. Two of my favorite bands now are Circa Survive and City and Colour. Kyle: I’m more into like emo stuff and earlier pop punk: Saves The Day, Brand New and Jimmy Eat World. I think we are really good at taking all of our influences and just balling them up. Especially

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now as we are writing new music and we’re including a lot of heavier parts, and there are even some old school pop punk, like Brand New, parts. So what’d you guys listen to on the way down here? Dan: I was trying to sleep, so I was back here with my headphones in, listening to Death Cab. They were listening to some metal, but they had it all faded to the front of the van. Kyle: Yeah, they were listening to Eyehategod, which is a Pantera side project or something. I’m not into heavy music, really, but they were listening to some Slipknot and Limp Bizkit.

Dan: They were on a metal binge like the whole way. Speaking of The Starting Line, you just finished playing a few dates on their “Say It Like You Mean It” reunion tour. What was that like? Kyle: It was cool; It was kind of weird for us. I mean I liked playing it, but shows that big are just so foreign to us right now. We are used to playing on floors with kids going crazy and stagediving, and that was more of like a tame show. It was definitely different, but it was a good experience. It was awesome; We played in front of like 1,500 kids; a lot of them hadn’t heard of us yet, but it was still cool.

Interview - Real Friends

Dan: It was sick. It was presented to us after a few bands had to drop out, and we jumped on it. Then they also needed an extra band for the two Chicago shows, so we got to do those as well. I think most people f ollowing the pop punk scene see Real Friends as an up-and-comer in the genre. Do you guys notice that you are attracting a lot of attention? Kyle: We have definitely noticed a progression, but I also think a lot of people think we are bigger than we are. I don’t know; it is still really weird to us. I mean we all still have other jobs that we have to do; we aren’t touring properly

yet. We will next year, but like I still work 40 hours a week when I am home. But it is definitely cool to play a show in St. Louis for 200 kids who are all singing along. We definitely don’t take it for granted. We just try to stay kind of humble. Looking ahead, what do you guys have planned for 2013? Kyle: We are going to be fulltime touring, going all over the US and into Canada. We have some stuff lined up that should be really cool, and we will also be self-releasing a new EP more towards summer. That’s pretty much it, more music and touring.

Thank you guys for taking the time to talk with me. Let’s finish it off with three albums that you can’t stop listening to. Dan: The Starting Line “Based On A True Story,” Major League – “Hard Feelings” and With The Punches – “Seams and Stitches.” Kyle: Jimmy Eat World – “Futures,” Saves The Day – “Sound The Alarm” and The Front Bottoms – “I Hate My Friends.” By David Shaw


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14 RMP- Magazine Januari

Live at S


RMP- Magazine PhotoDanielJanuari Buyle


Gainesville, Florida native, Vinnie Fiorello, is the drummer for Less Than Jake, as well as the founder of record labels Fueled By Ramen and Paper+Plastick. We talked him with about the latter label’s unique approach, their dispute with Panic Records and where his band’s name came from.

Hello Vinnie, first off, congratulations with the latest release of Less Than Jake: “Greetings and Salutations.” Second, LTJ also celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Lots of festivities going on, but that’s what to expect from a punk rock/ska band, I guess? Well, you can expect a brand new record next year, and we’ll be back in Europe next year in April for Groezrock and other festivals. By the end of December, we’ll be doing some last shows and 16 RMP- Magazine Januari

then the New Years eve show. In March, we’ll be recording new songs, and we’ll see from there. “Greetings And Salutations” was released in October in Europe but only in January in the US. Was it an early Christmas gift for the European fans? I think it’s just a matter of what was available release-wise with Fat Wreck Chords. Due to their heavy release roster, we ended up releasing it digitally in October, and the physical

release will be in January due to that release schedule. You teamed up with Fat Wreck Chords to release it in the US and Rude Records in Europe. It’s actually a compilation of previously released limited vinyl EPs and two previously unreleased songs. The two EPs were only available at our shows and our webstore. They never got released digital or otherwise, so we thought it would be cool to put them into one release that could go digital for a

Interview - Less Than Jake broader audience. Recently, you distributed a sticker that read, ‘Is Vinyl Really Killing the MP3 Industry?” What motivated you to use that quote and what’s your opinion on that topic? Vinyl is something you can touch and feel, while MP3 still remains a digital file on your computer. Vinyl comes with a big album cover you can look at and booklets or other extras. It still remains something you own and just wasn’t plucked off the internet. With all the effort going into releasing vinyl releases, it is something for the fans to hold onto. Anyone can download an album, but owning it is something completely different. Although the vinyl market has its downside too, with collectors boosting the prices or making it something exclusive too few. Digital music is easy and accessible and will always be there. It’s much easier to share music from all over the world to promote your band digitally than with physical copies, but a true fan will want to posses something he can look, listen and feel at. Aside from LTJ, you also started the record label Fueled By Ramen, and since then Paper+Plastick, your newest label. How is that label going? Paper+Plastick is going very

well now. We’ve got a whole lot of releases coming up in the coming months and many projects that are developing. A lot of the stuff I dreamt of doing in the past will finally see the light, so watch out for our upcoming releases. Paper+Plastick has a unique approach of combining punk rock with comics (and even toys). E.g. a previous release featured Jon Snodgrass in a vampire comic. How did you come up with this idea? Comics and toys have been something I always loved, and with Paper+Plastick, I finally saw the chance to combine my passions with music. It all

came naturally since these are the things I occupy myself with every day. I always dreamt of creating such a kind of label in the past, and I got the chance to make it come true. A new release on P+P was planned featuring Tony

Sly. This was going to be a comic featuring Tony and a new single, I presume. Due to his unfortunate passing away, was the release postponed or even cancelled? Funny you mention that, we just talked to his widow the other day about this release, and we agreed on releasing it very soon, so watch the Paper+Plastick releases in early January. We haven’t decided yet how we are going to release it; with his death, we thought to make it something more special. The title will be “Chasing Rainbows,” and we’re still looking into someone to add to the record to give it that extra it deserves. Another P+Prelated question our readers would love to hear your answer to is the whole debacle around the release of the Pentimento album. It was going to be on P+P, but former label Panic Records sabotaged the release and even started a lawsuit. Any inside info on that matter, if possible? I can’t really say that much about that. What happened with Panic Records is something I won’t go into detail about, but all I can say is that Pentimento is a great band with a stunning album, and I wish I could release it. RMP- Magazine Januari


I was really glad that they were willing to work with me, and I was looking forward to having their release in my roster, but unfortunately it went other ways. Pentimento is a very hard-working band, and since the whole lawsuit kept them from releasing it, they decided to release it for free on the internet. I hope to get to work together with them in the future because they are a real talented band to keep an eye on. A well known LTJ song is “Gainesville Rock City.” Next to being the home of one of the best punk fests, The Fest (only to be outclassed by Belgians very own Groezrock), is Gainesville really such a rock city? Gainesville is known for being the epicenter of music in Florida. A lot of musicians come to Gainesville since it oozes rock music. Bands from all over Florida move to Gainesville since this is the place where it’s happening, and where you can make a living with your band. LTJ has been playing a blend of punk rock and ska for over 20 years now. This genre has had its up and downs during those years, but you most really love it if you’ve been doing it for over two decades. Here’s the thing, every form of music has its ups and downs. For the most part, I can’t really complain with ska,

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punk, ska-punk, whatever you wanna call it. You’ll never hear me complaining, ‘cause it made me travel all over the world with the band. It’s like with punk rock, it went up and down too and had its moments. To answer your question in a kind of sarcastic way, ska bands can still go out and play a bunch of places, but can most rap/metal bands do that? It survived a bunch of other popular styles of music over those years, so it can’t be that unpopular. LTJ is known for being a touring band that does numerous tours all year long. Does being away from home that much make returning to Gainesville feel that much better? Being on the road all that time makes you feel like a speck of dust at times. So returning home is like going back to where you planted your roots. Our friends and our families are here, so returning home is always great. You write most of the lyrics for the band. What still inspires you after twenty years of writing? Everyday there’s something that goes on that can end up in a lyric. A lot of the LTJ lyrics now are focused on the current social and economical problems surrounding us. A lot of the people that I work with and know inspire me with their stories and experiences to write. You have these

traditions that were handed down when you’re growing up and those politics handed down to you, and we are at that passing to make it our own, so that’s inspiring to think about and to write lyrics on this theme. Any upcoming releases, merch or other LTJ-related items you’d suggest as a tip for holiday shopping this year? With LTJ, we did a poster series of hand silk-screened posters to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We have 20 different choices of posters, so I would suggest something like that, or our 20th anniversary shirts are really nice too. On Paper+Plastick, we will be releasing some new toys soon and a nice picture disc coming up. We have the solo record of Russ Rankin of Good Riddance with acoustic songs on it. Also, the record from Obi Fernandez is really great if you’re into a more reggae sound; he has this really nice soul vibe. LTJ has released albums on various labels, ranging from Capitol to Sire, as well as smaller labels such as Toybox.

Interview - Less Than Jake Now you’ve returned to Fat Wreck Chords. Did Fat Mike make you an offer you couldn’t refuse? We’ve had really big labels and small labels. With going back to Fat, we just had “Bounders and Boundaries” that was getting reissued, and we just happened to talk with Fat Mike about releasing “Greetings and Salutations.” Mike thought it was cool, so I gave him the music for it, since we talked about it at Reading Festival in Europe. We all felt that it made sense,

so Mike decided to put it out for us. LTJ was named after your dog that got treated better than the entire band at times, hence the name. Is Jake still a part of the band after 20 years? And what was his influence? Here’s the thing, the dog was getting so much better treated than I was as a child. The dog had a much bigger part in the heart of my parents, so it hurt. It sort of grew out of a

joke about being treated less than Jake. So anything “less than Jake” became synonym for everything that was below average. It had a few different connotations to it, but being less than the dog made you strive to do better, coming out of such a weird family. By David Marote


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ello and congratulations with signing to Fat Wreck Chords. For a band who released their first demo, EP and album in 2012, you already to get join the Fat Wreck roster. Does crime really pay then? Thanks! Yeah, crime definitely pays. I’m not sure what bozo ever said that it doesn’t, but I’m guessing he never really thought about it very hard. I mean, obviously stealing stuff pays big time. Duh.

You guys recently put out your first fulllength album on Red Scare records, and due to the huge success, it’s already getting a re-release by Fat Wreck. How did this cooperation begin, and will it benefit all parties? Well, basically Toby and Fat Mike are friends from way back when Toby was just a young buck working at Fat. Toby gave Mike the CD ‘cause he figured he would dig it. Turns out Mike did like it, which we were pretty excited about since we are such big fans. Mike came to Toby to ask him about licensing the album to distribute on Fat. The official story is that they hashed the whole thing out all friendly like over e-mail and stuff, but we don’t know for sure that there wasn’t any coercion type stuff happening – like, horses heads in the sheets type stuff. Probably not, I guess, since those dudes are buds, and neither of them owns a horse. But yeah, the deal they worked out is great for everybody involved. Now the album is like a co-release between the two labels, which is awesome because we love working with Toby and we have always dreamed of being on Fat. We couldn’t be more stoked.


Your songs mostly cover girls and illegal matters; isn’t that a lethal combo? Both we’ll get you in trouble by themselves but together . . . Yeah, you might say it’s a recipe for disaster, but what are you gonna do, you know? Like my ma always said, “You gotta follow your heart, no matter what”. She also used to say, “Hey Blue, go get your momma a bottle of vodka.” I will always remember that advice.

22 RMP- Magazine Januari

Interview - Masked Intrudors Masked Intruder is a band shrouded in mystery, with each of its members wearing colored masks. Internet rumors abound as to who these people could be. Guesses range from Mikey Erg to Brendan Kelly. Some are even based on geography; some fellow WI inhabitants (The Gusto!) have been suspected of wearing the masks. Could you please take a step forward and take them off for us? We really can’t divulge that sort of info to anybody who isn’t close enough to stab, if you know what I mean. I can say that some people think they know who we are, but nobody has gotten it right yet. We like all the rumors, so we try to encourage it. The best way to keep a secret is to get lots of misinformation out there, and it could be that we have some . . . uh, operatives out there, keeping the good people confused. We learned that shit from the X-files. Science fact: the X-files is fucking awesome.

UDER INTERVIEW You’ve got a very poppy, romantic style of music going on, with the harmonies and be-bops and all. Combine that with the mysterious aspect and you must have flocks of girls that would love to “reform” your hoodlum ways. It’s hard to tell. Sometimes it seems like girls like us, but we have never been very good at picking up on subtle cues. We have been burned before for going after girls who we think have crushes on us. (Literally, a few times). Green has been lit on fire more than once. He can stop, drop and roll with the best of them. We can’t really tell for sure if a girl wants to make out with us, unless she says, “I wanna make out with you.” But then, you gotta wonder if she is a undercover cop or something, trying to catch us and put us back in the clink. We have seen every episode of 21 Jump Street, so we are wise to that type of shit. We also really like 90210, just in case you were wondering.

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Are the masks necessary so as not to get recognized and stay out of trouble and prison, or is there another reason? And why the colored masks? Is the risk of putting on another member’s stinky, sweaty black mask too high? Yeah, we gotta remain anonymous of course, but we also think it adds to the whole thing, you know? Like, our personalities really shine through because of our colors. It’s like with the Power Rangers, or the Teletubbies, the ninjas in Mortal Kombat or Skittles. Plus, it looks real snazzy on the album cover.

“Madison is where we hide out”

Wisconsin is known as the “cheese state” and is famous for its dairy products. Besides Milwaukee, I don’t know much of it, except there’s a town called Belgium there. What was it like growing up as a punk in Wisconsin, and what are the towns/ places/scenes where it’s all happening? Wisconsin is a pretty great place, and it has always had a pretty cool scene. In the 90s, the hub was pretty much Green Bay. Boris the Sprinkler is from there. Now it’s kinda spread out. In our opinion, some of the best bands going right now are from Wisco. Bands like Direct Hit, The Jetty Boys and Arms Aloft. I mean, come on, that shit rules. Madison is where we hide out, and the scene here is pretty cool and getting cooler all the time. Plus, we’re right between Chicago and Minneapolis, which are kinda the main cities for pop punk these days.

There has even been a pink intruder spotted on stage during some shows. Could you tell us some more about this fifth accomplice? Yeah. So, Maura from Mixtapes sang with me on “Heart Shaped Guitar.” She has performed with us live before, at The Fest, but she can’t make it all the time, of course. We have a few friends and accomplices that sometimes sing the song with us live, and we sometimes get random girls to come up on stage and sing it, so it isn’t like there is really an intruder pink. It’s more like an honorary title. She might be a different person at every show, and some shows we don’t have one at all. It’s the best thing ever when we do though, ‘cause we love girls.

24 RMP- Magazine Januari

Interview - Masked Intrudors

The new rerelease comes on vinyl in four colors. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out which colors, but is there anything else regarding this release that will set it apart from the first one? I mean, it’s still the same album, so there isn’t much different about it. Obviously, the art looks way cooler on the LP, and the layout is different, and that shit sounds tight! There are a couple of small differences in the layout, even on the CD, like on the back and in the lyrics and stuff. I’ll leave it to the super nerds out there to find them all.

“It’s gonna be really fucking dynamite.”

You’ve got a new record coming out in 2013. Has the writing for this album already begun, and could you give us a scoop on the new work? Truth is, we never stop writing. Some of the tunes meant for the next record were written while we were staying at Atlas, recording the last one. Some of them were started before we even began recording the first record, and we just didn’t finish them in time. And yeah, writing is in progress right now. When we made the first album, our focus was to just make the best record we could at the time. That’s gonna be exactly the same this time around, but we are bringing more to the table. The next record won’t be a huge departure from the first one, but I think it will really expand on our whole thing. We have grown a lot as a band, and that will come across. I have a feeling it’s gonna be really fucking dynamite.

Thank you for the interview and good luck avoiding the law on the road, ‘cause love songs and prison don’t match. Thanks! By David Marote

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We talked with Hugo Mudie, one of the two creative forces behind the new band Miracles. He delved into the band’s creative process and why so many punk musicians eventually go acoustic. With Miracles, you released a whole different set of music, compared to your former punk band, The Sainte Catherines. Although, there was also the other project, Yesterday’s Ring, where you played country/folk. What made you decide to go for the acoustic approach? Well it’s pretty similar to what we were doing with Yesterday’s Ring, like you said but

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with a bit more liberty. With Miracles, it’s only me and Fred, and we play with musicians that we like, and we play the style of music that we want. If we wanna do a crust-punk record next, we will do that. We don’t wanna limit ourselves anymore. We’ve been doing punk and folk-ish bands together since 1999, and we just want to incorporate all the music we like in this new project.

