The World Of Riches by Alfred Vhezha

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In this time and age, it seems many people are living with an inverted consciousness whereby they find it very easy, normal and wise to use illegal means on their way up to prosperity. Across the lines whether on racial, political or religious divide, most people are using God’s word as a tool for acquiring wealth.





Proverbs 10v4 says, ‘Lazy hands make a man

Our forefathers had to work hard to attain

poor but diligent hands bring wealth.’ These

wealth whilst some lucky individuals simply

divine words contain an outspoken message

inherited it from their rich backgrounds. This can be

which urges us to make use of our hands

best explained by the ancient French tradition of

effectively and efficiently in a good way so as to access those material things we wish to have. No one was born poor, but as the saying states; “life is what you make it”.

acquiring “nobility” that gave two distinct classes of nobles; ‘nobility by 'robe’ and ‘nobility by the sword’. A noble by the robe referred to someone born in a family of riches, whilst a noble by the sword meant the struggles one had to endure to attain the riches. In our context, it came a period when people used education as a tool for development for the better,

The saying ‘sweet comes from sweat’ stands as a yardstick as to how people should work for the betterment of their lives. It reinforces that for one to get rich he or she must work towards their goals for a life fulfilment. Furthermore, as people we are supposed to acquire luxurious lives through cleaner means and not through malpractices such as; deception, crookery, fraud, cheating, bribing, stealing, corruption, trafficking and either enslaving others through the use of dark magic in form of goblins or ritual charms. Gone are the days when people used to have desired riches from their own sweat.

but nowadays it is all different as day and night.




In this time and age, it seems many people

So sad, in developing countries, duty

are living with an inverted consciousness whereby

bearers are always dodging critical questions and

they find it very easy, normal and wise to use illegal

concerns of the rights holders that constitute most

means on their way up to prosperity. Across the

of the electorate.

lines whether on racial, political or religious divide,

most people are using God’s word as a tool for

And because they have created toxic

acquiring wealth. Leaders of various religions are

institutions and non-independent entities, these

seen to be living a flashy lifestyle whilst most of their

corrupt minded distracters amass state wealth for

followers are languishing in abject poverty, all in the

personal use. With captured and non-independent

name of the so-called ‘prosperity gospel’.

judiciary systems allegations laid against their government officials are swept under the carpet and

This gospel of prosperity has not only brought

corruption flourishes. Most governments worldwide

fortune to the believers but, it has also brought a

are piled with ravenous, selfish and corrupt

considerable amount of wealth to the leading

individuals. When a politician is elected, the first

clergymen. Of course some eminent people in the

thing he or she does is to make sure that his needs

Bible were filthy rich but they got the desired wealth

are fulfilled whilst forgetting the people that placed

from their sweat, we have considerable beings in the

him there to serve them.

scriptures, Jesus Christ, Himself was a carpenter, Apostle Paul survived on a tent making business. The

Beneficiaries are deprived of their dues due to

modern gospel has however, changed the dynamics

corrupt-minded individuals. Many leaders cling to

and the doctrine of working towards one’s desires.

power as a way of milking the resources of the

How does one expect to enter the

country and to make sure that they pile up personal

Kingdom of heaven by taking advantage of the

wealth for their own future generations. Various

vulnerable through some hooked and

reports have noted that some even own estates,

crooked ways? God’s kingdom is for those rich in

businesses and offshore accounts outside their

spirit but poor in flesh, not rich in flesh yet poor in

mother countries.

spirit. Both rich and poor followers may enter the Kingdom of Heaven that is if they have one thing in common, righteousness! Companies are incurring great losses whilst others are shutting down because their top management are not sweating for the companies’ growth but are instead sweating for their personal gains. Hospitals, schools and universities are underdeveloped because of these unscrupulous activities by their top management. Developing countries have not been spared from this predicament as the ones in leadership are always fuelling corrupt activities.

This gospel of prosperity has not only brought fortune to the believers but, it has also brought a considerable amount of wealth to the leading clergymen.




