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Union launches recruitment campaign at one of the largest rail freight companies in Britain JOIN RMT
RMT has launched an organising campaign for workers employed by DB Cargo (UK) the German owned rail freight company which operates in Britain.
The Deutsche Bahn AG (abbreviated as DB or DBAG) is the national railway company of Germany, and a state-owned enterprise under the control of the German government and RMT negotiates for DB Ground staff working in this country.
Part of the campaign is to highlight the lag in pay for DB Cargo (UK) workers compared to other rail freight companies (see charts below). There is also a threat to pension provision at the company. Members and potential members are working in a depots across the country and the union already has reps in place in many areas.
DB Cargo (UK) participates in a cash pooling arrangement operated by its ultimate parent, Deutsche Bahn AG. This effectively operates in the same was a bank account and is used to manage day to day working capital. This is a longstanding arrangement operated by DBAG to manage the liquidity needs of DBAG group companies and the company has been party to this arrangement for several years. Under the arrangement there is a daily sweep of the company’s cash balances into the DBAG cash pool which is fully ringfenced as DB Cargo UK money.
RMT assistant general secretary Eddie Dempsey said that DB could clearly afford to increase pay and continue to provide decent pension provision for its workforce.
“Ground staff working at DB Cargo deserve more but in order to get better treatment workers need to join the only union that can represent them effectively,” he said.
If you work for DB Cargo or your branch wants to assist in the campaign, contact RMT organiser Donald Graham email d.graham@rmt.org.uk or phone 07753 748074.