Recently, you (Hugo) did a split with Joey Cape that also was released through Flix Records. How was it collaborating with one of punk rock’s most iconic figures? He’s a good friend of ours, one of the coolest and most sincere dudes we’ve met in punk rock. We met Joey when The Sainte Catherines was doing all those Fat Wreck tours, and we just got along

Interview - Miracles well. We talked about doing a split for a while, and Joey sang on The Sainte Catherines’ last album “Fire Works,” and then it was time to do the split. Pretty easy, all done over e-mails and late night drunk talk. The Sainte Catherines split up a while ago, and the other project, Yesterday’s Ring, has been on hold for a while. Is there any chance of picking up once again with those projects, or are all eyes set on Miracles now? Yes, both bands are dead now. Yesterday’s Ring will only return if Jesus returns, and I think The Sainte Catherines won’t return, unless we can play with The Broadways or with Bon Jovi. We just needed something new, and we didn’t want the bands to become something not as serious as they used to be. I think it was a very good decision. We are super happy with what we did with those bands for 12-13 years, and now we concentrate on Miracles, doing everything our way and with a bit more realism and wisdom. Miracles is mostly an acoustic project, with the occasional exception e.g. some rock-inspired electric guitars on “Ride Cowboy Ride.” How does one start to compose songs for such a project? It’s not really an “acoustic project;” we kind of do whatever we feel like doing. The record is based around the

acoustic guitar, but there’s drums, bass, electric guitar, keyboards, horns, banjo, etc. Me and Fred wrote the songs together, and we actually recorded all the basic tracks live, me and him, in a studio, and for the next year, we added tracks on it. The exact same way we did “El Rancho” with Yesterday’s Ring. With The Sainte Catherines, you shared stages with Canadian heroes: Grimskunk and many others. With Miracles, you’ll start from the bottom again in a different scene. Are there any bands/artists that you hope to work or play with in the future? Yeah we thought that, but actually, it’s a lot easier than starting at the bottom.

So far, we played and toured with Joey Cape, Drag The River, Tony Sly (RIP) and Off With Their Heads. We did The Fest in Gainesville and Rockfest in Montebello. Now, we are doing shows in New York with Vic Ruggiero, then some shows on the West Coast with Chris from The Lawrence Arms and Kevin Seconds and all those guys; it’s just great. We just met so many cool people through the years of touring with The Saint Catherines and Yesterday’s Ring that we are lucky enough to profit from it with Miracles.

Being from Montreal and being French Canadian, how is the music scene over in Canada and especially in the French part of Canada? ‘Cause Canada has been producing a lot of good bands over the last years from Comeback Kid to Propagandhi and many more. It’s great. The Montreal music scene is amazing and in Québec in general. Toronto has some amazing bands too. We do Pouzza Fest here in Montreal, and there’s so many great Canadian bands applying and playing every year. It gets better and better, and I think every style is well represented, not just the punk scene; we have some very good music going on here. You guys should check it out. My favorite Canadian artists right now are The Hunters from Québec City, K’Naan, this rapper I love, Brutal Chérie, a francophone pop-punk band . . . all kinds of great music here. With Miracles, you will be touring Europe in early 2013 and even making a stop at Belgium’s finest festival: Groezrock. Could you give insight as to what to expect from your set? For the Groezrock show, I believe we will be Me, Fred and our stand-up bass player Cléo. You can expect most of the songs from the Miracles debut plus some Saint Catherines and Yesterday’s Ring favorites. I usually talk too much. We keep it simple, and we have

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Interview - Miracles lots of fun. Life is short, and we wanna have cool experiences everywhere we go. On the Miracles album, there are some original songs and some covers. One of them that made my ears ring was the Bobby Charles song “Before I Grow Too Old,” also covered in the past by Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros as “Silver and Gold,” the same title you guys use for your recording. Was it based on the Joe Strummer or Bobby Charles version? It was based on the Joe Strummer version. It was just a perfect song for the time being. We just broke up The Sainte Catherines, started something new, with new hopes or new fun, and we feel kind of old, so it was just perfect. Sometimes it’s better to sing someone else’s song to say what you had in mind.

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“Miracles” was released a couple months back by Asian Man Records and will be released in Europe on January 19 through Flix Records. Will it be released as a CD only, or will this also be on vinyl for the European market? Hugo: I don’t know! Felix, answer. I don’t remember. Felix: [Laughs] All right! The album will be out on CD in Europe. If people want us to do a vinyl re-press, they should email us at [info@flixrecords.com] or post on our Facebook wall over at [http:// facebook.com/flixrecords]. We would probably do a limited LP edition then for Miracles’ upcoming club tour later in the year. Acoustic projects seem to popping up all over, nowadays. Many punk artists seem to have taken a

sidestep with acoustic material. How do you explain this trend? I think it’s because punk artists are tired of dealing with their band members, and they love to travel and play simple songs all over the world, so they just do it without the annoying drummer. Like Frankie Stubbs from Leatherface once told us (and we took note), “The only important thing is to write good songs. If you play it on an acoustic guitar, and it’s good, then your job is done.”

By David Marote


RMP- Magazine Januari


Aside from . d n e g e l ore able hardc as gone on t h u p e s h i d , n t i n o c Fr t is an The of Agnosti r Roger Mire e b m e also front m o t t n e e t m s i i t s n that d find being a co the bands d label an r t o u c o e b r a a P M t R to of to star ng masses , he talks i e r r a e e H h . e s k r i e ry t’s l Disast evolutiona im, what i h e h d t e c d n n e a u fl in rics eam his ly r c s e l p o e the scene. p process of

Agnostic Front celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2013. 30 years ago AF had its first release and still remains one of the cornerstones of NYHC. How will you celebrate this jubilee year? We just finished this year as a band, celebrating our 30-year anniversary. With our first release “United Blood” being

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30 years old now, maybe we will do a couple of surprise shows and do the whole single front to back. We will see! In January, AF is touring Europe with the EMP Persistence Tour, joined by Hatebreed and H20. Does such a hectic tour allow you

any time to even enjoy the cities you visit, or is it in and out of the bus to the venue and back on the road? Pretty much it is in and out of the bus. We have no control over that. It’s a package tour, and we have to be sure we make it to all of the shows. Thankfully,

Interview - Agnostic Front

we have made great friends through the years worldwide that we can catch up with, even if it is just at the venue. Usually, we love to stroll through the cities we visit, even if it is only to grab a cup of coffee. The band’s sound has evolved over the years but still contains that original NYHC sound. You’ve incorporated a more thrash sound and other influences. Any new sounds or styles that you recently discovered and that may influence the next album? Basically, we are a current band. We like to tour with current, newcomer hardcore bands. We have always been leaders and not followers, and we pioneer different styles in this hardcore scene. We like to basically recycle ourselves! We refresh our sound from our own past recordings. Recently, AF recorded a cover for the Strength Records sampler: “Respect Your Roots.” You did “Blitzkrieg Bop” by The Ramones. What drove you to pick that song? Simple. The Ramones are the main influence of punk rock worldwide, which evolved into hardcore punk. It has branched into all music genres, punk, metal, pop and even lullabies for babies. If it weren’t for the Ramones, Agnostic Front would never exist. As a veteran of the NYHC/punk scene, I was

lucky enough to see the Ramones multiple times. They gave me the inspiration to succeed, and being from New York makes this cover even more special. The Strength Records label is a collaboration between you and Dutch hardcore legend Onno Cro-Mag (Aarschok). In these dark days, when music seems like a commodity, what made you to decide to create a new label? The label “Strength Records stands for honesty, dignity and friendship. It will go back to the times when hardcore and punk were pure and without bullshit.” This is taken directly from our website [www.strength-records. com]. It says it all! Ten years ago, you had a side project, Roger Miret and The Disasters, a band that played a more street punk sound in comparison to AF. How was playing all over with this band, and is it still going strong? The Disasters was never a side project for me. I think our past four records were solid, and that says it all. We released our last record “Gotta Get Up Now” on People Like You Records, and we did tour. Then 2012 came around, and I had to focus on Agnostic Front’s anniversary and do a world tour. In the meantime, we have been writing songs that I am really excited about and looking forward to the next record.

In the past, AF had many members come and go. Some of the most well known were Raybeez (Warzone) and Craig Setari (Sick of it All). AF has always been a breeding ground and safe haven for many NYHC artists and bands. If you had the chance to create the ultimate AF line-up, who would be in it? We have been lucky to have great members, and don’t forget Matt Henderson, Will Shepler, Rob Kabula, and Jimmy Colletti.

They are all great people, and they all brought something great to the band. The current lineup is the longest standing lineup that Agnostic Front has ever had, so that says a lot. Agnostic Front is a group effort. We are proud to have shared the stage with Pokey Mo, Joseph John and Mike Gallo. Oh, and I can’t forget to mention our “Eddie,” Vinnie Stigma! AF is probably the band that played the infamous CBGB the most. It is a shame that such monument had to disappear, despite all the efforts to save it. But next to CBGB, what would you proclaim as other hardcore/punk monuments in NY or worldwide? Well, let’s just say the A7 club

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in New York City was the true underground venue of New York Hardcore. CBGB outlasted the A7 club, but it was the matinee venue for New York hardcore. If I have to think of anything like those clubs that stands today, I think of Coney Island in Leipzig or SO36 in Berlin. They are great venues and have been around for a long time. Coming from a tough NY street corner to being in a band and having your own series of AF “Stigma” guitars on the market, how do you look at the modern day hardcore scene and the idea of commercialism? The merch business is booming with all kinds of stuff wearing a band name for a few bucks. Well, I don’t think people should knock down any band for their success.

It’s not their fault millions of people like them or feel their passion. As long as a band is genuine, I say support them. It’s almost impossible to sell records now. So many people bootleg or download records for free nowadays. The music business is basically in shambles, and sometimes the message is easier to get across on a T-shirt than to print lyrics in a CD cover. At least people read T-shirts. On the road, we

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have to make ends somehow, plus, we like doing limited edition merchandise for our collectors. AF has made some of hardcore’s most renowned songs for entire generations. “Gotta Go” is shouted out aloud by all hardcore fans, young and old. How does that feel when thousands of people shout along to your song on a festival stage? It feels great. It feels like I accomplished something. For some reason, I must have been put on this earth to get through to others and to help people in their struggles through my music. I can’t tell you how many people I have met in the world that have told me if it wasn’t for this album or for this song, I would have never gotten through whatever hardship they were struggling with. Our message is a positive outlook on overcoming oppressions. We speak of four principles to live by: pride, faith, respect and family. During your career, you have witnessed many genres coming up and developing, even disap-pearing at times. AF remains, to many bands, an influence, despite what style of music they play. What were your influences back in the days? The Ramones and the Clash are the main influences for me. All the NY underground

music: punk, hardcore, new wave from the late 70’s and early 80’s influenced me too, when New York was a thriving underground culture of art, music and creativity. I think most of our fans can understand that. There is no place like New York City, even though it may be different today. You can take me out of the city, but you can’t take the

Interview - Agnostic Front city out of me. “Taxi Driver,” the movie, is my life and is exactly how my fondest memories of New York City are.

AF will always have a link with Madball, since Freddy is your younger brother. But you also have ties with other NY bands, like H20 and Skarhead. Are there any up-and-coming talents in the hardcore family that you would like to give a shout-out to? To be honest with you, I moved! I live in Arizona now, so I am out of the loop with the new music of New York City. I can say that Black ‘n Blue Takeover runs a great radio on the internet called “East Village Radio.” They play all the current New York hardcore bands and other bands from around the world, so check them out and decide for yourself who is a new and good upcoming band/ Check out [eastvillageradio.com] and look for Black ‘n Blue Takeover! Looking back on how you guys started from scratch and built your own scene, to nowadays, where there are hundreds of different scenes and styles, how do you see hardcore evolving next? Well, it is what it is. To be honest, I don’t like how everyone separated themselves in sub-scene categories just to

form their own elite groups or to just have power trips over what would be a very cool, united scene. Hardcore and punk have always been about individuality, about thinking and taking action for yourself, about walking out of step with society. It sucks when everyone wants to bring in the fashion part to it or what I will call the hipster (what’s cool for the moment) part. Anyway you put it, those are just fads, and fads don’t last. They get pushed over by the next biggest thing. I like the underground genuine scene with the good old-fashion values. It’s a strong foundation and, to be honest, a good foundation will stand forever. Kind of like my little daughter’s favorite story right now, “The Three Little Pigs.” The house I built with my friends and family worldwide in this great movement called hardcore is made from all brick! Can’t blow that down! Hardcore still lives! By David Marote


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34 RMP- Magazine Januari

Live at M

Magasin 4

RMP- Magazine Januari 35 PhotoArne Desmedt

The Reeves are one of Belgiums best kept secrets but for RMP Magazine they decide to leave the garage and show themselves to the outside world. With the coming of Mary Jane Reeve on vocals a debut EP was bound to happen so Bartholomew, Stevie ‘Stardust’, Ice Cold and Christopher Reeve dragged her along with their own unisue blend of garagerock full of soulfull Motown influences. unique blend ipv unisue Your band is still quite unknown in Belgium, maybe it’s best that you introduce yourselves first? Hello! We are The Reeves and we play garage rock ‘n’ roll. Our band exists out of four boys and one girl, who are all quite fond of beer and soul music. We all dislike Bono and there is a ‘No Metallica Rule’ in our rehearsal space.

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When and how did this band get started? Drummer Stevie Stardust and myself had been talking about starting a garage band for a couple of years. But it wasn’t until 2011, when The Mammöths – Stevie’s and Bartholomew’s old band – ceased to exist, that we actually started rehearsing. To use Ice Cold on bass was an obvious choice, because I don’t want anyone else on bass in my bands… This is

the third band we’re doing together, after the punk band Cut Here! and the hardcore band The Struggle. Anyway; after about six months of rehearsals and song writing, we started recruiting singers. The first one quitted because she couldn’t combine it with her other band, Redding. They’re pretty good, by the way. The next girl didn’t have the motivation. And then came Mary Jane. Three months of

Interview - The Reeves rehearsals later, we were ready for shows and recordings. How did she find her way to the band? A mutual friend introduced us: Sam the friendly giant. He puts up the awesome Rodeoshows and Rodeofest in Antwerp. Sam is a good friend of Mary Jane. And when she told him she wanted to sing in a garage band, Sam put one and one together and gave me a call. Your band members all come from hardcore punk, death metal and progressive rock bands. How did you eventually end up with garage rock? Maybe we just wanted to see if we could do anything different, after so many years of writing fast and/or aggressive music. And garage rock is the purest form of high-energy rock ‘n’ roll and…. No wait, that’s bullshit. We really just wanted to make it to the big leagues, become famous and make a ton of money, to buy those expensive coffee beans that were shat out by a monkey.

songs sound predictable, others say we’re cliché. But we ‘re not scared of using those clichés, because they work when you use them right. In any case, we’re not unique: We steal riffs and song structures and things… The most obvious references are The Hives, Hellacopters, Ramones and The Sonics, I think. But in the rhythm section, we have a lot of fun toying around with Motown-licks and beats. We want to see those hips shaking. Your first EP, On The Beat, was released on 20 October. How were the first reactions you got? So far, so good. People have been pleasantly surprised and we had some positive reviews. The very first reaction was awesome: Patrick Delabie, who produced and recorded the whole thing, sent us an e-mail shortly after our time in the studio to tell us the songs were still stuck in his head.

Pretty cool, coming from a guy who spends his days recording music with tons of different bands every year. In fact a lot of people have been talking about the cat-chiness of the tunes. Which is really what we aimed for. Were this the reactions you had been hoping for? Not to sound cocky, but it’s safe to say we were quite confident about the four tracks we recorded. But still, you never know what other people might think of it, do you? Do your fans have a certain favorite? And which is yours? It seems like almost everyone has a different favorite for a different reason. Which is cool. But my guess is that “Lost… or Found” is a kind of fan-favorite. My personal fave is probably “The Greatest Escapes”. The pace in that one always gets me fired up. Also, it’s about drinking, and I enjoy an alcoholic beverage at times. Though in moderation, of course…

Is there a certain band or artist that has a huge influence on your music? Which band do you want to be compared to? I’m not really sure if we’re being compared to one particular band. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t really care. We play whatever feels right, whatever feels natural to us. To some that makes our

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Interview - The Reeves Is your EP based upon a specific subject? Not really. Although I must say most of the songs are themed with loss and frustration in relationships and friendship. Kinda sad, really, but for some reason, it’s hard to write happy lyrics. Do you write your lyrics as a group or does everyone have its own responsibilities? We have a couple of approaches. Mostly we like to jam and write songs on the spot, just based on one riff or a drumbeat. But sometimes a few of us meet up at my place, open a bottle of wine and write a tune. And sometimes one of us just writes a whole song from start to finish all by him- or herself.

