RMT Learning E-News August 2015

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Issue 2

August 2015

In this issue: ULRs at Doncaster Andy Gilchrist Says Pinkies are now online Regional ULR Forums Front page of the TUC Learner Rep! Newcastle is centre of learning Who do they think they are?

QUOTE TO REMEMBER! “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” Herbert Spencer English Philosopher and Sociologist (1820—1903)

Advanced ULR Course looks at Functional Skills & Mentoring 15 Long serving ULRs attended an Advanced ULR course on 20th July 2015 at the Bob Crow Education Centre as part of their ongoing development. They also looked at more strategic working, linking into and working with other key areas of the RMT such as Branches, Regions, Advisory Committees and Grades Conferences as well as the Organising Unit and the Council of Executives. As part of the course they also looked at a key area of strategy within the learning agenda. Functional Skills is a key area for ULRs and underpins all the other work they do and they examined it from a strategic viewpoint to see if they can provide fresh ideas and innovative thinking around promoting and delivering it for our members. As well as benefiting individual learners, this area is key to the further education of reps at all levels in an ever more complex working environment.

Tutor, Margaret Stephenson, from Newcastle TUC Education, said "it's the first time I have worked for the RMT as a Tutor, but I have a natural affinity with the union as my Dad was a worker on the P’ Way and my first contact with the Trade Union Movement was when he took me at the age of 6 to a Branch meeting of the NUR." Learning Organiser (Campaigns) Ivor Riddell spoke to the Group after they arrived on Monday and outlined how the learning structure worked within the RMT and the key role it has in organising within the union. Also the value a good quality ULR can add to the Branch and it's strength in the workplace. He said," I look forward to hearing the feedback from the students and seeing things from their perspective."

Andy Gilchrist says! CONTACT RMT LEARNING 39 Chalton Street London NW1 1JD 02075 298820 i.riddell@rmt.org.uk www.rmt.org.uk Rmt Learning @rmtlearning

I thought it would be an opportunity to bring you the ULRs and others to update you on how the project is going at RMT Learning. At the end of the first quarter, the RMT Learning project has met targets for all outcomes and there have been significant achievements including the RMT Learning, Seafarer’s Bursary, training for 15 Lead ULRs (plus an almost fully subscribed already, Stage 1 and Stage 2 courses due to run later in August and Sept). These achievements have been due to all the extra effort put in by ULRs and the project team, and together we will continue to work hard towards the aims of the project, within the wider aims of the union. The union felt the impact of funding cuts at the start of the project and ongoing cuts to funding for adult learning will mean that we have to carry on being adaptable and responsive to deliver opportunities for our members. Learning Organisers continue to use their

P2 knowledge to support Regional Organisers and other officials to navigate Government-led initiatives, and ensure that the learning agenda is not misappropriated by employers or providers. ULRs are the eyes and ears on the ground who can monitor what impact the cuts have on our members’ ability to access the learning they need and alert the union to any situation that may arise. Strong foundations have been laid for pursuing a learning agenda within our union, and the project will carry on working to ensure we have an organised and sustainable structure of ULRs that provide learning opportunities for all our members. ULRs and Lead ULRs will be supported to develop further as the custodians of the learning agenda for the RMT, guiding activity in response to our member’s needs. The chance for RMT ULRs to share ideas and experiences will be offered at Regional Forums later in the year and there will be a National Development Day in November, the content and format of which will be developed by a group of Lead ULRs so that the day best meets the needs of those attending. RMT Learning will continue to foster stronger links between learning and organising and develop the mapping skills of ULRs as natural information gatherers ULRs are able to work with branches and Regional Councils to share knowledge about membership and strengthen their union. Continuing to work towards closer support of ULRs for their branches and Regions will aid the organisation of work-based learning opportunities for RMT members and allow ULRs to respond to the needs identified by members in their area. Learning opportunities can reach across grades and companies and ULRs are encouraged to organise learning events that cover whole areas, with a view to supporting colleagues who may not have a Learning Agreement in place at their company yet, but can still be given opportunities to up-skill via their branch and region. RMT Learning continues to work to support Regional Organisers negotiating good quality Learning Agreements and by aiming for all agreements to include time off for learning Functional Skills we can ensure that members are not subsidising the profits that companies will make by upskilling their workforce by undertaking the learning in their own time. Supporting our members to access English, maths and IT also provides them with skills that underpin our reps education programme at Doncaster and in the regions and helps collectively enhance our RMT.

