1 minute read

Q9: Did you receive occupational sick pay?

Q10: If you were off for an extended period, did HR support your line manager in ensuring that any additional support, such as Occupational Health Assessments or phased returns to work, were considered if appropriate?

Answered: 265 Skipped: 432


Q10: If you were off for an extended period, did HR support your line manager in ensuring that any additional support, such as Occupational Health Assessments or phased returns to work, were considered if appropriate?

Q11: Did you report the incident to any of the following? Please tick all that apply.

Answered: 317 Skipped: 380

I did not report the incident

Other (please specify)

Q11: Did you report the incident to any of the following? Please tick all that apply.

Q12: If you did not report the incident, why was that? Please tick all that apply.

Answered: 207 Skipped: 490

I did not think my complaint would be taken seriously

I did not know how to make a report

I thought the incident was too trivial to report

Such incidents are just part of the job

I had reported an incident before and no action was taken

Other (please specify)

Q12: If you did not report the incident, why was that? Please tick all that apply.

Q14: Following the incident, did your employer offer you any further support, such as counselling or adjustments to working arrangements?

Answered: 256 Skipped: 441

Q14: Following the incident, did your employer offer you any further support, such as counselling or adjustments to working arrangements?

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