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Do you have a certain way of performing you stick to? We try to keep the tempo and energy up. It’s a rock ‘n’ roll show. As much as I love The Hives and Howlin’ Pelle’s way of entertaining the audience; we prefer to keep the banter on stage to a minimum. Just play… And play it hard. Here’s a question about the future: as a band, where would you like to be in two years? Further than where we are now. We’re writing songs for a full-length and we’ve had some talks with a couple of record labels to put it out later this year. So that means in two years, as a band, we’ll be famous and headline the first rock festival at the ISS space station.

Also, I’ll be dating Lindsay Lohan. Stevie will be king of Zanzibar. Mary Jane will buy orphaned African babies “just because she can”. Bartholomew will secretly sell our songs to advertising. And Ice Cold will overdose on aspirin and never have a headache again. And if that ain’t a bright future, I don’t know what is. By Sofie Vandenhoven



RMP- Magazine Januari


s w o h s le l i v d n Me

. r granted n take fo a e c r ’ u y o e y h t g that ethin m g o n s i p t o ’ h n s u’re and p shows i not if yo ool band c , l a l e g W n Setting u . i t k been ofi than boo Y. We’ve turn a pr I D o t s i u It’s more o e y v tales. lie nough for uch fairy ich we be s h w n i , y d a e popular e w v ie the the right never bel terns as t d a n p a g w n o i doing it n k rs and thin r six yea th. ur ethics o around fo d e b and Golia i r d c i s v e a d D e n n e o we Some fight bet a way of living or f o your y a w ely a he end of r t e m n a t h o t n r el like the “DIY” is now. I fe oking fur k o l y e h h The term t t i w t t play wha It starts bands tha stick to m o s r d f i k r o working. t s mo sic portion se days, et for a d from mu e n e h r t T e c t e . n n e i n s o o e c n h ther. is I blame t edia,” ra getting d m . s e l n r a o a i s c a y o e e s r h t : “ se it to the right let’s say ctually u a , l o l h e w W w music for . e f ul for. lienation be thankf f a great o n a s c d n s a r of this a h e t he ing promo dia, in t is someth Social me , s e was g n i h t new ause ther c e b s w o h discover thing ng s ene, some c ted booki s r a e t r s o c e d w ar ay. This g said, Belgian h hing to s t e e h m t o s n That bein i d g a h n to missin bands who rustratio f , t r s e e something t n t o u h that m something range fro ere bands w d l e u s o e c h T s sincere, r ne. ndise or f thei nd everyo ol mercha a o c g message o n , i s h r t o y h e that ap ng ever kids awar s and met c e i h r t y questioni l e k y a c m n le, but o re for fa lobal sca anguage t g l a y a n d o y didn’t ca r y e ied to onl just ev s that tr d rong, not n w a b g n the like, e i r o e g w tives. things w perspec ry. These e t n n u e o l c p there are o e e l iginal e p ur litt th the or ed to giv i i w r t , also in o t d c n e a j in way, e-man pro rder! educate, d as a on e t r a t s olt! Diso v g e n R i h ! t e c s n i Th name, Da lgium, new in Be g n i h t e m so rmy Of creating eck and A r s w a n w i a I r T t as orum though nds such vered a f a o b c s I, Niek, r i o d f I s r, hnote p show days late ehind Mas w b e setting u f s e A d u . d s te some he bot , for qui arently t Flying Ro o p d p A o t . e t t u o hem, abo shn to know t ng I was called Ma t i o h g t I e h , t t r rt out doing story sho would sta g n I o had been l e r a o f e e have mak s b se, and I few thing a years. To b a r e a m l u t g h taug s on a re and they rds them. eamo show r c s p u tude towa i g t a r g g settin n everlasti

40 RMP- Magazine Januari

Column - Mendville shows

We worked with bands such as Pianos Become The Teeth, Suis La Lune, The Saddest Landscape, Daïtro, Moving Mountains, Prawn, Everyone Everywhere, Sed Non Satiata, The Secret, Tombs, Buried Inside and tons of others. These were not your average, high attended shows; not to sound cocky, but we managed to pull it off most of the time. The reason for this? Most of our bands are way too underrated and probably never get as much attention as bands that play music similar to theirs. I guess the word “shallowness” is a harsh, but it’s the most applicable to this situation. I could go on for a while, but these are some reasons, in a nutshell, why DIY promoters have a hard time surviving. Because it’s hard to set up gigs on your own, I started collaborating with likeminded people all over Belgium. As mentioned earlier, setting up shows in our genre isn’t something you can take for granted. This also goes for bands that go on tour. As a result, a lot of DIY-minded bands are now booking tours with an agent. He sends you the avail, and it’s up to you to make an offer. On a side-note: shows like ours don’t offer any certainty if it comes down to attendance; that’s also the reason why we don’t get any financial support from our city. The process of booking starts from there. You want to help the band with a date? Are you motivated? Begin your research and try to find out how many people are familiar with the band that you’re about to book. Always try to book your show in a capitol; they’re more central. Alongside that, also try to figure out if the genre would work out there. There are a few reasons why it can be a good thing to work in a city like, for example, Antwerp. You’re aiming for people that are scattered all over Belgium, so such a city is central to a lot of other cities. Plus, if you’re booking a show during the week, then you might be lucky that there will be some students coming out. Yes, it means that you have to travel for your own show. But if you start organizing shows because you’re tired of traveling all the time, I think it’s time to reconsider if you’re dedicated enough. Step two is sending your offer to the booker. You’ll probably have to negotiate, so be sure to have a strong stance ready. Once the deal is done, you’ll receive contracts and riders, but that’s something you’ll have to learn by yourself.

RMP- Magazine Januari


e p entranc en a chea e w he t t e b d n e a c balan n tour a o g e n v i i d v n r i u s ound s f the bands doesn’t s st part i e s ” d p t r l e a e k h h c o e t p h a T own ou’re e th ow “your because y fair pric n k s a t I s , o e . c c t i e e r p what mak pock money is e you’ll your own s c ’ n n e a i l h p c y o e e a n p o m is ose sts as but there ow up. Th p your co h , e s n e u k l f l o i e t w k i e l at your sur people th ’t forget h, so be n n t o o i D w g n . s i y d y l n l r a you re fai e b band that he bands paying th l t a e c g b o n l i l y l d a ’ o p u o yo need a g ile you book ssible wh cessarily o e t p n n a s t t a ’ r n o w s p o e l o s im awesome. n. It’s d ands. It’ even more preciatio s p i a support b l e l r i o b m ed erves use a mix think des ey wise beca e r n e sure th e g t to fi o. Just b o t . g e n l i p o o d e p re mobilizes what you’ t d r yle n o t a p s p r u e o s s f o cal or wh stand t a u r o t y s u t A good lo l a l h es to od i gn with w contribut find a go r , e d t e s l match ali o t p t e l s coo ists by ything is rting art believe a o p e p W u s . p o Once ever u s al ly, we your line s, you’re n. Recent u o l i P t i . n w g o o would fit h c re r s ily as ss of you ville fam ving them e d i c n g c e u M o s i e l e h o h t f t t ster, ing their por have a po sche join u s o A y n e a c V n expanding O e hi dium, n. ovely Sop e best me hat reaso h t t f s o i e k s o u had the l o ca eb rence igner, be days, Fac t of refe n e i s o e p h T a . house-des t s t find s no tion star s. Try to acebook i m F u r . o d f e d the promo e i r u dco believe get misg neral har ghts. We e i g l t p o i p k but don’t s s e ws you to gig in th ers and that allo get your g up post o n t i t y t a u w p e d an It brings sibl lar shows u can do. every pos i o m y i s g n g i n h i t st taught me attend is the be ence has i s r r e e p y x l e f d spreading touch, an network. personal n way to a u f f o t s e o r m o m the se you that it’s ion becau t n e t t a t lf. tan or yourse your cons s s d e i r k i u e q h e t p shows r he bands, ing more Setting u appoint t re’s noth s e i h d t e to get o ; t g n t i the chanc last th m e don’t wan n h o t u g o n y set and ll givi njoy the Let me te and out, e b s a d i g k n i g p l ed out. eein g than he have help erch or s m u o l y l e s s d satisfyin n d . For f ba ic out an fterwards records o a h s t d i n w their mus e i t r u f , make em walk o make good en-minded p l o l ’ e u r o o y seeing th m , e social opl he time of that a o make pe t t u t Most of t o n a m w e h t et new ll t , we jus hem to me e box, pu t h t t e f Mendville g o d e n d ndville, ) a k outsi ut for Me a created b i d , e c m them thin i t l s a i i al hat soc east try. retty ide bubble (t s or at l . It is p d e r f a i w l o t l a k e r t to wor people in at we wan that’s wh By Niek Van Beylen

42 RMP- Magazine Januari


RMP- Magazine Januari


Breaking Down Barriers

sic new mu e s a e l ven re e to e ’ve ands, l b b a f o s u i s ike yo of us undred feel l rld’s even h single one r e e b v y e a a , m o you the wo a Dozens ay, and not hat. D raction of t re f d o y I’m su ever ny f tenth d i n t e a n a o , to heard w I do listen en and Well, I kno re with me. e s y l a on e scene? others is sid music lot of hat th who t t n e Yes, ontin is a c notice of. , e c n a Psy’s es st ly tak ea’s rapper what I’m for in d r , a a h i s A world s not th Kor n of the t heard Sou , but that’ ock, rock i w ’ r o e n b t u y hasn t o b no ab Style” ’m talking t may i m a h n t g g u u g o Tho “Gan t. I rockin enres. g abou talkin forms and g an scene is si s all it nown, the A ll force. k in fu well-

44 RMP- Magazine Januari

Crossfaith Genre: Post-Hardcore/Metalcore Country: Osaka, Japan Since: 2006 Releases: Blueprint of Reconstruction (Demo, 2008), The Artificial Theory for the Dramatic Beauty (Demo, 2009), The Dream, The Space (Full length, 2011), Zion (EP, 2012) Top Tracks: “Omen,” “Monolith” and “Photosphere”

faith. This One of the best examples is without a doubt Cross itself oped devel has band ing originally post-hardcore sound nal origi their ning Combi . bands into one of today’s leading well as s growl and ms screa s Koie’ sound with vocalist Kenta managed to as the synths from Terufumi Tamano, Crossfaith has wherever ows eyebr ng raisi s, genre create their own hybrid of they are. what be to them” t expec t they go because people “don’ their sed relea piece fivethis Having been around since 2006, y,” in Beaut tic Drama the for y Theor first demo, “The Artificial The , Dream “The of name the by h 2009. Their first full lengt The of on versi cover a red featu and Space” was released in 2011 in tion atten more them got y iatel Prodigy’s “Omen,” which immed and ,” “Zion EP their sed relea band the West. More recently, the ” Along revealed a music video for its title track “Monolith. eas, overs trip first its onto went with its release, Crossfaith tour. their on e Europ and ca Ameri covering various cities in even Who knows, maybe you’ve already seen them without from! were they knowing where Tip: If you meet them, don’t be afraid to say “hi.” Their English should be just fine.

RMP- Magazine Januari



O.M.) (previously The C.

c, Alternative Genre: Psychedeli uth Korea Country: Seoul, So as Guckkasten) ), Guckkasten Since: 2003 (2007 (Full Length, 2009 en st ) ka ck Gu : es Releas räume (Mini, 2010 ngth, 2010), Tagt Le l ul (F ng di or Re-rec Single, 2012) , Montage (Digital ” and “Montage” Top Tracks: “Alone

e by to com their d r a h ’s ith ns, it s way up w om the g i e r music ade it e taken fr ue’s e pop sten m r a nam Hag e k h k w c u try t G With a nspired by ade n u u b . o c c , i s s i In a and rtist on mu band m rock a ique spin scope, ur-member o r the d a i l e u n l o p Ka po ds in s f c, u n e i i a s h l b e t e n d t i ” e s or Ch Fire, psych crazie Korea. word f rt and ne of the n A h a “ t m u r d o e e G as o call en e of S known piece ave be d k scen s h c e o v y r l e e h e m t rea thems releas 2003, e n v mainst i a h t u o ies nd arted 2007 a ” and a ser und t s e c y n l i träume eir so iginal name s m “Tag he West, th ut even hey or r current u t b l e a l i t ei ni , b Wh der th lbum, a mi rison with ke on Muse different n u n w pa ta a h a kno In com -lengt orea’s hem to ng to win a full l releases. as South K ge pulls t i n n he ru ran ich ita bed l in t sts, in wh of dig est descri oo’s vocal l i t s b is nw d arti style. can be ist Ha Hyu , the band blishe their own a l t t a s n c e e o m r is so, v the mo l” show fo ng songs in lone” t A A “ . l s o i e ’ t lev of “Id Sistar on. y exis i a sort ver alread girl group mendat o s true they c r cover of ely a recom unwoo’ y t H i n Thei s i s def witne es to c n a m r perfo ge. r live al ran i c e o h v t heck Tip: C

46 RMP- Magazine Januari


(previously Chico Science)

Genre: Nu-Metal (early), Post-Hardcore, Pop Punk Country: Manila, Philippines Since: 1996 Releases: Revenge of the Giant Robot (Full Length, 2000), Method of Breathing (Full Length, 2002), Icarus (Full Length, 2004), ChicoSci (Full Length, 2006), Fly Black Hearts (Full Length, 2009), “This Is Not A ChicoSci Record” (Full Length, 2012) Top Tracks: “Raspberry: Girl”

with the Pulling myself to yet another Asian country, I met active time, the at the, music of Chico Science. Erupted from after deal d recor lbum nu-metal scene, the band landed a two-a then, since Ever . Bands winning an inter-school Battle of the so now, and sound own they haven’t stopped redefining their g. stron going many years later, they’re still of the Giant Under EMI, the band revealed and released “Revenge ctively, respe ‘02, and ‘00 Robot” and “Method of Breathing” in here Somew e. evolv to before switching labels and continuing ed to chang ce Scien Chico in-between the release of both albums, t artis lian Brazi a with ChicoSci, in order not to be confused has band the , later s album working under the same name. Various s and has found a solid home under Universal-MCA Philippine t, “This lates Their date. released no less than six albums to -year three a after led Is Not A ChicoSci Record,” was revea n. retur their ipate silence and had the fans antic

RMP- Magazine Januari


Retrospect ore Genre: Post-Hardc Country: Thailand Since: 2001 ), For Your Ears rs Only (EP, 2003 Ea ur Yo r Fo : es th, 2007), Rise Releas leashed (Full leng Un ), 03 20 P, (E e Anytim ull Length, 2010) The Lost Souls (F ), 08 20 , th ng le (Full h Ruk” Sir!” and “Praw Wa Top Tracks: “Yes

rst the fi et, , d n a l l Mu l hai ions T sts. Sweet t n e m more l arti few of the the anyone a c f o i l t s st a ding re tha n’t it are ju and is lea rly su k about is l i i a a f t b k m I’ thin nd Coc f any rock pect. you’d lash a C ut i tros , r thing a a Te ays, b ys it’s Re e d r o e t even M s o e a n h d No t d e e s s as ion the band s rele the attent a a scene w known ” , Only drew rds, e Reco rd r Ears mmediately i u n o e Y G r i h o co ed wit ng Thai re th, EP, “F mation and n g t i s s r i i r g f n ad fo eng Their er bei the le rst full l their t f f r A o e t . e f i h year a local yout iary and on ut their f o e id h s t b 7. u of to put my s e m l in 200 a b r a ” G rfect , e d r e e h GMM w s are pe g for hey ” nlea t , U e “ , s s i l R rin labe one, “ ntly prepa d ased n o c e d rele o urr n C he se a t b . t s e h a tr th ig s well ore done r f elec ten ease, a o l e ” t r d i e b h sh rdc engt ng a les of “Unlea of post-ha full-l ncorporati s sing but , ’ h d t s n r e a i u l b The examp ture, and fo le, easily sound. d Thai cul invitation g next, n e i r r s i o e c e l h d t digita l post-har op-orientat nd with an tion in a p a new u edi s e m. A u r o r m hei he y stor Air’s 2009 ill surely t t b h n y t i r i t w out coun Open band w em. stand ok its Wacken mber rock o th t t a t c e me pe nc d from r r u a o e f h Retros nd appeara this d has for, a ck pocket, e worl h t e a r b o their st bef not re

48 RMP- Magazine Januari

Dir en grey Genre: Visual Kei (early), Metalcore, Post-rock Country: Osaka, Japan Since: 1997 Releases: Gauze (Full length, 1999), Macabre (Full length, 2000), Kisou (Full length, 2002), Six Ugly (EP, 2002), Vulgar (Full length, 2003), Withering to Death (Full length, 2005), The Marrow of a Bone (Full length, 2007), Uroboros (Full length, 2008), Dum Spiro Spero (Full length, 2011) Top Tracks: “Shokubeni,” “Merciless Cult,” “ Gaika” and “Hageshisa”

known all over the world If any still-recording Japanese band is have been around since it has got to be Dir en grey. These guys al Kei band, as a big 1997 and initially started out as a Visu and after them. Through chunk of the Japanese music scene before evolving to the point the years and releases, the band has kept of a metalcore or even that their most recent albums have more r own style. grindcore sound, still mixed up with thei r extreme stage Dir en grey has always been known for thei changed a bit with performances and even though their sound l sparked with random every release, their live shows are stil The band has without a additions to already consisting tracks. lists, as Kyo never ceases doubt one of Japan’s most versatile voca rtaining with his voice to impress with newly invented ways of ente call “inward screams” alone. Acapella vocal lines and things they when witnessing this five are just a few examples of what you get s. Additionally, songs member band during one of their live show around to fit their from their early days often get switched cipate every single current set lists, which makes fans anti a must for those live show over and over again. Certainly who want to be surprised. a different genre of Tip: Each album of theirs corresponds with nologically alter from rock, and for some reason, the albums chro it. If you’re more the little screaming and growling to a lot of screaming on top, try alternative rock type with the occasional heavier work, their two anything post-2002, while if you like the last albums should be more your thing.

