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Guidance on Course Choice
We would like you to make your initial choice of subjects by 3rd December 2021. Choosing your subjects is not always easy. For certain careers or degrees some subjects are essential. A list of common requirements can be found at the back of this booklet but students are strongly advised to refer to university websites, UCAS.com and also Unifrog for the latest information. Miss Pickford and Mrs Freeman are also excellent people to discuss this with.
Studying in the Sixth Form is a significant step up in academic work, and in choosing courses students must be sure that they have a genuine interest in the subjects they choose and that they have the ability (both realised and potential) to cope with the demands of the course. Year 11 students should, therefore, discuss their ideas and possible choices with teachers and parents and reach a decision based on sensible consideration.
The successful Sixth Form student has to maintain and improve on her peak Year 11 performance. Now that she has narrowed her subjects by her own choice, she is expected to be self-motivated and to find a genuine interest in pursuing her studies beyond the confines of the subject specifications. She will read widely and will find the pleasure in personal learning. She will always have something to do, even if all work set by teaching staff is complete. It follows that she must plan and organise her life efficiently from the moment the course begins.
The course choice process begins today. It does not really finish until after October half term of Year 12 when their personalised curriculum is fully agreed. At all points along the way we will give advice and guidance to ensure that the academic path that your daughter chooses is correctly tailored to fit with her needs and aspirations. The process that will be followed is laid out on the next page.
Please be aware that every effort is made to enable our students to study all of their initial choices. However at times this is not possible due to option block constraints or if the number of students signing up to a subject is not sufficient to make it viable to run.