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Polit & Beck Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research 4th Edition Woo Test Bank Chapter 1. Introduction to Nursing Research in an Evidence-Based Practice Environment What is the highest priority for the importance 1. of research in the nursing profession? Research findings provide evidence for A) informing nurses' decisions and actions. Conduct research to better understand the B) context of nursing practice. Document the role that nurses serve in C) society. D) Establish nursing research areas of study.
2. A) B) C) D)
3. A) B) C) D)
4. A) B) C) D)
5. A)
Which group would be best served by clinical nursing research? Nursing administrators Practicing nurses Nurses' clients Healthcare policymakers
In the United States, in what area does research play an important role in nursing? Chronic illness Credentialing and status Nurses' personalities Nurses' education
What is the role of a consumer of nursing research? Read research reports for relevant findings. Participate in generating evidence by doing research. Participate in journal club in a practice setting. Solve clinical problems and make clinical
What was the concern of most nursing studies in the early 1900s? Client satisfaction For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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in the early 1900s? Client satisfaction Clinical problems Health promotion Nursing education
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
Which topic most closely conforms to the 6. priorities that have been suggested for future nursing research? Attitudes of nursing students toward smoking. Promotion of excellence in nursing science. Nursing staff morale and turnover. Number of doctorate prepared nurses in various clinical specialties.
7. What is the process of deductive reasoning? Verifying assumptions that are part of our heritage. Developing specific predictions from general principles. Empirically testing observations that are made known through our senses. Forming generalizations from specific observations.
8. A) B) C) D)
A) B)
What is the ontological assumption of those espousing a naturalistic paradigm? Objective reality and those natural phenomena are regular and orderly. Phenomena are not haphazard and result from prior causes. Reality is multiply constructed and multiply interpreted by humans. Reality is not fixed, but is rather a construction of human minds.
What is the epistemological assumption of those espousing a positivist paradigm? The researcher is objective and independent of those being studied. Phenomena are not haphazard, but rather have antecedent causes. The researcher instructs those being studied to For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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antecedent causes. The researcher instructs those being studied to be objective in providing information. Reality is not fixed, but is rather a construction of human minds.
C) D)
10. A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
Which is not a characteristic of traditional scientific method? Control over external factors. Systematic measurement and observation of natural phenomena. Deductive reasoning. Emphasis on a holistic view of a phenomenon, studied in a rich context.
11. What is empiricism? Making generalizations from specific observations. Deducing specific predictions from generalizations. Gathering evidence rooted in reality. Verifying the assumptions on which the study was based.
12. What is a hallmark of the scientific method? Infallible Holistic Systematic Flexible
Which of the following limits the power of 13. the scientific method to answer questions about human life? The necessity of departing from traditional beliefs. The difficulty of accurately measuring The inability to control potential biases. The shortage of theories about human behavior. For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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A) B) C) D)
14. What is a criticism of the scientific method? Deductive Deterministic Empirical Reductionist
15. A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A researcher wants to investigate the effect of 16. patients' body position on blood pressure. This is an example of what type of study? Qualitative Constructivist inquiry Quantitative Researcher preference of either quantitative or qualitative
A researcher is studying the effect of massage 17. on the alleviation of pain in cancer patients. This is an example of what type of study? Descriptive Exploratory Applied Basic
18. A) B) C) D)
What is involved in naturalistic qualitative research? Involves deductive processes Takes places in the field. Focuses on the idiosyncrasies of those being studied. Attempts to control the research context to better understand the phenomenon being studied.
A researcher wants to study the process by which people make decisions about seeking researcher's paradigmatic orientation? Positivism Determinism Empiricism Naturalism For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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19. A) B) C) D)
C) D)
What is the continuum of participation on research? Academics to practitioners Consumers to producers Journalists to educators Mentors to novice nurses
20. What is the goal of explanatory research? Understand the underpinnings of natural phenomena and to explain systematic relationships among them. Begins with the phenomenon of interest, but rather than simply observing and describing it, exploratory research investigates the full nature of the phenomenon, the manner in which it is manifested, and the other factors to which it is related. Study phenomena about which little is known. Make predictions and to control phenomena based on research findings.