By Kimberley De Somere

RMP- Magazine Januari



1. Journey of Discovery 2. Hourglass 3. Æther Realm 4. Swampwitch 5. One Chosen by the Gods

Aether Realm

One Chosen by the Gods


6. Ravensong 7. Winter’s Grasp 8. Odin Will Provide 9. Oak

: 80/100

Make way, U.S.A! Thanks to Aether Realm’s debut album, “One Chosen by the Gods,” America can boast a prim and proper epic folk metal band. The album is of outstanding quality and production value. In listening to the thumping drum beats, epic palm mutes, powerful vocals and symphonic backings, the listener is transported to an era of middle earth battlefields. Slay dragons, befriend wizards and stand together for a truly epic fight as the band forces out brutally orchestral music. The album is packed full of songs that will make the listener feel as if he/she could take on the world (with a good group of friends). The single “Swampwitch” brings you into a world of an evil woman who will turn you into stone if you do not destroy her first. The self-explanatory song “Aether Realm” helps us understand what the band is truly all about: a good time in the nether-regions of the soul. “Winter’s Grasp” puts you in the middle of a feud between two heroic knights. One might slightly tire of the bands repetitive undertones, but the fast paced guitar solos more than make up for it. “Oak Begins” infuses beautiful acoustic guitar strumming with powerful electric guitar picking. The band could be criticised for its overuse of high octave music in this album, which would force the impatient listener to tap “next” on their mobile devices or computers. Nonetheless, for the true lover of folk metal, symphonic metal or pure metal for that matter, a smile will be left on his/her face. “One Chosen by the Gods” will be a fresh experience in the name of all things epic. Well done, Aether Realm Writer: Cameron Smith Record Label : Primitive Ways Records Release date : 08-01-2013

50 RMP- Magazine Januari

1. Bulgarian Pancakes 2. De Ma Van De Nick 3. I Want You To Be Mine 4. Fuck You 5. Kei-Cool-Riffke

The Adjectives



6. Not Anymore 7. Break 8. Consolation 9. Love Sucks 10. Summertime

: 70/100

In these modern times, bands just don’t seem to be to interested in playing happy, feel-good punk rock any more. The Adjectives aren’t one of those bands. Their first debut album titled “Bam!” recently came out and delivers a nice overall jolly, summery pop-punk vibe. It’s obvious they don’t take themselves too seriously, as it should be in this genre. With song titles like “Ma Van De Nick” (an hommage to the good looking mother of a friend?) and “Kei Cool Riffke,” they seem to just want to have fun with their music. Furthermore, “Bam!” simply seems to be four friends hanging out, partying and playing some punk music on the side. For the most part, the guitars are structured around three basic chords, accompanied by happy guitar riffs. On a slightly negative side, the vocals tend to get annoying at some points and don’t seem to have enough power to keep it interesting for a whole album. Plus, if you’re not that into punk rock ala Blink 182 or Teenage Bottlerocket, you probably won’t really care for this album. But if you do, it’s definitely worth checking out.

Writer: Wouter Grauwels Record Label : / Release date : out now !

RMP- Magazine Januari



1. Opticks 2. Veritas 3. Inanis 4. Nausea 5. Resolve


Nausea EP


: 79/100

I was recently given the chance to listen to Chronographs ‘’Nausea’’ EP. I have to say it was rather good. They have a very unique sound. In many ways they remind me of a tech progressive metal band in America called Between The Buried And Me. The ‘’Nausea’’ EP delivers driving guitars with complimenting bass and drums, as well as driving melodies and crushing choruses from start to finish. It’s a fantastic example of what progessive metal should be. The key thing I noticed was the progression of the vocalist on “Nausea,” compared to the ‘’Outhouse Sessions’’ EP they previously released digitally for free via Bandcamp. On the “Outhouse Sessions,” the vocalist was honestly too one-dimensional. Anyone who listens to “Nausea” will undoubtably agree with me. Jon Sinfield has come a long way vocally, and it really makes for a better overall listening experience. In conclusion, Chronographs hit the nail on the head with their debut EP ‘’Nausea.” It is a delightful train ride through the UK metal scene. The band is not perfect, although they show a lot of potential. They have come a long way since the “Outhouse Sessions,” and it is clear as day. With some time and hard work, they will be an even greater force in the world of progressive metal. You can pick up your copy of Chronographs debut EP ‘’Nausea’’ on January 7th, 2013 via Ghost Music.

Writer: Antony Gallagher Record Label : Ghost Music Release date : 07-01-2013

52 RMP- Magazine Januari

1. Deliverance 2. Visionary Syndicate 3. A Stoic Can’t Lose 4. Reading 5. The Masquerade

Different Stories

Incoherent Consistency


6. Inbetween The Panels 7. Convicted 8. Distance 9. D.O.T.O.A.O.D.O.T.Y. 10. Wolves In Harmony

: 60/100

It’s always great to see young, promising bands rising in Belgium. Different Stories is one of those hard-working bands from Merksem, Antwerpen. They recently signed with The Front Agency and released their first full-length, “Incoherent Consistency,” a month ago. The band previously released a music video for “The Masquerade,” which had guest vocals from Jos De Roeck (Set Things Right). When it comes to their music, they really know what they’re doing. Each song has interesting guitar parts and, more importantly, the songs all have a natural flow to them. They range from fast metalcore riffs to more melodic and clean post-hardcore parts. The drums also provide noteworthy fills, which give the guitars a nice boost. Overall, the songs all have a catchy hook. Unfortunately, on the vocal side, frontman Vincent Van Hoorick doesn’t live up to the music. His vocals often sound very unnaturall and full of studio-provided effects. There are also multiple guest vocalists on this album like Bjorn Seynave (ex-Poison My Blood), Benjamin Goosenaert (Viva Revival, who clearly is an amazing clean vocalist) and Maarten Vanarwegen (Solstice, ex-When Hope Escapes), just to name a few. The sad truth is that each one of these guests is a way better vocalist than the band’s own frontman. All of this makes you kind of wonder if it really was a smart decision asking so many guest vocalists to appear on their first album. All in all, Incoherent Consistency is a more-than-decent first album for such a young band. Sadly, the vocals don’t add to the music’s creativity and often become more than annoying. The guest vocals make the songs more bearable, fortunately. So let’s hope Vincent Van Hoorick practices a bit more for their next release, because Different Stories really is a band with great potential. Writer: Wouter Grauwels Record Label : The front agency Release date : 03-11-2012

RMP- Magazine Januari



1. Termini terrae 2. Carrion dawn for vultures 3. Black edelweiss 4. Spiritus mundi

Rot In Hell

Termini Terrae


: 80/100

The UK chapter of the Holy Terror Church of the Final Judgment return with a new EP to celebrate the soon to be apocalypse, a long-awaited event that this band celebrates lyrically as well as musically. While in the beginning of their existence, they tried to get close to the sound of their labelmates and influence, Integrity, it appears that Rot In Hell has grown to be their own unique cult, with a matching sound. Their latest EP was released with the revived Dark Empire label of Dwid Hellion (Integrity), now a family affair since his son arose the label back from the dead. From the very start of this nifty EP, you get thrown into the lost world of Rot In Hell with title track “Termini Terrae,” played at a pace as if their life was counting on it, full of anger and grime. Another highlight is “Black Edelweiss.” Acoustic strumming leads into helter skelter madness, with the ferocious guitars blasting and thumping drums allover. With four new tracks, the prophets of doom deliver a great display of their evolution. Four tracks for the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Amen.

Writer: David Marote Label : Dark Empire Records Release date : 08-12-2012,

54 RMP- Magazine Januari

1. Vices 2. Curses 3. The Prophetess

Shreddy Krueger

Curses EP


4. Marker 5. The Lion And The Pariah 6. Solace

: 90/100

With Secret and Whisper being on an indefinite hiatus, some of their members decided not to stay still and kept creating music together. The result of all of this was Shreddy Krueger (based on an inside joke of the band members). With their first EP “Curses,” Shreddy displays a great sense of music taste going from hard shredding (of course) guitar playing to softer more delicate tunes. Guitarist David Ecker has a very unique style of playing and knows how to employ this perfectly. Former Secret and Whisper bass player, Jordan Chase, switches to vocals with this band and couldn’t be doing a better job at it (which almost makes you wonder why he didn’t sing more on their former albums). His high screaming and singing range is just incredible and creates a fluent atmosphere throughout each song. The band already started recording their first full-length album, so we can only expect more of that Shreddy Krueger goodness!

Writer: Wouter Grauwels Label : Invogue Records Release date : out now !

RMP- Magazine Januari


Review 1. Behind Those Eyes 2. You Won’t 3. The Crossfire 4. Rudy x 3 5. Hold The Line 6. Death Eater 7. Canadian Bacon 8. Paul Bunyan And The Blue Ox

9. Disconnecting - Part 1 10. The Cut Was The Deepest 11. Disconnecting - Part 2 12. The Alpha The Omega 13. Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid 14. Don’t Try This At Home 15. This Is Forever

Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza

The Alpha The Omega


: 80/100

Being one of metal’s best kept secret, Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza came out with their fourth album entitled “Danza IIII: The Alpha - The Omega.” The band actually broke up a while ago, but they still decided to release this delicious album for us all to enjoy. The heavy, epileptic guitar riffs by multi-instrumentalist Joshua Travis (who is now tearing it up in Glass Cloud with Jerry Roush of Sky Eats Airplane) are often combined with melodic lines, creating a very interesting sound. He also performed all the drums, which accompany the guitars perfectly. The songs feel way more structured than in their previous releases. It’s sad to see this band disappear, but at least they went out with a huge bang. And if you like Joshua’s work, be sure to check out Glass Cloud, where he continues his style and develops it even more.

Writer: Wouter Grauwels Label : Black Market Activities Release date : out now !

56 RMP- Magazine Januari

1. Neo Con 2. Coercionist 3. Addict 4. New Left


Stay Asleep


5. Force to Be 6.Violence vs Violence

: 90/100

Although they’re not well-known in Europe, Illinois based band, Kingmaker, have been around since 2010 and haven’t stopped working since. Their last effort resulted in an amazing end of the year EP, “Stay Asleep.” As a preview, we could already listen to the song “NeoCon,” which showed off a whole new direction for the band. Kingmaker has always had a more darker, pissed off sound to them. The previous EP was even called “Stay Pissed.” But this new EP goes even further into that dark place they seem to be exploring continuously. Focusing on a more solid song structure on this EP, all of the songs on it have a fluent structure to them. The strong point of Kingmaker has always been the vocals. As angry and pissed off as they sound, the lyrics always have real meaning to them. This time, the lyrics have a more political point, touching on a disgust towards American society and the whole financial crisis that brought a bunch of problems with it. This EP is absolutely phenomenal, from the dark, heavy guitars to the angry screaming that goes with them. Kingmaker definitely stepped it up again with this release, and is surely worth a listening for any hardcore fan or anyone who likes well-written lyrics about the financial hardships that accompany being a young adult in America.

Writer: Wouter Grauwels Label : / Release date : 21-12-2012

RMP- Magazine Januari



1. See You Tonight 2. F*** Time 3. Stop When The Red Lights Flash 4. Lazy Bones 5. Wild One 6. Makeout Party

Green day



7. Stray Heart 8. Ashley 9. Baby Eyes 10. Lady Cobra 11. Nightlife 12. Wow! That’s Loud

: 50/100

Pop punk legends, Green Day, have released the second album of their announced trilogy. It seems that the group has stuck with the same basic generic tone in terms of genre. Like in its predecessor “Uno,” the songs seem to lack creativity and almost follow one another too closely. Make no mistake, the album is a good choice for a get-together (where the drinks are flowing a-plentifully) or just to listen to when in the mood to chill out. The beats are very well produced, and they spared no expense in terms of their famous rock rhythms. The music is somewhat predictable, and Armstrong’s lyrics fail to draw the listener into his realm of women and anti-political statements. “Lazy Bones” will be a favourite in terms of hardcore music and awesome lyrics. The song takes you back to the earlier years where punk rock stood for something that we could all nobly agree upon and head bang to. The album’s single, “Stray Heart,” infuses a very catchy tune with a jumpy beat. It’s obvious that the song’s message is a great one, but the listeners will struggle to hear it due to the music overpowering poor Armstrong’s’ voice. Where is the love in that? “Nightlife” has to be the album’s most interesting song. The chilled tune takes you to the backseat of a Camaro speeding through Hollywood Boulevard at twilight. Kudos, Green Day, for finally experimenting with a female voice. In conclusion, do not hold your breath for this album. It will most likely be played at rock clubs before the masses arrive to “get the vibe started.”

Writer: Cameron Smith Label : Reprise Release date : 13-11-2012

58 RMP- Magazine Januari

1. Priorities 2. Hold On 3. Yeah Man 4. Here’s The thing 5. Whole Truth 6. Fancy Dress

Don Broco



7. In My World 8. Back In The Day 9. You Got It Girl 10. Let’s Go Back to School 11. Actors

: 90/100

Don Broco are back with a brand new album that follows up from their last EP “Big Fat Smile EP” from Search & Destroy Records, which was well-received on the underground music circuit. The four-piece from North London released this album earlier this year in August, and it is being played everywhere. They’ve scored themselves a top 25 chart position and have achieved a larger fanbase with this encouraging album. They have a reputation to be a great live band, as they have only recently broken out on the mainstream scene. They have made the songs on this album uplifting and extremely captivating. The lyrics consist of the bands own situations which really mean something to them and are easy to relate to. In the first song “Priorities,” Don Broco recall on a past time when a friend changed as soon as he met his girlfriend. They go on to confront this friend throughout the song by singing, “Mate, do you know how much you’ve changed? Where’s my buddy I was hanging out with yesterday?” It is straight and to the point. As the album plays through, each song has a catchy chorus and an upbeat melody that’ll get stuck in your head all day, like the second song on the album “Hold on;” you will be singing that all day no matter where you are, as it goes something like “Hold on, hold on something fishy’s going on, but everything just feels so right.” The tune is just so outstanding throughout this song, as you just can’t get it out of your head for days.The heaviest song throughout the whole album is “Fancy Dress.” It has a roaring riff and excellent vocal patterns to fit. If you like songs that are easy to sing along with and you need an album to brighten up your day, then this album is for you. It leaves you wanting more.

Writer: Holly Reijs Label :Search And Destroy Records Release date : 13-08-2012

RMP- Magazine Januari



1. Fall Of A Titan 2. Monster Inside Me 3. When Wulves Collide

Wulf Of Collision



: 75/100

Wulf Of Collision is a part-Belgian, part-British band that mostly holds its roots in Hoogstraten. You can hear their first demo, which was recorded last february in Wales, online. Wulf Of Collision play some dirty, straight up rock ’n roll, and for being a relatively new band, they have already left their mark on the Belgian music scene, since they recently got nominated to compete in the Global Battle of The Bands competition. This particular demo contains three tracks and kicks off with the self-titled track “Wulf Of Collision,” a furious rumble followed by fast paced guitars, oozing with filthy guitar rock, as if Lemmy Kilmister possesed these guys. “Fall of a Titan” begins with some raw guitar, leading into the rest of the band falling in, and displays the true sound of rock ’n roll, holding all the elements needed to rock out, from high notes to guitar solos. “Monster Inside Me” has a thumping start, with the bass lick playing over, and I’m always a sucker for some bass to open the song up. All in all, this remains the odd song on the demo but is also my favorite track. The whole thing is well-produced and good quality for a demo, so I will need to keep an eye out for these guys and see what the future holds for Wulf Of Collision.

Writer: David Marote Label : online EP Release date : out now !