Learning Organisers take a national view of learning priorities and develop opportunities within companies, as guided by ULRs. This means that ULRs have support available depending on the type of activity they undertake and the demand from membership in their workplace. ULRs will continue to be the catalyst for learning activity in their workplace, and identify opportunities to develop the learning agenda within the company they work for. ULRs, other reps, members and Officers of the union can continue to contact the project team via Head Office, in the usual way. ————————————————

RMT ULR Memo pads have now gone electronic. The RMT Learning team have developed an e-pinkie for Union Learning Reps to record their IAG and learner contact outcomes. They can be used on all forms of smart technology, such as Smart Phones, Tablets and Laptops. Simply save the link which will be emailed to every ULR. Every time you have contact with a learner or potential learner, the ULR can simply click on the link and as long as they have a reasonable internet signal, they can fill in the details and submit the outcome live online. The data will then be collected centrally and the ULR does not need to keep sending in pink slips. Learning Organiser Karen Skelly said “It is simple, user friendly and saves everyone time and effort. So Win, Win. If you are a bit tech savvy you can even set it up as a direct link on your main screen” You can access the new e-pinkie online by clicking here

Learning Organiser makes the front Page on the Unionlearn Magazine. Paul Shaw LO Apprentices is recognised for his work with Seafarers in this month’s ULR Magazine from the TUC. A Seafaring ULR himself he demonstrates the value of ULRs in the workplace and how they are key to the lifelong learning agenda.

P3 Have you got a story about learning in

the RMT, that you want to share with us? Had an event and want to tell people? Then email the details with any pictures to i.riddell@rmt.org.uk Or click here and complete the online case study report form.

RMT Credit Union AGS Steve Hedley says “You would be mad not to save your money here. It is run by the members for the members!” CLICK HERE for RMT Credit Union

Regional ULR Forums in England. All RMT ULRs will shortly be invited to a ULR Forum within their region, or nearby before Christmas 2015 These will be used to engage more closely with you, the ULRs, on issues that matter to you. Brief you on the direction of the project and the support it offers. Also don’t forget to put 19th November in your Diary for the Nat Dev Day!

Newcastle is a hive of Learning activity!

VTEC Driver Reece Smith shows how to make music

Local RMT ULR Calvin Lawson has teamed up with his colleague and ASLEF ULR Gary Arrowsmith to provide a wide range of learning opportunities at the Virgin East Coast Union Learning Centre at Newcastle Station. From Guitar Lessons for budding musicians or playing for fun. To Pensions awareness sessions where providers, Union Reps and financial advisors all came together and provided a one stop shop for people to find out about their pensions and how things are changing

RMT are also working with ASLEF on setting up some Functional Skills in IT mainly but also for Literacy and Numeracy in partnership with Newcastle College. Starting in September 2015. If anyone is interested in learning new IT skills or brushing up on their old ones then Calvin welcomes a learner to the speak with your local ULR. These courses Pensions Session. are open to anyone who works in the rail industry. For more information you should contact Calvin Lawson at Newcastle Station VTEC. LO Ivor Riddell with Calvin Lawson If you have any projects coming up, let us know and we can help promote and Learning Monkey at Newcastle them! Keeping Healthy online

Basic Computer Skills

Managing your money

Family History first steps

Using E-Government

Job Hunting skills

Basic Computer Skills

Further IT Skills

P4 Why do you think Union Learning and ULRs are important to the RMT? This is a feature to help you get to know Because it empowers working class people to make choices for the people who are making decisions about your role as a ULR. We ask who they themselves. But they can only make those choices because they have the knowledge and understand how to use that are and what they think about Lifelong knowledge. ULRs are vital in making that change happen. Learning and ULRs. This issue is Ivor Riddell, LO (Campaigns). Which not only makes the individual stronger, but the RMT is stronger for it too. Based in South East England.