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13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
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17. 18. 19. 20.
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Research utilization begins with empirical 1. findings for consideration in practice settings. Where does evidence-based practice begin? Integration of clinical judgments with A) research evidence A desire to abandon decisions based on B) custom and authority opinion A search for the best possible information for C) addressing a clinical problem D) A critique of existing practices
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
2. What is indirect research utilization? Involves changes in nurses' thinking Involves the direct use of findings in giving patient care Involves use of findings to persuade others Involves changes in patient thinking toward nurses
The student nurse is constructing a presentation on evidence-based practice. 3. Which statement should be included in the introduction about evidence-based practice? Conscientious integration of current best evidence with clinical expertise Utilization of nursing preferences in making clinical decisions Theoretical problem-solving strategy Emphasis on decision making based on custom
Evidence-based practice typically involves
A) B)
4. effort to determine best evidence. Most evidence hierarchies put which systematic review at the pinnacle? Randomized controlled trials Program evaluations For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
Randomized controlled trials Program evaluations Clinical practice guidelines Meta-analyses of multiple clinical trials
The terms research utilization and evidencebased practice are sometimes used 5. synonymously. The two concepts are distinct. Where does research utilization start? Uses findings of a study that are related to the previous research of the topic. Emphasis is on translating historical knowledge into real-world applications. Use of a set of studies in a practical application unrelated to the original research. Critique of existing practical applications unrelated to historical research.
Which activity will limit researchers to 6. improve the prospect for evidence-based practice and research utilization? Conducting high-quality, methodologically sound studies Disseminating results to a broad audience Providing periodical available supports during regular work hours Discussing the clinical implications of their study results in their research reports
7. A)
B) C) D)
Which is not a major barrier to evidencebased practice in nursing? The fact that many clinical nurses are not academically prepared to critically evaluate nursing research studies The support of organizations that reward nurses who engage in research utilization efforts The low number of replication of nursing The absence of quality, clinically relevant nursing studies For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
There are several resources to support 8. evidence-based practice. What are care bundles? Rigorous integrations of research evidence from multiple studies of a topic Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines that combine a synthesis and appraisal of research evidence Set of interventions to treat or prevent a cluster of symptoms Meta-analysis or quantitative methods that integrate findings statistically
There are several resources to support 9. evidence-based practice. What is metasynthesis? Qualitative, narrative approach to integration of a study Quantitative method that integrate findings statistically Synthesis and appraisal of research evidence with specific recommendations Set of interventions to treat or prevent a cluster of symptoms
Several models of evidence-based practice have been developed. Which model focuses 10. on the use of research from the perspective of individual clinicians? ARCC Model Clinical Nurse Scholar Model Iowa Model Stetler Model
A RN is putting research into practice. What 11. step of the process is involved with the validity of study findings? B) C) D)
Searching for relevant research evidence Appraising the evidence Integrating evidence with other factors For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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B) C) D)
A student nurse is trying to find out what a 12. mixed methods synthesis is. What is a mixed methods synthesis? Integrate and synthesize both quantitative and qualitative evidence. Integrate quantitative evidence. Integrate and synthesize qualitative evidence. Integrate qualitative evidence.
A) B) C) D)
Systematic reviews are published in professional journals. Which database 13. contains thousands of systematic reviews related to healthcare interventions? Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Campbell Collaboration Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Joanna Briggs Institute
Clinical practice guidelines distill a large 14. body of evidence into a manageable form. Which describes clinical practice guidelines? Give general recommendations for evidencebased decision making. Address all of the issues relevant to a clinical decision. Guide clinical practice when there are a number of published articles. Completed by researchers.