60 RMP- Magazine Januari

1. Fourteen 2. I’ll Marry You Mary 3. Coming Back Home 4. My Worst Enemy 5. Silver & Gold 6. The Fairytale Is Over

Hugo Mudie & Fred Jaques



7. Don’t Waste Another Sunday 8. I Can’t Have Sex All The Time 9. Ride Cowboy Ride 10. Sad Building 11. L’esprit de l’escalier (For The Kids)

: 80/100

Hugo Mudie and Fred Jaques are two French Canadians that have some mileage behind them with their recently disbanded Sainte Catherines. These citizens of Montreal also had another project going with Yesterday’s Ring, in which they played a blend of acoustic, country and rock. “Miracles” is the latest offspring of Mudie and Jaques and is an album full of different influences and instruments. It ranges between mostly acoustic executed songs and, here and there, a bit of amplified racket to add to their hundreds of layers of sound. Tracks such as “Don’t Waste Another Sunday,” where the raw vocals of Mudie receive the country-rocking guitar playing of Jaques, are only a few of the well-performed songs to be found on this new project. Even a cover of Joe Strummer’s rendition of “Silver and Gold,” a reprise of the classic song by Bobby Charles, “Before I Grow Too Old,” is included on this release. “I Can’t Have Sex All The Time” even reminded me a more donwtempo acoustic version of and old NOFX song. Mudie and Jaques have been added to the roster of the 2013 Groezrock festival, and I will be there to check these guys out in a live setting ‘cause “Miracles” is a promising project for fans of acoustic, punk-inspired music. It isn’t the punk rock version of Sainte Catherines, but it sure does sound great, and an intimate set by these guys may provide a moment to rest during the madness that is two days of Groezrock.

Writer: David Marote Label : Flix Records Release date : 19-01-2013

RMP- Magazine Januari



1. Chrysalis
 2. The Great Downfall
 3. Scarlet Rising
 4. Ignitus

Eryn Non Dae



5. Muto
 6. Black Obsidian Pyre
 7. Hidden Lotus

: 76/100

When I was given the chance to check out Eryn Non Dae’s newest album, “Meliora,” I will admit, I was kind of intimidated. I’m used to listening to American metal and death metal bands, like Lamb of God and The Black Dahlia Murder. So naturally, a French tech metal band just struck me as odd. If I had to describe Eryn Non Dae in one word, it would have to be: “unique.” They showcase that perfectly in “Meliora.” The entire album is all over the place in a good way. From start to finish, your ears are bombarded with thunderous and technical drumming, backed by sweeping guitars with pin point accuracy. “Meliora” gives off a kind of creepy vibe that definitely sparks your curiosity. The album, overall, is fantastic. I feel like the band could have played off of the spooky gloom ‘n doom aspect a little more. On another note, they could have used a wider variety of vocal work during the calmer, lower tempo parts of the album. Did any of that ruin the album for me? Not even close. Eryn Non Dae has created a remarkable front page for French technical metal, as well as earned a new fan. I can’t wait to hear their progression on their next release.

Writer: Antony Gallagher Label : M&O Music Release date : out now !

62 RMP- Magazine Januari


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- Midnight Souls – Going Through The Motions - Solstice – EP - Hessian – Self titled (I hope this is released in 2012)

Top 3 best releases international - The Chariot – One Wing - The Secret – Agnus Dei - Beau Navire - Lumens

Top 3 best band national 2012

I’m not doing this one because there are a lot of Belgian bands that need to be listed here! Midnight Souls, Atlas, Solstice, Arizona, Millions Of Them, Off The Charts, Your Highness,Plague Town, Reproach, Hessian, Oathbreaker, Amen Ra, Rise and Fall, …

Top 3 best band international 2012 It always varies, I switch a lot in this.

Top 3 best live shows

- When Hope Escapes Goodbye Show at Muzaaike - Tessenderlo - Apologies, I Have None at Rock Café in Leuven. - Graf Orlock + Millions Of Them at Zigzag in Merksplas.

Top 3 most disappointing shows - Circle Takes The Square in Magasin 4 in Brussels. - La Dispute at Trix in Antwerp. - Native at Rock Café in Leuven.

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

- Becoming more open-minded towards a lot of things, not only as a promoter but also in my personal life. And meeting my lovely girlfriend. I’m very grateful that she supports me in everything I do.

Biggest hype of 2012

- I believe this word is rather negative, while this can also be a good thing. Risky question, this one!

Best purchases/ buys

- Final Fantasy XIII-2, for sure

Most underrated in 2012

- We Will Never Get Back Together from Taylor Swift. And probably my car. It gets compared to a cookie jar quite often. That hurts my feelings.

Most overrated in 2012

- Belgian elections, social media in general even though we all give in to that.

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Algernon Cadwallader breaking up

What would you like to forget about 2012 - My grandmother passing away. Unexpected.

Biggest promises for 2013

- Solstice - Badlands -The new band of Daniel Danger and Tym from Daytrader

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- Native. European Tour-shirt (not sure).

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - The Black Heart Rebellion – Har Nevo. - And probably so much releases that it’s hard for me to remember.

Best artwork of 2012

- The Tidal Sleep – Self titled 12” - Suis La Lune – Riala 12”

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Arrows In Her - Chalk Talk - Cloakroom

Biggest let downs - Daytrader breaking up, another year with no reunion show of

Officer Jones and His Patrol Car Problems and Daïtro not playing Fluff Fest. This was meant to be their very last show but it didn’t happen so…

64 RMP- Magazine Januari

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock

Best festival line-up international - Fluff Festival in Czech Republic








Best purchases/ buys

Top 3 best releases international

- No comment….

- Gojira- L’Enfant Sauvage
 - Odd Crew – Beyond the shell
 - Testament – Dark Roost of Earth

Top 3 best band national 2012 -Spoil Engine
 - Steak Number Eight
 - Musth

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Machine head - Gojira
 - Testament



Top 3 best releases national

- Amenra-Mass V
 - Spoil Engine -The art of Imperfection
 - Raketkanon –RKTKN #1

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- Amenra VINYLS !!!

Biggest let downs

What did you do in 2012 that you

- Having a band that is so close as friends and having other bands as friends and fans. But those thing you learn by the years of playing music. And just PLAY WHAT YOU WANT giving zero f*** to anyone .

Most underrated in 2012

- The Belgian girls….. Sorry :p

Biggest hype of 2012 - 9GAG!!?

Top 3 best live shows - Gojira
 - Excodus

Top 3 most disappointing shows - Megadeth and slash on graspop

Most overrated in 2012

- Still the Belgian girls.. Gotta love them foreign ladies!

Most memorable news fact of 2012

- The election of Obama en the hurricanes - The Belgian factories that were being closed down one after another.

What would you like to forget about 2012 - My ex-girlfriends ^^

Biggest promises for 2013

- I am looking forward to the New Album of the band Musth. Keep checking out RaketKanon. You guys just wait for more BELGIUM METAL!! \../

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - CANT WAIT FOR TOOL !!!

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Feed the Rhino

Best artwork of 2012

- Sorry guys.. beach house..

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- Well Tim from Musth had the coolest band shirt ever! The shirt of Amenra

Best festival line-up international

- Everything with metal!
I like a lot of bands and styles of music so it doesn’t matter!

Best festival line-up national

- Still everything with metal.. . and don’t forget about the whiskey, beer and the boobs!!
Best festival ever!

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Top 3 best releases national

- Amenra – Mass V - Countdown - Blinded Souls - Midnight Souls - Going Through The Motions

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Get instagram

Biggest hype of 2012 Top 3 best releases international

- The Weekend – Trilogy - Brutality Will Prevail - Scatter The Ashes - Goodtime Boys - What’s Left To Let Go

Hip hop

Best purchases/ buys

Goodtime Boys - What’s Left To Let Go

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Rise and Fall - Amenra - Hessian

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Drake - Basement - Trapped Under Ice

Top 3 best live shows - La Dispute - Of Mice & Men - Code Orange Kids

Most underrated in 2012 JMSN

Most overrated in 2012 Terror (like every year)

Most memorable news fact of 2012 Frank Ocean is gay

Top 3 most disappointing shows

What would you like to forget about 2012 The Weather

Biggest promises for 2013

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- Verse - Heights - Obey The Brave Metz

Releases to look forward to in 2013

Midnight Souls

Best artwork of 2012

Basement - Colourmeinkindness

Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year JMSN

Biggest let downs Iggy Azalea

66 RMP- Magazine Januari

Best festival line-up national Pukkelpop

Best festival line-up international Sound and Fury

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Top 3 best releases national

Biggest let downs

Top 3 best releases international

Biggest hype of 2012

- John Coffey - Bright Companions - Tenement Kids - Tenement Kids - Gold - Interbellum - Everyone Everywhere - s/t - Converge - All we love we leave behind - Japandroids - Celebration Rock

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Death Letters - The Real Danger - John Coffey

Top 3 best band international 2012

- Converge - Quicksand (let’s say they’re back together for now since they will be touring) - Letlive.

Top 3 best live shows

- Letlive. @ Lowlands - Lifetime/Cornflames/Real Danger @ Ham - Refused @ Groezrock

Top 3 most disappointing shows

I tend to not go to disappointing shows. Unfortunately I do tend to miss very good ones.

Biggest promises for 2013

Letlive. and all the bands from that current emo revival in the states.

Releases to look forward to in 2013

- Texas is the Reason new recordings - Biffy Clyro new album - Death Letters new album - Letlive. new album - Castevet new album - And basically every release on Topshelf Records, Run For Cover Records and No Sleep Records. They are releasing so many awesome records these days.

- No new Sunny Day Real Estate album.

- Black Keys

Most underrated in 2012 - Letlive.

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Listen to The Replacements.

Most overrated in 2012 - Dubstep

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Quicksand and Texas is the Reason touring again.

What would you like to forget about 2012 That Basement are breaking up so soon

Coolest band shirt of 2012

The coolest shirt was and will always be the Minor Threat Out Of Step cover shirt. And it’s bootleg.

Best artwork of 2012

- Converge - All we love we leave behind

Best festival line-up international - Groezrock

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Everyone Everywhere and Castevet

Best purchases/ buys

- Converge - Jane Doe first press

68 RMP- Magazine Januari

Best festival line-up national - Lowlands


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Top 3 best releases national

- The Dutch Rudders - Black Holes - Midnight Souls – Going Through The Motions - Off The Charts – EP

Top 3 best releases international - The Fake Boys – Pig Factory - Masked Intruder – Masked Intruder - The Dopamines – Vices

Top 3 best band national 2012 - The Priceduifkes - Off The Charts - The Dutch Rudders

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Masked Intruder - The Hextalls - Unfun

Top 3 best live shows

- At The Drive-In @ Reading Fest, Reading - Mikey Erg @ Crossbonefest, Houthalen - Apologies, I Have None @ Rock Café, Leuven

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Banner Pilot @ Shaka-Laka, Hazebrouck - Hot Water Music @ Groezrock, Meerhout - MC Karel @ JH Diezie, Roeselare

Biggest promises for 2013 - Coma Commander - Ashes - Eastwood

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - A Strength Within full length - Off The Charts full length - The Bat Bites full length






What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago I stopped giving quite a few fucks.

Biggest let downs

Yorkshire pudding, holy smokes that’s nasty

Biggest hype of 2012

The whole “defend pop punk” thing

Most underrated in 2012 - Like Bats

Most overrated in 2012 - Title Fight

Most memorable news fact of 2012 No idea

What would you like to forget about 2012

I don’t remember most things that I would want to forget

Coolest band shirt of 2012 My Crusades shirt

Best artwork of 2012

- The Fake Boys – Pig Factory

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Ten Speed Bicycle

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock

Best purchases/buys

- pulled pork baguettes with apple sauce and stuffing - a tattoo - every pizza I bought this year

Best festival line-up international - Reading Fest

RMP- Magazine Januari



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Top 3 best releases national

- Amenra – Mass V - Essence – The Defining Elements - Midnight Souls – Going Through The Motions

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

Recorded my first full-length album with my band Reminders. I just love being in a studio recording music.

Top 3 best releases international

Biggest let downs

Top 3 best band national 2012

Biggest hype of 2012

- Periphery – 2: This Time It’s Personal - The Ghost Inside – Get What You Give - Code Orange Kids – Love Is Love// Return To Dust - The Setup - We Stood Like Kings - The Homeless

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Periphery - The Ghost Inside - Counterparts

Top 3 best live shows

- Periphery @ Trix - Deadhorse @ Jh Zenith - The Homeless @ Rockcafé (Leuven)

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Motek they failed to meet my expectations - The Never-Say-Die Tour.

Biggest promises for 2013 - Climates - Shreddy Krueger - Napoleon

Releases to look forward to in 2013

- Defeater is coming out with a new record next year - The new songs from The Homeless

Dead Behind The Eyes from While She Sleeps, but the cd itself wasn’t that great. It wasn’t bad, but I just expected it to be more.

Just two annoying words : ‘Yolo’ and ‘Swag’.

Most underrated in 2012

- Kingmaker has made some pretty good angry pissed off hardcore.

Most overrated in 2012

Anything considered beatdown. It’s just something I don’t think I understand. But hey, some people seem to like it, so kudos to them.

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Hearing about Mitch Lucker’s tragic passing, just because it’s so recent. Never got the chance to see them perform.

What would you like to forget about 2012

That so many promising Belgian bands decided to quit, like Poison My Blood and Campus. But hopefully some of the members will return within other bands.

Coolest band shirt of 2012

I got to give this one to Deadhorse. Their main writer Brian Morgante really has designed some great stuff for bands.

Best artwork of 2012

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Well, one of my best friends designed the cd cover for The Zygoma Disposal and I honestly think his work is amazing Be sure to check out his work by searching for La Haine Artwork.

Best purchases/ buys

Best festival line-up national

This will probably be Glass Cloud. I don’t think they’re that well known here, but their first release The Royal Thousand is just stunning.

I’ve been listening to the Periphery album so much since I bought it. I’ve also enjoyed the new The Ghost Inside cd Apart from the first two songs, the cd is really good. Especially the song called ‘White Light’, is a very intimate one.

70 RMP- Magazine Januari

- Groezrock, next year will be absolutely stunning!

Best festival line-up international - The Vans Warped Tour






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Top 3 best releases national

- The countess (Poison my blood) - Artifacts (The End of All Reason) - Demon horde (There mountains are ghosts)

Top 3 best releases international - Weightless (Animals as Leaders) - This time it’s personal (Periphery) - Kolos (Meshuggah)

Top 3 best band national 2012 - These mountains are ghosts - Now, voyager - The Hickey Underworld

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Meshuggah - Perihpery - Perturbator

Top 3 best live shows

- Dillinger Escape Plan @ Groezrock - Between the Burried and me @ Trix - Muse @ Sportpaleis

Top 3 most disappointing shows

Didn’t see anything bad this year :) Everyone does their thing the best way they can.

Releases to look forward to in 2013

My buds in Balances are working on some cool stuff and Bliksem’s new album will be coming out too next year if you are into female fronted thrash metal.

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Discover the power of the internet.

Biggest let downs

- Hearing Britney Spears singing live was horrendous. I actually like her music haha. You should think that mayor artiest can at least hold their own in a live situation…NOT!

Biggest hype of 2012

- Every artist trying to rip off dustup to be cool.

Most underrated in 2012

- Every Belgian band…they all should get the media attention they deserve. Thank god the guys in RMP aren’t blind to this. Time for more Belgian bands to start making it abroad!!!

Most overrated in 2012 - Astrid Bryan.

Most memorable news fact of 2012

- Astrid Bryan trying to make it in the music business :)

What would you like to forget about 2012

- All these cool Belgian bands calling it quits! It’s a sad thing to hear. Let’s hope they all start new and exciting projects for us to enjoy!

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- Hmmm too much to choose from….

Best artwork of 2012

- Artifacts digital booklet by The end of all reason

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Perturbator - 80’s electro dreamwave.

Best purchases/ buys

- Blinding white noise by Skyharbour - Terror 404 by Perturbator - Drive, the movie soundtrack

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock 2012

Best festival line-up international - Euroblast 2012

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Top 3 best releases national

Releases to look forward to in 2013

Top 3 best releases international

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

- Isbells: Stoalin
 - dEUS: Following sea
 - Raketkanon: Rktkn #1

- Grizzly Bear : Shields
 - Tenacious D - Rize Of The Fenix 
 - The Menzingers: On the Impossible Past

Top 3 best band national 2012

- Brand New
 - Transplants
 - A Wilhelm Scream

- Going to The Fest in Gainesville, FL

Biggest let downs

- De Kreuners calling it quits !

- Triggerfinger
 - Black Box Revelation
 - dEUS

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Green Day
 - Kasabian
 - Justice

Top 3 best live shows

- Refused @ GROEZROCK 2012
 - Bruce Springsteen @ Pinkpop 2012
 - Rancid @ GROEZROCK 2012

Most memorable news fact of 2012

- Pennywise reunites with Jim Lindberg
. - Rocket From The Crypt and Quicksand are doing shows again.