Proverbs 10v4 says, ‘Lazy hands make a man poor but diligent hands bring wealth.’ These divine

These same hands are not even shy to enter

words contain an outspoken message which urges

into strangers’ pockets, whether on daylight or at

us to make use of our hands effectively and

night. Wherever they find an opportunity these so-

efficiently in a good way so as to access those

called thieves don’t even hesitate to make their “hay”

material things we wish to have. No one was

in someone’s darkness for instance; if there is a rush

born poor, but as the saying states; “life is what you

or stampede for something, do not think they are

make it”.

rushing for the product on demand instead they will be eyeing your pocket and belongings. Your worst

If you want to die poor, your lazy hands will lead you

nightmare will be the moment you want to pay for

to a poor life but if you aspire for a prosperous life,

something only to discover that you have already

definitely your diligent hands will guide you to a fair,

been hit by these criminals.

decent and legal world of riches hallowed with God’s grace. However, some were born with silver

These pickpockets are always eyeing your hard-

spoons in their mouths; they acquired inheritance

earned belongings as they sit on their hands waiting

from their parents. Let us trail behind as we

for your sweat to shower upon their poverty,

incorporate our hard-working hands with our mind

disposing whatever you worked for in a painful split-

towards a fair success. It is the work of the devil

second leaving you drowning in the deep waters of

which makes one greedy, lazy, selfish, too ambitious,

penury. Stock theft is on an increase too as many are

jealous, corrupt, steal, rob, cheat, deceive, oppress

losing their livestock to the lazy rustlers. Money

and enslave others. A great deal of people reaps

mongers are engaged in daylight robbery as they

where and what they did not sow, they are seen

pretend to be money lenders, cooperative planners,

robbing, bribing, cheating and stealing

housing schemes agents, medical and funeral

other people’s hard-earned possessions.


Kleptomanics and fraudsters are having

Reports recently said thousands of people

diversified tricks as they put their lazy hands over

contributed towards related policies only to be

those diligent hands which labour for their masters.

overcharged contrary to rates agreed during the

Many are losing their hard-earned cash, cars,

signing of membership forms. They vanish into the

clothes, livestock, farm produces and household

thin air as soon as they con you leaving

furniture to these ruffians.

you stranded after probably years of working hard and saving. Some people are being robbed at gunpoint, losing a lot of cash, assets and even vehicles to these robbers. In other cases the victims receive a double blow as they are rapped or sodomised by their offenders. Some are even transmitted sexual related diseases while the unfortunate ones are left for dead. This is very painful to someone who had to go an extra mile in starving him/herself to acquire possession of things that one then comes and take in just a blink of an eye.




Another horrifying incident is of road accidents scenes which

Surprisingly, one takes no gut in killing these innocent souls and

have become a new hunting ground for these cunning

uses them for business enhancement. The number of

criminals eager to make a quick buck from the misfortune of

missing and murdered children, and also adults, is reportedly on

others, stealing from the dead and injured. It is a taboo in our

the rise. Reports of kidnapping and abductions have been

culture, myth and statute to capitalise on an injured or dead

spreading like wildfire each day, only dead bodies and body

person’s possessions just for your greedy fetish appetite. I

parts to be recovered days later. All these have been linked to

wonder how one will really enjoy those fruits from a wilted

ritual activities that want blood sacrifices. In most cases parts

plant. Even some cops are allegedly involved in these dirty

like lips, tongues, ears, eyes, heart, breasts and private parts are

activities. Instead of offering an instant help, one finds it

found missing from the dead victims. According to hearsay, the

worthwhile to search for valuable items first. 1 Corinthians

purveyor of charms will then mix these parts with harmful

10:8 reads, “The next day, the Philistine people came to take

charms which will bring plenty of wealth in a short period of

valuable things from the dead bodies of the Israelites.” This

time, but with limited effort of hard work.

verse is a clear testimony of the old saying that ‘history

repeats itself’.