A) B) C)
Which reference is a comprehensive reference resource that provides an array of clinical 15. information for nurses, including evidencebased care sheets, best practice guidelines, and point-of-care drug information? Clinical Evidence Evidence-based Nursing Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing
Evidence-based practice writers distinguish 16. between background and foreground questions. What is a background question? Based on current best research evidence.
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questions. What is a background question? Based on current best research evidence. Specific, detailed questions about a clinical problem. General, foundational questions about a clinical issue. Questions located on websites.
A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
Fineout-Overholt and Johnston recommended a 5-component scheme for formulating evidence-based practice questions, using the 17. acronym PICOT as a guide. Which two components are not always needed in this model? P and C I and O C and T P and O
A) B) C) D)
A nurse is putting research into practice. What 18. is the first step that should be considered in the process? Framing an answerable clinical question Searching for relevant research evidence Appraising and synthesizing the evidence Integrating evidence with other factors
19. A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
Which occurs with individual evidence-based practice efforts? Tend to be less formalized approach than organizational evidence-based practice. Must take organizational factors into account. Must take interpersonal factors into account. Triggers for an individual project include pressing clinical problems.
20. Evaluation (AGREE) Instrument consists of ratings of quality on what type of scale? 4-point scale 5-point scale 6-point scale 7-point scale For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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C) D)
6-point scale 7-point scale
Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Chapter 3. Key Concepts and Steps in Quantitative and Qualitative Research A pediatric RN undertakes a study of the effect of low birth weight on infants' cognitive development. A developmental psychologist collaborates on the study. A second RN helps 1. by recruiting families into the study. A graduate student is asked to give statistical advice in analyzing the data. This is an example of what type of study? A) Multisite research B) Qualitative research C) Funded research
Which term is not used by qualitative 2. researchers to refer to people who participate in a study? Informants For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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A) B) C) D)
in a study? Informants Key informants Study participants Subjects
A) B) C) D)
Which term is used by both qualitative and 3. quantitative researchers to refer to the abstractions under study? Concept Construct Phenomenon Variable
A) B) C) D)
The RN is reading a research article. The 4. article talks about constructs. Which would most likely be called a construct? Gender Body temperature Uncertainty in illness Blood type
A) B) C) D)
What is the dependent variable(s) in the research question “Is the quality of life of 5. nursing home residents affected by their functional ability or hearing acuity”? Quality of life Functional ability Hearing acuity Nursing home residents
What is the independent variable in the hypothesis “Baccalaureate degree prepared 6. nurses will practice more rehabilitative nursing measures on a client in an ICU than will associate degree prepared nurses”? B) C) D)
Baccalaureate degree prepared nurses Rehabilitative nursing measures Type of educational background of nurses For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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7. A) B) C) D)
A) B) C) D)
What is the purpose of an operational definition in a quantitative study? State the theoretical meaning of the concept. Specify how a variable will be defined and measured. State the expected relationship between the variables under investigation. Designate the conceptual underpinnings of the variable.
Which is a datum from a quantitative study of 8. the labor and delivery experiences of women over age 40? Length of time in labor 107 ounces Infant's Apgar score Vaginal versus cesarean delivery
Which is a datum from a qualitative research 9. study on the labor and delivery experiences of women over age 40? 14.6 hours in labor 60-minute interviews 1 day after delivery “It was a lot more painful than I ever imagined.” 15 women with a vaginal delivery
A) B) C) D)
Which pair of variables is there most likely to 10. be a relationship that could be described as causal? Degree of physical activity and heart rate Stress and coping style Age and health beliefs Parity and postpartum depression
A) B) C)
11. A) B) C) D)
What is the basic distinction in quantitative Quantitative and qualitative research Empirical and nonempirical research Experimental and nonexperimental research Population-based and sample-based research For More Nursing Materials Visit: WWW.NURSYLAB.COM
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