What would you like to forget about 2012 The Newsitem: No Use For A Name Singer Tony Sly Found Dead (But we won’t forget Tony sly)

Top 3 most disappointing shows - The Stone Roses, Pukkelpop 2012
 - The Hives, Pinkpop 2012
 - Angels & Airwaves, AB 2012

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Biggest promises for 2013 - Masked Intruder 
 - Goodtime Boys
 - Raketkanon

- Masked Intruder @ THE FEST 2012
 - Miracles @ THE FEST 2012
 - Shook Ones @ THe Fest 2012

Best festival line-up national

Best purchases/ buys

Best festival line-up international

- Spotify
 - More and more vinyl records

72 RMP- Magazine Januari



www.coldclothing.be RMP- Magazine Januari




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Top 3 best releases national

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Top 3 best releases international

Best purchases/ buys

Top 3 best band national 2012

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

- John Coffey - Antillectual - The Road Home

- Hot Water Music - Exister - The Menzingers - on the impossible past - Mumford and Sons - Babel See question 1.

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Chuck Ragan - Northcote - Mumford and Sons


-Parkway drive - home is for the heartless DVD, Awesome DVD (just as good as the first one).

Taking some days off for holiday

Biggest hype of 2012

a Massive amount of reunion tours!

Most underrated in 2012 The Liberation Service

Top 3 best live shows

What would you like to forget about 2012

- The Menzingers @ Groezrock (Belgium) - Tallest Man On Earth @ Cologne (Germany) - Against me @ Ressuraction Fest (Spain)

Nothing I guess, it was a good year, and the shitty things made us who we are now. I’m satisfied.

Top 3 most disappointing shows

Coolest band shirt of 2012

-None more Black @ Groezrock (Belgium) -Nirvana reunion @ Sandy relief concert (although I wasn’t there myself) -dead kennedy’s @ Resurrection (Spain)

Biggest promises for 2013

it’s probably my Red City radio Shirt or Menzingers shirt

Best artwork of 2012

I really do like the hot water music one

The Road home, they will hopefully show up with a full length.

Best festival line-up national -Queensday Festival (Venlo)

Releases to look forward to in 2013 -The Bronx

74 RMP- Magazine Januari

Best festival line-up international -Groezrock








Top 3 best releases national

Biggest let downs

Top 3 best releases international

Biggest hype of 2012

- Rise And Fall - Faith - dEUS - the soft fall - Amenra - Mass V

- Converge - All we love we leave behind - Architects - Daybreaker - Gojira -L’enfant sauvage

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Rise and Fall - Amen Ra - Triggerfinger

Top 3 best band international 2012 - While she sleeps - Ufomammut - Architects

Top 3 best live shows -While she sleeps @ trix - ufomammut @ de kreun - Suicide silence @ dour

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Channel Zero, Masters @rock Torhout

Biggest promises for 2013 - Kodaline - Humanfly - Jake Bugg

Releases to look forward to in 2013

- New record of the Dillinger Escape Plan, Bongripper, Kvelertak, Shining (Norway)




- Baroness - Yellow & Green

- Gangnam style

Most underrated in 2012

- Feed the Rhino ( Heavy UK rock ‘n rollcore )

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago? - Getting Tattooed - Eating Oysters

Most overrated in 2012 - The iPhone 5

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Mitch lucker’s death

What would you like to forget about 2012? - Hangovers and kitchen programs on TV

Coolest band shirt of 2012

The filthy white ORO t-shirt from Ufomammut

Best artwork of 2012

- Gojira - L’enfant Sauvage

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Ufomammut

Best purchases/ buys - Architects - Daybreaker - Gojira - L’enfant sauvage

Best festival line-up national - Werchter Boutique with bands such as Mastodon, Gojira, Metallica, Ghost,...

Best festival line-up international - Roadburn Festival

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Top 3 best releases national

- The dutch Rudders – Black Holes - Perceptions - Antagonizer - Outline – Self Titled Ep

Top 3 best releases international - The Story So Far – Under soil and dirt - Apologies I have none – London - Basement – ColorMeInKindness

Top 3 best band national 2012 - A strength Within - Perceptions - Silver & Gold

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Touren

Biggest hype of 2012

- Shirts with buttons that close up all to the nek - Instagram

Best purchases/ buys

- 20” paiste alpha Crash ;)

Most underrated in 2012

- The Priceduifkes must do a show on Groezrock!

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Basement - Daylight - Apologies I have none

Top 3 best live shows

-Apologies I have None – Rock café Leuven w/Silver and gold- - Daylight – hasselt w/more than life - Paul McCartney – Sportpaleis

Top 3 most disappointing shows

Coolest band shirt of 2012 - Light Years - Basement

Best artwork of 2012

Daylight – The difference in good and bad dreams

Make do and mend groezrock (Bad sound and I skipped Red city radio for this band)

Releases to look forward to in 2013 Off the Charts ;) Breathing While buried ;)

Best festival line-up national

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Best festival line-up international

- The story so far

76 RMP- Magazine Januari

- Groezrock - Crossbonefest

- Crash Doubt Fest - Hevy Fest


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Top 3 best releases national

Best purchases/ buys

Top 3 best releases international

- I only buy stuff when I’m absolutely sure it’s good.

I didn’t really listen to many Belgian albums this year. However, Spoil Engine’s latest release (The Art of Imperfection) was pretty. - Halestorm - The Strange Case Of - Kamelot - Silverthorn - Skunk Anansie - Black Traffic

Top 3 best band national 2012

- Skunk Anansie - Black Traffic, Lacuna Coil - Dark Adrenaline, Kamelot - Silverthorn, Halestorm - The Strange Case Of

Biggest let downs

What did you do in 2012 that you

- I don’t have any regrets. We all live in the here and now.

- Hooverphonic - Triggerfinger - Channel Zero

Most underrated in 2012

Top 3 best band international 2012

-The end of the world

- Halestorm - Steel Panther - Skunk Anansie

- The job as a teacher, probably because I’m one myself.

Biggest hype of 2012

Top 3 best live shows

- Twisted Sister @ Graspop - Within Temptation @ Elements show - Evanescence @ Lotto Arena

Most overrated in 2012 - The end of the world

Most memorable news fact of 2012 Top 3 most disappointing shows - The Vaccines (Rock Werchter) - Fear Factory (Trix) - The XX (Rock Werchter)

- The failure of our planet trying to commit suicide

What would you like to forget about 2012 - The many deaths due to uncontrolled people.

Biggest promises for 2013 - Halestorm !

Releases to look forward to in 2013

Best artwork of 2012

- Delain - We Are The Others

Coolest band shirt of 2012 - The black one

The new albums of Helloween, Saille, Amaranthe, Trail Of Tears, ...

Best festival line-up international

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Best festival line-up national

- Trillium

- Graspop Metal Meeting

- Fortarock

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Top 3 best releases national

- Essence - The defining elements - Different stories - incoherent consistency - The end of all reason - artifacts

Top 3 best releases international - The afterimage - formless - Periphery - II - Veil of Maya - Ecplise

Top 3 best band national 2012 - BEAR - Essence - The zygoma disposal

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Periphery - Between the buried and me - After the burial

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Writing music outside of my comfort zone (none metal stuff).

Biggest let downs

Jason getting kicked out of BOO! The discovery was a masterpiece and I am a little worried about the next release... Expectations are sky high.

Biggest hype of 2012

Periphery. Definitely the biggest hype for me. Perfect record!

Most underrated in 2012

The contortionist. Amazing record with some great experimental pieces. It is steeped in ambiance.

Most overrated in 2012 - Parkway drive

Top 3 best live shows

- Veil of Maya tour - BTBAM show - Periphery headline show

Most memorable news fact of 2012

The Syrian conflict, or middle eastern revolutions in general.

Top 3 most disappointing shows

None. A little bit letdown by the hobbit though.

What would you like to forget about 2012 End of the world bullshit

Biggest promises for 2013

- Arms of solace and Inside the hail! Two very promising Belgian metalcore bands! Check them out!

Coolest band shirt of 2012 - Heart of a coward

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - New After the Burial - New Born of Osiris

Best artwork of 2012

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Monuments - gnosis

Best purchases/ buys

Best festival line-up national

The Afterimage. This band really took me by surprise! For fans of structures!

- Skervesen custom guitar - Kemper profiling amp!


Best festival line-up international - New England metalfest - Uk techfest.

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Top 3 best releases national

- Generation 84 - Regardless Of What Is Right - Solstice - S/T - The Rocket - Not everyone grows up to be an astronaut

Top 3 best releases international

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

- I played punkrockshows, that’s pretty cool, I should have done it many years ago too! ;-)

- No Trigger - Tycoon - Propagandhi - Failed States - Such Gold - Misadventures

Biggest let downs

Top 3 best band national 2012

- Propagandhi’s Failed States

- The Octopussys - The Rocket - Arizona

- Bigwig canceling for groezrock 2012.

Biggest hype of 2012

Most underrated in 2012 - Curbside

Top 3 best band international 2012 - The Swellers - Banner Pilot - Belvedere

Top 3 best live shows

- The Swellers @ groezrock - Royal Republic @Trix - Red City Radio @ groezrock

Top 3 most disappointing shows - Banner Pilot @ Veusseleir calling - Off With Their Heads @ Kloemprock - F.O.D. @ Lieje zomert, Denderleeuw

Biggest promises for 2013

- Solstice - They will be playing real big shows I think. - Off The Charts and The Dutch Rudders - Both young promising bands with a great vibe going on. - You Nervous? - They released super catchy poppunk songs. Watch them! - Down to Adelaide - Belgium’s own Paramore

Most overrated in 2012 - The Dangerous Summer - Less Than Jake

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Tony Sly’s sudden death

What would you like to forget about 2012 - I want to remember every day! 2012 was great!

Coolest band shirt of 2012 - Really don’t know. Face The Fax has a cool one though!

Best artwork of 2012

- Local Resident Failure - A Breath Of Stale Air - Booze Cruise - No Big Deal

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - F.O.D. - first full album - Broadway Calls - Comfort / Distraction - Paramore - Paramorel

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Curbside - skatepunk motherfucker! - Local Resident Failure - skatepunk motherfucker!

Best purchases/ buys

- Off With Their Heads discography

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock 2012

Best festival line-up international - Riot Fest, Chicago

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Top 3 best releases national

Since we’re French, you might mean French releases... So here you go: - Mass Hysteria - l’armée des ombres - The Arrs - Soleil Noir - The Prestige - Black Mouths

Top 3 best releases international - Deftones - Koy No Yokan - Gallows - self-titled - Trash Talk - 119

Top 3 best band national 2012(French..) - As They Burn - Checkmate - The Great Divide

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Cancer Bats - Every Time I Die - Terror

Top 3 best live shows

- Coilguns in Paris w/ Black Breath & Nasum - Chariot in Paris at Le Divan Du Monde - Trash Talk at Le Klub in Paris

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Architects @ Damage Festival, Paris - Set Your Goals @ La Boule Noire, Paris - Dead And Devine @ Le Divan Du Monde, Paris

Biggest let downs - Parkway Drive - Your Demise - Architects

Biggest hype of 2012 - While She Sleep

Most underrated in 2012 - Kills and Thrills

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Put out a Vera Cruz album

Most overrated in 2012 - Emmure

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Obama president of the USA

What would you like to forget about 2012 When our drummer left the band for a few months but fortunately came back.

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- The Justin Bieber T-shirt with the “Slayer”

Biggest promises for 2013 - Heights - As They Burn - Kvelertak

Best artwork of 2012

- Converge “all we love we leave behind”

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - Dillinger Escape Plan - Kvelertak - Polar (!!!!!!)

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Coilguns

Best festival line-up national - Hellfest 2012

Best purchases/ buys

- Deftones “Koy No Yokan” - Baronnes “Green and Yellow” - Hildaway “Miles Away”

80 RMP- Magazine Januari

Best festival line-up international - Groezrock 2012





Top 3 best releases national

Biggest let downs

Top 3 best releases international

Biggest hype of 2012

- Now, Now - Threads - Heartwell - Certainty Of Change - The Swellers - Running Out Of Places To Go - Cryptopsy - Self-Titled - Basement - Colourmekindness - Apologies, I Have None - London

Top 3 best band national 2012 - The Menzingers - Half Hearted Hero - Such Gold

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Borders - Counterparts - Off The Charts

Top 3 best live shows - Jimmy Eat World - Minus The Bear - New Found Glory

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Anything on TV - Anything on the radio - Anything not involving Carly Rae Jepsen

Biggest promises for 2013

Dad promised me a new bike for my birthday.

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - Half Hearted Hero - Born Without Bones - The Hotel Year

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- Michael Moore.

Title Fight. but they live up to it, so it’s perfectly okay.

Most underrated in 2012 - The Hotel Year

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Got in the van.

Most memorable news fact of 2012

- “If you’re an elderly person and you don’t have heat, crap yourself in a blanket”- Taken from the Buffalo News this past November.

Most overrated in 2012 Anything on the radio.

What would you like to forget about 2012

The part where our trailer decided to part ways with our van.

Coolest band shirt of 2012

Anything done by Balance & Composure.

Best artwork of 2012

- Every Time I Die - Ex Lives

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Moneen. I realize they’re not a “new” band, but I just listened to them this year. Amazing stuff.

Best festival line-up national - Warped was great this year.

Best purchases/ buys

- Gloves. It’s fucking cold outside.

Best festival line-up international - Groezrock

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VS What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Started learning music theory.

Top 3 best releases national

- The Chariot - One Wing - Pentimento - Self Titled - The Menzingers - On The Impossible Past

Biggest let downs

The most recent Say Anything record.

Biggest hype of 2012 Top 3 best releases international - Neck Deep - Rain In July - Basement - Colourmeinkindness - After Tonight - The Lenses

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Pentimento - Last Call - The Chariot

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Neck Deep - Basement - After Tonight

Top 3 best live shows

- Fall 2012 ECC Mixtape Fest - Glamour Kills Tour - Against Me/The Menzingers off date.

Top 3 most disappointing shows

I try my best to find the good in every show. Always have a good time.

Real Friends! With good reason.

Most underrated in 2012

Major League’s full length “Hard Feelings”

Most overrated in 2012

I’d say the new Gaslight record.

Most memorable news fact of 2012 Death of Dick Clark

What would you like to forget about 2012

The nights I was really sad and decided NOT to write a song about it.

Coolest band shirt of 2012 Slayer’s Christmas sweater

Releases to look forward to in 2013

Best artwork of 2012

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Best festival line-up national

Best purchases/ buys

Best festival line-up international

My top two are the new Fireworks and The Wonder Years records.

- Good Luck Varsity

I bought a pair of Nike low-dunks that have lasted 7 months of extensive touring with very little wear.

82 RMP- Magazine Januari

The Chariot’s “One Wing”

Warped Tour’s line up was wild last year.

Slam Dunk Fest







Top 3 best releases national

- Revelations - Essence - The Countess - Poison My Blood - Solstice - Solstice

Top 3 best releases international

- Good Kid M.A.A.D City - Kendrick Lamar - All We Love We Leave Behind - Converge - Diamond - Stick To Your Guns

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Rise and Fall - The Setup - Bear

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Deftones - The Elijah - The Ghost Inside

Top 3 best live shows

- The Ghost Inside (Groezrock) - Reign Supreme (Vlamrock) - Make Do And Mend(Dynamo, Eindhoven)

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Dead and Divine (Trix) - Thrice(Groezrock)(Setlist was way to short) - Your Demise (Luxor, Keulen)

Biggest promises for 2013 - Playing alot of cool shows

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - Misery Signals (hopefully) - Shai Hulud - Reach Beyond The Sun - Letlive - Azriel

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What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Except my inner nerd

Biggest let downs

- Not being able to play the pmb farewell show

Biggest hype of 2012

- While She Sleeps - Gagnam Style (obviously) - The Hobbit

Most underrated in 2012

- The Departed (check them out they’re sick) - Azriel (They’re sick as wel)

Most overrated in 2012 The Amity Affliction

Most memorable news fact of 2012 Disney buys Star Wars and is going to release new movies

What would you like to forget about 2012 - Gangnam Style - Nicki Minaj - Call Me Maybe

Coolest band shirt of 2012 -Everything by Tom Bornarel (check him out)

Best artwork of 2012

- Yellow and Green - Baroness

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Suspected Concussion (Aalst)

Best festival line-up national - Dour

Best purchases/ buys

- Crack The Skye Delux Edition - Mastodon - Mirrors/Controller LP - Misery Signals - New DD7 Boss pedal

Best festival line-up international

- South By Southwest (SXSW) - Coachella - Hit The Deck - New Engeland Metal And Hardcore Festival

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Top 3 best releases national

- Get Wise – Clock’s Ticking 7” - Blade – Armed With Abstinence 7” - GRIM – Demo tape

Top 3 best releases international - Twitching Tongues – Preacher man - Fire & Ice – Not of this earth - Expire – Pendulum Swings

Top 3 best band national 2012

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

I went to London with TRAPPED INSIDE. Going to London for the first time would have been cool anyway, but being on the road with them was definitely the coolest thing I did this year.