Some people have dismissed these activities as myths, but slowly many are starting to realise that it is actually true and

They were biblical characters who had a habit of looting

is being practiced in different parts of the world. Another school

valuable things from the misfortune ones, today the modern

of thought solidifies a point that some of the glittering wealth

generation has imitated and adopted the old fashioned

we languish to have and emulate were actually obtained

greediness. Again in the Bible King Ahab caused the killing of

through bloodshed of our begotten young ones, friends and

Naboth the Jezreelite after Naboth had refused to sell his

relatives. Car dealers and agents are conning people during

vineyard to the King because it was an inheritance from his

botched car deals. The fetish for quick returns has pushed some

ancestors. Even today some children are deprived of their

people into acquiring dark magic such goblins and harmful juju

parents’ legacies by greedy and selfish family members. Some

which then bring a lot of wealth in a very shortest period. Some

are even chased away from their late parents’ houses; assets

of the goblins and harmful charms can be in form of

are swindled and sold at cheaper prices. What one should

snakes, flowers, bullfrogs, dolls, bracelets, rings, unfamiliar

always bear in mind is that riches obtained at the expense of

creatures and persons. The magical charms will work for their

the dead people will disappear dramatically.

masters, but for a fee which is usually blood from domesticated animals and human beings.

It is contemptible and pathetic to hear that human blood and some body parts make a business

Others will demand a sex partner in return for the job well done.

successful. Jesus Christ had love for the kids when he said,

Many people are failing to have stable marriages and moreover

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,

babies as they are haunted by their relatives’ harmful magical

for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mathew

spells which will be using them to enhance their businesses.


Some use their children as boosters for their businesses. The mood of the bewitched determines production and success of

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mathew 19:14

their parents’ businesses. A joyous mood makes the business functional and profitable while a sad mood makes it lapse.




Let us have everyone at heart regardless of

Various schools of thought purports that there is some certain

the bond between us. Let us not use anyone wrongly for

dark religion in existence, this is said to have stunned its

personal gains, especially to acquire wealth. Unconfirmed conspiracy theories bear that most of the ‘mad people’ are not really mentally challenged but they were however placed in that sorry condition by their relatives for ritual purposes of amassing wealth. Others are said to have gone mad after having been bewitched after stealing from people. In most cases the avenging spirits of murdered people cause terror and unrest in the families of those paid to do the killing and even in the unconcerned members of the business person’s family tree. Some renowned businessmen became very broke dramatically, mainly those businesses anchored by illegal and dastard masts. Individuals with goblins and harmful charms are said to have sleepless nights as they are continuously haunted by the avenging spirits of the dead. As ironed out in the script that at times the goblins might need blood or sex as payment for the lucrative deeds, these imaginary creatures may demand the owner’s wife, husband, daughter or son for sex and blood sucking. Usually that is when disarray erupts leading to contract termination. Tragedy and numerous illnesses and deaths in families prompt fault finding within those affected individuals or families. In some cases the owner of the charms dies first leaving his or her fairy to trouble the passive family members.

followers to massive wealth overnight through some blood rituals. Its conversion hasn’t spared kids as well, some school children are being lured into satanic acts through different institutions such as school and church. Some most famous ‘men of cloth’ are said to possess some supernatural powers they get from their so called ‘godfathers’. They are witnessed performing various miracles, wielding ungodly riches to the followers, more so amassing a considerable sum of wealth for themselves. These men of cloth have a wide range of strategies to convince their followers who will be in desperate situations for spiritual deliverance. One thing for sure, is defined by the theory of gravity that what goes up will surely come down, all the wealth or money obtained through illegal, unholy and unfair means, downfall is eminent to that individual. The ultimate outcome of crime is conviction. Murderers and robbers may face death sentence or many years in prison with hard labour. Thieves have hard times after stealing from people who are well equipped with magical mechanisms for safeguarding their possessions. Many lose jobs after using institution or state funds for personal gains. They receive a double blow for their greediness and corruption as they become jobless and convicted. There is no heaven for a blood thirsty person; hell is the only ideal place. When Adam and Eve sinned to God they were expelled out of the beautiful Garden of Eden and were punished for their sins. In Genesis 3:16-17 God said that He would greatly increase the woman’s pains in child-bearing. Also to a man, He gave him his fair share of pain because of disobedience. These first people to live on earth gave birth to pain and labour, and we are their true descendants. Let us live according to the creator’s words of sweating for sweet. Once we use our hands diligently and fairly, we will have good living standards, at the same time keeping ourselves away from sins, crimes, poverty, illness and death. It is easy to follow the Lord’s way which leads to everlasting eternal life enshrined in His kingdom.

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