Who do they think they are?

Where do you born and brought up? I was born in Gillingham in Kent where I live now. But have moved around a bit as my dad was a in the army, having lived in Germany, and Hythe near Folkestone too. Where do you call home now? I live back in Gillingham now. It has always felt like home. Who was your most influential teacher at school and why? Mr Smith was my History Teacher at secondary school. He had a passion for the subject which defied resistance, but he taught me not to just accept what I read, but to question, challenge and make my own assessment of the evidence. This has stuck with me ever since. Do you have a partner, Children, pet/s I am married to Jane, we have 5 children who have all left home now and 10 grandchildren. No pets as we are both too busy changing the world. How and why did you become involved in Trade Unionism and particularly the RMT My History Teacher encouraged me to study the history of the Trade Union movement when I as a project at school and I have been fascinated by the labour struggle ever since. Though I have only been really active since 2004 when I became a ULR and saw the power of learning change peoples lives for the better. Who if anyone inspired/s you and what do you do, to get through the tough times we all come across as trade unionists? Without a doubt Bob Crow was a massive influence on my recent past and it was a real pleasure to hear him speak. He once said to me “always remember, there is no end game. We will always have to fight for what we want, even when we have it, others will want to take it off of us”. I was also greatly influenced by a branch secretary Jim Hopson at Gillingham when I joined the Railway first time around in 1978. Nothing ever phased him and his knowledge and easy temperament meant he could run rings around most managers. He showed me that to win an argument you must be sure of your facts and use them wisely and in cold blood. What’s your favourite sport and team or sports person and why? Football and Gillingham Football Club. Because they are my team and always will be! What’s your favourite quote and by who? “What you do may seem insignificant. But it is still nonetheless important you do it!” Mahatma Ghandi What is the one thing you would like to see achieved in your lifetime above all else? A high quality education system for all, whatever your age and free to the learner.

Coming Soon British Sign Language Newcastle Station 17th August 2015 Contact: Calvin Lawson —————————————————————————– ULR Stage 1 course Doncaster NEC 24th—28th August 2015 Contact: Karen Skelly —————————————————————————— Burston Strike School Rally Burston Village—Norfolk 6th September 2015 Contact your Branch Secretary —————————————————————————— P&O on board learning Dover—Calais Visits 7th September 2015 Contact Paul Shaw 8th September 2015 ——————————————————————————Regional ULR Forum Clapham Education Centre For London & Anglia / London Transport ULRs 22nd September 2015 Contact Karen Skelly —————————————————————————— IT & FS Courses start Newcastle Learning Centre 23rd September 2015 Contact Calvin Lawson —————————————————————————— Learning Bus road trip Exeter St David Stn 23rd September Contact Karen Skelly —————————————————————————— Regional ULR Forum Birmingham For Midland / Yorks & Links ULRs 1st October 2015 Karen Skelly —————————————————————————— ULR Regional Forum Manchester For Manchester / North West ULRs 6th October 2015 Contact Karen Skelly —————————————————————————— ULR Regional Forum Bristol For South West / West of England ULRs 7th October 2015 Contact Karen Skelly —————————————————————————— National Education Doncaster Advisory Committee Contact: Andy Gilchrist 13th October 2015 —————————————————————————— ULR Stage 2 course Doncaster NEC 19th—23rd October 2015 Contact: Karen Skelly —————————————————————————— RMT Learning National Doncaster Development Day Contact: Karen Skelly 19th November 2015

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