Most underrated in 2012 - Violent City

- Get Wise - Blade - A Strength Within

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Trapped Under Ice - Naysayer - Frustration

Top 3 best live shows

Most memorable news fact of 2012 The Swiss bus crash.

- Gorilla Biscuits (Groezrock) - Twitching Tongues (JH Tessloo, Tessenderlo) - Kate Nash (MOD Hasselt)

Top 3 most disappointing shows

Nothing comes to mind. At almost every show there are bands which you are less interested in. But then there’s still the hangout One thing that was really disappointing though, was the Soul Search tour that got cancelled.

Biggest promises for 2013

What would you like to forget about 2012

Being sick at Ieperfest (laryngitis) & not going to the Down To Nothing show in London.

Coolest band shirt of 2012 Rebuild’s tie dye shirt. Haha!

Inherit & Bleak Reality

Releases to look forward to in 2013

- The new Paramore album - The new Soul Search 7”. Hopefully TRAPPED INSIDE will release a 7” as well.

Best artwork of 2012

The artwork of No Turning Back , No Regrets is pretty cool!

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year Definitely Twitching Tongues & Turnstile. Holy fuck!

Best festival line-up national Ieperfest

Best purchases/ buys

Tape from The Flex, Chain Of Strength – The One Thing That Still Holds True 7”, 7” from Twitching Tongues (Preacher Man), Take Offense (CD Tables Will Turn) & my Gorilla Biscuits hoodie.

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Best festival line-up international Outbreak Fest in Leeds

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Top 3 best releases national

- Amenra – Mass V - Raketkanon – RKTN#1 - These Mountains Are Ghosts – Demon Horde

Top 3 best releases international

- Planks – Funeral Mouth - Converge – All We Love We Leave Behind - Gojira – L’Enfant Sauvage

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Get rid of my girlfriend Biggest let downs old car Biggest hype of 2012 Yolo and swag off course!

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Amenra - Raketkanon - These Mountains Are Ghosts

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Converge - Mastodon - Planks

Most underrated in 2012

Kenny Leys going berzerk on too much booze... Sheer epicness!!

Top 3 best live shows

- Amenra – Mass V release @ AB - Mastodon @ AB - Between The Buried & Me @ Trix

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Top 3 most disappointing shows

Obama’s 2nd election was quite memorable

Biggest promises for 2013

What would you like to forget about 2012

I didn’t see any actually!

- Black Vulture - Raketkanon’s guitar player started a new band with the bassist of Millions Of Them, the singer of Musth, the guitar player of Helldozer and the drummer of Deadender… Keep an eye out for these guys! ;)

Releases to look forward to in 2013 Musth full length off course!!!!

Me getting rid of my girlfriend

Coolest band shirt of 2012 The new Amenra shirt

Best artwork of 2012

This is getting boring, but Amenra did it again…

Best festival line-up national Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

- Pukkelpop


Best purchases/ buys new car

Best festival line-up international - Hellfest

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Top 3 best releases national

- Canirepeed – ST - Off the charts – ST - Midnight Souls – Going through the motions

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

2012 was the same as any other years. Awesome and useless at the same time.

Top 3 best releases international

Biggest hype of 2012

Top 3 best band national 2012

Best purchases / buys

- Dopamines – Vices - Masked Intruder – ST - Hextalls – Rock you to sleep - Off the charts - Priceduifkes - The Crackups

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Dopamines - Off with their heads - Masked Intruder

Top 3 best live shows

- TDR release show Black holes - Off with their heads at Groezrock - Lifetime at Groezrock

My baby sister. She’s awesome. You’re not, cause you aren’t my baby sister. She’ll become president of the moon and the world cause she’s awesome. - Direct hit t-shirt

Most underrated in 2012 - Pizza

Most overrated in 2012 - Pizza

Most memorable news fact of 2012 That dude that jumped out of space. Felix Baumgarnter or something. He’s awesome.

Top 3 most disappointing shows - Punkrock never disappoints

Biggest promises for 2013 - Crusades - Be My Doppelganger - Masked Intruder

Releases to look forward to in 2013

I haven’t got a clue. I think Teenage Bottlerocket is doing a new one which will probalbly be awesome. Same counts for the Murderburgers.

What would you like to forget about 2012 - Joke Schauvliege - Dubstep

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- The Dutch Rudders Butthead t-shirt made by Tom Neirynck

Best artwork of 2012

- Converge – “All we love we leave behind”

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Masked Intruder

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock, no doubt

Biggest let downs

Lost my direct hit t-shirt on the way home.

Best festival line-up international - Riot Fest

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Top 3 best releases national

- Outline – Demotape - Length of Time – Let The World With The Sun Go Down - Fatal Move – False Hope

Proposed to my girlfriend.

Biggest hype of 2012

Top 3 best band national 2012

Best purchases / buys

- A Strength Within - Pushed Too Far - The Setup

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Rancid - Sick of it All - Shai Hulud

Top 3 best live shows

- Rancid @ Groezrock - Violent City @ Everytime - All for Nothing @ Shamrock



What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

Top 3 best releases international

- Morning Glory – Poets Were My Heroes - Verse – Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace - Lionheart – Undisputed


Thinking electronic music is actually made by actual musicians. It’s not.

- Our Bulldog, Fons

Most underrated in 2012 - Local Bands

Most overrated in 2012 - International Bands

Most memorable news fact of 2012 The passing away of Adam Yauch and Tony Sly.

Top 3 most disappointing shows I don’t stay at shows that suck.

Biggest promises for 2013 - Ashes, - Black Vulture - Failed State - The Reeves - Crucial Times

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - Dead End Sin full album - A Strength Within full album - Honour Your Pain full album - New Face The Fax - New Your Demise - New The Setup

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

What would you like to forget about 2012 I already forgot. Looking forward to forgetting things in 2013!

Coolest band shirt of 2012

-Stick To Your Guns – Fuck That Guy (thanks Pony!!!)

Best artwork of 2012

- Baroness – Yellow and Green

Best festival line-up national - Ieperfest

Cast Iron Jaw, Think Ahead, Counterparts, Star Fucking Hipsters

Biggest let downs

- Komen Eten met Iwein Segers - Politicians/People in charge in general

Best festival line-up international - Hellfest

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Top 3 best releases national

- AMEN RA – Mass V - Rise And Fall – FAITH - Different Stories – Incoherent Consistency

Top 3 best releases international

- For The Fallen Dreams – Wasted Youth - Last Witness – Mourning After - The Ghost Inside – Get What You Give - Gideon - Milestone

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Now, Voyager - Different Stories - Across The Ocean

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Heart In Hand - For The Fallen Dreams - Betrayal

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Become a Mobile Viking - Purchasing Playstation Plus

Biggest hype of 2012 - Tumblr - Instagram

Best purchases / buys

- New record player. - Green Day’s Triple-Album.

Most underrated in 2012 - Heart Of A Coward

Most overrated in 2012 - Obey The Brave

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Mitch Lucker’s Death

Top 3 best live shows

- Yellowcard @ Groezrock - Heart In Hand @ JC De Schorpioen, Melle - Heideroosjes Goodbye-show @ AB, Brussel

Top 3 most disappointing shows - Texas In July @ Magasin 4, Brussel - Obey The Brave @ Trix, Antwerpen - Textures @ Dour Festival

Biggest promises for 2013 - Heart In Hand

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - Heart In Hand - Bring Me The Horizon - Legend • Funeral For A Friend • JIMMY EAT WORLD!!!

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Neck Deep - Gideon

What would you like to forget about 2012 - Gangnam Style

Coolest band shirt of 2012

Every We Butter The Bread With Butter shirt. Hands down.

Best artwork of 2012

- Stick To Your Guns – Diamond

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock

Biggest let downs

- Emmure – Slave To The Game

Best festival line-up international - THE BAMBOOZLE, New Jersey

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Top 3 best releases national

- While She Sleeps – This is the Six - Deaf Havana – Fools and Worthless Liars - Polar – Iron Lungs

Top 3 best releases international

- Every Time I Die – Ex Lives - Memphis May Fire – Challenger - The Ghost Inside – Get What You Give









What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago n/a Biggest hype of 2012 Crossfaith

Best purchases / buys

Top 3 best band national 2012

- Kinda hard to say, I bought myself a Pearl Demon-Drive pedal this year, which I’m in love with; - The Breaking Bad box-set. - I also ‘bought’ a whole bunch of stuff from Big Deal Clothing & the guys over at Death, Shred this year, highly recommended!

Top 3 best band international 2012

Most underrated in 2012

Top 3 best live shows

Most overrated in 2012

- While She Sleeps - Bury Tomorrow - Yashin

- Refused - The Ghost Inside - Stray from the Path

- Architects @ Groezrock - Refused @ Download - Paramore @ Leeds Festival

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Enter Shikari @ Download - Cancer Bats @ Download … the above were my only real disappointing ones, not bad considering!

Releases to look forward to in 2013

WAY too many to list as usual, lets just keep it at “I’m looking forward to another great year for music in general.”

Biggest promises for 2013

Warped Tour UK 2013 – I can’t wait to see how this grows as a new festival here in the UK. This year was a massive success, so I think next year could be even bigger, can’t wait!

- Polar - Hildamay - Tom George

- Lower than Atlantis - Secrets

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Whilst there are lots of serious topics that I’d think fall into this category, this has to be my favourite: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ... ferry.html Welcome to the UK!

What would you like to forget about 2012

The entire experience of attending NAS Festival in July – it poured with rain the entire weekend and I nearly died!

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- Has to be this from the Bury Tomorrow dudes, amazing, I want it badly!

Best artwork of 2012 Tank.Axe.Love – all of it!

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Bastille - Engine-Earz

Biggest let downs

- Sonisphere being cancelled. - Dead & Divine AND Underoath disbanding - Jimmy Saville - British Summer-time in general.

Best festival line-up national - Slam Dunk Festival

Best festival line-up international - Groezrock

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VS Top 3 best releases national

- Satan’s Satyrs – Wild Beyond Belief LP - Peacebreakers – Demo - Stripmines – Crimes of Dispassion LP

Top 3 best releases international

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Not appropriate for this interview - Jumped off a bridge with no clothes on - Cook tempeh

- Violent Reaction – 7” - Suicidas – Demo/New Tracks - Correction – Practice Tapes

Biggest hype of 2012

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Satan’s Satyrs - Peacebreakers - Devils Hand

- Plane tickets to Europe for the Coke Bust / Sectarian Violence tours. - Satan’s Satyrs LP (obviously) - “Bueno” brand New Mexican chili powder! It’s amazing.

Top 3 best band international 2012

Most underrated in 2012

- Witchcraft - Violent Reaction - Correction

Top 3 best live shows

- Pentagram - Live in Maryland - Negative Approach - Live in California - Free Spirit - Live in Washington, DC

American flags in hardcore.

Best purchases / buys

Stripmines - check them out. They’re broken up now... but they were an excellent band from Raleigh, NC.

Most overrated in 2012 No hate from me!

Most memorable news fact of 2012 Matt Parsons is engaged!

Top 3 most disappointing shows

There were a few shows on some of our tours that I thought would be better, but I’m not going to put them on blast. We appreciate everyone’s efforts, even when things don’t go as well as hoped!

What would you like to forget about 2012 Having a gun put to my head and getting robbed!

Biggest promises for 2013 - Work out more. - Eat better. - Better family relationships.

Releases to look forward to in 2013

- Coke Bust – LP on Grave Mistake / Refuse Records - Sectarian Violence – Upward Hostility LP on Grave Mistake / CTW Records - Anything from Violent Outburst

Coolest band shirt of 2012 Violent Reaction!

Best artwork of 2012

- Satan’s Satyrs – Wild Beyond Belief LP

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Post Teens

Biggest let downs

- Trying to book Pentagram and not being able to. - Getting ripped off by a client and being out $2,000 - Getting robbed at gunbpoint

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Best festival line-up national

- DAMAGED CITY FESTIVAL in Washington, DC (April)

Best festival line-up international - Ieper Fest

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Top 3 best releases national

- Tenement Kids – Tenement Kids: The perfect punk rock album while discovering the roots of rock ’n roll, blues and southern soul. Gijs Wilbrink has an amazing voice. - Herder – Horror Vacui: This is pure evil. - Daily Bread – Iterum: The music is a leap back to the early eighties but it also sounds really 2012. Nice mix of styles and an unique sound.

Top 3 best releases international

- The Menzingers – On The Impossible Past: Songs about, love, life, sleepless nights, fuking things up and spoiled livers. Doesn’t get much better than that. - Black Breath – Sentenced to Life: Love that heavy Entombed sound. Metal doesn’t get much better than this. - First Aid Kit – The Lion’s Roar: Beautifull songs, beautifull harmonies and the lyrics are strange little stories.

Top 3 best band national 2012 - OTIS - Tim Vantol - De Heideroosjes

Top 3 best band international 2012

- Bad Religion. Best band in the World. Godfathers of melodic punk rock. Greg Graffin for president... - Bad Religion - Bad Religion

Top 3 best live shows

- Hot Water Music @ Groezrock - Ceremony @ Pukkelpop - Crazy Arm @ De Bunker, Den Bosch

Releases to look forward to in 2013

- Bad Religion – True North (22 – 01) - Death Wolf - II: Black Armoured Death (18 – 02) - New ‘Off With Their Heads’, New ‘OTIS’

Biggest promises for 2013

Can’t wait for a new ‘Screw Houston, Start Screaming!’ release. Their 2011 ‘When Trumpets Fade’ was really good.




Top 3 most disappointing shows

No disappointing shows for me, this year. Didn’t see Springsteen. But that was a mistake, not a disappointment.

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Crusades - Berri Txarrak

Biggest let downs

- People who should, are unable to restore this ongoing international crisis - A lot of young people were too lazy to vote

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Tour through Spain and Germany with Note to Amy. - Buy a new coffee machine.

Biggest hype of 2012

I really don’t know anything about hypes

Best purchases / buys

The mini glowing Christmas tree for our van.

Most underrated in 2012

I think good and honest music is still underrated. Take Tenement Kids for example. Why aren’t these guys played on national radio all the time? Maybe it’s because national radio is too busy finding the new Birdy?

Most overrated in 2012

95% of the ‘artists’ that are the product of TV-contests like ‘Xfactor’. Go fuck yourself.

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Rumour has it Descendents are working on a new album.

What would you like to forget about 2012 The fact that Tony Sly died.

Coolest band shirt of 2012

Our own Note to Amy Death Squad shirt by tattoo artist Paul Kooijman.

Best artwork of 2012 Like Rats – Like Rats

Best festival line-up national Geuzenpop

Best festival line-up international Resurrection Fest.

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UK Top 3 best releases national

- Herder – Horror Vacui.12” - Entrapment – Obscurity Within. LP - Acid Deathrip –(pre-master) S/T.LP (officially out in 2013 but too good not the include)

Top 3 best releases international

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Started building Splitcane flyrods

Biggest let downs

Hardcore in The Netherlands was a complete bummer in 2012

- Watain – Opus Diaboli. 2LP - Pallbearer – Sorrow and Extinction.LP - Year of the Goat – Angels Necropolis

Biggest hype of 2012

Top 3 best band national 2012

- Entrapment. They’re THE best Death Metal band from The Netherlands in a LONG time!

- Herder - The Devil’s Blood - Acid Deathrip

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Watain - Motorhead - KISS

Top 3 best live shows

- Watain @ always, everywhere - Sleep @ Trix, Antwerp - Bongripper @ Roadburn Fest, Tilburg

Top 3 most disappointing shows

- Negative Approach (and even more so the 9 other bands, apart from No Turning Back) – Haarlem. Can’t think of any other one…. I try to avoid bad shows!

Biggest promises for 2013 - Acid Deathrip - Scropion Child - Cheap Drugs

Releases to look forward to in 2013

- HERDER is HARDER! And for good reason!

Most underrated in 2012

Most overrated in 2012

- Deez Nuts, We Butter The Bread With Butter and all those other bands with ridiculous names, dumb attitudes and shitty music.

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - My son’s first day at school

What would you like to forget about 2012 - I can’t remember…

Coolest band shirt of 2012

Jesus raped by a German Shepherd from HERDER

Best artwork of 2012

KISS – Destroyer Ressurected

- Acid Deathrip – tba. LP - Scorpion Child – s/t. LP - Suffering Quota – tba LP

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Acid Deathrip - Scorpion Child - Pallbearer

Best purchases/ buys

-Watain – ultimate vinyl boxset -KISS – Destroyer resurrected. LP -Handcrafting Bamboo fly rods – Wayne Cattanach. BOOK

92 RMP- Magazine Januari

Best festival line-up national - Roadburn Fest @ Tilburg

Best festival line-up international - HELLFEST France



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Top 3 best releases national

- Crawlspace - Carved Into Flesh - Balboa - Unbreakable - Congress - Blackened Persistence

Top 3 best releases international - Sicker Than Most - No Dividing Line - Nasty - Declaring War – Redux - Strife - Witness a Rebirth

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Congress - Crawlspace - Balboa

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Xibalba - Sicker Than Most - E-Town Concrete

Top 3 best live shows

- Kickback- any - Congress @ Good Life Fest - Knuckledust @ Ieperfest

Top 3 most disappointing shows The 3 show I didn’t go to.

