5 R's of Increasing Motivation and Momentum

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The Five R’s of Increasing Motivation & Momentum

Activity: Define your “why”. Describe “why” getting healthy is important to you.

Relevant Find your “why” for weight loss. Determine a reason that resonates deeply, and let it become a strong source of motivation. When you’re struggling, you can return to your “why” to keep you strong.

Activity: Make a list of the risks you will experience if you do not manage your weight.


Being overweight can greatly increase your risk factors for health issues. This can also affect your energy, daily health, and overall well-being. What are the health risks I take on, if I Your weight-loss efforts started off with huge results, but now you can't seem to get your momentum back. Is a lack of motivation holding you back? Could things turn around if you just had that spark of motivation? We can help you reignite that fire. First, you’ll need intrinsic motivation, or the ability to cultivate motivation from within, in order to reach your weight loss goal. This requires you to believe it’s possible to achieve success (competence), to recruit a network of people who’ll support your efforts (community), and to own each and every one of your goals of with goals imposed by others and/or society as a whole. Once you have intrinsic motivation, it's time to gain momentum. Create a plan of action with seven steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

GET CLEAR: Gain clarity on where you are. GET CERTAIN: Take what you can dream about and make it real. GET EXCITED: It’s time to get excited about where you want to go. GET FOCUSED: Determine your results and where you want to end up. GET COMMITTED: This is the time where you become dedicated and truly commit to your goals. GET MOMENTUM: Take action! GET S.M.A.R.T GOALS: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely GOALS!

Example: I want to lose weight so I can have enough energy to run around with my kids.

do not manage my weight?


When you meet your goals, you deserve non-food related rewards. There are different ways that losing weight improves your physical health, social life, and psychological health. What are the rewards in my life if I manage my weight?


On your journey, you’ll encounter challenges that could prevent you from reaching your goals. The key is identifying these barriers. Consider starting a food and activity journal to help you see which things you need to change. We want to steps—once we know where the common traps are, we can come up with a strategy to handle those situations.

Examples: • Type-2 diabetes • Heart disease • High blood pressure • High cholesterol levels

Examples: • Spa services • Workout clothes • Wellness getaway • Manicure/pedicure • Time with loved ones

Examples: • Stress • Emotional eating • Lack of time • Finances • Socializing • Family or friend saboteur

Activity: Make a list of the weight loss benefits that mean the most to you and review the list when you feel discouraged.

Activity: Identify what can get in your way. What are the reasons you’ve failed in the past? When will you have the toughest time sticking to your plan? When are you most likely to give yourself “permission” to break your new habit? What do you typically say to yourself when you really want to give in? With whom do you usually splurge?



Let’s remove the roadblocks in order to manage your weight. Use your roadblocks to develop an action plan for when they arise. Your plan can include these questions: • How can I remove each barrier? • What has worked in the past?

If I stop my diet, how will I feel in six months or one year from now?

Examples: and too tired to cook. my meals are waiting for me.

If I stop my diet, what will my health be like?

If I stop my diet, how will my family and friends be affected?

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