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RMT Safety Rep Merchandise
RMT H&S section have purchased a limited order of RMT Health and safety reps HV vests and clipboards.
If you send in a photo of yourself carrying out a safety inspection/safety visit or safety meeting along with a brief description of what you were doing and where – and/or a report of the safety meeting, committee –safety walk etc. you attended, we will send you a vest and clip board.
Please send photos/info to healthandsafety@rmt.org.uk
RMT campaign to recruit young safety reps and women safety reps
The RMT H&S Advisory Committee campaign to recruit more young safety reps has got off to great start in Network Rail with a recent meeting between the Company RMT leads reps, reps from the young members committee and Eddie Dempsey, RMT Assistant General Secretary. They took a decision there – subsequently endorsed by RMT NEC to set up a training/mentoring scheme to oversee and support young safety reps.
The strategy to recruit more women reps is formally underway after NEC agreement. The strategy includes working with the RMT women’s committee, to survey all women members to find out the barriers to them becoming safety reps, to map RMT membership to find out where women members are employed and to find out where there are safety rep vacancies. Also, to set up a system of mentors, so that women members who volunteer as safety reps can be given the assurance that they will be supported and to work on a poster/email/video campaign for the attention of women members.
New version of RMT Health and Safety at Work Handbook (the Red Book)
This re-write of RMT’s H&S Handbook is now available on the web site at https://bit.ly/3pu4NiU
In the Handbook you will find many of the more common legal requirements concerning health and safety in the workplace – as well as information on some of the most frequent problems faced by RMT members and the general health and safety legislation which applies to these issues.
Since the previous edition of the Handbook there have been a number of changes, such as leaving the EU and additions, amendments, and unfortunately some watering down of legislation and the new version of the Handbook reflets these changes.
We hope to get this Handbook to you in hardback soon (there have been some problems/delay at the printers).
While you are looking at the Handbook at the RMT health and safety section of web site it might be worth having a wider look round this section www.rmt.org.uk/about/health-and-safety/ as it has been tidied up in recent months and some new info added.
There is still much more to do in terms of adding to it – so if you have any ideas on what should be there, or what you think it would be useful to have information about, please let us know on healthandsafety@rmt.org.uk