Biggest promises for 2013 - King Nine - Redemption Denied - Bitter Thoughts

Releases to look forward to in 2013 See previous question.





What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Got a couple more tattoos.

Biggest let down

Getting Ripped off by the ‘American Enemy, Inc.’ label.

Biggest hype of 2012

I don’t follow hypes, I don’t read magazines, so I have no idea.

Most underrated in 2012 - Sicker Than Most - Anguish - Rock Bottom

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Child rapists and murderers get released from prison early... only in Belgium !

Most overrated in 2012 - Violent Dancing

What would you like to forget about 2012 - PSY

Coolest band shirt of 2012

TOO GROSS ‘State Home’ Shirt

Best artwork of 2012

- V/A Beatdown Basterds CD by Alexander Kluge

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Crucial Times

Best purchases/ buys

- Danforth ‘Crime in Hell’ CD - Suburban Scum ‘Hanging by A Thread’ - E-town Concrete ‘heart of stone’ cd - For The Glory ‘Some Kids’ Picture LP - Hardside ‘Time is Punishment’ - Whatever It Takes ‘Chasing The Rush’ cd

Best festival line-up national Good Life Fest

Best festival line-up international - Ieperfest

RMP- Magazine Januari



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Top 3 best releases national

- Amenra – Mass V - Midnight Souls – Going Through The Motions - Poison My Blood – The Countess EP

Top 3 best releases international

- Converge – Everything we love we leave behind - Every Time I Die – Ex Lives - Code Orange Kids – Love Is Love // Return To Dust

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Tour w/ Perceptions & Breathing While Buried at the end of the summer

Biggest hype of 2012 - While She Sleeps

Best purchases / buys - Trash Talk albums

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Rise And Fall - Poison My Blood - Now, Voyager

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Stray From The Path - Title Fight - The Story So Far

Top 3 best live shows - The Chariot - More Than Life - Title Fight

Top 3 most disappointing shows

There were a few but i’ll just keep it to myself.

Biggest promises for 2013 - The Life & Death - Being As An Ocean

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - Heart In Hand – Almost There - Bring Me The Horizon – Sempiternal - Letlive. – ???

Most underrated in 2012 - The Elijah - Grey Like Masquerade

Most overrated in 2012 - Nicki Minaj

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Verse comeback

What would you like to forget about 2012

We had the chance to replace a band last minute on one of the greatest hardcore-festivals of Europe but we couldn’t get there on time with the whole band, worst day ever.

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- Last Witness “when it rains it pours”

Best artwork of 2012 - Rise And Fall - Faith

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - Code Orange Kids

Best festival line-up national - Ieperfest

Biggest let downs

- Heights – Stray Rats

Best festival line-up international /

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Top 3 best releases national

- The Rocket – Not Everyone Grows Up To Be An Astronaut - The Dutch Rudders – Black Holes EP - The Adjectives – BAM!

Top 3 best releases international

- NoFX – Self Entitled - The Menzingers – On The Impossible Past - Anti-Flag – The General Strike






What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago - Organised Sheeprock

Biggest hype of 2012 - The Duckface

Best purchases / buys

Top 3 best band national 2012

- The Priceduifkes Can’t Lose CD - The Octopussys Face The World CD - Groezrock Ticket

Top 3 best band international 2012

Most underrated in 2012

Top 3 best live shows

Most overrated in 2012

- The Priceduifkes - The Octopussys - The Dutch Rudders

- The Devil Wears Prada - River Jumpers - NOFX

- NOFX @ Melkweg, Amsterdam - Anti Flag @ Groezrock - Face to Face @ Groezrock

Top 3 most disappointing shows - Your Demise @ Groezrock

Releases to look forward to in 2013

The Dutch Rudders (look out for these guys!)

Biggest promises for 2013 - F.O.D.’s new record - More new Blink 182 material?

- The Belgian punkrock scene

- Green Day

Most memorable news fact of 2012 - Death of Tony Sly

What would you like to forget about 2012 - The Newtown shooting

Coolest band shirt of 2012

- The Dutch Rudders (Beavis & Butthead)

Best artwork of 2012

- The Dutch Rudders – Black Holes EP

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - River Jumpers

Biggest let downs

- New Green Day records, for sure.

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock

Best festival line-up international - Vans Warped Tour

RMP- Magazine Januari



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Top 3 best releases national - Raketkanon - Raketkanon - Your Highness - Blue Devils - Rise and Fall - Faith

Top 3 best releases international

- Tame Impala - Lonerism - Torche - Harmonicraft - Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind

Top 3 best band national 2012 - BEAR - Raketkanon - Musth

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Tame Impala - Grizzly Bear - High on Fire

Top 3 best live shows

- Sigur Ros @ Rivierenhof - Mastodon @ AB - Tame Impala @ AB

Top 3 most disappointing shows /

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago?

Replacing my Coca Cola addiction with a Pepsi addiction. Small things matter.

Biggest hype of 2012 Gangnam Style. Finally nailed the moves!

Biggest let downs

The local hardcore scene that’s dying a quiet death. A lot of people who organized shows in the past moved on and the audiences are getting smaller and smaller

Most underrated in 2012 /

Most overrated in 2012 /

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Almost 10.000 people losing their jobs at the Ford factory. Everybody knows someone who works / worked there and it’s a big blow to all of the affected families.

What would you like to forget about 2012

My memory only goes back 7 days (damn you modern media!) so I guess I’ve forgotten most of it already!

Biggest promises for 2013 /

Releases to look forward to in 2013 New Queens of the Stone Age record

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year Raketkanon. Noise-punk vs. hardcore vs. metal

Best purchases/ buys

Finally got hold of some rare vintage guitar gear that I’ve been wanting for years, still need to get most of it repaired haha. I’m a big gadget nerd so it’s been a great year for that with some great new goodies.

96 RMP- Magazine Januari

Coolest band shirt of 2012

Haven’t bought that many band shirts but the people at Death Shred and Teeville are making some awesome shirts

Best artwork of 2012

Your Highness - Blue Devils

Jef THE Belg




Top 3 best releases national

- Aborted - Global Flatline - Rise & Fall - Faith - Midnight Souls - Going through the motions


Change jobs.

Biggest hype of 2012

op 3 best band national 2012

Best purchases/ buys

- Rise & Fall - Daggers - Midnight Souls


What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

Top 3 best releases international - Spawn of Possession - Incurso - No Turning Back - No Regrets - Nile - At The Gate of Sethu

de W egh

Astrid Bryan

Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, 2nd Orange 4x12 cab.

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden

Top 3 best live shows

- Absu @ Trix - Terror @ MOD - Immolation & Nile @ Metal M

Top 3 most disappointing shows

We should be happy that we have so many shows, every show is a celebration of rock & roll, and in that way, never disappointing

Biggest promises for 2013 I’ll let them take me by surprise

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - The Setup - This Thing of Ours - Heaven Shall Burn - TBA - Hatebreed - The Divinity of Purpose

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year Skepticism

Most underrated in 2012 - Kristof Calvo - Charlie Sheen

Most overrated in 2012 Bart De Wever

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Proof of Higgsboson particle, Curiosity on Mars.

What would you like to forget about 2012

The amount of interest I’ll be paying on my loan over 25 years

Coolest band shirt of 2012 Kickback Best artwork of 2012 Tank.Axe.Love – all of it!

Best festival line-up national Ieperfest.

Biggest let downs

N-VA victory in Antwerp and Flanders in general, the Total Recall remake, Prometheus (Alien prequel), the Israel/Palestine issues (again), hipster black metal

Best festival line-up international Hellfest

RMP- Magazine Januari



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Top 3 best releases national (benelux)

- Raketkanon (BE) - RKTKN #1 - Creature with the the Atom Brain (BE) - Birds Fly Low - Balthazar: Rats

Top 3 best releases international

- Rodriguez - Searching For Sugar Man - Japandroids; Celebration Rock - Dr. John: Locked Down

Top 3 best band national 2012

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago I bought a house

Biggest hype of 2012 Gagnam Style!

Best purchases/ buys

signed single + kiss by Beth Jeans Houghton

- Germans - Skip&Die - BRNS

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Animal Collective - Grizzly Bear - Dirty Projectors

Most underrated in 2012 Desi (South Asian Beats)

Most overrated in 2012 Gagnam Style!

Top 3 best live shows

- Dirty Projectors: AB, Brussels. - Black Keys :Sportpaleis, Antwerp - Clock Opera : Eurosonic, Groningen

Most memorable news fact of 2012 Introduction of Deezer in Benelux

Top 3 most disappointing shows

1. The Stone Roses - Pukkelpop, Hasselt 2. Black Keys - Pukkelpop 3. Rihanna’s Air Tour

Biggest promises for 2013

Palma Violets’ single Best of Friends was a killer track -I hope they will release next spring some more.

What would you like to forget about 2012 - Gangnam Style

Coolest band shirt of 2012 Hundred Waters

Releases to look forward to in 2013

Cheatahs, this East London shoe-gaze band combines fuzz guitars with melodic songwriting. Debut album will be released early 2013

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year

Best artwork of 2012

Creature With The Atom Brain The Birds Fly Low


Best festival line-up national Pukkelpop

Biggest let downs

Engelbert Humperdinck - second last at Eurovision song contest

98 RMP- Magazine Januari

Best festival line-up international Primavera Sound Festival (Barcelona)







Top 3 best releases national

- Red Light Rumors – Rumors are Wild LP - The Reeves – On The Beat EP - Homer – the politics of make believe LP



Interview with Lars Frederiksen (Old Firm Casuals en Rancid)

Biggest hype of 2012

Top 3 best band national 2012

Best purchases/ buys:

- Triggerfinger - Arizona - Red Light Rumors



What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago

Top 3 best releases international

- Rival Sons- Head down LP - Bob Wayne – Till The Wheels Fall Off - Demented Are Go – Welcome Back To Insanity Hall


Dubstep Triggerfinger

Rival Sons – Head Down LP

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Rival Sons - Atlas Losing Grip - Old Firm Casuals

Most underrated in 2012 punk rock

Top 3 best live shows

- Rancid op Groezrock - Atlas Losing Grip op Kloemprock - A Wilhelm Scream op Kloemprock

Most overrated in 2012 Dubstep

Top 3 most disappointing shows /

Biggest promises for 2013 Harsh Realms (NL) Mine (UK)

Releases to look forward to in 2013

What would you like to forget about 2012 Dubstep

Best artwork of 2012:

-Demented Are Go : Welcome Back To InsanityHall -Crossfire - Men Without Faces

New album of Atlas Losing Grip

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year Ghost

Best festival line-up national - Groezrock

RMP- Magazine Januari



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Top 3 best releases national

- Perceptions – Antagonizer EP - Balances – Departure EP - Essence – The Defining Elements

Top 3 best releases international - Altars – Conclusions - Deftones – Koi No Yokan - No Bragging Rights – Cycles

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Perceptions - Balances - Now, Voyager

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Altars - Deftones - No Bragging Rights

Top 3 best live shows

- Thrice @ Groezrock - Architects @ Rock Herk - Oh Sleeper @ JH Ginsert, Genk

Top 3 most disappointing shows - Your Demise @ Groezrock - Grey Like Masquerade@ JH Ginsert - Simple Plan @ Groezrock

Biggest promises for 2013 - The Zygoma Disposal - Viva Revival - Fearing Farewell

Releases to look forward to in 2013 - Viva Revival - Landscapes - Altars new Album - Fearing Farewell EP/Album

What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Get back to buying physical CD’s

Biggest let downs

Decibel limits in small clubs and venues.

Biggest hype of 2012 Netsky

Most underrated in 2012 Altars

Most overrated in 2012 Triggerfinger

Most memorable news fact of 2012

Bigger labels slowly turning their back on physical releases.

What would you like to forget about 2012 Thrice taking a pause.

Coolest band shirt of 2012 Perceptions – All Hope Is Lost

Best artwork of 2012 Cloudkicker - Fade

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - The Afterimage

Best festival line-up national Groezrock

Best purchases/ buys - Halo 4 + Xbox 360

Best festival line-up international SXSW

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Top 3 best releases national

- Jim Lockey & The Solemn Sun - Death. - Future Of The Left - The Plot Against Common Sense - Fighting With Wire - Colonel Blood

Top 3 best releases international

- Tim Barry - 40 Miler - Franz Nicolay - Do the Struggle - Converge - All That We Love We Leave Behind

Top 3 best band national 2012 - Biffy Clyro - Jim Lockey & The Solemn Sun - Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo

Top 3 best band international 2012 - Larry & His Flask - Dropkick Murphys - Donots

Top 3 best live shows - Larry & His Flask - OFF! - Frightened Rabbit

Top 3 most disappointing shows

Can’t say I’ve seen three disappointing shows this year.

Biggest promises for 2013

I have a new record coming out in the spring.

Releases to look forward to in 2013

Aside from mine (ha!), the new Frightened Rabbit record





What did you do in 2012 that you should have done many years ago Movember.

Biggest let downs

Paul McCartney at the Olympics

Biggest hype of 2012

I don’t pay attention to hype.

Most underrated in 2012 Jim Lockey

Most overrated in 2012 Gotye

Most memorable news fact of 2012 American election, surely.

What would you like to forget about 2012 Some personal stuff.

Coolest band shirt of 2012 - Andrew Jackson Jihad

Best artwork of 2012 - Converge

Coolest band you’ve discovered this year - The National

Best festival line-up national - Beautiful Days

Best purchases/ buys

The National - Alligator. Jesus Lizard reissues.

Best festival line-up international - Hurricane

RMP- Magazine Januari


Since the start of RMP our main target has remained the same; to support and promote well known and unknown bands through the means of CD-reviews, concert tips or – reviews, interviews, news messages... Ever since the first RMP Magazine – that was released end of April – we’ve grown immense. To keep our visitors interested, we have some new projects in the pipeline, where our crew could us some extra hands on deck. This why we’re calling out for your help!

Currently we have following positions that are vacant, so feel free to contact us if this interests you. 1. Concert- and album reviews : daily we receive dozens of promo-cd’s and concert tips. Unfortunately our staff is too limited to dig out all the gems here, that’s why we could use some help : you like to discover new bands and you’re good with a pen? Drop us a line! 2. Photographers : with the introduction of our PDF-magazine we have a huge need for ‘Hi-Resolution’ – pictures. Also our faithful readers like to see a concert photo. Are you able to deliver quality pictures with fast results? Send us a message featuring some examples of your work. 3. Interviewers : with the release of our PDF-magazine, our interview capabilities have increased. Are you interested to ask bands some well thought questions? If you are not afraid to have a telephone conversation or e-mail conversation with musicians? Than you might be the person we’re looking for! 4. Graphic designers : Next to the cover of our magazine also our website or our social media deserve a small update. Creative people who love to design with Indesign or Photoshop are always welcome!

102RMP- Magazine Januari

5 . Programmers : We need update our website frequently with small adjustments. Are you interested to help take our website to the ‘next level’? Do you believe that RMP needs a IOS/Android-app and you might have the skills to help us out? Drop us a line! 6. To bring our different projects to the attention, we’re always in need of contributors that own some communication-skills/ marketing-skills. Send us a message if you can help out on this subject. Although RMP can’t give a financial return, there may be other benefits that might interest you. To develop and increase your writing style, but also building up experience that might come in handy during a job interview. Next to an introduction to the music business, you also get the benefit of using press-passes and promo-cd’s we receive.

Interested ?

Then contact us at :

RMP- Magazine Januari




Kenny Leys

Douglas Koziol

Lander Vanhoof

Margot Smet

CEO - @KennyLeys


Director of Photography

David Marote

Managing Editor - @DavidMaroteBE



Kimberley De Somer @Kaye0417

Jolien Krijnen

Issmael Bentoutouh

Robbe van Droogenbroeck

Jonas Hoflack

Bram Geurts @PsychoBram

Sofie Vandenhoven

Stephanie Long @stephanielong_

Lisa Leysen

Stephane Willems

Antony Gallagher

Chief designer

Lena Stahl


Cameron Smith @CamRuSmith

Wouter Grauwels

104RMP- Magazine Januari


Holly Reijs @HollyReijs

David Shaw


photography Arne Desmedt @ ArneDesmedt

Daniel Buyle

RMP- Magazine Januari


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